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      • Holland Park Press

        Holland Park Press is a privately-owned independent company publishing and selling literary fiction: novels, novellas, short stories; and poetry. It was founded in 2009. It is run by brother and sister, Arnold and Bernadette Jansen op de Haar, who publish an author not just a book. Holland Park Press specialises in finding new literary talent by accepting unsolicited manuscripts from authors all year round and by running competitions. It has been successful in giving older authors a chance to make their debut and in raising the profile of Dutch authors in translation.

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      • Sasbadi Holdings Berhad

        Since 1985, Sasbadi has been producing quality books and educational materials to help students on their journey through school and life. Students, parents and teachers trust our publications because we are ever responsive to changing times and changing requirements. Over the years, Sasbadi has diversified its offerings to provide not only academic and non-academic educational materials, but digital and technology-enabled products, applied learning tools, a network marketing business and more recently, English language learning and assessment programmes as well.

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 1987

        Die wilde Seele

        Zur Ethnopsychoanalyse von Georges Devereux

        by Georges Devereux, Hans Peter Duerr, Christoph Groffy

        Bokelmamm, Ulrike: Georges Devereux. Burkert, Walter: Die betretene Wiese. Interpretationsprobleme im Bereich der Sexualsymbolik. Dover, Kenneth J.: Homosexualität in Griechenland und die 'Inspiration'. (Aus dem Englischen von Christoph Groffy). Franz, Michael: Der Mythos von Baubo. Koepping, Klaus-Peter: Unzüchtige und enthaltsame Frauen im Demeter-kult. Kritische Anmerkungen zur strukturalistischen und psychoanalytischen Interpretation griechischer Mythen und Riten. (Aus dem Englischen von Christoph Groffy). Ducey, Charles P.: Ödipus am Scheidweg der Zivilisation. (Aus dem Englischen von Christoph Groffy). Segal, Charles: Euripides'>Bakchen<. Die Sprache des Selbst und die Sprache der Mysterien. (Aus dem Englischen von Christoph Groffy). Erdheim, Mario: _. Nadig, Maya: Wissenschaft, Unbewußtheit und Herrschaft. Herdt, Gilbert H.: _. Stoller, Robert J.: Der Einfluß der Supervision auf die ethnographische Praxis. (Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Udo Rennert). Bleibtreu-Ehrenberg, Gisela: Die Schamanismuskonzeption bei Georges Devereux. Boyer, Bryce L.: _. Boyer, Ruth M.: _. DeVos, George A.: Der Erwerb der Schamanenwürde. Klinische Studie und Rohrschac-Untersuchung eines besonderen Falles. (Aus dem Amerikanischen von Gerd H. Hövelmann). Gruzinski, Serge: Zwei 'Geschichten' von Schamanen im Mexiko der Barockzeit. (Aus dem Französischen von Udo Rennert). Spindler, George D.: Joe Nepah, ein schizophrener Peyote-Esser der Menomini. (Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Udo Rennert). Valla, Jean-Pierre: Kulturelle und psychische Faktoren der Entstehung veränderter Bewußtseinszustände). (Aus dem Englischen von Udo Rennert). Bourguignon, Erika: Alternierende Persönlichkeit, Besessenheitstrance und die psychische Einheit der Menschheit. (Aus dem Englischen von Udo Rennert). Kilborne, Benjamin: Pathogene Träume: Der Wahrheitsbeweis. (Aus dem Englischen von Udo Rennert). Lewis, Ioan M.: Der Kochkessel der Kannibalen. (Aus dem.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Memoirs
        March 2018

        Owl place

        From the incredible life of Rudi Kleineich or search for happiness in a hard time

        by Harry Schmidt

        This excitingly written book takes place between winter 1945 and Christmas 1953 - with skilfully inserted flashbacks to the years 1919, 1923 and 1930. The owl village that gives the book its title is the Lindenhof estate workers' village in Vorpommern, a place without owls, without newspapers and without electricity. One of its inhabitants is the 25-year-old day laborer's son and "bee man" Rudi Kleineich, who is of military age, as it was then called, but suffers from the life-threatening hemophilia and yet has an unbridled will to live. This will is even increased when, in the turmoil of the time, he comes into possession of a voluminous encyclopedia from 1886. From it he learns that he does not necessarily have to die as early as his uncle, from whom he copied beekeeping. The actual action begins a few days before the Russian invasion, which is expected with great fear and uncertainty, and which is supposed to be just outside the village. When the Red Army actually arrives, many terrible things happen in Owl Village, too, with which the soldiers with the red star take revenge on their German enemies - especially on their wives, almost no matter how old or young they are. In this Vorpommerschen place, too, Harry Schmidt, in reference to the hard historical facts, lets a real rape frenzy of several days happen. Law and order seem to have capitulated to the violence of the war and even officers no longer know either decency or humanity. But then suddenly it is over. As if someone had flipped a switch in the occupying forces, the intoxication is ended, and where rape and murder could have been committed with impunity, the perpetrators from their own ranks are now threatened with drastic punishment - including summary executions. The new order is taking hold. But what will the future bring to the little people of Lindenhof? And does Rudi's tender love for Christel, the refugee girl, have a chance?

      • March 2020


        German Settlers between the Danube and the Black Sea

        by Josef Sallanz

        The historical region between the Danube delta and the mountainous landscape Ludogorie today is structured as a result of the demarcation of 1940 which divided the region into the North Dobrudja in Romania and the South Dobrudja in Bulgaria. Since ancient times, people have roamed the steppes at the Black Sea towards the south and left a mixture of languages, denominations and everyday culture. From the 7th century BC Greek sailors founded trading colonies on the coast such as Tomis, the present day Constanta, Romanian Constanţa. After 500 years under Ottoman rule in the middle of the 19th century the first Germans came from Bessarabia, bordering the Danube to the north, from the governorate Kherson, from Poland, Volhynia, Galicia and the Caucasus. Reasons were land scarcity, loss of privileges and a intensified russification policy. Today in the Dobrudja live Tatars, Bulgarians, Turks, Lipovans, Ukrainians, Greeks, Germans and Roma next to more than ninety percent Romanians. The historian Josef Sallanz shows which cultural traditions still today shape the region.

      • Children's & YA

        Life Through the Lens of Tennis

        by Horia Tecau

        Horia Tecau is a Romanian tennis player. He turned pro in 2003 and reached the men's doubles finals of the 2010, 2011 and 2012 Wimbledon Championships with Robert Lindstedt before winning it in 2015 with Jean-Julien Rojer, with whom he also won the 2017 US Open. In his book, Horia invites young readers to discover his story, urging them to follow their dreams no matter how impossible they seem: the book is filled with attractive illustrations for children, a couple of pages left blank for them to write their own stories and a dictionary of tennis terms. Excerpt: "I want to take you on a journey and tell you the story of how I became a professional tennis player. It doesn’t matter whether you already know me or not, or whether you’ve watched any of my games or not. It doesn’t matter whether you play tennis or any other sports, or whether you decide to pick up a tennis racquet after reading this book. I will be happy if my story inspires you, helps you a little bit in the future, and remains in a box of cherished memories. There have been many great people around me that marked, influenced and shaped my existence, from parents, grandparents and teachers to the people who have become close to me over the years. They all taught me to believe in my abilities, to accept defeats, to always be patient and to always move forward. How far I will reach, I cannot say, because my story is still being written. Life is a string of important encounters, and every one of them marks a new stage in one’s development. The people you meet matter enormously, especially when you are very young and beginning the journey of learning who you really are."

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