S&P Literary - Publishing Division of Sosia & Pistoia SRL
Chiara Melloni Irene Pepiciello
View Rights PortalChiara Melloni Irene Pepiciello
View Rights PortalBokelmamm, Ulrike: Georges Devereux. Burkert, Walter: Die betretene Wiese. Interpretationsprobleme im Bereich der Sexualsymbolik. Dover, Kenneth J.: Homosexualität in Griechenland und die 'Inspiration'. (Aus dem Englischen von Christoph Groffy). Franz, Michael: Der Mythos von Baubo. Koepping, Klaus-Peter: Unzüchtige und enthaltsame Frauen im Demeter-kult. Kritische Anmerkungen zur strukturalistischen und psychoanalytischen Interpretation griechischer Mythen und Riten. (Aus dem Englischen von Christoph Groffy). Ducey, Charles P.: Ödipus am Scheidweg der Zivilisation. (Aus dem Englischen von Christoph Groffy). Segal, Charles: Euripides'>Bakchen<. Die Sprache des Selbst und die Sprache der Mysterien. (Aus dem Englischen von Christoph Groffy). Erdheim, Mario: _. Nadig, Maya: Wissenschaft, Unbewußtheit und Herrschaft. Herdt, Gilbert H.: _. Stoller, Robert J.: Der Einfluß der Supervision auf die ethnographische Praxis. (Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Udo Rennert). Bleibtreu-Ehrenberg, Gisela: Die Schamanismuskonzeption bei Georges Devereux. Boyer, Bryce L.: _. Boyer, Ruth M.: _. DeVos, George A.: Der Erwerb der Schamanenwürde. Klinische Studie und Rohrschac-Untersuchung eines besonderen Falles. (Aus dem Amerikanischen von Gerd H. Hövelmann). Gruzinski, Serge: Zwei 'Geschichten' von Schamanen im Mexiko der Barockzeit. (Aus dem Französischen von Udo Rennert). Spindler, George D.: Joe Nepah, ein schizophrener Peyote-Esser der Menomini. (Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Udo Rennert). Valla, Jean-Pierre: Kulturelle und psychische Faktoren der Entstehung veränderter Bewußtseinszustände). (Aus dem Englischen von Udo Rennert). Bourguignon, Erika: Alternierende Persönlichkeit, Besessenheitstrance und die psychische Einheit der Menschheit. (Aus dem Englischen von Udo Rennert). Kilborne, Benjamin: Pathogene Träume: Der Wahrheitsbeweis. (Aus dem Englischen von Udo Rennert). Lewis, Ioan M.: Der Kochkessel der Kannibalen. (Aus dem.
El misterioso túnel de la calle Basel por Pnina Ofir El relato se escenifica en un típico barrio de los viejos tiempos en el centro de Tel Aviv. Durante décadas podían verse en el barrio una estación de bomberos, una clínica para emergencias médicas y un colorido mercado popular al aire libre. Hasta que un día el aspecto de la calle cambió por completo. Enormes palas mecánicas comenzaron a derribar los edificios para reemplazarlos por dos modernas casas de varios pisos y una plaza pública pavimentada. Un grupo de niños del sexto grado que viven en el barrio descubren que además de las excavaciones realizadas por la compañía constructora hay alguien excavando simultáneamente por su propia cuenta. Se trata de un par de criminales que aprovechan el ruido y el tumulto de la construcción para desenterrar un misterioso baúl que había sido enterrado hace mucho tiempo bajo la estación de bomberos. La curiosidad y el valor de los niños conduce a la captura de los criminales momentos antes de la aparición del baúl resolviendo así el misterio.
A dangerous challenge at sea through a rock arch battered by strong waves. She ends up seriously injured in a leg when her friend Aurelio arrives at the cove. Overcoming her pain, she hides her injuries from Aurelio and tells him the extraordinary story of her mother, which propelled her to undertake such a madness. The story begins 6 years ago in Tenerife, with Nayra's expulsion from Philosophy class for the third time in a week, causing Pablo, her father, to pick her up from school and embark on a long day of disputes, confessions, and finally, complicities between them. Walking around Santa Cruz, canceling classes and professional commitments, Pablo and Nayra spend the day discovering a personal and sentimental reality that surprises them. The problems Nayra mentions with a group of immigrant classmates, along with the aggression Nayra shows towards her mother, Lola, prompt Pablo to tell her the unfinished story with Andreea, a high-class Romanian prostitute. Pablo cannot control the level of intimacy of the tale despite his own amazement, hearing himself say things he thought were unspeakable. Nayra responds, between disputes and affection, interspersing her own confidences, some of them having a strong impact, like the adventure with an immigrant who arrived on the beaches of Fuerteventura during a summer excursion. Neither tells the most intimate details of their stories truthfully, but they are accessible to the reader. Despite frequent arguments due to the teenager's incisive and groundbreaking language, their complicity grows and they end up spending the day together, walking through different places in the city. The story with Andreea takes on dramatic tones that completely captivate the young woman. Two suicides, the chase by Romanian mafia, returning to her hometown, searching for Pablo, Andreea’s struggle to regain her dignity and her artistic capacity through painting, and the apparent disappearance of her father's life, capture Nayra’s attention. Despite the narrative tricks used by Pablo, when night falls and they reach home, Nayra connects the dots and is surprised to discover that her perfectionist and successful mother, a recognized painter from Santa Cruz, with whom she has had a very conflictive season, is Andreea Constantin, the Romanian immigrant her father met as a high-class prostitute. After an initial reaction of rejection due to the ignorance in which she was kept, she understands her mother's situation. All the questions she always had about many details of her life arise with the discovery. A few years after discovering her identity, Andreea disappears from home. A call from Romania alerts them to the discovery of two charred bodies near her birthplace and the presence of her old exploiter nearby, who cursed her for life through a Transylvania ritual when she abandoned prostitution. Knowing she was discovered in Tenerife, Andreea tried to keep her family away from danger and returned to her country, where she was easy prey for the mafia. Pablo and his daughter Nayra fly to Bucharest to identify Andreea’s body, which may have been brutally murdered and burned. When it seems the identification will be negative, a small detail of the clothing makes them doubt. Desolate, they receive medical and psychological support from the Romanian team, but it turns out to be a false lead. Andreea is rescued from a hideout and has survived due to a misunderstanding by her captors. Protected by the Romanian police, she later becomes a key witness whose testimony ends the dangerous band of her pimp. But that bravery comes at a price; 2 years later, she does not return from an art exhibition in Paris. The police believe that her exploiter’s curse was fulfilled by a nephew who visited him in prison shortly before his death and was seen in Paris during the days Andreea had the exhibition. After a year of anguish, Nayra can no longer bear the situation and decides to mourn her mother at the cove where she painted her last picture. It had as its background the rock arch symbolizing the risk of living and facing life’s challenges. Nayra considers her mother lost and throws Andreea’s ashes into the sea, symbolized by those of a magnolia branch she planted many years ago. With this, she internalizes the loss and the fighting values Andreea taught her. The exit from the volcanic cove is a song to the life that continues and to the young woman who represents it. The novel is dedicated to the memory of Andreea Constantin and the thousands of women sexually exploited around the world.
In the historical context of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the height of the Romantic era, the 19th century, Anton Bruckner, the famous Austrian composer and organist, falls in love with the imposing Countess Henriette. She had been appointed lady-in-waiting to Princess Charlotte of Belgium, the wife of Prince Maximilian of Habsburg, to attend to her during the couple's Mexican endeavor. They had been named Emperor and Empress of Mexico and would embark on a journey to America for this mission. Bruckner meets the countess by chance at the funeral of Maximilian, who had been assassinated in Querétaro in 1867, during the so-called Second Mexican Empire. On the recommendation of a musician friend of Henriette's, who sees him at the funeral, she takes piano lessons with Bruckner. When she tells him that she had accompanied the empress to Mexico, the composer becomes enchanted. He admired Maximilian and was passionate about Mexico; he had even wanted to accompany the emperor. Ultimately, the only trips he made were to give organ concerts in London and another at Notre Dame in Paris. Between classes, the countess tells him of the Atlantic crossing, the arrival in Veracruz, and the entrance to Mexico City. Gradually, they grow closer. In one of his concerts, Bruckner meets Franz Liszt, who was a patron of Maximilian's empire in Mexico. Meanwhile, the countess and the organist plan a Requiem, which will be the turning point between them.
Tapachula, Chiapas: a small city on the southern border of Mexico bearing the weight of a continental migratory crisis. Migrants trapped between bureaucracy, misery, and violence. Tens of thousands of bodies halted in front of the invisible wall of the United States. This book seeks to explore migration from the inside out. Its field of exploration encompasses not only the physical border but also the narrator's personal experience as an immigrant in Mexico. It is a hybrid work that weaves through chronicles, personal essays, autobiography, and travel writing, considering the migratory phenomenon not just as a collapse but as a space for profound subjective elaboration. The story of a religious leader expelled from Angola, the adventures of a former Colombian guerrilla threatened by the dissident factions of the FARC, and the nostalgia of an exiled Sandinista from Daniel Ortega's dictatorship blend in a common chorus with the narrator’s voice, son of a father killed by the Venezuelan state and a mother seeking asylum in Mexico. More than a chronicle, "El espejo animal" seeks to be a spoken portrait of migration in Latin America. It is an artifact that enables and amplifies the voices of migrants where they cannot be heard.
In 2020, amidst the whirlwind of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ideas from books about the science of becoming a millionaire returned to Luis Miguel Estrada whom, since he left a financial job, has dedicated himself fully to literature. In this book, he thinks some of the key questions raised by bestsellers from Napoleon Hill to Kiyosaki. Do we stop seeking money just because we pursue art? More importantly: regardless of what we do, how do we seek money? Why have narratives like positive thinking and the law of attraction become a universal language that gains strength during each economic crisis? Is there a link between bestsellers about the science of getting rich and great universal literature? This book attempts to answer these questions, beginning with the origins of books on becoming a millionaire, which delve into the agile 19th-century United States, transition through the fast-paced turn of the century, and explode in the years after the Great Depression. The journey continues with examples of wild successes (real-life fraudsters like Elizabeth Holmes or fictional criminals like Walter White from Breaking Bad) that prompt us to question the influence of success-at-any-cost ideas on popular culture, as well as their ethical limits. How can one reconcile readings, cultural products, and experiences that seem so distant? The broader reading audience responds more to "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill than to "The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck. Is there a way to read them alongside each other and emerge renewed from the experience? This book invites you on that adventure.
La verdadera historia tras la película Dolor y Dinero Este libro demuestra que a veces la verdad es más extraña que la ficción! Era el año 1994, Marc y su familia vivian una vida normal en Miami, Florida. No se imaginaba que en Noviembre de ese año, su vida y la de su familia iba a cambiar para siempre. Los acontecimientos que se iban a desarrollarse no podían ser concebidos por la imaginación más vivida.En este sorprendente libro narra los acontecimientos que condujeron a su secuestro y su intento de asesinato. Lo transportara y colocara en la bodega donde fue encarcelado y le dara una perspectiva única de los hechos ocurridos durante ese mes horroroso y la lucha física y mental para vencer los obstáculos y sobrevivir.Marc narra su historia en detalle tortuoso. Su humillación, dolor y sufrimiento a manos de la banda Sun Gym y su supervivencia milagrosa.Usted va a entender cómo y por qué él sobrevivió y que a un ser humano le pueden quitar todo pero nunca su espíritu y la determinación de sobrevivir.Nadie creyó su historia, ni la policía ni ninguna otra persona. Sin embargo, mantuvo firme y decidido a llevar a los criminales ante la justicia antes de que vuelvan cometer otro crimen similar. ¡Una historia verdaderamente desgarradora y que no solamente usted no podrá olvidar pronto, sino que le motivará e inspirará!
Through a selection of thrilling and exciting illustrated stories, Mexican author, Amparo Dávila, and Argentinian illustrator, Santiago Caruso, create a fascinating reading spectrum for young audiences. This set combines classic tales of the author: “Petrified trees” and “Concrete music”, alongside with fantastic stories as “The guest”, the story of an ordinary woman hunted by an unknown creature; “High kitchen”, a short story where miniature beings confront their inevitable fate, among others.
Bruno plans to run away. Flee from his home, and from his family- or what's left of it - after his father's death. He can’t tolerate seeing everything that matters disintegrate. His brother Guillermo’s attitude and the apparent indifference of his mother only aggravate the situation. Only the music his father listens brings peace to the situation. Bruno and Guille, immersed in the battle to survive the duel, face each other. In that fight they must also face someone else: themselves.
This book contains a compilation of 12 juvenile shorts stories. Is stories made from different parts of the world. Different races and culture. Moral, cultural, values and adventures.
“The sky was covered with grey clouds. The drizzle was lighter than normal, almost pious. The Japanese were advancing through the streets with short, fast steps. Satoru was ahead of them. He pedaled at a good pace. From his bicycle seat, the city revealed itself to his eyes as a sequence of frames. It was strange to be there, in his grandfather's city, and to ride through it as he had probably never done before: on two wheels. Even so, the possibility that the route he was taking would intersect with the routes that his grandfather had taken when he was a child, provoked an intimate emotion in him. Those landscapes were over eighty years old, including an atomic bomb, but it was the land where Ryu Nakata had learned to walk, to speak, to read”. The death of his grandfather, awakens in the young Yasuhiro Nakata the desire to know the family history, especially after finding a letter in which he discovers another side of the old man whose last words were: 'Hiroshima, Hiroshima', warning of the existence of a secret. As a result, Yasuhiro embarks on a journey that will take him from Valparaiso to Hiroshima, where his grandfather emigrated ten years before the atomic disaster. This is the beginning of Drawings of Hiroshima— a charming story that allows readers to follow the protagonist on a journey in which he not only reconnects with his Japanese origins, but also questions his present, his interpersonal relationships and his interest in writing, deepening the unconscious desire to understand the role that he plays in a story that is not his own but yet challenges him directly. With this new release, Marcelo Simonetti addresses issues such as migration and identity, connecting the historic Chilean port of Valparaiso with the memory of the tragedy occured in the Japanese city.
The historical region between the Danube delta and the mountainous landscape Ludogorie today is structured as a result of the demarcation of 1940 which divided the region into the North Dobrudja in Romania and the South Dobrudja in Bulgaria. Since ancient times, people have roamed the steppes at the Black Sea towards the south and left a mixture of languages, denominations and everyday culture. From the 7th century BC Greek sailors founded trading colonies on the coast such as Tomis, the present day Constanta, Romanian Constanţa. After 500 years under Ottoman rule in the middle of the 19th century the first Germans came from Bessarabia, bordering the Danube to the north, from the governorate Kherson, from Poland, Volhynia, Galicia and the Caucasus. Reasons were land scarcity, loss of privileges and a intensified russification policy. Today in the Dobrudja live Tatars, Bulgarians, Turks, Lipovans, Ukrainians, Greeks, Germans and Roma next to more than ninety percent Romanians. The historian Josef Sallanz shows which cultural traditions still today shape the region.
Horia Tecau is a Romanian tennis player. He turned pro in 2003 and reached the men's doubles finals of the 2010, 2011 and 2012 Wimbledon Championships with Robert Lindstedt before winning it in 2015 with Jean-Julien Rojer, with whom he also won the 2017 US Open. In his book, Horia invites young readers to discover his story, urging them to follow their dreams no matter how impossible they seem: the book is filled with attractive illustrations for children, a couple of pages left blank for them to write their own stories and a dictionary of tennis terms. Excerpt: "I want to take you on a journey and tell you the story of how I became a professional tennis player. It doesn’t matter whether you already know me or not, or whether you’ve watched any of my games or not. It doesn’t matter whether you play tennis or any other sports, or whether you decide to pick up a tennis racquet after reading this book. I will be happy if my story inspires you, helps you a little bit in the future, and remains in a box of cherished memories. There have been many great people around me that marked, influenced and shaped my existence, from parents, grandparents and teachers to the people who have become close to me over the years. They all taught me to believe in my abilities, to accept defeats, to always be patient and to always move forward. How far I will reach, I cannot say, because my story is still being written. Life is a string of important encounters, and every one of them marks a new stage in one’s development. The people you meet matter enormously, especially when you are very young and beginning the journey of learning who you really are."
Los relatos que componen este libro poseen esa particular forma de impureza de la que puede surgir la comprensión hacia los otros: ninguno de los personajes maltrechos que habitan estas once historias tiene toda la razón o está totalmente equivocado; ninguna bondad es total aquí, ninguna mezquindad es absoluta. El talento de McLaughlin para hacer surgir los detalles que expresan la ambigua complejidad de la conducta humana convierte estos relatos en poderosas piezas literarias de singular lucidez. «La escritura de McLaughlin es tan atrapante y visual que el lector se mete de lleno en la historia desde el primer párrafo.» Sophie Gorman, Irish Independent «Este libro no es un debut en el sentido usual, es decir, una promesa de grandes cosas por venir. No es necesario preguntar qué hará Danielle McLaughlin luego: ya lo ha hecho. Este libro llegó para quedarse con nosotros por mucho tiempo.» Anne Enright