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Sarah McKenzie Literary Agency
Sarah McKenzie Literary Management provides advice, advocacy and representation to Australian authors. As well as representing best-selling authors with a proven track record, we love to identify and champion talented new and emerging writers of children's fiction, commercial fiction, literary and narrative nonfiction.
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Promoted ContentOctober 2021
Creative Tourism
Activating Cultural Resources and Engaging Creative Travellers
by Nancy Duxbury, Sara Albino, Cláudia Pato de Carvalho
This book provides a synthesis of current research and international best practice in the emerging field of creative tourism. Including knowledge, insights, and reflections from both practitioners and researchers, it covers types of creative tourist, trends, designing and implementing creative tourism products, embedding activities in a community and place, and addressing sustainability challenges. Applying lessons learned from the CREATOUR project and other initiatives, the editors present key information in an actionable manner best suited to people working on the ground. The book: - Addresses important issues such as local economic benefit, social and collaborative economy, community engagement, social inclusion, youth empowerment, cross-cultural exchange, and responsible travel. - Provides a core, introductory text plus a wide range of cases examining creative tourism development in practice in the following 15 countries: Austria, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, Kenya, Namibia, Portugal, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Slovenia, Spain, Thailand, and the USA. - Includes colour photos, diagrams, text boxes, and call-out quotations throughout to help guide and engage readers. A vital resource for tourism agencies, practitioners, planners and policymakers interested in developing creative tourism programmes and activities, this book will also be of interest to cultural and creative tourism researchers, students, and teachers of tourism and culture-based development.
Promoted ContentLiterature & Literary StudiesJune 2021
Sara Paretsky
Detective fiction as trauma literature
by Cynthia Hamilton
Sara Paretsky is known for her influential V.I. Warshawski series, which transformed the masculine hard-boiled detective formula into a vehicle for feminist values. But Paretsky does more than this. Her novels also illustrate the extent to which detective fiction acts as a literature of trauma, allowing Paretsky to address the politics of agency in ways that go beyond the personal, for trauma always has a social and a political dimension. Paretsky's work also exploits the way detective fiction mirrors the writing of history. Here, Paretsky uses the form to expose the partiality of historical accounts - whether they be personal, institutional, or national - that authorise 'forgetting' of a particularly insidious kind. Significantly, all these issues are explored within the framework of the traditional hard-boiled detective novel. As a result, Paretsky's achievement forces us to acknowledge the deeply subversive potential of detective fiction.
Trusted Partner
Trusted Partner2020
La rosa en el viento
by Sara Gallardo
"The rose that is destroyed in the wind lets its petals fly in a burned light," says this hallucinatory novel by Sara Gallardo, her latest publication, an extraordinary culmination for a dazzling, always precise, always unique, always captivating body of work. In La rosa en el viento, all the characters move, embarking on journeys that are sometimes physical and sometimes emotional, but in every case, they take them far from whom they were at the beginning. Olaf, a Swedish immigrant who has escaped a terrible episode in Italy, becomes a sheep breeder in Patagonia alongside Andrei, a Russian journalist who, in turn, seeks to win over an unconquerable woman, whose story reaches us in flashes, much like that of Oo, the Indian woman bought by Andrei, or Lina, who follows Andrei south, and Olga, who two generations earlier followed Alexis the revolutionary to an America that, for these characters, is both a land of promises and forgotten dreams that never truly materialize. Kaleidoscopic, polyphonic, synthetic, and modern, La rosa en el viento brings together all of Sara Gallardo's talent for storytelling and emotional impact, and it demands that we read it again.
Trusted PartnerBusiness, Economics & LawSeptember 2022
Diario de un defensor de pibes chorros (Journal of a juvenile delinquent's defender)
by Julian Axat
This book chronicles Julián's journey to his role as a juvenile defender in the province of Buenos Aires, from which they sought to oust him through harassment and political trials. Others would follow the path he paved: those trained by him, officials and defenders who, witnessing his work, learned to commit to the adolescents and their heart-wrenching stories that he brought to light and presents to us again in these tales.
Trusted PartnerJuly 2017
Un chemin de tables (AT)
by Maylis de Kerangal, Andrea Spingler
Maylis de Kerangal, geboren 1967, veröffentlichte im Jahre 2000 ihren ersten Roman. Ihre Romane und Erzählungen wurden vielfach ausgezeichnet. Andrea Spingler, geboren 1949 in Stuttgart, ist seit 1980 als freie Übersetzerin tätig. Sie hat unter anderem Werke von Marguerite Duras, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Patrick Modiano, Jean-Paul Sartre, André Gide ins Deutsche übertragen. 2007 wurde sie mit dem Eugen-Helmlé-Preis für herausragende deutsch-französische Übersetzungen ausgezeichnet, 2012 mit dem Prix lémanique de la traduction. Sie lebt in Oldenburg und Südfrankreich.
All That We Don´t Know
by María de Alva
Four children have to deal with the killing of their father in violent, 1970's Northern Mexico. Grief does not stop because nobody in the family wants to talk about the murder for fear of disrupting family unity. The story is written from the perspective of four narrators. The first is a woman who tries to find the truth using her own recollection, photographs and a USB. A second narrator is a police detective who was the lead investigator of the killing and keeps a detailed file and realizes something doesn´t quite add up. A third narrator is a middle-aged woman, facing a cancer diagnosis and who, in the middle of treatment, starts remembering things about her father. The novel takes us deep into the dark wolrd of the 23 September Communist guerrilla in Mexico, weaving elements of historical fact and fiction, and trying desperately to answer questions about the need to for the truth.
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A Partir de Rien
by Ron Adam
A Partir de RienUn thriller apocalyptique par Ron Adam Tout comme dans les tragédies grecques, l’Amérique va droit à la collision inévitable avec l’ultime menace : la combinaison fatale de l’Islam fanatique avec les armes nucléaires et les ressources énergétiques les plus riches du monde. Le 11 septembre 2001, Osama Bin Laden a démontré au monde comment on pouvait aisément retourner les dollars américains et la technologie des Etats-Unis et les utiliser comme un boomerang frappant droit au cœur de l’Amérique. Il est à la fois facile et terrible d’imaginer ce qui peut arriver si un tel zèle fanatique réussit à s’équiper de la puissance monstrueuse des armes nucléaires.Un coup d’œil rapide à la carte montre que les Etats-Unis ont appris la leçon et que les guerres en Afghanistan et en Iraq doivent juste refermer le cercle autour de la menace véritable – l’Iran.A Partir de Rien vous entraîne dans le tourbillon qui balaie le monde, depuis une guerre locale dans le Golfe Persique, en passant par un coup d’état militaire en Russie - la nouvelle ancienne alliée de l’Iran – jusqu’à un véritable holocauste nucléaire.L'équipe d'un sous-marin américain, constituée d'hommes uniquement, qui sans le vouloir, a joué un rôle actif dans la destruction de l’humanité, découvre au lendemain de la catastrophe que c’est sur ses épaules qu’incombe d’accomplir la tâche opposée – recréer la race humaine – A Partir de Rien. Après neuf mois passés sous l’eau, ils vont émerger vers une île lointaine du Pacifique sur laquelle les conditions peuvent de nouveau supporter la vie. Equipés des technologies les plus sophistiquées, ils emportent avec eux deux douzaines d’ovaires fertilisés congelés, qui sont chacun destinés à devenir une nouvelle Eve, et qui, ensemble, constitueront les mères d’une nouvelle humanité.Cependant les « Adams » sont malheureusement trop nombreux sur cette île ! Plus d’une centaine d’hommes attendent impatiemment que les 24 petites filles grandissent pour mûrir et devenir des femmes, et le combat pour prendre contrôle de cette précieuse « ressource » est par conséquent inévitable.Ces hommes découvrent que la nature humaine ne peut être changée. Même après la guerre ultime qui a tout détruit, l’homme continuera à se servir de la force pure pour obtenir ce qu’il veut et pour résoudre les disputes.En dépit de sa trame pessimiste, le livre est essentiellement optimiste et est guidé par la foi dans la loi de l’histoire : il se peut que les bons doivent souffrir et payer un lourd tribut mais, à la fin du compte, ils gagneront.L’auteur : un pilote de chasse, officier naval et ingénieur supérieur de Hi-Tech. Ron Adam a mené une carrière militaire impressionnante, du service dans un sous-marin et un torpilleur de la marine israélienne en passant par l’aviation israélienne comme pilote de chasse, capitaine sur un porte-avions, instructeur de vol et officier du personnel de guerre électronique. Possédant un diplôme d’ingénieur en électronique, Adam a dirigé un programme de défense de 1,2 milliards de dollars et a également fondé trois entreprises start-up dans le high-tech. Aujourd’hui, Adam est ingénieur-conseil supérieur dans les industries aéronautiques et il partage son temps entre la technique de haut niveau et l’écriture de livres et de scénarios. Il est marié et a trois enfants.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesMay 2022
The sea and International Relations
by Benjamin de Carvalho, Halvard Leira
Trusted PartnerAugust 2012
Das Collège de Sociologie
by Denis Hollier, Horst Brühmann, Irene Albers, Stephan Moebius
Kaum eine intellektuelle Gruppierung des 20. Jahrhunderts hat eine vergleichbare Wirkung und Faszinationskraft entfaltet wie das Collège de sociologie, das 1937 von Georges Bataille zusammen mit Roger Caillois und Michel Leiris gegründet wurde. Den Mitgliedern des Collège geht es im Anschluß an die Religionssoziologie von Durkheim und Mauss um die Etablierung einer Soziologie des Sakralen, das aus seinen religionswissenschaftlichen und ethnologischen Bezügen gelöst und für eine allgemeine Wissenschaft moderner Gesellschaften fruchtbar gemacht werden soll. Einer sich rapide individualisierenden Gesellschaft, deren atomistischer und anomischer Zustand sie besonders anfällig für faschistische Propaganda macht, setzen die Collègiens die Schaffung frei wählbarer Gemeinschaften entgegen, die durch Erfahrungen der kollektiven Ekstase, von Festen und Mythen zusammengehalten werden. Die reich kommentierte Edition von Denis Hollier hat den Diskussionszusammenhang des Collège de sociologie erstmals erschlossen und zeitlich nachvollziehbar gemacht. Zahlreiche Texte sind nur in dieser Ausgabe zugänglich; nun liegt sie erstmals in vollständiger deutscher Übersetzung vor. Editorisch bearbeitet und mit einem Nachwort von Irene Albers und Stephan Moebius.
Trusted PartnerBusiness, Economics & LawAugust 2020
Tourism Planning and Development in Latin America
by Carlos Monterrubio, Konstantinos Andriotis, Dimitrios Stylidis
Despite the significance of tourism to the economic, social and environmental structures of Central and South America, little has been documented in the English literature about tourism in this sub-region, which in terms of population size, ranks fourth in the world with 652 million inhabitants. The first of its kind, this book focuses exclusively on tourism development, planning and their impacts in a wide number of Central and South American countries. It covers experiences, challenges, successful and unsuccessful stories, specific cases, and other tourism related issues of twelve countries in total. Each chapter is authored by scholars who have done extensive research on tourism in the countries covered. This book:Examines the impact of tourism development and planning within Latin American countries.Takes a multidisciplinary approach including Anthropology, Development, Economics, Ecology, Policy, Sociology and Tourism Planning and Management.Is the first book in English to offer an insight into extensive research undertaken within the region.This book will provide a valuable insight for tourism researchers, practitioners and decision-makers in private and public organisations, not only from the regions of Central, South and North America, but also individuals from other parts of the world who want a more encompassing view of global tourism. Table of contents Chapter 1: Strategies for regional tourism development in Argentina. A path with new initiatives for tourism dispersal policies Chapter 2: The commitment to sustainable tourism and the development of indigenous tourism in Chile Chapter 3: Tourism development in Colombia: between conflict and peace Chapter 4: Ecotourism development in Costa Rica Chapter 5: The challenges of natural and cultural heritages of Galapagos and Quito, Ecuador Chapter 6: Tourism development in Mexico Chapter 7: Panama, the "affordable exotic destination": planned tourism success and its unplanned consequences Chapter 8: The impacts of tourism in economic growth and development in Uruguay Chapter 9: Peru and Nicaragua: tourism development in postconflict eras Chapter 10: Ecuador and Panama: Lifestyle mobilities, the golden years and the quest for paradise
Trusted Partner2024
Los galgos, los galgos
by Sara Gallardo
There are beginnings in literature that encapsulate in a few words the entire conflict and grandeur of a work. Thus begins Los galgos, los galgos: “From my father, I inherited a house, half a field, and some money. I cried a lot over his death, but I can’t say that the inheritance took me by surprise. Sitting in the morning light, toward the end of the wake, I suggested to my brother that I would exchange my house for his part of the field, and as he immediately agreed and I had to sign a lot of papers, I realized I had made a bad deal.” These are the words of Julián, the protagonist and narrator of this novel, which can certainly be read as a story of love and heartbreak, but is so much more: an essay on the erosion of our convictions by time, a subtle commentary on the customs and practices of a class, and the impact of those customs and practices on certain fantasies and dissatisfaction, as well as a representation of the countryside, animals and plants like no other in Argentine literature. First published in 1968, Los galgos, los galgos won the Municipal Literature Prize and is considered a major work within Sara Gallardo’s extraordinary oeuvre. Written in a state of grace, infused with a melancholic sense of fatality but imbued with intelligent and refined humor, this is a novel that leaves an indelible mark, profound admiration, and eternal sorrow.
Trusted PartnerBusiness, Economics & LawAugust 2017
Visitor Experience Design
by Noel Scott, Jun Gao, Jianyu Ma, Pierre J Benckendorff, Ana Claudia Campos, I-Ling Chen, Peiyi Ding, Rouven Doran, Afiya Holder, Shan Jiang, Svein Larsen, Dung Le, Kuan-Huei Lee, Shanshi Li, Xiang Li, Wei Liu, Júlio Mendes, Brent Moyle, Liubov Skavronskaya, Beverley Sparks, Patricia Valle, Gabby Walters, Ying Wang, Katharina Wolff, Laurie Wu, Lihua Gao
Most discussion of visitor experiences uses a behavioural or managerial approach where the way the visitor thinks is ignored - it's a black box. Visitor Experience Design is the first book of its kind to examine best practice in creating and delivering exciting and memorable travel and visitation experiences from a cognitive psychological perspective - it opens the black box. The chapters draw on recent findings from cognitive psychology, cognitive science and neuroscience to provide a basis for a better understanding of the antecedents of a memorable experience, including: · The psychological process of the formation or creation of a visitor's experiences · Psychological aspects of tourism experiences such as attention, emotion, memory and mindfulness · Pre-stage experience: customer inputs such as knowledge, myths, values and memories from previous travel · On-site experience: co-creation processes · Post-stage experience: immediate and long term outcomes including happiness and well-being · Experience design cases Tourism, hospitality and event managers seek to provide WOW experiences to their visitors through better design and management.This book encourages the discussion of different facets of experience design such as emotions, attentions, sensations, learning, the process of co-creation and experiential stimuli design. It will be of interest to tourism researchers and postgraduate students studying tourism management, marketing and product design.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 1995
La compétence de l'Aréopage en matière de procès publics
Des origines de la polis athénienne à la conquête romaine de la Grèce (vers 700-146 avant J.-C.)
by de Bruyn, Odile
Trusted PartnerBusiness, Economics & LawNovember 2020
Tourism in Development: Reflective Essays
by Peter U C Dieke, Brian E M King, Richard Sharpley, Ali Thompson
This book: - comprises reflective essays written by internationally-ranked scholars and tourism consultants with extensive experience, particularly in the developing world countries - considers extant themes, issues and challenges related to tourism and development - offers a critical and contemporary perspective on tourism's significance and role in development.
Trusted PartnerFiction
El baile de la abuela muerta (Dead grandma's dance)
by Elina Malamud
A hundred years of history from two branches of a Jewish family, set against the backdrop of Tsarist Russia, from the early 19th century to their migration to Argentina in the early 20th century. It's not just the tradition of the Jews from Eastern Europe, but a vivid portrayal of the characters that inhabited this complex and diverse society of declining nobility, gypsies, and Bolsheviks. Clandestine loves, uprisings, and persecutions are described with nostalgic detail, alongside an unexpected display of Hasidic humor and magic.
Trusted PartnerMay 2016
La mujer de la guarda
by Sara Bertrand, Alejandra Algorta
Jacinta wants to know how her mother is able to breathe inside the coffin, but her aunts tell her it’s better if she concentrates in taking care of her brothers. Jacinta remembers some things about her mum, like the sound of the spoon in the cup when she stirred the milk until it was smooth. When her father arrives early, Jacinta and her brothers eat together and laugh at dessert time when he draws milk toffees and chewing gum from behind their ears. Jacinta is a weirdo in a world where other children have a mother. Jacinta has no guardian angel, but a woman traveling on a blue horse watches over her.
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerFebruary 2012
Test d'aptitudes pour les études de médecine II
Adaptation francaise de la version originale II
by Herausgegeben von Centre pour le développement de tests et le diagnostic, Université de Fribourg, Suisse, en collaboration avec ITB Consulting
Trusted PartnerFiction2015
Pantalones azules
by Sara Gallardo
Pantalones azules is a novel with a deceptively simple appearance. As Leopoldo Brizuela has noted, fifty years after its first publication, it "reveals itself as the recounting of a process infinitely more subtle" than an impossible love affair, which was the key interpretation by its contemporaries. On the contrary, Pantalones azules is a story of multiple disillusionments: those of Alejandro, the young protagonist from a well-to-do family, Catholic and anti-Semitic, who encounters the limits of his convictions upon meeting Irma, an immigrant with a Jewish mother who lost her parents in the European war; those of Irma, who receives not compassion but the inhuman brutality of Alejandro’s convictions; and those of Elisa, Alejandro’s virgin fiancée, who must decide her position within the patriarchal family structure and whether to accept her role as a future wife subjected to the tacit violence of her fiancé. But more than a story of love and disillusionment, Pantalones azules is a prodigious representation, for its freshness and vitality, of the distances that separate social groups, cultures, generations, and genders within the same time and place. A prime example of Sara Gallardo’s extraordinary ability to bring her characters to life with wisdom, humor, a touch of malice, and a surprising economy of resources, this second novel by the author also broadens her perspective on the landscape: the countryside, the city, and the river are depicted here with unusual accuracy, possible only for someone who has experienced landscape and language as a unique amalgam, a defining characteristic of her works. First published in 1963, Pantalones azules has circulated only minimally since then. Fiordo is proud to bring this superb novel by one of Argentina’s greatest writers back to readers.