Ronsdale Press
Livres Canada Books
View Rights PortalTourism Case Studies from the Asia-Pacific Region offers a comprehensive exploration of the diverse world of tourism within one of the most dynamic regions on the globe. Authored by leading academic and industry experts, this volume fills a crucial gap in tourism literature by providing practical and engaging case studies that highlight real-world industry best practices, challenges, and opportunities. The volume explores critical topics such as sustainable practices, cultural preservation, community empowerment, resilience, management strategies, policy development, and emerging trends. With 32 case studies, readers are taken on a journey through the unique characteristics of tourism destinations in the Asia-Pacific region, from the bustling cities of China and Japan to the emerging markets of India and beyond. Each case study provides clear aims, context, and outcomes, offering invaluable insights and practical lessons that can be applied in various tourism contexts. Designed for both academic and professional audiences, this volume serves as an essential resource for instructors looking to enhance their teaching practices, students aspiring to succeed in the tourism industry, and practitioners seeking to understand the complexities and opportunities within the Asia-Pacific tourism landscape.
The pig industry is among the most technologically advanced of all the animal industries. Despite this, mortality is about 12% of all piglets born alive. This figure has not altered substantially in recent years, and is considerably higher than for other farm animals. The biology of neonatal mortality in pigs has generally been poorly understood. There is therefore a great need for information on this subject and this book is the first to provide a comprehensive review. The book is divided into three main parts, covering: genetics and physiology of the neonatal pig; the gut and nutrition; and diseases, behaviour and husbandry. Although single factors are often ascribed as the cause of death, it is often the case that there are multifactorial components involved. Written by leading authors from Europe, North America and Australia, the book is invaluable for advanced students, research workers, practitioners and advisers in animal science, veterinary medicine and the pig industry.
Growth and development are obvious limiting factors in animal production. This book reviews our current knowledge of the growth and development of the pig. It covers basic aspects of developmental processes and environmental influences and their application to pig production. It describes new approaches to our understanding of biological mechanisms, that will permit producers to increase protein while decreasing fat in food products, and improve control of muscling, growth and muscle partitioning. The potential for genetic improvement as a result of mapping the pig genome is also described. The book is based on papers presented by leading research workers at the Pork Industry Conference on Swine Growth held in November 1992.
Weaning represents a significant challenge to every young piglet and the success of the process is crucial to the lifetime performance of the animal. The transition from a liquid diet to one that is usually based on dry food ingredients is accompanied by major changes in digestive physiology, immune status and social and physical environments. Successful weaning is, therefore, the key to effective growth, feed efficiency and the subsequent development of the pig. This book has been developed from a British Society of Animal Science occasional meeting, held in September 2000. The Weaner Pig: Nutrition and Management brings together all the scientific disciplines involved in the pre and post-weaning biology of the piglet, concentrating on:Growth/developmentNutritionImmunology/healthEthologyThe physical environment
The understanding of pig genetics and genomics has advanced significantly in recent years, creating fresh insights into biological processes. This comprehensive reference work discusses pig genetics and its integration with livestock management and production technology to improve performance. Fully updated throughout to reflect advances in the subject, this new edition also includes new information on genetic aspects of domestication, colour variation, genomics and pig breeds, with contributions from international experts active in the field.
While there is a story of "Three Little Pigs" in the western world, there is another story "A Little Pig and Ten Wolves" in China. An evil old wolf wanted to eat a piglet living alone but he was taught a lesson. The angry wolf found another nine wolves to take a revenge. The piggy was brave and scheming, and he repelled those wolves again.
The pig is one of the earliest domesticated animals and plays an integral part in a number of peasant economies in the tropics, for example in Oceania and Southeast Asia. In several African countries and others such as Thailand, increasingly intensive pig production has played a significant role in the overall economic growth and the feeding of an expanding urgan population.Furthermore, although in some circumstances pigs do compete with humans for food resources, they are also very versatile at utilizing byproducts and wastes that are not suitable for human consumption.There is therefore considerable potential for developing pig production in the tropics, and this book provides an accessible guide to the subject for students, farmers and advisory workers. It is translated from an original French edition compiled by the Institut d'Élevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux.
This book introduces the advanced practical techniques in modern scale pig production, such as pig farm planning and construction, environmental hygiene and biosafety, breed and breeding, feed and ration preparation, feeding management, pig disease prevention and control, manure treatment and operation management. It is a practical technical guide book on pig scale healthy breeding, and is also widely used in China.
This book is based on papers presented at a symposium held in 2005 in South Africa. It brings together the most recent academic writings on modelling concepts, problems and applications of models and looks at the development, usefulness and limitations of models in pigs and poultry. Contents includes; description of growth and feed intake, modelling social systems and disease effects, nutrient flow models, energy transactions and energy feed systems, optimisation of broiler nutrition and modelling egg production in layering hens.