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      • Arkan for Studies, Research and Publishing

        Arkan is an independent research center established in Egypt in February 2017, aiming to drive scientific research movement forward, promote its various tools in Social Science and Humanities, and support their active individuals and institutions.Arkan is one of the most promising emerging research centers and publishers in Egypt and the Middle East and has a staff of nearly 100 people. It cooperates with individuals, institutions and entities as a scientific, cultural, awareness-raising research center in a way that never exceeds the center's vision, mission, work fields and general objectives.Arkan entered into many interactions with eminent thinkers and academics not to mention international business partners. Further, it is a member of the Egyptian Publishers’ Association and Arab Publishers’ Association and it is to become one of the main actors in the various cultural and scientific forums and book fairs throughout the world in the years to come.To find out more, visit our website:

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      • GAPSK Language Promotion Council Limited

        GAPSK and YLPSK are the standardized test of Chinese language for children from 3 to 15. From the world- renowned Peking University, GAPSK and YLPSK are certified and approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education as language proficiency measuring tool for children . GAPSK, YLPSK could be conducted on site or completely online. Come join over 100,000 students who taken the tests, contact us at  Find out more at

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2012


        by Isabel Allende

        'Hör mir zu, Paula, ich erzähle dir eine Geschichte, damit du nicht so verloren bist, wenn du wieder aufwachst.' Das Unfaßbare geschah im Dezember 1991, als lsabel Allendes Tochter Paula plötzlich schwer erkrankte und kurz darauf ins Koma fiel. Eine heimtückische Stoffwechselkrankheit hatte die lebensfrohe junge Frau jäh niedergeworfen, im Herbst 1992 starb sie. Das Schicksal ihrer Tochter wurde für lsabel Allende zur schwersten Prüfung ihres Lebens. Um die Hoffnung nicht zu verlieren, schrieb sie, der Tochter zur Erinnerung um sich selbst zur Tröstung, 'das Buch ihres Lebens – in doppelter Hinsieht' (Bayerischer Rundfunk), ihr persönlichstes und intimstes Buch 'eine Hymne auf das Leben' (stern)

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        The Arts
        September 2009


        An autobiography

        by Ewan Maccoll, Peggy Seeger, Peggy Seeger

        This new edition of Journeyman, Ewan MacColl's vivid and entertaining autobiography, has been re-edited from the original manuscript, and includes a new introduction by Peggy Seeger, for whom he wrote the unforgettable 'The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face'. MacColl, a singer, songwriter, actor, playwright and broadcaster, begins this fascinating account with his working class Salford childhood, traces the founding and life of Theatre Workshop, one of Britain's most innovative theatre companies, then moves on to his work with folksingers, the Radio Ballads and his ascent into old age. Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger were among the main leaders of the UK folksong revival. Journeyman documents their struggle to secure the integrity of that revival as the popular media appropriated and re-created traditional music for commercial gain. An entertaining and thought-provoking slice of British history, it will appeal to those interested in the histories of folk music, theatre, radio, left-wing politics and the Manchester area. ;

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        Politics & government
        February 2017

        Sunningdale, the Ulster Workers' Council strike and the struggle for democracy in Northern Ireland

        by Edited by David McCann, Cillian McGrattan

        The 'Sunningdale experiment' of 1973-4 witnessed the first attempt to establish peace in Northern Ireland through power-sharing. However, its provisions, particularly the cross-border 'Council of Ireland', proved to be a step too far. The experiment floundered amid ongoing paramilitary-led violence, finally collapsing in May 1974 as a result of the Ulster Workers' Council strike. Drawing on new scholarship from some of the top political historians working on the period, this book presents a series of reflections on how key protagonists struggled with notions of power-sharing and the 'Irish dimension', and how those struggles inhibited a deepening of democracy and the ending of violence for so long.

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        Social issues (Children's/YA)
        June 2014

        Youth policy, civil society and the modern Irish state

        by Fred Powell, Martin Geoghegan, Margaret Scanlon, Katharina Swirak

        This book, now available in paperback, explores the development of youth policy and youth work in Ireland from the mid-nineeenth century to the present day. Based on original research, funded by the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS), it looks at the social construction of youth, the emergence of the early youth movements and the nature and scope of contemporary youth work. Key issues include: the shift from mainstream to targeted provision, the professionalisation of the sector and the increased partnership between the state and voluntary sector. A second major theme is the treatment of young people in industrial and reformatory schools, with particular reference to the findings of the Ryan Report on child abuse (2009). This is the only book which combines an exploration of the history and current scope of youth work and youth policy, and which is based on comprehensive original research. It will be essential reading for lecturers and students in youth work, social sciences, social history and related fields.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2017

        Paula Modersohn-Becker / Otto Modersohn

        Der Briefwechsel

        by Antje Modersohn, Wolfgang Werner

        Als Paula Becker 1899 den wesentlich älteren Otto Modersohn kennenlernt, ist sie eine junge, ehrgeizige Künstlerin, die um jeden Preis malen will, er dagegen ist längst anerkannt, einer der Gründer der Künstlerkolonie in Worpswede und außerdem verheiratet. Trotz dieser Widrigkeiten ist die gegenseitige Anziehung unübersehbar, und ein Jahr später werden die beiden ein Paar. Schon die ersten Briefe, die sie während Paula Beckers Reisen nach Berlin und Paris wechseln, zeugen von der großen Zuneigung der beiden, aber auch von ihrer tiefen Verbundenheit im künstlerischen Schaffen. In den späteren Jahren dient der schriftliche Austausch immer wieder dazu, sich über Malerei und das Formulieren der künstlerischen Ziele auseinanderzusetzen. Und nicht zuletzt gibt es Anekdoten aus dem Worpsweder Freundeskreis zu erzählen, und Paula Becker berichtet amüsiert vom Ehevorbereitungskurs in Berlin. Der überraschende Fund eines Großteils der Briefe Otto Modersohns an Paula Modersohn-Becker, die lange Jahre als verschollen galten, macht es hier erstmals möglich, diesen lebendigen Austausch ausführlich zu beleuchten.

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        October 2009


        An autobiography

        by Ewan Maccoll, Peggy Seeger

        This new edition of Journeyman, Ewan MacColl's vivid and entertaining autobiography, has been re-edited from the original manuscript, and includes a new introduction by Peggy Seeger, for whom he wrote the unforgettable 'The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face'. MacColl, a singer, songwriter, actor, playwright and broadcaster, begins this fascinating account with his working class Salford childhood, traces the founding and life of Theatre Workshop, one of Britain's most innovative theatre companies, then moves on to his work with folksingers, the Radio Ballads and his ascent into old age. Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger were among the main leaders of the UK folksong revival. Journeyman documents their struggle to secure the integrity of that revival as the popular media appropriated and re-created traditional music for commercial gain. An entertaining and thought-provoking slice of British history, it will appeal to those interested in the histories of folk music, theatre, radio, left-wing politics and the Manchester area. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1974

        Die Legende von Paul und Paula


        by Ulrich Plenzdorf

        In der »Filmerzählung« (Plenzdorf) von Paul und Paula spielt sich alles so und nicht anders ab: Es braucht lange bis zur großen Liebe. Paul, persönlicher Referent in einer Außenhandelsbehörde, hat ein bildhübsches, doch nicht sehr gescheites Mädchen geheiratet. Paula, mit zwei Kindern von zwei Männern, arbeitet im Supermarkt und ist entschlossen, dem Werben des älteren Herren und Reifenhändlers nachzugeben – da begegnen sich Paul und Paula wieder, da geschieht's, in der Garage, da türmen sich die Komplikationen, bis alle Komplikationen der ganz großen Liebe und schließlich einer letzten Komplikation, Paulas Tod, Platz machen.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2009

        Paula Modersohn-Becker

        Oder: Wenn die Kunst das Leben ist

        by Barbara Beuys

        Nur zwei Bilder hatte sie verkauft, als sie 1907, wenige Tage nach der Geburt ihrer Tochter, einer Embolie erlag. Paula Modersohn-Becker starb früh. Sie war gerade einunddreißig Jahre alt. Doch sie hinterließ mehr als tausend Zeichnungen und rund siebenhundert Gemälde. Zu Lebzeiten angefeindet, von der Nachwelt lange unterschätzt, wird sie jetzt neu entdeckt: als eine selbstbewußte Frau, die im Leben und in der Kunst zur Moderne gehört – nicht zuletzt dank der spannenden Bestseller-Biografie von Barbara Beuys.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        February 2020

        The Impact of Research at The International Livestock Research Institute

        by John McIntire, Delia Grace

        This book recounts the history and achievements of research at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), including work at its predecessors the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA; 1974-1994) and the International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases (ILRAD; 1974-1994). The scientific and economic impacts of tropical livestock research reveal valuable lessons, in this work charting the research of these three institutions. Describing mixed crop and livestock systems' impact on the global environment, it also covers animal genetics, production, health and disease control, land management, public policy, and economics. Providing global estimates of the impact of livestock research and with useful pointers for future research, this book provides an important reference for animal scientists and veterinarians working in the global south.

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        Animal breeding
        October 2000

        Field and Laboratory Methods for Grassland and Animal Production Research

        by Edited by L t’Mannetje, Richard M Jones

        This book discusses methods in the field and laboartory for grassland and animal production research.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2007

        »Kunst ist doch das Allerschönste«

        Briefe einer jungen Künstlerin

        by Paula Modersohn-Becker, Corona Unger

        »Eine Russin fragte mich, ob ich denn das auch wirklich so sähe, wie ich das mach, und wer mir das beigebracht hätte. Da log ich und sagte stolz: ›Mon mari‹. Darauf ging ihr ein Talglicht auf und sie sagte erleuchtet: ›Ach so, Sie malen wie Ihr Mann malt.‹ Daß man so malt wie man selber, das vermuten sie nicht.« Paula Modersohn-Becker malte wie sie selber, und als sie am 20. November 1907 mit 31 Jahren starb, hinterließ sie ein Werk, das Epoche machte. In den Briefen an ihre Eltern, später vor allem an Otto Modersohn, spricht sie von ihrer Arbeit, beschreibt mit großer Treffsicherheit die Bilder, die sie in den Museen beeindruckten. Paula Becker ist eine hinreißende Briefschreiberin, und in ihren Schilderungen zeichnet sich über die wenigen Jahre ihres Schaffens hin ihre künstlerische Reifung ab, als hätte sie gewußt, daß sie nicht viel Zeit haben würde.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        April 2017

        Research Methods for Leisure, Recreation and Tourism

        by Ercan Sirakaya-Turk, Muzaffer Uysal, William E Hammitt, Jerry J Vaske

        Praise for the previous edition: 'To write a good textbook is only possible with pedagogic sensitivity, significant educational experiences, and research practice. This book is evidence that the editors possess all three qualifications. A student-friendly publication introducing plenty of examples and case studies (and) encouraging students to acquire the skills needed... this book (is) a winner.' Annals of Tourism Research 39(3), 2012. Describing the fundamental elements of research methods for leisure, recreation and tourism, this new edition of a popular textbook is updated throughout. It covers the measurement of variables, sampling, questionnaire design and evaluation methods, and also a wider discussion of writing proposals, communicating research findings, cross-cultural research, and the use of new technologies in conducting research. This new edition includes: - new and expanded material on visual research methods, nonparametric tests and sampling to encompass growing areas of research interest; - pedagogical features and extra citations to create a cohesive learning experience for students; and - numerous examples from tourism and recreation literature in every chapter, tying theory into scenarios students could face in their careers. Written by internationally renowned researchers in an accessible style, this book introduces both undergraduate and graduate students to the vital skills they will need to succeed in the leisure, recreation, tourism and hospitality industries. ; A new edition of a proven textbook, this title covers the measurement of variables, questionnaire design, evaluation methods, writing proposals, cross-cultural research, and the use of new technologies. Featuring pedagogical features throughout, it introduces students to the vital skills they will need to succeed. ; PART I: An Overview of Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Research 1: Research Methods for Leisure, Recreation and Tourism PART II: ABCs of Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Research 2: Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Research Design 3: Finding and Summarizing Research Literature 4: Measurement of Variables 5: Proposal Writing PART III: Research Methods and Data Collection 6: Survey Research: Sampling and Questionnaire Design 7: Qualitative Research in Leisure, Recreation and Tourism 8: Grounded Theory Methodology in Research 9: Evaluation Research Methods in Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Research 10: Experimental Research 11: Cross-cultural and Visual Research: Issues and Concerns PART IV: Analysing the Data and Testing Hypotheses 12: Summarizing Data 13: Inferential Analysis of Data 14: Relationship Analysis: t-Tests, Analysis of Variance, Cross Tabulations and Non-parametric Tests 15: Describing Linear Bivariate Relationships: Correlation Analysis 16: Factor Analytical Procedure and Scale Reliability PART V: Research Write Ups: Reporting the Results 17: Communicating Research Results

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Two Centuries of the Grand Council

        by Yuan Canxing

        Centered on the Grand Council, the book deciphers the power operation of the Qing Dynasty and probes its secret history of the rise and fall. It vividly represents the honors or disgrace and ups and downs of key military figures in nearly 200 years of the Qing Dynasty, truly and comprehensively showing the important role of the Grand Council as a power center in the key moments of the Qing Empire. It is an integral history of the rise and fall of the imperial power center. The book is a masterpiece on the history of the Grand Council and the middle and late Qing Dynasty with a lively, detailed and accurate narration and humor and sprightly tone.

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