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      • Trusted Partner
        March 1997

        Rural Employment

        An International Perspective

        by John J Bryden. Edited by Ray D Bollman.

        Development in rural areas is a key research and policy issue in many industrialised countries. Central to this is the subject of rural employment. This book presents an international perspective on rural employment and has been developed from selected papers presented at a conference held in Quebec, Canada, in October 1995 and organized by the Canadian Rural Restructuring Foundation. The book consists of 30 chapters divided into seven parts. Seven chapters are reports of international comparative analyses prepared for the OECD Rural Development Programme. Another group of chapters focuses on retaining and retraining youth to stay in rural areas. Other issues addressed include lifestyle and residential choice, rural enterprises, policies to stimulate employment, the role of agriculture, and alternative niches including tourism and using the information highway. Case study material is drawn from several countries, including the USA, Canada, UK, Sweden and Finland. The book presents a timely review of an important subject that will interest a wide range of academics and policy makers in rural studies, whether from the perspective of economics, geography, sociology or planning.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        September 1986

        Europas Entwicklung und die Dritte Welt

        Eine Bestandsaufnahme

        by Dieter Senghaas, Ulrich Menzel

        "Europas Entwicklung und die Geschichte der Dritten Welt waren seit Beginn der Neuzeit miteinander verknüpft: zuerst durch Fernhandel, dann durch Kolonialismus und Imperialismus und heute in einer komplex strukturierten Weltwirtschaft. Noch bis in dieses Jahrhundert war der entwickelte Teil Europas der dynamische Wachstumspol in der internationalen Gesellschaft; heute kommt den westlichen hochindustrialisierten OECD-Staaten eine vergleichbare Stellung zu. Auch heute ist immer noch ein großer Teil der Dritten Welt auf dieses Gravitationszentrum ausgerichtet. Das Gefalle zwischen Industriegesellschatten und Dritter Welt wurde nicht aufgehoben; es hat sich verlagert, oft vertieft und nur in wenigen Fällen von Schwellenländern deutlich verringert. Deshalb ist nachholende Entwicklung immer noch ein zentrales Problem in den Nord-Süd-Beziehungen. Wie ist eine solche Entwicklung unter den gegenwärtigen Bedingungen möglich? Wie war in den vergangenen Jahrhunderten eine nachholende Entwicklung in Europa möglich? Der neueren Entwicklungsforschung hat sich ein weites Leid für historische und aktuelle Untersuchungen eröffnet. Diese vergleichende, empirische, historische und aktuelle Analyse von Entwicklungswegen unternimmt der vorliegende Band. Er wird somit zu einem Prüfstein für jede Entwicklungstheorie und zur Inspiration für die aktuelle entwicklungspolitische Diskussion. Die Autoren ziehen in ihm ein Fazit ihrer mehrjährigen gemeinsamen Entwicklungsforschung."

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Agricultural engineering & machinery
        April 1997

        Milk Composition, Production and Biotechnology

        by Edited by Robert A S Welch, Donald J W Burns, Stephen R Davis, A I Popay, Colin G Prosser

        Major changes have recently taken place in the value attached to components of milk. Although approximately half the energy in milk is contained in fat, fat is rapidly decreasing in value relative to protein. This has come about because of the increased availability of competitively-priced, plant-derived edible oils and because of the perceived health problems associated with animal fat in the human diet. Such changes have major implications for the dairy sector, particularly in developed countries. Against this background, this book presents a timely review of developments in milk production and consumption, of changes in milk component values, and of the opportunities that biotechnology provides to alter the composition of and add value to milk on the farm. The subject coverage is very broad, ranging from nutritional aspects of pastures and forages, to rumen microbiology, genetics and reproductive technologies, milk biochemistry and environmental implications. It is based on a conference held in Wellington, New Zealand, in February 1996 and sponsored by the OECD and AgResearch. Contributors include leading research workers from North America, Europe, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. It provides an invaluable overview of the subject, suitable as a reference book for advanced students, researchers and advisers in dairy science as well as related disciplines such as grassland, nutritional and food sciences.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1982

        Von Europa lernen

        Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Betrachtungen

        by Dieter Senghaas

        Wenn der dritten Welt empfohlen wird, sich nicht wie Europa zu entwickeln, werden bestimmte Vorstellungen über den Entwicklungsweg Europas vorausgesetzt. Über eine Kritik an dem in solchem Denken implizierten Eurozentrismus hinaus stellt der Autor diese Annahmen in Frage: Haben sich die OECD-Staaten so selbstverständlich zu hochindustrialisierten Gesellschaften entwickelt, wie das heute unterstellt wird? Hätten nicht auch sie »Dritte Welt« werden könne, zumal in Europa so viel »Dritte Welt« bestand? Mit Hilfe vergleichender Analysen werden die Gründe für erfolgreiche und fehlgeschlagene Entwicklungen dargelegt und Typen von Entwicklungswegen beispielhaft nachgezeichnet. Europas Entwicklungsgeschichte ist die Geschichte einer kleinen Zahl von Gesellschaften, die allmählich die Weltwirtschaft zu beherrschen lernten. Es ist auch die Geschichte vieler Gesellschaften, die während dieses Vorgangs zu Peripherien wurden. Europas Entwicklungsgeschichte ist schließlich die Geschichte des Kapitalismus, seiner bahnbrechenden Rolle bei der Freisetzung von Produktivkräften, aber auch der von ihm mitverursachten Entwicklungsblockaden. Sie in den zu Peripherien abgesunkenen Gesellschaften zu überwinden, ist bis heute die Funktion von Sozialismus gewesen. Nicht jenseits der Fülle des Kapitalismus kam er entwicklungspolitisch zum Durchbruch, sondern dort, wo Versuche einer nachholenden Entwicklung unter marktwirtschaftlichen Spielregeln aussichtslos waren. Aufgrund dieser entwicklungsgeschichtlichen Überlegungen wird die Frage diskutiert, in welchem Sinne es vertretbar ist, in der Entwicklungsdiskussion eurozentrisch zu denken. Der Titel des Buches wurde deshalb bewußt ohne Fragezeichen gewählt. Eine Kontinuität besteht zwischen diesem Band und den in der edition suhrkamp erschienenen Studien Weltwirtschaftsordnung und Entwicklungspolitik. Plädoyer für Dissoziation. (es856)

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1977

        Der Handel der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik mit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und den übrigen OECD-Ländern.

        Eine vergleichende Betrachtung des Westhandels der DDR in den Jahren 1965 bis 1975.

        by Lambrecht, Horst

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        February 2018

        Strategic Management in Tourism

        by Luiz Moutinho, Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez, Alejandro Pérez-Ferrant, Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez, Anne-Mette Hjalager, Brent W Ritchie, Dawn Gibson, Eduardo Parra-López, Geoff Southern, James Wilson, Jithendran Kokkamikal, José Alberto Martínez-González, Kanes Rajah, Kun-Huang Huarng, Larry Dwyer, Luiz Moutinho, María Moral-Moral, Mercedes Melchior-Navarro, Noel Scott, Rafael Alberto Pérez, Ronnie Ballantyne, S.F. Witt, Scott McCabe, Shirley Rate, Tiffany Hui-Kuang Yu, Vanessa Yanes-Estévez, Yawei Jiang, Yvette Reisinger

        This comprehensive textbook has, at its core, the importance of linking strategic thinking with action in the management of tourism. It provides an analytical evaluation of the most important global trends, as well as an analysis of the impact of crucial environmental issues and their implications. Fully updated throughout, this new edition: -Covers forecasting, functional management and strategic planning; -Includes extra chapters to incorporate a wider spread of important topics such as sustainability, authenticity and crisis management; -Contains pedagogical features throughout, such as learning objectives, questions and case studies to aid understanding Now in its third edition, and reviewing the major factors affecting international tourism management, this well-established student resource provides an essential overview of strategic management for students and professionals in the tourism sector.

      • Business, Economics & Law

        OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations 2022

        by OECD

        In a global economy where multinational enterprises (MNEs) play a prominent role, governments need to ensure that the taxable profits of MNEs are not artificially shifted out of their jurisdiction and that the tax base reported by MNEs in their country reflects the economic activity undertaken therein. For taxpayers, it is essential to limit the risks of economic double taxation. The OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines provide guidance on the application of the “arm’s length principle”, which is the international consensus on the valuation of cross-border transactions between associated enterprises. This January 2022 edition includes the revised guidance on the application of the transactional profit method and the guidance for tax administrations on the application of the approach to hard-to-value intangibles agreed in 2018, as well as the new transfer pricing guidance on financial transactions approved in 2020. Finally, consistency changes have been made to the rest of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines. The OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines were approved by the OECD Council in their original version in 1995.

      • 2022

        OECD Employment Outlook 2022

        Building Back More Inclusive Labour Markets

        by OECD

        Two years into the pandemic, economic activity has recovered faster than expected. However, the labour market recovery is still uneven across sectors and is threatened by the economic fallout from Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, which has generated the fastest growing humanitarian crisis in Europe since World War II, sending shockwaves throughout the world economy. The 2022 edition of the OECD Employment Outlook reviews the key labour market and social challenges for a more inclusive post-COVID‑19 recovery. It also examines the policies to address these challenges and the outlook ahead. Particular attention is given to frontline workers and groups lagging behind in this recovery (young people, workers with less education, and racial/ethnic minorities). The Outlook also addresses a number of long-standing structural issues that have a key relevance for labour market inclusiveness, such as employer market power and its labour market consequences, the role of firms in wage inequality, and the effect of working time policies on well-being and economic outcomes.

      • 2022

        OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2022

        by OECD; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

        The OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2022-2031 provides a consensus assessment of the ten-year prospects for agricultural commodity and fish markets at national, regional, and global levels, and serves as a reference for forward-looking policy analysis and planning. Projections suggest that, following a business-as-usual path, SDG 2 on Zero Hunger would not be achieved by 2030 and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture would continue to increase. To achieve the Zero Hunger target while reducing direct GHG by 6%, overall agricultural productivity would need to increase by 28% over the next decade. Comprehensive action to boost agricultural investment and innovation, and to enable technology transfer are urgently required in order to put the agricultural sector on the necessary sustainable growth trajectory. Additional efforts to reduce food loss and waste, and to limit excess calorie and protein intakes would also be necessary. This report is a collaborative effort between the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, prepared with inputs from Member countries and international commodity organisations. It highlights fundamental economic and social trends driving the global agri-food sector, assuming no major changes to weather conditions or policies. More information can be found at

      • 2022

        Society at a Glance Asia/Pacific 2022

        by OECD

        This fifth edition of Society at a Glance: Asia/Pacific provides an overview of social indicators for the region. Quantitative evidence on social indicators such as poverty, social expenditures, and demographic trends across countries in Asia and the Pacific helps economies identify where they can learn from the experience of other countries. Chapter 1 introduces this volume and provides readers with a guide to help them interpret OECD Social Indicators. The remainder of the publication presents the indicators in a standardised format: one page of figures and accompanying text, pointing the reader to sources and potential caveats with measurement issues. The indicators are grouped into five chapters: general context, self-sufficiency, equity, health and social cohesion. Each chapter holds five indicators, but the health chapter includes an additional indicator to illustrate recent trends in cases and deaths related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

      • 2022

        Financing a Water Secure Future

        by OECD

        This report presents a summary of the key challenges and opportunities related to financing that contributes to water security and sustainable growth distilling insights from the Roundtable on Financing Water and related analyses. It covers a broad range of water-related investments, including water and sanitation services, water resources management, agricultural water and managing water-related risks (“too much”, “too little” and “too polluted”). It summarises findings from analysis of investments needs and financing capacities, trends in development finance for water and explores how water risks generate financial impacts for corporates. The report highlights options to address the financing challenge by strengthening the enabling environment for investment, making the best use of existing sources of finance, strategic investment planning and mobilising additional finance via a range of financing approaches. Finally, the report sets out a vision for future OECD work on financing water and for the Roundtable on Financing Water.

      • 2022

        Management of Pharmaceutical Household Waste

        Limiting Environmental Impacts of Unused or Expired Medicine

        by OECD

        Pharmaceutical household waste from expired or unused medicine does not only offer zero therapeutic benefit, but also contributes to environmental pollution when disposed of via improper routes. Medicines discarded in sinks and flushed down toilets enter sewage waters and, if not filtered out, leak into aquatic systems. Disposal of unused or expired medicines via solid household waste can also result in pharmaceutical residues entering the environment if this waste is illegally dumped, or destined for landfills. In addition to environmental risks, unused or expired medicine not only constitutes wasted healthcare resources, but also presents a possible public health risk of accidental or intentional misuse and poisoning if extracted from waste bins. Preventing pharmaceutical household waste and ensuring the effective collection and environmentally sound treatment of unavoidable waste is thus an important policy objective. This report provides an overview of available data on pharmaceutical consumption and disposal practices across OECD countries, reviews existing collection schemes and provides recommendations to best prevent, collect and treat unused or expired medicines in order to avoid their leakage into the environment.

      • 2022

        How Learning Continued during the COVID-19 Pandemic

        by OECD; The World Bank

        This report brings together 45 of the education continuity stories that were jointly documented by the OECD, the World Bank, Harvard’s Global Education Innovation Initiative and HundrED during the first wave of school closures related to the COVID-19 pandemic. It covers a variety of different examples on how governments and non-governmental organisations quickly responded to school closures to implement a strategy for learners around the world to continue to study. While often based on the use of digital solutions, those solutions target specific solutions aimed at academic learning, socio-emotional support, teacher professional development, etc. The book covers examples from low, middle and high income countries on all continents and draws some lessons of these fast-paced responses to reimagine a post-pandemic education across the world.

      • 2022

        Africa's Development Dynamics 2022

        Regional Value Chains for a Sustainable Recovery

        by OECD; African Union Commission

        Africa’s Development Dynamics uses lessons from Central, East, North, Southern and West Africa to develop policy recommendations and share good practices. Drawing on the most recent statistics, the analysis of development dynamics aims to assist African leaders in reaching the targets of the African Union’s Agenda 2063 at all levels: continental, regional, national and local. The 2022 edition explores how developing regional value chains can help African countries rebound from the socio-economic shocks of the COVID-19 pandemic and accelerate productive transformation. It targets policy areas where private and public actors can support regional value chains when operationalising the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). African firms can harness digital innovations to reduce production costs, and governments can design policies for skills development, public procurement and foreign investment to strengthen industrial linkages. Two continental chapters examine related African initiatives and global trends. Five chapters tailor policy recommendations to specific value chains in each region. Africa’s Development Dynamics feeds into a policy debate between governments, citizens, entrepreneurs and researchers. It proposes a new collaboration between countries and regions, focusing on mutual learning and the preservation of common goods. This report results from a partnership between the African Union Commission and the OECD Development Centre.

      • 2022

        Trends Shaping Education 2022

        by OECD

        Did you ever wonder what the impact of climate change will be on our educational institutions in the next decade? What does it mean for schools that our societies are becoming more individualistic and diverse? Trends Shaping Education is a triennial report examining major economic, political, social and technological trends affecting education. While the trends are robust, the questions raised in this book are suggestive, and aim to inform strategic thinking and stimulate reflection on the challenges facing education. This 2022 edition covers a rich array of topics related to economic growth, living and working, knowledge and power, identity and belonging and our physical world and human bodies and interactions. It includes a specific focus on the impact of COVID‑19 on global trends, and new futures thinking sections inviting readers to reflect on how the future might differ from our current expectations. This book is designed to give policy makers, researchers, educational leaders, administrators and teachers a robust, non-specialist source of international comparative trends shaping education, whether in schools, universities or in programmes for older adults. It will also be of interest to students and the wider public, including parents.

      • 2022

        Tax Policy and Gender Equality

        by OECD

        Although men and women are typically taxed under the same rules, their different social and economic characteristics (e.g. income levels or labour force participation) mean that the tax system can inadvertently contribute to gender inequalities in society. Understanding and improving the impact of taxes on gender equality is a key dimension that governments need to consider as part of tax design to support inclusive growth. This report provides the first cross-country overview of governments' approaches to tax policy and gender, including reforms undertaken to date and potential areas of explicit and implicit gender bias. Covering 43 countries, it also explores the extent to which governments take into account gender implications in policy development, gender considerations in tax administration and compliance, and the availability and use of gender-disaggregated data. Finally, it also discusses priorities for further work on tax policy and gender issues.

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