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      • The Art of Dixie

        Our most popular titles include IT ALL COMES BACK TO YOU, an Amazon #1 Best Seller in multiple fiction categories for over a year and a half (US) and an extremely popular book club selection all over the US. The Art of Dixie is also the English language publisher of TAPESTRY, an Award-Winning Finalist in the Women's Fiction category of The 2020 International Book Awards, The Bronze Medal Winner in Southern Fiction in Publisher's Weekly 2020 Readers' Choice Awards, and a Five Star Readers' Favorite Award Winner.

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      • Dixi Books

        English publishing house with a passion in children's publishing. They publish exceptional books to equip children with socially responsible and ecological principles.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2019


        by Priya Basil, Beatrice Faßbender

        »Ich lade dich ein.« Ein Satz, der Vorfreude weckt: auf einen anregenden Abend bei leckerem Essen und guten Gesprächen. Doch die berühmte Gastfreundschaft ist noch viel mehr als das –sie ist ein vielseitiges Geben und Nehmen, das Familie, Freunde und Fremde einschließt und in jeder Kultur etwas anders ist. Die in London geborene, in Kenia aufgewachsene und heute in Berlin lebende Autorin Priya Basil erzählt von den indisch-kenianischen Traditionen ihrer Familie, von einer unerwarteten Einladung zum Spargelessen und einer Massenspeisung in einem Sikh-Tempel mitten in Berlin. Sie hält ein leidenschaftliches Plädoyer für ein gastfreundliches Europa und lädt dabei immer wieder in ihre eigene Küche ein. Denn die besten Gespräche führt man bekanntlich an einem reich gedeckten Tisch: über Gott und die Welt, Politik und Kultur und über die Frage, ob es eigentlich bedingungslose Gastfreundschaft gibt.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA


        by Richa Jha and Priya Sebastian

        Mommies come in all shapes and sizes but that is not all, they come packed with all sorts of personalities too. The narrative of Mommies challenges the norm of reducing an independent, unique being to gender and just the title of a ‘Mom’, and explores beyond the conventional views of what motherhood should be. Richa Jha delivers a strong statement through the purity of a child’s voice and forges a bond between all the vastly different mothers from across the globe, united by their love for their child. Priya Sebastian’s artwork reflects the depth of a simple narrative and manages to capture the diverse beauty of each and every figure of motherhood.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Makers Club

        Game On!

        by Reimena Yee, Melanie Ujimori

        Timid artist Nadia is in awe of her new teammate. Priya’s a gamer, she’s smart, andshe knows how to code—so this environmental video game they’re building shoulddefinitely win the top prize at the Pangolin Secondary School Science Fair, right? ButNadia and Priya soon discover that there’s a lot more to making a game than codingand sprites. Will the girls be able to overcome their differences or will it be gameover for them far too soon?

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2023

        PAWS. Die Pfötchen-Freunde

        by Nathan Fairbairn, Michele Assarasakorn, Ute Mihr

        Priya, Alma und Wendy könnten unterschiedlicher nicht sein, doch ihre Liebe zu Tieren und der Umstand, dass keine von ihnen ein eigenes Haustier besitzen kann, bringt sie zusammen. In "PAWS. Die Pfötchen-Freunde" beschließen die Freundinnen, einen Gassi-Service ins Leben zu rufen, um endlich Zeit mit ihren geliebten Vierbeinern verbringen zu können. Doch was als Traum beginnt, wird schnell zur Herausforderung, als Meinungsverschiedenheiten und Streitereien drohen, ihre Freundschaft zu zerbrechen. In dieser mitreißenden Geschichte, ausgezeichnet mit dem Lesekompass 2024, erleben wir, wie das Trio lernt, über ihre Differenzen hinwegzusehen, um ihren Gassi-Service und ihre Freundschaft zu retten. Ausgezeichnete Freundschaftsgeschichte: Eine bewegende Erzählung über die Bedeutung von Freundschaft, ausgezeichnet mit dem Lesekompass 2024. Für Tierliebhaber: Perfekt für Kinder, die Tiere lieben und sich ein Haustier wünschen. Humor und Herz: Eine Geschichte, die mit Humor und Herz die Herausforderungen und Freuden der Kindheit einfängt. Einzigartige Graphic Novel: Beeindruckendes Artwork, das die Gefühlswelten der Kinder lebendig werden lässt. Wiederlesbarkeit: Mit seiner spannenden und lustigen Handlung lädt das Buch dazu ein, immer wieder gelesen zu werden.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Botany & plant sciences
        September 2015

        Brassica Oilseeds

        Breeding and Management

        by Edited by Arvind Kumar, Surinder S Banga, Prabhu Dayal Meena, Priya Ranjan Kumar

        Oilseed brassicas are among the largest traded agricultural commodities and are grown in around fifty countries worldwide. Utilised for both consumption and bioenergy use, demand is increasing and this book covers the entire gamut of oilseed brassicas. Beginning with an introduction and then organised into two sections, it reviews genetics and genomics (including breeding, heterosis and selection methods) and stress management and important pathogens, to provide a complete overview of brassica oilseeds.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2024

        The Handbook of Zoonotic Diseases of Goats

        by Tanmoy Rana, Oluwawemimo Adebowale, Akanksha Agnihotri, Isha Agrawal, Vivek Agrawal, Anuja, M. Bhavya Sree, Shruti Bhatt, Suman Biswass, M.N. Brahmbhatt, Alok Kumar Chaudhary, J.H. Chaudhary, Shubhamitra Chaudhuri, Nidhi S. Choudhary, Pooja Dawar, Gaurav Charaya, Manaswini Dehuri, Anuj Kumar Dixit, Phelipe Magalhães Duarte, Z.B. Dubal, Nourhan Eissa, Negin Esfandiari, Meena Goswami, Pouneh Hajipour, Abbas Rabiu Ishaq, Saiful Islam, Supnesh Jain, Nirmala Jamra, G.P. Jatav, Ranbir Singh Jatav, J. Jayalakshmi, A.K. Jayraw, J. Jyothi, Jaysukh B. Kathiriya, Jasleen Kaur, Jitendra Kumar, Pradeep Kumar, K. Lahari Teja, Mahmuda Malik, Jinu Manoj, Hakim Manzer, Apoorva Mishra, Dwarikanath Mohanty, M. Reza Najafi, Simant Kumar Nanda, J.B. Nayak, Sumit Kumar Patel, Nishant Patel, Aditya Pratap, Indu Panchal, Salil Pathak, Shashi Pradhan, Natalia Pshenichnaya, Md. Tanvir Rahman, Saindla Rakesh, P. Ramadevi, Yudhbir Rana, Hafiz Muhammad Rizwan, Kabita Roy, Rajesh Kumar Sahu, Sonali Thakur, Manoj K

        Goats are the predominant domestic livestock, and certainly the predominant small ruminant, in most of Asia, Africa and the warmer parts of Europe. Important for meat, milk, fibre and leather production, their widescale production and husbandry allows many opportunities for the spread of disease between livestock and their keepers. Taking a One Health approach to the issue, this book provides clear, accurate and comprehensive coverage of the zoonotic diseases of goats. Including information on aetiology, the epidemiology and transmission cycle, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, and prevention and control strategies, the book: - Helps readers quickly locate information about the disease's severity, mode of spread, treatment, and safety precautions; - Discusses the importance of educating animal owners about the public health implications of zoonotic diseases; - Reviews bacterial, viral, parasitic, rickettsial, and fungal diseases. An invaluable resource for veterinary practitioners and public health experts around the world, this book also provides a useful reference for researchers and students of animal disease and human health.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2018

        What Gandhi Didn't See

        Being Indian in South Africa

        by Zainab Priya Dala

        From the vantage point of her own personal history—a fourth-generation Indian South African of mixed lineage—indentured as well as trader class, part Hindu, part Muslim—Dala explores the nuts and bolts of being Indian in South Africa today. From 1684 till the present, the Indian diaspora in South Africa has had a long history. But in the country of their origin, they remain synonymous with three points of identity: indenture, apartheid and Mahatma Gandhi. In this series of essays, Zainab Priya Dala deftly lifts the veil on some of the many other facets of South African Indians, starting with the question: How relevant is Gandhi to them today? It is a question Dala answers with searing honesty, just as she tackles the questions of the ‘new racism’—between Black Africans and Indians—and the ‘new apartheid’—money; the tussle between the ‘canefields’ where she grew up, and the ‘Casbah’, or the glittering town of Durban; and what the changing patterns in the names the Indian community chooses to adopt reflect. In writing that is fluid, incisive and sensitive, she explores the new democratic South Africa that took birth long after Gandhi returned to the subcontinent, and the fight against apartheid was fought and won. In this new ‘Rainbow Nation’, the people of Indian origin are striving to keep their ties to Indian culture whilst building a stronger South African identity. Zainab Priya Dala describes some of the scenarios that result from this dichotomy.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2023

        Teaching Cases in Tourism, Hospitality and Events

        by Saurabh Kumar Dixit, Senthilkumaran Piramanaygam

        The tourism, hospitality and events industries comprise one of the largest and most diverse workforces in the world, creating high demand for graduates with strong technical and managerial competencies. Case-based learning encourages students to think, understand, and apply the concepts and theories they're taught into practical, everyday situations faced in the world of work. Providing a broad selection of extensive global cases, this book forms a comprehensive one-stop-shop resource for readers to test their analytical skill and abilities in solving complex management issues. Cases include teaching notes to reflect theoretical perspectives, as well as questions, detailed learning activities and solutions. The book covers: - General management, including innovation, ethics, and sustainability; - Strategic management, including business models, SWOT analyses and internationalisation; - Human resource management, including motivating employees, conflict management and work-life balance; - Marketing, including managing service quality, branding and new service development; - Financial management, including budgeting, risk management and forecasting; - Operations management, including food and beverage delivery, revenue management and health and safety. A useful and engaging read for students of tourism, hospitality and events, this book is also a valuable compilation of examples of practice for people working in industry.

      • Fantasy
        October 2017

        Where the Stars Rise

        Asian Science Fiction & Fantasy

        by Lucas K. Law (editor), Derwin Mak (editor), Fonda Lee, E.C. Myers, Elsie Chapman, Amanda Sun, Rati Mehrotra, Jeremy Szal, and more

        Take a journey through Asia and beyond with twenty-three original thought-provoking and moving stories about identities, belonging, and choices—stories about where we come from and where we are going.   ALL EMOTIONS ARE UNIVERSAL. WE LIVE, WE DREAM, WE STRIVE, WE DIE...   Stories that explore magic and science. Stories about love, revenge, and choices. Stories that challenge ideas about race, belonging, and politics. Each wrestling between ghostly pasts and uncertain future. Each trying to find a voice in history.   Orphans and drug-smuggling in deep space. Mechanical arms in steampunk Vancouver. Djinns and espionage in futuristic Istanbul. Humanoid robot in steamy Kerala. Monsters in the jungles of Cebu. Historic time travel in Gyeongbok Palace. A rocket launch in post-apocalyptic Tokyo. A drunken ghost in Song Dynasty China. A displaced refugee skating on an ice planet. And much more.   Embrace them as you take on their journeys. And don’t look back . . .   Featuring Original Stories by Anne Carly Abad, Deepak Bharathan, Joyce Chng, Miki Dare, S.B. Divya, Pamela Q. Fernandes, Calvin D. Jim, Minsoo Kang, Fonda Lee, Gabriela Lee, Karin Lowachee, Rati Mehrotra, E.C. Myers, Tony Pi, Angela Yuriko Smith, Priya Sridhar, Amanda Sun, Naru Dames Sundar, Jeremy Szal, Regina Kanyu Wang (translated by Shaoyan Hu), Diana Xin, Melissa Yuan-Innes, Ruhan Zhao.   Introduction by Elsie Chapman   Edited by Lucas K. Law and Derwin Mak   Anthologies in this series (Strangers Among Us, The Sum of Us, Where the Stars Rise, Shades Within Us) have been recommended by Publishers Weekly, Booklist (American Library Association), Kirkus Reviews, Library Journal, School Library Journal, Locus, Foreword Reviews, and Quill & Quire.   To learn more about this publisher, click here:

      • Picture books, activity books & early learning material
        June 2022

        I am Nefertiti

        by Annemarie Anang

        When Nefertiti plays the drums, the band plays as one. “I am Nefertiti” she says, and she feels ten feet tall. But when the new music teacher shortens her name to ‘Nef’, bit by bit, she starts to shrink. Without Nefertiti to keep the beat, the band is in disarray . . . “I am Nefertiti!” she whispers to herself. Drawing on her inner strength and with the support of the other children, they help Miss Potts recognise the importance of honouring Nefertiti’s name. Now, when Nefertiti keeps the beat, the music sounds so sweet!

      • Horticulture
        September 2020

        Safety and Quality Assurance in Food Supply Chain

        Emerging Technologies and Challenges

        by K.P. Sudheer & Bindu Lakshmanan

        Technological advances have profoundly influenced the food industry with deep imprints on food safety and quality. Food safety and quality assurance demands a huge expertise from food technologists and an enormous commitment from food industry. An exquisite presentation of an array of novel technologies to guarantee safety and quality in food supply chain of diverse food composites is an innovative venture to inspire the students, to guide researchers and to persuade entrepreneurs. Chapters on oil and water quality, sensory analysis through fuzzy logic, hazards and its detection in milk, meat, fish and different agricultural produce accentuate the uniqueness of this book. Emerging technologies for non-destructive quality analysis, pragmatic approaches to ensure safety and quality in milling and baking industry as well as a comprehensive sketch of regulatory norms for promoting export are the notable highlights of this book. HACCP protocols pertinent to different food industries are vividly depicted. With an enriching academic background and proven experience, authors of each chapter have contributed abundantly to uphold the promise of this book to be a robust pillar to promote a healthy society.

      • Agriculture & farming
        October 2014

        Youth in Agriculture and Rural Development

        by K. Narayana Gowda, M.S. Nataraju & V. Veerabhadraiah

        During last one decade, rural India witnessed the continuous migration of rural youth to urban areas. This situation is very serious and alarming and the migration of rural youth created a vacuum in the villages. It has been observed and expressed by many enlightened persons that villages are becoming old age homes draining away the talented farm youth to stay away from farming. The contents of book covers the issues like youth-concept, characteristics, interests, aspirations; youth in natural resource management; ICT and rural youth; Extension approaches and strategies; SHGs and Group approaches; Mobilization of Rural Youth; Gender issues and women empowerment and successful case studies on farm youth. The major sub heads of the book are: Farm Youth In Agriculture, Capacity Building Of Rural Youth, Entrepreneurship Among Rural Youth, Rural Youth And Information Communication Technology, Women In Agriculture, Rural Youth In Integrated Farming, Leisure Time Utilization By Rural Youth, Case Studies On Rural Youth

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2013

        Modern Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture

        by Sunil Kumar & Birendra Prasad

        Application of Biotechnology in Hi-Tech Agriculture Crop Selection an Efficient Tool for Sustainable Agricultural Production in the Impending Climate Change Situation Management of Soil Fertility for Sustainable Vegetable Production Microbial Inoculation Through Endophytic Bacteria for Sustainable Agriculture Seed Enhancement Technologies for Assured Plant Stand Establishment Technology of Nursery Raising in Vegetable Crops Pests and Diseases Management of Mango Horti-Silvi-Pastoral System for Development of Watersheds Biofertilizers and Green Manuring for Sustainable Agriculture Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria for Sustainable Agriculture Potential of Bio Control, Soil Solarization and Botanicals in Plant Disease Management under Organic Farming. Mites and their Management Sustainable Management of Agrobiodiversity – Need of the hour Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Post Harvest Management Technology of Under- Utilized Fruits of Arid Zone Biotechnological Tools in Modern Agriculture Seabuckthorn : A Miracle Therapeutic Plant of Himalaya Implications of Development Communication in the Functioning of KVKS: Key to Sustainable Development Lab Animal Care and Their use as Research Animal Models Organic Livestock Production Role of Self Help Group in Poverty Elimination Through Micro Finance Self Help Groups-An Approach to Strengthen the Rural Poor

      • Gardening
        August 2023

        Basic Horticulture and Fruit Production Technology

        by Rajaneesh Singh, Bijendra Kumar Singh

        The book is primarily meant for the student of graduate and post graduate in the field of horticulture of all agricultural universities in India and neighbouring countries. The information included in this book is considered to be of utmost value to student of horticulture fruit growers, nurseryman, gardeners, subject matter specialist and other persons engaged in the field of horticulture. In this edition author shared my personal experience on fruit crops acquired during last nineteen year. The book will proved boon for student contesting Indian Council of Agricultural Research Junior and Senior Fellowship, Agriculture Research Services examination and NET in the field of horticulture.

      • Aquaculture & fish-farming: practice & techniques
        June 2021

        Innovations in Fishing and Fish Processing Technologies

        by Ravishankar C.N., Mohanthy, Kumar Amulya,Sajeev M.V. & Murugadas V.

        The present book Innovations in Fisheries and Fish Processing Technologies covers the entire gamut of topics in the field of fishing technology. The book starts with, history, genetic resources m information on mariculture, ornamentals fishes, sustainable fishing, designing of new fishing gears and trawlers, storage and value addition, Packaging, nutraceuticals, utilization of waste material from fishes, fish products etc.

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