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      • Atlantic Books

        Atlantic Books is an independent British publishing house founded in 2000. It has since developed a list that has a world-wide reputation for quality, originality and breadth, and includes fiction, history, politics, memoir and current affairs. Publishers of recent successes such as bestsellers My Sister the Serial Killer, Call Me By Your Name,Crazy Rich Asians, Wild and Why We Get the Wrong Politicians, Atlantic Books strives to publish some of the very best fiction and non-fiction written today, from its headquarters in the heart of literary London.

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        50 Percent Rational

        by Boichenko Oleksandr

        Oleksandr Boichenko is known for noticing existentially important moments in everyday life and writing about them in plain, conversational language. "50 Percent Rational" is a collection of 50 short essays on the most discussed topics in Modern Ukraine: the language issue, European integration, the limits of tolerance, ways to find common ground for people of different ages and backgrounds. He also writes about Soviet times, 1990s, 2000s. Boichenko skillfully weaves lyrical notes from the private lives of famous individuals, comic and tragic situations in their everyday life into his essays about everyday life of the late XX - early XXI century in Ukraine.

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        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories


        by Volodymyr Arenev

        This is the world of the distant future – comfortable, bright and full of hopes and expectations. This is Kyiv, in which kids fly to school on jetpacks and study at the School of Space Travelling. And this is Mykhailo Neborak, an ordinary schoolboy who on one April day meets Oleksandr Nenarok, a new boy in his school. And this newbie knows a lot of strange and dangerous things about this beautiful and comfortable world of the future… ‘Sapiences’ is a sci-fi novel for teenagers set in Kyiv of 2178. One of the protagonists, Oleksandr Nenarok, has two moms, a necromant grandpa and an iron heart. Dangerous adventures, interplanetary voyages and fighting against galactic thugs – the readers will find all these in the book.

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        Children's & young adult poetry, anthologies, annuals

        Snow Poems For Kids

        by Sashko Dermanskyi, Halyna Malyk, Mariand Savka and other

        Children love poems. So before Christmas, the Old Lion and a group of modern Ukrainian poets and illustrators created this elegant book to read in the family circle. Snow Poems for Kids are full of fun snow games, magical gifts from St. Nicholas and magical moments of Christmas and New Year. Also, the Old Lion reminds young readers to take care of birds and animals in winter. The collection includes poems by Mariana Savka, Halyna Malyk, Halyna Kirpa, Kateryna Mikhalitsyna, Oleksandr Dermanskyi, Ihor Kalynets, Oksana Lushchevska, Oksana Krotiuk, Hryhorii Falkovich, Tetiana Vynnyk, Yulia Smal, Natalia Poklad, Olesia Mamchych, Ivan Andrusiak , Oleksandr Orlov. Compiler - Natalka Maletych. Illustrated by: Dasha Rakova, Oksana-Olexandra Drachkovska, Yuliia Pylypchatina, Nataliia Oliynyk, Bohdana Bondar, Oksana Bula, Marta Koshulynska, Kateryna Sad.

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        The Arts

        Knights of the Famished Renaissance

        by Dmytro Horbachov

        The phenomenon of the Ukrainian avant-garde was first revealed to the Western world in 1973 at the "Tatlin's dream" London exhibition where for the first time, world-class paintings by little known Ukrainian avant-garde artists Vasyl Yermylov and Oleksandr Bohomazov were exhibited. This famous show raised awareness also of other world-famous masters who, by origin, upbringing, self identification, and national traditions were associated with Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, and Odesa. Apart from the above-mentioned artists, the book mentions “the most faithful son of Ukraine” Davyd Burliuk, as well as Kazymyr Malevych, a Pole who considered himself Ukrainian; Volodymyr Tatlin, a professor of Kyiv Art Institute and bandura player; Oleksandra Ekster, a founder of the Ukrainian school of constructivist scenography; artists of the "Culture League"; Oleksandr Arkhypenko, a phenomenal sculptor. Supplemented with extensive cultural studies and personal memories of the author, the book is designed to present the reader with a complete picture of the origins and formation of the Ukrainian artistic avant-garde. Compiled by Oleksiy Sinchenko.

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        Literature & Literary Studies

        Triptych on Ukraine's Destination

        by George Shevelov

        The book consists of three essays by the outstanding Slavist Yury Shevelyov (1908–2002): "Moscow, Maroseika", "Over the lake. Bavaria", "The Fourth Kharkiv". Published to celebrate the author's 110th anniversary.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        I Will Mix Your Blood With Coal. Understanding Ukrainian East

        by Oleksandr Mykhed

        In 2014, the Russian army, with support from local militants, had occupied parts of Ukraine’s two easternmost regions, the regions that were the beating industrial heart of the socialist utopia in the Soviet era, and where coal extraction has exhausted both the human population and the natural resources. The regions have suffered from the post-Soviet chaos for decades. In the late 2016, the author set out on a research trip to the East to answer the common questions of those who’ve never been to the region. He takes his readers on a complicated, painful and hopeful trip across the Ukrainian East, guiding them through conversations with the locals, archival research, and conversations with prominent cultural fi gures like writer Serhij Zhadan or released after 700 days of terrorist captivity historian Ihor Kozlovskyi that were born in the region. The readers will meet the miners, the Belgian and British investors who founded the eastern cities, the priceless coal, events of the First and Second World War, the bloody Soviet history, the activists who are now working to improve the country, and sweet memories of the lost paradise.

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        Traditional stories (Children's/YA)

        Auntie Malva's Christmas Shop

        by Dermanskyi Oleksandr

        The townspeople do not crave a single holiday as zealously as Christmas, when the city is noisy and carefree. Everything around is filled with joyful laughter, carols, cheerful voices. And also with fabulous incense from the charming van shop of Auntie Malva. But this year, things may be different, because the creepy Ms. Mizzle and the insidious Mr. Raven have already begun to implement their sinister plan. And only little Tyshko and his faithful dog Kuchugurka can stop them. But will they be able to return the magic book to the grandfather storyteller and save Christmas? The book was created by two brilliant Ukrainian masters of pen and brush Sashko Dermanskiy and Rostyslav Popskiy.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        More or Less

        by Oleksandr Boichenko

        The role of the intellectual in Ukraine and the world, the sense of irony, the Nazi and communist totalitarian regimes depicted by Tadeusz Borowski and Gustaw Herling-Grudzinski. Taras Shevchenko depicted through the eyes of Hryhoriy Hrabovych. Ivan Franko depicted through the eyes of Yaroslav Hrytsak. Lesya Ukrainka depicted through the eyes of Oksana Zabuzhko. Yuri Andruhovych depicted through the eyes of Karl-Josef Zumbrunnen. The Maidan and post-revolutionary confusion, reconciliation with Poland and the war with Russia, Crimea and Donbas. This is an incomplete list of topics covered more or less in this collection of essays.

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        Among the Sheep

        by Oleksandr Koreshkov

        Something has clicked in the world order, and you have a chance to look at things around us from a different angle. What is: "fear of being human"? What is it like to "see wrongdoing and remain silent"? When do we turn into our executioners? You avoid such difficult questions to the last. Maybe it would be better to use the example of one dog that lives in a world of total fear, lies and greed? Lives like a sheep among sheep...

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        Children's & YA


        by Oksana Lushchevska (Author), Violetta Borigard (Illustrator)

        Sonia and Nika are best friends. Yet, they live far away from each other: Nika lives on the left bank of the Dripro River and Sonia lives on the right one. To see each other more often the girls come up with a secret game. But sometimes, one of them feels sad. What would Nika do this time to make Sonia laugh? In this bilingual picturebook the readers will dive into a world of endless imagination, present in each child and grown-up as well.    From 6 to 9 years, 1250 words (Ukrainian and English). Rightsholders: Oksana Luchchevska,

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        Historical fiction


        by Svitlana Taratorina

        The events of this novel take place in 913 in Kyiv. Humans and evil spirits coexist together - ghouls, devils, werewolves, spirits of the forest, spirit of the fields, and spirits of the water. Relative peace between them has been maintained for centuries. Humans rule the Global Empire, while the evil spirits are waiting for the return of their legendary king - the Serpent. And suddenly everything changes. In the reeds near Trukhaniv Island the body of the human has been found with the signs of violence afflicted by the beast. No one knows who committed the terrible crime. In order to find the culprit and prevent a new war between humans and evil spirits, an experienced investigator Oleksandr Petrovych Tyurin is brought in. But will he be able to overcome his own demons and see what he refused to believe for many years? The novel "Lazarus" is a winner in the nomination "Fiction for adults" in the literary competition organised by the Ukrainian publishing house "KM-Books". This is a fresh look at the genre of fantasy from Ukraine.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2009

        Es war einmal eine Familie

        by Lizzie Doron, Mirjam Pressler

        Tel Aviv, Anfang der neunziger Jahre: Helena, Elisabeths Mutter, ist gestorben. Während der Schiva, der sieben Trauertage, ist Elisabeth wieder in dem kleinen Viertel, in dem sie in den fünfziger und sechziger Jahren aufgewachsen ist, ein Viertel, in dem Überlebende der Shoah versuchten, sich ein neues Leben aufzubauen. Alle Kinder, mit denen sie groß geworden ist, haben wie Elisabeth schon vor vielen Jahren dieses Viertel verlassen. Sie wollten die Ängste und Alpträume ihrer Eltern hinter sich lassen, ein normaleres Leben führen, ein Großteil von ihnen jedoch gehörte zu jenen, die in den ersten Tagen des Jom-Kippur-Krieges fielen. Nun kommen die Nachbarinnen und Nachbarn von einst zu Besuch, um Helena die letzte Ehre zu erweisen, allen voran die zwei alten Schiva-Expertinnen Sonia und Genia. Durch die Trauergäste und ihre Erinnerungen wird für Elisabeth noch einmal die versunkene Welt ihrer Kindheit gegenwärtig, mit Müttern und Vätern, die in der israelischen Gegenwart nie heimisch wurden. Elisabeth, die keine anderen Verwandten hatte als ihre Mutter, erkennt am Ende der Trauerwoche, daß sie doch nicht ohne Familie aufgewachsen ist: Das Viertel hier, es war einmal eine Familie, das machen ihr die sieben Trauertage klar, die Sonia folgendermaßen zusammenfaßt: »Es war richtig gelungen, nur schade, daß Helena nicht dabei war.«

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        January 1992

        Der Schatten aus der Zeit

        Erzählung. Deutsch von Rudolf Hermstein

        by H. P. Lovecraft, Rudolf Hermstein

        Howard Phillips Lovecraft wurde am 20. August 1890 in Providence, Rhode Island geboren und starb am 15. März 1937 ebenda. Im Alter von acht Jahren verlor er seinen Vater. Er wurde fortan hauptsächlich von seiner Mutter, seinem Großvater und zwei Tanten aufgezogen und zeigte bereits früh literarische Begabung. Als Kleinkind lernte er Gedichte auswendig und begann im Alter von sechs Jahren, eigene Gedichte zu schreiben. Sein Großvater unterstützte diese Neigung und erzählte ihm selbsterfundene Horrorgeschichten. 1914 wurde Lovecraft Mitglied einer Vereinigung von amerikanischen Hobbyautoren, deren Ziel es war, durch Kongresse den Austausch unter den Autoren zu fördern. Dieser Austausch mit Gleichgesinnten verlieh Lovecraft neuen Schwung: Die Kurzgeschichten The Tomb und Dagon erstanden in dieser Zeit. 1924 heiratete Lovecraft die sieben Jahre ältere jüdische Ukrainerin Sonia Greene. Einige Jahre später einigten sich die getrennt lebenden Sonia Greene und Lovecraft auf eine einvernehmliche Scheidung, die jedoch nie rechtswirksam vollzogen wurde. Lovecraft kehrte zurück nach Providence und lebte dort wieder mit seinen Tanten. Dieser letzte Abschnitt seines Lebens war der produktivste. Nahezu sämtliche seiner bekannten Erzählungen, wie Der Fall Charles Dexter Ward oder Berge des Wahnsinns stammen aus dieser Zeit. 1936 wurde bei Lovecraft Darmkrebs diagnostiziert. Bis zu seinem Tode ein Jahr später litt er an ständigen Schmerzen und Unterernährung. Rudolf Hermstein, geboren 1940 in Juliusburg in Niederschlesien, ist seit 1971 als freier Übersetzer aus dem Englischen tätig. Er lebt im oberbayerischen Bad Feilnbach.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2021

        Storie-e-es of Eka the Excavator

        by Victoria Amelina (Author),Oleksandr Shatokhin (Illustrator)

        Eka is a small excavator. But his adventures are big, sometimes even on a global scale! Eka, like a real superhero, has the power to save the world... maybe. Eka likes to talk about his amazing adventures: on how he scooped up half the sea with a bucket, or how he plucked a star from the sky... or even of when  he almost stole an iceberg in Antarctica. Eka really wants to be important! Perhaps he can help St. Nicholas, or bring a dinosaur skeleton to a museum, or simply save his beloved park from destruction... Maybe, just maybe, like the famous Baron Munchausen, Eka exaggerates a little in his storie-e-es? There is only a way to find out! Storie-e-es of Eka the Excavator is a collection of the funnies stories from the most talkative excavator in the world!   From 6 to 8 years, 6000 words Rightsholders:  Ivan Fedechko,

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        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        My Home

        by Kateryna Tykhozora (Author), Oleksandr Prodan (Illustrator)

        The protagonist of this story is a boy who, together with his family, is on his way from his destroyed house to another country. On the way, he tries to understand where his home is now.  At the end of the book, he finds out that home is always in your heart and is waiting for you. The book is written and drawn by Ukrainian authors who personally experienced the horrors of war and will be interesting for all people who have lost or left their homes, or for those who are not afraid to know the truth about the war in Ukraine.   From 5 to 8 years, 456 words Rightsholders:

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        Aufs Ganze

        Die Geschichte einer Tochter aus scheckigem Haus

        by Mikich, Sonia

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        Planet Moskau

        Geschichten aus dem neuen Russland

        by Mikich, Sonia

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        May 2002

        Die Geschichte des Haushaltsrechts vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart.

        Eine ökonomische Analyse im Lichte der Budgetfunktionen.

        by Strube, Sonia

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