Pirates Publishing House
PIRATES is a unique creative house that brings you the best of both books and films, the only one in India. Whether it is books or films, our only philosophy is STORY FIRST.
View Rights PortalPIRATES is a unique creative house that brings you the best of both books and films, the only one in India. Whether it is books or films, our only philosophy is STORY FIRST.
View Rights PortalPlay yourself happy! The educational-therapeutic games and materials of our Sternwiese-Verlag enable individual access to the child's emotions and thoughts. With help of exciting strategies, unique concepts and personable characters will be developing and strengthening of social and emotional skills varied support.
View Rights PortalWenn wir vermeiden wollen, das Rad immer wieder neu zu erfinden, müssen die Resultate der Philosophietradition stets aufs neue in unser eigenes Projekt der Reflexion auf das Richtige und Gute integriert werden. So setzt Hegel Kants Einsichten in den Status von Wissenschaft, Moralität und in die entsprechend gewichteten Prinzipien individueller Freiheit, gemeinsamer Wohlfahrt und numerischer Gleichheit unter Rückgriff auf Platon und Aristoteles fort. Wie kein anderer erkennt Hegel in einer nicht bloß formalen Bildung, in dialogischer Normenkontrolle und in der dialektischen Begründung im Urteilen und Handeln die wesentlichen Momente vernünftiger Entwicklung. Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer liefert eine überraschende Analyse von Hegels System, deren Konsequenzen weit über philosophische Fragestellungen im engeren Sinne hinausweisen und direkt ins Herz der condition humaine zielen.
Ein neues tierisches Yoga-Abenteuer mit dem Erdmännchen Govinda. Nach seiner Yoga-Safari in Afrika entdeckt Govinda nun den Bauernhof. Zusammen mit den kleinen Yogis und Yoginis lernt das Erdmännchen Schweine, Kühe und Hühner kennen und dazu ganz neue Yoga-Haltungen. Aus der Geschichte heraus und anschaulich erklärt ergeben sich kinderleichte Yogaübungen zum Mitmachen. Am Ende laden Atemübungen und eine Fantasiereise zum Entspannen ein. Ungekürzte Lesung mit Pirmin Sedlmeir.
"FamilyFlow. Kinder-Yoga" von Florian Sprater führt Kinder spielerisch und einfühlsam in die Welt des Yoga ein. Zusammen mit dem Erdmännchen Govinda entdecken junge Hörer durch eine kreative Reise durch Afrika nicht nur die Yoga-Grundlagen, sondern auch die faszinierende Tierwelt dieses Kontinents. In diesem Mitmach-Hörbuch werden keine Vorkenntnisse benötigt, sodass sich jedes Kind im Alter von drei bis fünf Jahren aktiv beteiligen kann. Die Kombination aus kindgerechten Yoga-Positionen wie dem Elefanten oder der Giraffe, leichten Atemübungen und einer Fantasiereise unterstützt die Kinder dabei, Stress abzubauen und ein Gefühl von Ruhe und Sicherheit zu entwickeln. Diese sanften Übungen, vorgestellt von Yoga-Lehrer Florian Sprater und Sprecher Pirmin Sedlmeier, bieten eine perfekte Gelegenheit für eine sinnvolle Eltern-Kind-Interaktion, die körperliches Wohlbefinden und emotionale Entspannung fördert. Einführung in Yoga: Speziell für Kinder entwickelte Yoga-Übungen unterstützen spielerisch die körperliche Aktivität und Flexibilität. Förderung von Ruhe und Entspannung: Hilft Kindern, Stress zu reduzieren und fördert ein positives Selbstbild durch Entspannung und Achtsamkeit. Interaktives Hörerlebnis: Motiviert Kinder durch eine Kombination aus Erzählung und praktischen Übungen aktiv mitzumachen. Stärkung der Eltern-Kind-Beziehung: Ideal für gemeinsame Aktivitäten, die die Bindung stärken und gemeinsam Spaß machen. Kulturelle Bildung: Bringt Kindern die Tierwelt Afrikas näher und erweitert ihren Horizont.
Für jedes Kind und jede Situation die richtige Entspannungsmethode: Kinder-Yoga auf dem Bauernhof mit Govinda, dem Erdmännchen, Traumreisen zu mehr Selbstbewusstsein und Entspannungsmusik für gestresste Kinderseelen. Ob alleine oder zusammen mit den Eltern, ob neue Haltungen für kleine Yogis, Atem- und Achtsamkeitsübungen, Fantasiegeschichten oder Naturklänge – die CD-Box begleitet kleine Zuhörer auf ihrer Reise zu Gelassenheit, positiver Stimmung und neuer Energie.
Du möchtest mit Kindern Yoga üben? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Die Übungen auf diesem Hörbuch sind so konzipiert, dass sie direkt von Yoga-Lehrenden eingesetzt werden können - in der Kita, der Schule oder im Yoga-Studio. Es werden zwei Themen angeboten: "Safari in Afrika" und "Bauernhof". Alle Übungen gibt es mit einer Anleitung und nur als Musik, so dass der Lehrende die Anleitung im Unterricht selbst sprechen kann. Somit sind die Übungen sehr individuell und nach Bedarf einsetzbar. Ergänzt werden die Yoga-Übungen durch Entspannungsmusik, Atemübungen und eine Meditation. Konzipiert und erprobt von dem Kinder-Yoga-Lehrer Floran Sprater. Namasté! Und viel Freude mit deiner Yoga-Stunde für Kinder!
"FamilyFlow. Die große Hörbuchbox der Entspannung" bietet eine umfassende Sammlung von Entspannungstechniken, speziell entwickelt für Kinder im Alter von 3 bis 7 Jahren. Dieses Hörbuchset umfasst eine Vielfalt an kindgerechten Aktivitäten, darunter Kinder-Yoga, Atem- und Achtsamkeitsübungen, sowie Traumreisen, die jungen Zuhörer*innen helfen, Ruhe und Gelassenheit zu finden. Die sorgfältig ausgewählten Inhalte, erzählt von erfahrenen Sprechern, sind darauf ausgerichtet, Kindern nicht nur Entspannung, sondern auch Selbstbewusstsein und neue Energie zu vermitteln. Egal ob beim Entdecken von Yoga auf einem fantasievollen Bauernhof oder beim Lauschen beruhigender Naturklänge – jede CD in dieser Box bietet eine einzigartige Gelegenheit für Kinder, spielerisch zu entspannen und gleichzeitig wichtige Lebenskompetenzen zu entwickeln. Vielseitige Entspannungsmethoden: Bietet Yoga, Traumreisen und Naturklänge in einer Box. Altersgerecht und sicher: Speziell entwickelt für Kinder von 3 bis 5 Jahren. Experten-gestützt: Inhalte zusammengestellt von erfahrenen Entspannungs- und Yogaexperten. Fördert Ruhe und Konzentration: Hervorragend geeignet zur Beruhigung und zur Förderung von Konzentration und Achtsamkeit. Interaktives Lernen: Fördert die aktive Teilnahme durch Geschichten und Übungen, die Kinder ansprechen und begeistern.
It is a coming-of-age story for Generation Z. How to grow up or even live in a world where no steady jobs are available, you can’t pay your rent and can’t afford medical or living expenses. Moreover, it touches on how to be a socially engaged artist in such a world, and more so, a woman in a post-me too world? Dijana, a daughter of working-class immigrants, tells the story of her difficult childhood and adolescence, how should became a journalist and later a writer in a society full of prejudices, glass ceilings and obstacles. How she gradually became a stereotypical ‘success story’, even though she still struggles with writing, because she can’t afford a ‘room of her own’. Dijana is a daughter of working-class immigrants, who came to Slovenia in the eighties in search of a better future. The family is building a house but is made redundant from the local factory when Yugoslavia is in the midst of an economic crisis. When her parents get divorced, Dijana, her older sister and mother struggle with basic needs. She is ashamed of their poverty, her classmates bully her because of her immigrant status, but mostly because of her being ‘white trash’. In the local school she meets teachers with prejudices against immigrants, but is helped by a librarian who spots her talent. When Dijana goes to secondary school, she moves in with her older sister who lives in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Her sister is into rave culture and Dijana starts to explore experimenting with drugs, music and dance. At the secondary school, she is again considered ‘the weird kid’, as she isn’t enough of a foreigner for other immigrant kids because she is from the country, yet she isn’t Slovenian enough for other native kids. She falls even deeper into drug addiction, fails the first year of school and has to move back to live with her mother. She takes on odd jobs to make ends meet. Whilst working as a waitress she encounters sexism and sexual violence from customers and abuse from the boss. She finishes night school and graduates. She meets many ‘lost’ people of her generation along the way, who tell her their stories about precarious, minimum wage jobs, lack of opportunities, expensive rent, etc. Dijana writes for numerous newspapers but loses or quits her job, because she isn’t allowed to write the stories she wants or because of the bad working conditions or the blatant sexual harassment. Due to the high rent in the capital, Dijana has to move to the countryside to live with her mother. She feels lonely there, struggles with anxiety and cannot write a second book, because she is constantly under pressure to make a living. She realises that she must persevere regardless of the obstacles, she must follow her inner truth and by writing about it, try to create a community of like-minded people, a community of people who support each other – all literature/art is social.
“Anyone looking for a goal will remain empty when it will be reached, but whoever finds a way, will always carry the goal inside.” Nejc Zaplotnik THE PATH is a novel by Slovenian author and climber Nejc Zaplotnik (1952-1983). It was first published in Ljubljana 1981. The book narrates, in a novelized way, Zaplotnik’s life and experiences as an alpinist in postwar Slovenia, culminating in the ascension of both Makalu and Everest. It is 41 years since Andrej Štremfelj and Nejc Zaplotnik made history as the first Slovenians who reached the summit of the highest mountain in the world. By 1979, the summit of Mount Everest had been reached by every major ridge, yet a large expedition from Yugoslavia arrived to top their last achievement of making the first ascent of Makalu South Face. The West Ridge of Everest was a long unconventional line to the top. It was first climbed by the Americans in 1963, and is still well celebrated in the United States today. Except the Americans climbed only the upper half. The Yugoslavians came to traverse it all starting at the base, low in the Lho La pass. Like many national expeditions in those days, it was huge. It included 25 Yugoslavian mountaineers, 19 Sherpas, three cooks, three kitchen boys, two mail runners, 700 porters and 18 tons of gear. The ascent had to overcome a steep and severe gap, which required a winch to overcome so it was possible to haul the gear over the broken portion of the ridge. All efforts and ingenuity combined, the Yugoslavians positioned three Slovenian climbers at Camp V who were close to each other, Nejc Zaplotnik, Andrej Stremfelj, and Andrej’s brother, Marko Stremfelj. The aim of the expedition was to climb the West Ridge, first time in history. An expedition that worked in the spirit of a time when collective consciousness ruled to achieve a goal would not work as it did if it were not logistically and organizationally well managed. From Khumbu Glacier at 5350 m, where the base camp was located, rises 700m high rock wall of the Lho La saddle, followed by a 1200-meter-high slope of the Western Shoulder, continuing into a 2500-meter long, laid but sharp and windy ridge, at the end of which is the beginning of the steep and vibrant peak of the Everest Pyramid. Because the wall of the Lho-La saddle was overhanging in the upper part, cargo could not be carried on the back, so Stefan Marenče constructed a manual ropeway at home, with the help of which more than 5 tonnes of equipment was used for the altitude supply of the camps. The goal of the expedition was reached on 13 May 1979 at 13.51, when Andrej Štremfelj and Nejc Zaplotnik stood as the first Slovenes on the roof of the world. “We sit by the Chinese pyramid and we don’t know what to do!” (Nejc Zaplotnik) On May 15, 1979 at 2.30pm, Stane Belak-Schrauf, Croat Stipe Bozic and Sherpa Ang Phu also reached the summit. Ang Phu accidentally slipped 2000 meters deep onto the Chinese side when descending. Format: 18,8 x 12,5 cm 282 pages Paperback
ANDERSEN'S GOLDEN FAIRY TALES Translated by Silvana Orel Kos directly from the Danish. Illustrated by Suzi Bricelj, Jože Ciuha, Zvonko Čoh, Bojana Dimitrovski, Kostja Gatnik, Marjanca Jemec Božič, Marjan Manček, Lidija Osterc, Jelka Reichman, Marija Lucija Stupica and Marlenka Stupica. This rich and luxurious anthology of fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen contains 37 fairy tales translated by Silvana Orel Kos directly from the Danish, with images by Slovenia’s finest illustrators: Suzi Bricelj, Jože Ciuha, Zvonko Čoh, Bojana Dimitrovski, Kostja Gatnik, Marjanca Jemec Božič, Marjan Manček, Lidija Osterc, Jelka Reichman, Marija Lucija Stupica, and Marlenka Stupica. “Hans Christian Andersen (1805–1875) is a great classical writer who addresses readers of all generations in his many stories. His view of human nature is in many ways so distinctive that it is on a level comparable to that of the world’s greatest writers and philosophers.” - Andrej Ilc"The whole world in all its diversity is to be found In Andersen's fairy tales - happy and poetic, tragic, petty, tolerant and malicious, and throughout overflowing like life itself. His tales arouse curiosity, doubt and tolerance, force us to think about how and why, and help us feel at home on this planet. It' is marvellous to have them.” - Polonca Kovač“This large, thick book is just as gorgeous as these wonderful tales deserve.” - Sonja Javornik, Vklop & Stop magazine Number of pages: 384 Format: 205 x 260 x 36 cm
LITTLE BEARWritten by Polonca KovačIllustrated by Jelka Reichman Little Bear can’t fall asleep without a pacifier. Rabbit, Deer, and Wolf all want to help him.In the end a thumb comes to his aid. But how does he fall asleep at last? Renowned children’s author Polonca Kovač and beloved illustrator Jelka Reichman have created a wonderful picture book for very young children. From the text: And so he lay on the soft moss and cried quietly. Rabbit passed by and asked: “Why are you crying, Little Bear?” “I can’t sleep without my pacifier.” replied Little Bear. “That’s just terrible!” said Rabbit. “I’ll go look for it for you.” And off he rushed like the wind. He ran through the whole forest but he couldn’t find the pacifier. Little Bear cried on... Format: 24,5 x 24,3 cm16 pages | Age: 3+
THE MITTEN Illustrated by Hana Stupica The old Ukrainian folk fairytale The Mitten is the first picture book illustrated by the young and extremely talented Hana Stupica. Hana did an excellent job at depicting the well-known Ukrainian tale about an old man who loses his little mitten in the middle of a harsh winter and then a little mouse, frog, bunny rabbit, fox, wolf, boar and bear make it their home. At the Biennial of Slovene Illustration in 2014 Hana Stupica received the Hinko Smrekar Award. Format: 24 x 24 cm24 pages | Age: 3+
Muck thinks his black-and-white fur is a bit boring. It’s time for something brighter! On a trip to the zoo, he sees animals with all sorts of colours and patterns. Just what Muck’s looking for! But will he still feel like Muck without his spots?
MITZY THE LITTLE MONSTERWritten by Majda KorenIllustrated by Jelka Godec Schmidt Mitzy is a small fluffy animal that Uncle Zlatko gave to Simon for his birthday. Of course, Mitzy only seems like a fluffy animal, in fact she is a real live monster: playful, cheeky, naughty, but also extremely sweet and cute. Of all his toys, Simon loves Mitzy the most. They spend the afternoons together when Simon is not at school. Simon rescues Mitzy from awkward situations, helps her and protects her. SELLING FEATURES• The little monster Mitzy will delight preschoolers and older children, who will love her child-like playfulness and lovability.• The works of Majda Koren depict the life of a modern child and teenager. She was given the Levstik Award in 2011 for her book Mitzy from 2A. Format: 21.5 x 25.5 cm56 pages | Age: 3+
MY NAME IS DAMIANWritten by Suzana Tratnik Damian’s world is one of family quarrels, drugs, alcohol and fights, which the nineteenyear-old uses to rebel against his family’s stereotypical expectations. Through Damian’s first-person narration, the reader gains an insight into the torn-up soul of a teenager who turns in vain to his parents, sister, girlfriend and friends for help. It reveals the loneliness of a young man who has to fight against the prejudices and prescribed gender roles that he encounters while trying to find his identity and his own path in life. Format: 14 x 20 cm174 pages | Age: 15+
THE PESKY TRIO: ROXY FINDS A HOMEWritten by Andrej E. SkubicIllustrated by Tanja Komadina Two new books from the popular Pesky Trio series A new dog named Roxy is adopted from a Bosnian animal shelter by Tomaž’s family. Dad has always said he’s more of a “cat person” and Mum resents that so much of the responsibility falls on her. Tomaž was unhappy to see the dog causing arguments between his mother and father. “A dog should bring joy, not bickering.” But this dog has so many problems. How will the Pesky Trio react to the new dog? Format: 14 x 20 cm72 pages | Age: 6+
Winner of THE KRESNIK AWARD 2020 for the best novel in Slovenia. Rights sold to Croatia, Serbia, Albania and China! IVANA IN FRONT OF THE SEA (Ivana pred morjem) The narrator returns from Paris, where she has created a home for herself, to the Primorje region in Slovenia in order to clear the apartment that belonged to her late mother for a serious buyer, and in a heap of yellowed photographs she finds a picture of her grandmother, holding her five-year old mother’s hand, whilst her other hand lies on her pregnant stomach. The year it was taken, 1943, was one of troubling events and rapid change. What happened to the unborn child? Through a number of parallel stories taking place at different times and generations of one family, Veronika Simoniti’s novel presents the reader with the collective past and individual fates. These move between Paris and Primorska, also stopping in Gorenjska, Ljubljana and many other places, even in Serbia as refugees, but all this movement cannot break the human bonds. Even the hard times after the war are written about in the author’s gentle manner, looking from ever new standpoints at what we share. A beautiful novel about unattractive times and things.
White Raven 2020. Winner of the Blue Bird Award 2020. One evening, Črt sees a mysterious shadow in the sky through the window of his room. Is what he sees really a dragon? He wants to share this unusual experience with his friend Vid, but there is no opportunity at all, since Vid wants to share the news of the exciting discovery with him as well. A mysterious map came into the hands of his two new friends, and this fires the imagination of the children. They immediately find themselves in the midst of a thrilling adventure which involves thieves, a dragon slayer, a scientist, a detective and lots of mums and dads. And a dragon... Simona Semenič, who until now was mostly known as an award-winning playwright, has created a suspenseful and multifaceted story, with extremely vivid characters, an interesting writer’s perspective, humour, and a wealth of literary references. A masterfully written story. The book is a true literary gem. Format: 14 x 20 cm, 312 pages | Age: 9+