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Simon's Books
Simon is a little boy that enjoys reading great stories with the most beautiful illustrations.
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Estepicursor (Steppicursor)
by Marcelo Vera
After the collapse of her life as a couple and the breakdown of her expectations and projects, she desperately needs a place, something or someone to hold onto so as not to remain like a rolling plant at the mercy of the wind. With a simple, profound prose and full of references to popular culture, the Argentine author Marcelo Vera continues to deepen the narrative of the loss. After the publication of his first novel, Solo, and the poem El glitter de los solitarios, he experiments with the loneliness of a separation, the failure of motherhood and the fragility of illusion.
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August 1992Verfassung und Positivität des Rechts in der peripheren Moderne.
Eine theoretische Betrachtung und eine Interpretation des Falls Brasilien.
by Neves, Marcelo
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September 1997Die römische Außenpolitik des 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr.
Friedenssicherung oder Expansion?
by Schmitt, Marcelo Tilman
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August 2005Konstellationsforschung
by Martin Mulsow, Marcelo Stamm
»Konstellationsforschung« ist der Name einer Forschungsmethode zur Untersuchung von Theorieentwicklungen und kreativen Impulsen, die aus dem Zusammenwirken von verschiedenen Denkern in einem gemeinsamen »Denkraum« entstehen. Von Dieter Henrich im Zuge seiner Untersuchungen zum frühen Deutschen Idealismus in Jena und Tübingen entwickelt, hat dieser Forschungstyp anhand von Briefdokumenten, Rezensionen, Werkfragmenten und erschlossenen Gesprächslagen philosophische Entwicklungen in einer Detailliertheit rekonstruiert, die ihresgleichen sucht. An den Nahtstellen zwischen den großen Gestalten und Systemen sucht die Konstellationsforschung auf detektivische Weise nach »missing links« – verborgenen Weichenstellungen und wechselseitigen Einflüssen. Die Aufsätze in vorliegendem Band arbeiten das Profil dieser Methode heraus, grenzen sie gegen andere geistesgeschichtliche Methoden wie die Diskursanalyse oder die Hermeneutik ab und unterziehen die Implikationen und Perspektiven der Verfahrensweise einer kritischen Beurteilung.
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July 2009Religion and State – From separation to cooperation?
Proceedings of the Special Workshop "Legal-philosophical reflections for a de-secularized world" held at the 23th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy in Krakow 2007
by Herausgegeben von Labuschagne, Bart; Herausgegeben von Solon, Ari Marcelo
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July 2015Human Rights, Rule of Law and the Contemporary Social Challenges in Complex Societies
Proceedings of the 26th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy in Belo Horizonte, 2013
by Herausgegeben von Campos Galuppo, Marcelo; Herausgegeben von Sette Lopes, Monica; Herausgegeben von Salgado, Karine; Herausgegeben von Bustamante, Thomas; Herausgegeben von Gontijo, Lucas
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Medical microbiology & virologyAugust 2013Meningitis
Cellular and Molecular Basis
by Darryl J Hill, Roy Weller, Sarah Curtis, Xavier Nassif, Kelly Doran, Kwang Sik Kim, Marcelo Gottshalk, Guy Thwaite, Douglas Drevets, Wim Ang, Diego Cadavid, Ronny Beer, K Neilsen, David Irani, Erich Schmutzhard, Uwe Koedel, Mathieu Coureuil. Edited by Myron Christodoulides.
Examining meningitis mainly from a bacterial perspective, but also including an overview of viral, fungal and chronic meningitis, this book describes the anatomy of the meninges and clinical signs and symptoms of this disease. Individual organisms that cause meningitis worldwide are dealt with in specific chapters, describing in detail how these pathogens interact with the human host at both a molecular and cellular level. The book provides a thorough understanding of bacterial virulence factors, adhesion and invasion mechanisms, the nature of known host cell receptors and the host cell response.
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Lifestyle, Sport & LeisureOrgy for coloring in
by Bebel Abreu (editor) / Alex Vieira (author) / André Valente (author) / Feppa Rodrigues (author) / Flavio Zerloti (author) / Indio San (author) / Janara Lopes (author) / João Montanaro (author) / Kiko Dinucci (author) / Laerte (author) / Luciana Bastos (author) / Luciano Feijão (author) /Marcelo Araújo (author) / Max Kisman (author) / Oga Mendonca (author) / Orlando Pedroso (author) / Samuel Rodrigues (author) / Tiago Elcerdo (author) / Adão Iturrusgarai (author) / Ale Kalko (author) / Alejandro Magallanes (author) / Christiano Mascaro (author) / Diego Sanches (author) / Eduardo Belga (author) / Gabriel Goés (author) / Fabio Zimbres (author) / Fernanda Guedes (author) / Flávio Flock (author) / Guma (author) / Maël Boutin (author) / Renata Miwa (author) / Rogerio Nunes (author) / Santiago Mourão (author) / Sen Hesse (aka Carlo Giovani) (author) / Thais dos Anjos (author) / Zé Otavio (author)
The first coloring book for adults only! 34 drawings of orgies in fun and naughty variations: marine, idyllic, somber, poetic and much more. Drawn by 35 different artists especially for this publication. The kit contains 2 sets with 17 different orgies each + crayons + sticker of the orgy drawn by the great cartoonist Laerte, wrapped in a special (and discreet) package.
FictionJune 2020
Drawings of Hiroshima
by Marcelo Simonetti
“The sky was covered with grey clouds. The drizzle was lighter than normal, almost pious. The Japanese were advancing through the streets with short, fast steps. Satoru was ahead of them. He pedaled at a good pace. From his bicycle seat, the city revealed itself to his eyes as a sequence of frames. It was strange to be there, in his grandfather's city, and to ride through it as he had probably never done before: on two wheels. Even so, the possibility that the route he was taking would intersect with the routes that his grandfather had taken when he was a child, provoked an intimate emotion in him. Those landscapes were over eighty years old, including an atomic bomb, but it was the land where Ryu Nakata had learned to walk, to speak, to read”. The death of his grandfather, awakens in the young Yasuhiro Nakata the desire to know the family history, especially after finding a letter in which he discovers another side of the old man whose last words were: 'Hiroshima, Hiroshima', warning of the existence of a secret. As a result, Yasuhiro embarks on a journey that will take him from Valparaiso to Hiroshima, where his grandfather emigrated ten years before the atomic disaster. This is the beginning of Drawings of Hiroshima— a charming story that allows readers to follow the protagonist on a journey in which he not only reconnects with his Japanese origins, but also questions his present, his interpersonal relationships and his interest in writing, deepening the unconscious desire to understand the role that he plays in a story that is not his own but yet challenges him directly. With this new release, Marcelo Simonetti addresses issues such as migration and identity, connecting the historic Chilean port of Valparaiso with the memory of the tragedy occured in the Japanese city.
Children's & YA
The Secret of Cats
by Marcelo Simonetti
The poet was looking for a place to leave his words, A place where the wind won’t carry them away, A place where monsters won’t eat them. If the cats are lovers of the moon, the night and roofs, they would know how to appreciate a verse, the poet thought. And almost whispering he told them: “This is how happiness was like: brief as the dream of a felt acacia, or the dance of the crazy single woman in front of a broken mirror”. This book talks about the importance that poetry has in our lives and, at the same time, it is also a tribute to these small furry creatures with whiskers that love purring as if they were true poets.
Religious buildingsJuly 2019
by Marcelo Carvalho Ferraz
This collection presents six of the most remarkable architectural projects by Lina Bo Bardi: Glass House, São Paulo Art Museum (MASP), Sesc Pompeia Factory, Oficina Theater (all in São Paulo), Unhão Manor (Bahia) and Espírito Santo do Cerrado Church (Minas Gerais). Besides texts by the editor Marcelo Carvalho Ferraz, this work features contributions by researchers and professionals who worked with Lina. The six volumes also contain writings by Bardi and a rich iconographic material composed of drawings, building plans and photographs. São Paulo Art Museum | with texts by Lina Bo Bardi and Aldo van Eyck | 64 pages Sesc Pompeia Factory | with texts by Lina Bo Bardi, Marcelo Carvalho Ferraz and Cecília Rodrigues dos Santos | 64 pages Oficina Theater | with texts by Lina Bo Bardi, Edson Elito and José Celso Martinez Corrêa | 48 pages Glass House | with texts by Lina Bo Bardi and Marcelo Carvalho Ferraz | 48 pages Espírito Santo do Cerrado Church | with texts by Lina Bo Bardi and Edmar de Almeida | 48 pages Solar do Unhão | with texts by Lina Bo Bardi and André Vainer | 48 pages
Picture storybooksAugust 2018
by Marcelo Jucá
There are many friends who are cool, and it is good to appreciate what each one has best. But we must not forget that we are also cool, in our own way. In our story, Marcelo Jucá brought a very nice character who decides to imitate the behavior and tastes of his fox friend. If she does, he does too. What will happen? Will all the fox friend's actions be cool? And if not?
Literature & Literary StudiesJune 2020
by Marcelo Vera
La muerte de Clara produce un efecto devastador en su pareja, quien además de abandonar su trabajo decide encerrarse para atesorar cada recuerdo y detener así el irremediable avance del tiempo. Esta novela sobre la pérdida narra el relato íntimo de un hombre que busca sentido mientras atraviesa un duelo frenético y delirante.
The ArtsAugust 2020
2005-2020 projects
by Abilio Guerra (editor), Marcos Grinspum Ferraz (editor) & Silvana Romano Santos (editor)
With critical essays and a large number of images and technical information, this book retrieves the expressive architectural production of the Brasil Arquitetura office, which greatly contributes to the appreciation and plurality of one of the most expressive Brazilian cultural manifestations – Architecture