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      • Goodreads Lanka

        Goodreads Lanka buys and sells rights to publishers throughout the world. We ensure that Sri Lankan readers have access to the best literature in their own language.

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      • Sri Senbaga Pathippakam

        Sri Senbaga Pathippakam is one of the best publishers in Tamil language. We have published more than 1000 titles including ancient Sangam Tamil literature, research books in Tamil literature and language, mythological books, historical fiction and non-fiction, short stories, cooking books, etc. We also specialize in books for children, bilingual and trilingual dictionaries for the reference of students and general public. We publish Sahitya Academy & Tamilnadu government award winning books. One of our renowned books, 'Thirukkural', a scripture common to every walk of human life irrespective of gender, race or community is a must read for everyone on this planet. It is published in various sizes and design. 'Oviyakkural (Thirukkural with paintings)' portrays Tamil tradition and culture through paintings. Our religious publication about Vainavam and Saivam is popular among scholars. 'Kambar Kavi Inbam' portrays the beauty of poetry as described in Kambar's Ramayanam in Tamil language.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2017

        Tea and empire

        by Angela McCarthy, T Devine

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2019 - December 2023

        Buddhist Tales in Ancient China

        by Li kehe

        The book collects 180 legends about Buddhist scriptures, translated into English, and accompanied by relevant pictures. The content is rich and interesting, and the copyright has been exported to Malaysia ,Sri Lanka,Bengal and India.

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        Tourism industry
        July 2003

        Restoring Tourism Destinations in Crisis

        A Strategic Marketing Approach

        by David Beirman

        Highlights the importance of crisis management and provides a guide for tourism operators and offices Analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches of tourism managers Covers crises caused by: terrorism, natural disaster, disease, crime and warThe aftermath of the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11 2001 in New York highlighted the vulnerability of the tourist trade to unforeseen events. The book, written by an experienced tourism marketer and trainer, provides detailed case studies of different crises and analyses the approaches taken by tourism managers in the USA, Egypt, Israel, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Fiji, South Africa, Australia and the UK.

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        The environment
        December 2004

        Climate Change in Contrasting River Basins

        Adaptation Strategies for Water, Food and Environment

        by Edited by Jeroen Aerts, Peter Droogers

        Dealing with climate change is generally considered to be one of the greatest challenges for the coming decades. Changes in precipitation are likely to have a major impact on the hydrological cycle and subsequently on the environment and food production. However, until now clear guidance on how to respond to this challenge, particularly at the river basin level, has been lacking.This book has been developed from the ADAPT project, focusing on the development of regional adaptation strategies for water, food and the environment in river basins across the world. A generic methodology is presented and applied to seven case studies in contrasting geographical areas of the world: Mekong (SE Asia), Rhine (Western Europe), Sacramento (USA), Syr Darya (Central Asia), Volta (Ghana), Walawe (Sri Lanka) and Zayandeh (Iran).

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        Business, Economics & Law
        May 2017

        Tourism and Resilience

        by Richard W Butler

        This is the first book to address the concept of resilience and its specific application and relevance to tourism, in particular tourism destinations. Resilience relates to the ability of organisms, communities, ecosystems and populations to withstand the impacts of external forces while retaining their integrity and ability to continue functioning. It is particularly applicable to tourism destinations and attractions which are exposed to the potentially harmful and sometimes severe effects of tourism development and visitation, but which also can experience increased resilience from the economic benefits of tourism. Phenomena such as destination communities, wildlife populations and ecosystems are discussed, as well as the ability of places and communities to use tourism and its infrastructure to recover from disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, unrest and disease. This book: · Compares the relevance of resilience to sustainability · Contains contributions from many of the leading international authors · Brings together varying viewpoints of both conceptual and applied issues · Includes example case studies from Whistler, western Canada; Sri Lanka; Purnululu National Park, Australia; and the remote Pitcairn Island in the Pacific Tourism and Resilience is relevant for researchers, students and practitioners in tourism and related fields such as development studies, geography, sociology, anthropology, economics and business/management. ; This book discusses the concept of resilience and its application to tourism. It compares the relevance of resilience to sustainability; the former focusing on the well-being and survival of the places affected and the latter focusing on the agent of impact, tourism itself. ; PART ONE: INTRODUCTION1: INTRODUCTION2: THE DEVELOPMENT OF RESILIENCE THINKING3: COMMUNITY TOURISM RESILIENCE: SOME APPLICATIONS OF THE SCALE, CHANGE AND RESILIENE (SCR) MODELPART 2: SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL RESILIENCE4: SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL BALANCE IN COMMUNITY BASED TOURISM EXPERIENCES: A RESARCH PROPOSAL5: RESILIENCE AND DESTINATION GOVERNANCE6: RESILIENCE AND DESTINATION GOVERNANCE: WHISTLER, B.C.PART 3: RESILIENCE AND RESPONSE TO DISASTERS7: SRI LANKAN TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLICATIONS FOR RESILIENCE8: RESILIENCE, TOURISM AND DISASTERS9: RESILIENCE AND PERCEPTIONS OF PROBLEMS IN ALPINE REGIONSPART 4: RESILIENCE IN PROTECTED NATURAL AREAS AND INSULAR LOCATIONS10: Tourism Resilience in UK National Parks11: RESILIENCE AND PROTECTED AREA TOURISM IN PURNULULU NATIONAL PARK: UNDERSTANDING INTERACTIONS WITH A FOCUS ON COMMUNITY BENEFITS12: RESILIENCE AND TOURISM IN ISLANDS: INSIGHTS FROM THE CARIBBEAN13: RESILIENCE AND TOURISM IN REMOTE LOCATIONS: PITCAIRN ISLANDSPART 5: RESILIENCE AND THE TOURISM INDUSTRY14: ISSUES OF RESILIENCE, SUSTAINABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY IN TOURISM15: BETTING ON CASINO TOURISM RESILIENCE: A CASE STUDY OF CASINO EXPANSION IN MACAO AND THE ASIA REGION16: RESILIENCE AS NEW POLITICAL REALITYPART 6: CONCLUSIONS

      • Trusted Partner
        Biology, life sciences
        November 2015

        Climate Change Challenges and Adaptations at Farm-level

        Case Studies from Asia and Africa

        by Edited by Naveen P Singh, Cynthia Bantilan, Kattarkandi Byjesh, Swamikannu Nedumaran

        This book emphasis the role of farm level adaptation as a key in developmental pathways that are challenged by climate risks in the semi-arid tropics of Asia and Africa. It throws light on key issues that arise in farm level impacts, adaptation and vulnerability to climate change and discusses Q2 methodological approaches undertaken in study domains of Asia and Africa. The book systematically describes the perceptions, aspirations as elicited/voiced by the farmers and identifies determinants of adaptation decisions. Chapters identify constraints and opportunities that are translated into indicative intervention recommendations towards climate resilient farm households in the semi-arid tropics of Asia and Africa. Furthermore, it discusses with evidences that contributes to the development of livelihood strategy for poor farmers in Asia (Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and China) and Africa (Burkina Faso, Niger, Kenya and Ghana).

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        February 2006

        Digging up stories

        Applied theatre, performance and war

        by James Thompson, Martin Hargreaves

        In 'Digging up stories', James Thompson explores the problems of theatre practice in communities affected by war and exclusion. Each chapter or 'story' is written in a lively and accessible style and draws on a range of contemporary performance theories. The chapters discuss: - participatory theatre in refugee camps - theatre workshop and stories of a massacre - traditional dance-dramas in an insurgent controlled village - 'Forum' theatre with the Mahabharata - ethical issues - the struggle to teach the author to dance 'Digging up stories' documents a range of theatre practice and includes project reports, ethnographic accounts, performance analysis and diary-style reflection. Taken from Thompson's research and practice in Sri Lanka, these diverse examples question the link between applied theatre, traditional performance and performances in everyday life. The book blurs lines between research and travel writing to create rich and provocative accounts of applying theatre in a troubled setting. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2013

        Samyutta-Nikaya - Die gruppierte Sammlung der Lehrreden des Buddha

        by Konrad Meisig

        Der Palikanon des Theravada-Buddhismus, der heute die dominierende buddhistische Strömung in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos und Kambodscha ist, wird traditionell in drei 'Körbe' gegliedert: Der erste enthält vor allem eine Ordensdisziplin für Mönche und Nonnen sowie Rechtsvorschriften, der zweite die Lehrreden des Buddha und der dritte scholastische Unterweisungen. Zum 'Korb der Lehrreden' (Sanskrit: Sutta-Pitaka) des Buddha gehören fünf Sammlungen, unter ihnen die 'Gruppierte Sammlung' mit mehr als siebentausend Predigten. Ihren Namen verdankt sie dem Versuch, Suttas ähnlicher Thematik zusammenzustellen. Der Samyutta-Nikaya mit seinen 56 Gruppen vereinigt Material ganz unterschiedlicher Herkunft und Eigenart. Anfangs überwiegen Mönchsdichtung, Spruchweisheit, Rätselfragen und Zaubersprüche, darauf folgen einige Gruppen, die vorwiegend dogmatisch und didaktisch orientiert sind und einen Überblick über die autoritativen kanonischen Lehren des Pali-Kanons vermitteln. Da viele der späteren Gruppen durch ihre Wiederholungen und Detailvariationen die Lesergeduld herausfordern, konzentriert sich die vorliegende Auswahl auf den ersten Teil.

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        Humanitarian Aid

        Encounters with People in Need

        by Joachim Gardemann

        Joachim Gardemann outlines his encounters and experiences as a pediatrician in crisis zones while working for the Red Cross all over the world. He describes people in existential emergency situations, who have been traumatized but survived a genocide on the border with Rwanda. People who have fled from civil wars in Congo or escaped from the Kosovo war. He traces the suffering of people in Iran, China and Haiti after losing their relatives and all their possessions in severe earthquakes. At their moments of greatest vulnerability, in the shelters and dirt of a refugee camp in Jordan, he meets people who have fled from the turmoil of the civil wars in Sudan and Syria. He sketches poignant portraits of the victims of the tsunami disaster in Sri Lanka. He gives a striking account of the devastation wrought by the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone. He creates a worthy memorial to those who died of Ebola, who lost their lives as doctors and nurses in the fight against Ebola as well as to those who survived.

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        Insects (entomology)
        December 2013

        Tropical Fruit Flies of South-East Asia

        (Tephritidae: Dacinae)

        by Richard A I Drew, Meredith C Romig

        As global warming and species migration become more prevalent issues, there is an urgent need for a text that provides comprehensive taxonomic details and geographic distributions of Dacinae fruit flies within south-east Asia. In particular, some of the major pest species of this region are being introduced on a regular basis to new geographical areas, causing widespread food security issues and economic hardship. Quarantine and horticultural organisations require detailed information on these fruit fly species in order to detect and eradicate any new incursions. This major new reference work details the taxonomic research into the subfamily Dacinae, which contains the tropical fruit flies of south-east Asia, as well as many other regions of the world. While focusing on south-east Asian fauna, all known species are included, through a study of the type material available in museums around the world. Specimens collected in major surveys conducted across Asia from 1983 to present have also been used to ensure a complete, in-depth review of this subfamily. Providing complete descriptions and artwork of all species of Dacinae recorded from the south-east Asian region for the first time, this book is written and illustrated by experts with over 80 years' combined research experience. Areas covered include: India, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, China, Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines, Palau, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. It is an essential reference for departments of agriculture, researchers and students of entomology and quarantine, horticultural and chemical industry personnel worldwide. Key features: - 120 recently discovered species - 500 detailed drawings - Revision of all known species - Updated geographical distributions and host records - Accurate list and detailed information of all known pest species This book will be followed by Keys to Fruit Flies of South-East Asia.

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        Grandpa’s Fourteen Games

        by Author: Zhao LingIllustrator: Huang Lili

        Key Points: Little games with big wisdom teach children to be optimistic and not afraid of difficulties.   Brief content After Chinese New Year, dad and mom, a doctor and a nurse, have gone to Wuhan to fight the epidemic, leaving grandpa and the little girl at home. The little girl does not know the building is in quarantine so residents cannot go out. To have the girl staying at home happily, grandpa comes up with an idea: a game a day, playing games with the little girl during the fourteen days. The little girl plays the roles of doctor, scientist, policeman, soldier, community administrator, and even patient. Every day, he expects the coming games, through which he feels how people from all walks of life selflessly dedicate themselves to fighting hard with the epidemic.   Reading Guidance: It's in children's nature to love playing games. During these special days, grandpa smartly uses this nature of children to have the little girl get through fourteen-day quarantine without knowing what happens, tenderly protecting a child's heart of innocence and imagination.   Copyright Sold to America, France, German, Lebanon, Turkey, Belgium, Tunisia, Vietnam, Nepal, India, Thailand, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Russia, Hungary, the UK ( 19countries)     For More Information of Big-eyes Heartwarming Series International Achievement, please refer to  (fetch code:9a53) Video of First Launch of Big-eyes Heartwarming Series in Gemany Version, please refer to  (fetch code: I9m7) Video of Germany Young readers reading Big eyes Heartwarming Series, please refer to         (fetch code: 9ptu) Promotion of Big eyes Heartwarming Series in Russian Version on Frankfurt Bookfair, please refer to  (fetch code: 0la4)

      • Trusted Partner

        Levin the Cat

        by Author: Tao JiuIllustrator: Yang Shanshan

        Key Points: Fraternities in the small community teach children how to face up to the difficulties and how to care for each other.   Brief content The unexpected epidemic changes everyone's life, including Levin, a domestic cat with a strong character. Levin’s owner is a nurse who is now batting with the epidemic on the front line and cannot go home. Locked at home, Levin faces a crisis of survival, but luckily, the staff in the community come to its aid. In the community service station, Levin gradually knows about what is happening outside. Seeing the staff busy working and helping people every day changes Levin, who starts to take care and help others…   Reading Guidance: Due to the epidemic, a thoughtful but sometimes arrogant cat goes through a change, becoming more helpful and brave. This picture book uses humorous and childlike techniques to illustrate a cat with distinct characteristics. From the perspective of a cat, the book shows how the epidemic changes people's life and work, reveals the hardship and efforts of people fighting on the front line, and expresses respect and gratitude to them.   Copyright Sold to America, France, German, Lebanon, Turkey, Belgium, Tunisia, Vietnam, Nepal, India, Thailand, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Russia, Hungary, the UK ( 19countries)     For More Information of Big-eyes Heartwarming Series International Achievement, please refer to  (fetch code:9a53) Video of First Launch of Big-eyes Heartwarming Series in Gemany Version, please refer to  (fetch code: I9m7) Video of Germany Young readers reading Big eyes Heartwarming Series, please refer to         (fetch code: 9ptu) Promotion of Big eyes Heartwarming Series in Russian Version on Frankfurt Bookfair, please refer to  (fetch code: 0la4)

      • Trusted Partner

        Von Ceylon bis Turfan

        Schriften zur Geschichte, Literatur, Religion und Kunst des indischen Kulturraumes. Festgabe zum 70. Geburtstag am 15. Juli 1967, zusammengestellt von Freunden, Schülern und Kollegen

        by Waldschmidt, Ernst

      • Trusted Partner

        Empty Lunch Box

        by Author: Ai Wen’er, Xing HuoIllustrator: Xing Huo

        Key Points: Touches in little wishes teach children to be kind and make the connections.   Brief content Coronavirus disease breaks out at a dizzying speed. A stray dog that used to rely on people’s feed now loses its food supply. Fortunately, a girl and her grandma, who often fed the dog, adopt it. The parents of the girl are both front-line medical workers who devote themselves to battling with the epidemic. During the time when the girl’s parents are far away, the dog is a comfort to her, accompanying her to wait for her parent’s victory and homecoming.    Reading Guidance This picture book illustrates the life in a community facing epidemic. The empty lunch box becomes a symbol of the empty street in the time of an epidemic. Therefore, filling up the empty lunch box symbolizes the emotions between humans and animals and the love among people. Flowers in the empty lunch box embodies the seed of hope sprouting in love.  Animals are human beings’ friends. This book on the one hand focuses on the epidemic situation and the community’s work. On the other hand, it guides children to care about life and pass on love to others.   Copyright Sold to America, France, German, Lebanon, Turkey, Belgium, Tunisia, Vietnam, Nepal, India,Thailand, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Russia, Hungary, the UK ( 19countries)     For More Information of Big-eyes Heartwarming Series International Achievement, please refer to  (fetch code:9a53) Video of First Launch of Big-eyes Heartwarming Series in Gemany Version, please refer to     (fetch code: I9m7) Video of Germany Young readers reading Big eyes Heartwarming Series, please refer to           (fetch code: 9ptu) Promotion of Big eyes Heartwarming Series in Russian Version on Frankfurt Bookfair, please refer to    (fetch code: 0la4)

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        A Journey of 9000 Millimetres

        by Author: Zhang XiaolingIllustrator: Yan Qing

        Key Points: A long journey in a small space encourages children to be filled with hope and bravely go forwards.   Brief content Five-year old Xiaopo uses a ruler to measure his house and finds out that it is so big: 9000 millimeters in length and 5000 millimeters in width! Because their parents are in hospital, Xiaopo and his nine-year old sister are quarantined at home in the care of the community. The two siblings imagine themselves as small ants starting an adventure in their “big” house. When they travel to the balcony, they find the seeds of marigolds they sown last year have sprouted. They know dad and mom will soon be back. Mom had told them before she left home: dad and mom would be back in spring. The two kids find hope and gain growth.   Reading Guidance: Suddenly the epidemic breaks out. Suddenly the house becomes big. In the face of unprepared circumstances, two siblings take an optimistic stance and come up with all they can think of to cope with the situation. Every stop and every moment of their journey are full of imagination, from the perspective of children and based on their life experience. Parents in hospital make a hopeful promise to the siblings: when spring comes, they will go home. The care and help of staff in the community is like a breeze that greens the garden plants, bringing hope to readers.   Copyright Sold to America, France, German, Lebanon, Turkey, Belgium, Tunisia, Vietnam, Nepal, India, Thailand, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Russia, Hungary, the UK ( 19countries)       For More Information of Big-eyes Heartwarming Series International Achievement, please refer to  (fetch code:9a53) Video of First Launch of Big-eyes Heartwarming Series in Gemany Version, please refer to  (fetch code: I9m7) Video of Germany Young readers reading Big eyes Heartwarming Series, please refer to         (fetch code: 9ptu) Promotion of Big eyes Heartwarming Series in Russian Version on Frankfurt Bookfair, please refer to  (fetch code: 0la4)

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        Mum is Hiding

        by Author: Qian MoIllustrator: Zhou Yi

        Key Points: Growth in the time of departure teaches children to face up to the difficulties,  harvest love, and make progress. Brief content Since her father works in Africa for the local construction assistance, only the little girl and her mother are at home. During a grocery shopping, her mother happens to have close contact with someone who is later confirmed as a COVID-19 case. The mother worries about the possibility that she might be infected by the virus, so she isolates herself in a small room in quarantine. On the one hand, there is the helpless little girl full of fear and worry; on the other hand, the mother has no choice but to try everything she can to patiently comfort her daughter. A short distance away, and yet poles apart. Fortunately, the community staff come to their aid in time. Reading Guidance Why does mom, who is there every day, now hide herself away? The title of this book proposes a question. After reading, it turns out that this is mom’s only choice under special circumstances. Through the action of "hiding", this picture book brings out love and bonds between parents and children. The change of the child's behaviors after the mother hides away shows courage and growth. The timely help of the community staff demonstrates the touching love in the world.   Copyright Sold to America, France, German, Lebanon, Turkey, Belgium, Tunisia, Vietnam, Nepal, India, Thailand, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Russia, Hungary, the UK ( 19countries)     For More Information of Big-eyes Heartwarming Series International Achievement, please refer to  (fetch code:9a53) Video of First Launch of Big-eyes Heartwarming Series in Gemany Version, please refer to  (fetch code: I9m7) Video of Germany Young readers reading Big eyes Heartwarming Series, please refer to         (fetch code: 9ptu) Promotion of Big eyes Heartwarming Series in Russian Version on Frankfurt Bookfair, please refer to  (fetch code: 0la4)

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