Children's & YA

De los pies a la cabeza (From the head to toe)

Juega conmigo (Play with me)

by Pilar Posada, Juliana Salcedo


From the head to toe. Play with me explores the games with the body draw from the verses created and recreated by Pilar Posada. These verses are inspired in the Latin American oral tradition and only an author and expert of the oral tradition such as Pilar Posada can write these verses with the tone of those that have passed by word of mouth for several generations. She manages to integrate verses from her own oral tradition (creates from what has already been created) and offer the reader something totally new. The illustrations by Juliana Salcedo, great Colombian illustrator, based in Spain, accompany the texts with delicacy and wisdom also favoring the play among and between children, and between children and adults.

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Author Biography

Pilar Posada was born in Medellín. She has a degree in Music and Movement and a diploma in Orff-Schulwerk from the School for Music and Art Mozarteum in Salzburg, 1981-1984. She is one of the most renowned Latin American author and specialist in early childhood education to which she has dedicated all her musical and literary work.

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Cataplum Libros

Cataplum Libros was founded in 2016 in Bogotá and focuses on children’s books - from 2 to 12 years. It seeks to investigate through collective memory recovering the oral tradition, playful language and its diverse and endless possibilities.

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Bibliographic Information

  • Publisher Cataplum Libros
  • Orginal LanguageSpanish
  • ISBN/Identifier 9789585292000
  • Publication Country or regionColombia
  • FormatHardback
  • Primary Price 13 USD
  • Pages36
  • ReadershipChildren
  • Publish StatusPublished
  • Original Language AuthorsSpanish
  • EditionFirst Edition
  • Copyright Year2020
  • Dimensions18x18 cm

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