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        Children's & YA

        De los pies a la cabeza (From the head to toe)

        Juega conmigo (Play with me)

        by Pilar Posada, Juliana Salcedo

        From the head to toe. Play with me explores the games with the body draw from the verses created and recreated by Pilar Posada. These verses are inspired in the Latin American oral tradition and only an author and expert of the oral tradition such as Pilar Posada can write these verses with the tone of those that have passed by word of mouth for several generations. She manages to integrate verses from her own oral tradition (creates from what has already been created) and offer the reader something totally new. The illustrations by Juliana Salcedo, great Colombian illustrator, based in Spain, accompany the texts with delicacy and wisdom also favoring the play among and between children, and between children and adults.

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        Children's & YA

        Escondida (Hidden)

        by Adolfo Córdova, Amanda Mijango

        A poem and two lyrical voices intertwine in this book that invites the reader to get closer to the secret life of a girl who, with her voice, tells us about the complexity and richness of her inner world. A world that although it is not visible to the adult, has grown within her. On the other hand, there is the voice of the adult, who approaches and distances the girl, recognizing that inner world and its uniqueness. This poem written by Adolfo Córdova is extremely delicate and finds its counterpart in the work of Amanda Mijangos, who with pencil, oil monotype on paper, watercolour, and digital work, shows us that inner world with visual metaphors. The book contains a wonderful surprise: it is an accordion book (with a hardback spine) that allows the two voices and images of nature to be traversed. A book that talks about the intimate life of childhood and the relationship between this and adulthood.

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        Children's & YA

        La memoria del bosque (The memory of the forest)

        by Sara Bertrand, Elizabeth Builes

        The memory of the forest tells two stories. One, that of a little girl and her mother, and the other story told by the mother to her daughter: a princess who has seen her village burn, a princess who has known fire and violence up close, a princess who hides, turns into a ball; but she is discovered by another - a cat - who makes her remember, questions her. It is a story that is permeated by the dialogues between mother and daughter around the story being told. Elizabeth Builes’ illustrations, with their gestural strokes, her impeccable handling of a palette of soft tones, her skill in the handling of nature and the creation of intimate scenes, give life to a story that goes beyond what is narrated in words.

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        Children's & YA

        La sopa más rica y otros cuentos (The most delicious soup and other stories)

        by Mariana Ruiz Johnson

        The most delicious soup and other stories brings together five stories that take place in the village of Villa Verde, the place where all the characters live and interact. The stories are apparently very simple, yet they offer readers a delicate literary experience woven from references, ways of naming the world, images, and experiences typical of young children. This book, moreover, shares many elements with comics. In fact, we could see it as a comic for very young children, where the author, Mariana Ruiz Johnson, has used nib and Indian ink and digital color to provide readers with images in warm colors and a very rich illustration work with thousands of details for the delight of readers.

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        Children's & YA

        Los Chimichimitos (The Chimichimitos)

        by Mariana Massarani

        The tiny shimyshinees is a manifestation of children’s cultural heritage that fuse legend, games, and dance. Its origins are on the Island of Margarita –Venezuela– and thanks to school this piece of oral tradition spread throughout the country. According to the legend, The tiny shimyshinees is form by a group of elves that appear during full moon nights and gather on the beach to sing and play. Their song is so sweet that they can attract fish to the seashore. Over time, The tiny shimyshinees became a kind of theatrical troupe that roamed the streets of towns in popular festivals. Mariana Massarani’s illustrations capture the colors and culture of the Caribbean and give such a local piece an absolutely universal tone. With a naive style and with PVA paint, Massarani makes some colorful and very funny images and gives us perfect settings for the story that takes place: a group of children prepares their presentation on the shore of a crystalline sea and this is how image after image we see the coastal town, the costumes of the characters and part of their Caribbean culture. It is impossible to read this book without wanting to go to the beach!

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        Children's & YA

        Tengo hambre (I am hungry)

        by Menena Cottin

        I´am Hungry it is a conceptual and therefore informational book for young children. Through the use of flat colours, graphics elements and, design, Menena Cottin, author of this book, brings us a true aesthetic quality and learning experience. A book where children can visualize part of the food chain and where they will begin to understand how nature works, out there where animals are found without human intervention. We are in front of a rare and much-needed book: a book that brings together fun and information!

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        Children's & YA

        Yo no fui (It wasn't me)

        by Ana Palmero, Alejandra Acosta

        "It´s wasn´t me" is a book for little ones where humor, simplicity and everyday life remind us that there can always be a mischievous hand behind “mysterious things”. The characters in this book jauntily remind us of our own families. It is a story where Alejandra Acosta’s illustrations recreate everyday situations full of expressiveness and frankness that are also full of humor. Her casual and frank strokes accompany a text that hints at sweet mischief and that, with an unexpected twist, will show us that not only the youngest one in the house enjoys playing pranks.

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        El baile de la abuela muerta (Dead grandma's dance)

        by Elina Malamud

        A hundred years of history from two branches of a Jewish family, set against the backdrop of Tsarist Russia, from the early 19th century to their migration to Argentina in the early 20th century. It's not just the tradition of the Jews from Eastern Europe, but a vivid portrayal of the characters that inhabited this complex and diverse society of declining nobility, gypsies, and Bolsheviks. Clandestine loves, uprisings, and persecutions are described with nostalgic detail, alongside an unexpected display of Hasidic humor and magic.

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        The report of mountain patrol · gene editor baby: clown and history

        by Wang Liming

        It's a grand scientific writing plan of Professor Wang Liming. He plans to spend 30 years continuously observing and analyzing the progress and major events of life science in the world, and finishing the book year by year. Gene editor baby: clowns and history is the * edition of this series. Professor Wang Liming combed the 26 life science events that may affect the whole human beings in this year, focusing on 8 of them. He uses a professional eye to dispel the fog and restore the truth of events, so that readers can understand the scientific logic from these vivid events, and understand where human life science exploration has reached and where it will go.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Tres Horizontes (Three Horizons)

        by Lina Flórez / Pablo Pérez

        The Colombian city of Medellín thru the eyes of three women for different generations.

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        November 2022

        Las cosas que ya no están (Things that are no longer there)

        by Tatiana Torres Álvarez

        At the end of the day, a reader crosses Bogotá. The landscape, the reflections and the notes in the margins of the pages of a book shake the memories of a love.

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        February 2021

        Basuras (Rubbish)

        by Miguel Ángel Vallejo

        A hard-boiled story set in Bogota, the capital city of Colombia where a homeless man becomes a hero for his community.

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        by Amnon Ben-Tor

        VOLVER A MASADA por Amnon Ben-Tor Este libro resume los ocho volúmenes de la serie de Informes finales de Masada que se han publicado hasta la fecha. Las excavaciones en el sitio bajo la dirección de Yigael Yadin en la década de 1960 revelaron el palacio-fortaleza herodiano, que fue el último bastión de los rebeldes judíos en su revuelta contra las poderosas legiones romanas entre los años 66 a 73 de la era cristiana. Según el testimonio del historiador contemporáneo Flavio Josefo, los defensores optaron por suicidarse antes que rendirse. Cientos de voluntarios de todo el mundo participaron en dichas excavaciones. Los capítulos cubren los restos arquitectónicos y pequeños hallazgos de la época de Herodes, de los celotes y del período romano, las obras romanas durante el sitio y restos del período bizantino. En las excavaciones se encontraron miles de objetos, incluidos manuscritos. Masada no es solo un sitio arqueológico, sino también un símbolo, principalmente, pero no exclusivamente para los modernos israelíes. Esto se refleja en los cientos de miles de visitantes que acuden cada año de todos los rincones del mundo. En 2001, Masada fue declarado por la UNESCO como Patrimonio de la Humanidad. El capítulo final del libro examina el así llamado "mito de Masada" a la luz de la evidencia arqueológica y evalúa las recientes críticas de la metodología y de las conclusiones históricas de los excavadores de Masada en vista de sus resultados reales. Amnon Ben-Tor, profesor emérito de la Cátedra Yigael Yadin de Arqueología de la Tierra de Israel en el Instituto de Arqueología de la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén, fue miembro del equipo de Yadin en las excavaciones de Masada. Estudió arqueología e historia judía en la Universidad Hebrea, donde se doctoró en 1968 y enseñó hasta 2004. Paralelamente, participó en excavaciones en diversos sitios en Israel, incluido un estudio regional del área occidental del Valle de Jezreel, en los sitios de Tel Kiri, Tel Kashish y Yokneam. Desde 1990 dirige las excavaciones en Hatzor de la Fundación Selz en memoria de Yigael Yadin. 25×19 cm, 320 páginas, edición en tapas duras, muchas fotos e ilustraciones.

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