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Mytes et Legendes Africains (African Myths and Legends)
by Adotévi Joël, Kanad Sambiani Tani, Gilka, Assem, Anani Accoh, Adomayakpo Papi
Six stories to make young and old travel through history, the imaginations of Africa. The myth of Shango, the legend of the buffalo woman, the legend of the mother of the Tuaregs, the story of King Agokoli, then that of the Amazons of Dahomey and finally that of the Ablafo
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Trusted PartnerChildren's & YAMarch 2018
Legend of Nancun
by TANG Sulan
Legend of Nancun is the latest long fairy tale created by Tang Sulan, a famous children literature writer. Stories in the book all happen in a place called “Nancun”. (The place is similar to Never Land in Peter Pan. Different from Never Land, a place inhabited by children only, Nancun is a paradise on the Earth, where humans, animals, spirits and immortals can live together.) Some animals in forests of Nancun are very special. They like dressing themselves in the way humans do. Some of them can even cultivate their vital energy to become immortal. Stories of these animals are intertwined with those of humans in Nancun to form the Legend of Nancun. The book consists of four separate but interconnected beautiful and imaginary stories, including Sheshen Stone, Teenager and Boa, Fox Son-in-Law, and Grandma Ding.
Trusted PartnerAdventure stories (Children's/YA)October 2018
A Viking Legend
The Violaceous Amethyst
by Lennon-Ritchie, Aoife
Aoife Lennon-Ritchie, literary agent and author, brings out the first title in her humorous Viking-fantasy teen series, A Viking Legend: The Violaceous Amethyst. This winter, siblings Ruairi and Dani Miller visit their grandmother in the legendary Viking island of Yondersaay. In less than twenty-four hours of their arrival, Ruairi is mistaken for the lost Boy King of Denmark, kidnapped by Vikings, and scheduled to be sacrificed at sundown. Granny isn’t very pleased. But when they are the only ones in town who fail to go “Viking,” the three turn to Granny’s extremely epic tales of the legends of Yondersaay, The Gifts of Odin, and King Dudo the Mightily Impressive for clues. But not all stories end happily, and Ruari, Dani, and Granny will have to write their own happy ending if things are to return to normal. The Princess Bride meets Vikings in this enchanted tale of high adventure, buried treasure, villainous treachery, violent ends, and true love.
Trusted PartnerChildren's & YA2020
Kazakh fairytales
by no author
This edition includes 20 of the best works of oral folk art. For centuries, they were passed from the older generation to the younger, changed, supplemented and survived to our time. The collection consists of four parts: “Fairy Tales”, “Tales of Animals”, “Everyday Satirical Tales”, “Traditions and Legends”. Heroes of fairy tales personify wisdom and resourcefulness; they fight against evil, greed and laziness.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2023
The Legend of the Finless Porpoise
by Mu Ling
The hardworking and studious Reed is a well-known "wild child" in the fishing village. Influenced by the legend, he and his sister, He Ju, had the whimsical idea of learning the outstanding swimming skills from the porpoise, and thus became interested in the endangered species of porpoise. The porpoise, which had been repeatedly disturbed, always avoided them... By chance, the siblings, with their excellent swimming skills, rescued a baby porpoise that had been trapped by garbage. This cute porpoise has since become an exotic friend who plays the game with them ...
Trusted PartnerChildren's & YA
Believe me, I'm Not an Egret!
by Hossein Ghorbani
This story is a recreation of a fable originally written in “Kalila and Demna”, an ancient book with Indian roots. In the original story, an old egret tricks the fish into thinking that they are being taken to a safe lake, but they are in fact becoming the egret’s food. Until one day, the crab also asks the egret to take him to the lake and sees the remaining fish bones while riding on his back. He then returns and informs the others. “Believe Me, I’m not an Egret!” is a parody of the original fable, encouraging the children to think about and question what they hear.
Trusted PartnerJune 1995
Die Legende vom Künstler
Ein geschichtlicher Versuch
by Ernst Kris, Otto Kurz, Ernst H. Gombrich
"Die Fragestellung dieser Schrift betrifft die Haltung der Umwelt zum Künstler. Nicht der Lebenslauf des Künstlers, sondern das Urteil von Mit- und Nachwelt wird uns als Quelle dienen, die Künstlerbiographik im weitesten Sinn; in ihrem Mittelpunkt steht die Legende vom Künstler. Wir meinen aufzeigen zu können, daß in aller Biographik gewisse Grundvorstellungen vom bildenden Künstler nachzuweisen sind, die, ihrem Wesen nach aus einheitlicher Wurzel verständlich, sich bis in die Anfänge der Geschichtsschreibung zurückverfolgen lassen. Bei aller Abwandlung und Umgestaltung scheinen sie bis in die jüngste Vergangenheit ihre Bedeutung nie ganz eingebüßt zu haben."
Trusted PartnerJune 2007
Die Legende der Zeiten im Kunstwerk der Erinnerung
13. Publikation der Marcel Proust Gesellschaft
by Patricia Oster, Karlheinz Stierle
Prousts Werk ist nicht nur die Erweckung einer subjektiven Welt, sondern zugleich eine »Legende der Zeiten«, die wie Victor Hugos großes lyrisches Epos La légende des siècles von den kulturellen Uranfängen bis in die Moderne reicht. Die in diesem Band versammelten Aufsätze gehen den großen überpersönlichen Schichtungen in Prousts Zeitkunstwerk nach: von der alttestamentarischen und antiken Welt über Mittelalter und Renaissance, das Zeitalter der französischen Klassik bis zu der noch im Werden begriffenen Moderne mit den jüngsten Errungenschaften der Technik: Auto, Flugzeug und Telephon. Der Band enthält die Beiträge des Konstanzer Symposiums der Marcel Proust Gesellschaft vom 1. bis 4. Juli 2004.
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The Painting Series of Chinese Folk Tales: Legend of The Cowherd and the Weaving Maid
by The Editorial Board
This series contains 31 titles of picture books. It is a collection of traditional Chinese classic tales, including fables, myths, idioms and folk legends. It’s playful and readable with attractive illustrations and concise text.
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2022
Die Legende von Frostherz 3. Das Erwachen des Weltenfressers
by Jamie Littler, Jamie Littler, Nadine Mannchen
Manga-Style: Mit Ash und der Frostherz-Crew gegen Schneemonster. In einem Ozean aus Schnee erlebten Ash und die Crew der Frostherz, ein Schlitten voller tollkühner Pioniere, schon einige waghalsige Abenteuer. Doch nun, im Finale der Legende von Frostherz, müssen sie sich der größten Bedrohung ihrer bisherigen Reise stellen: Dämonenführer Shaard hat den Verschlinger befreit, den die Yetis nicht ohne Grund Weltenfresser nennen. Nur wenn die Völker des Schneemeers ihre Kräfte mit denen der Leviathane vereinen, können sie das Monster bezwingen. Doch die Stämme bleiben so gespalten wie immer und Ashs Mutter, die Kommandantin Sturmbändigerin, kann ihren Hass gegen die Leviathane nicht überwinden. In einem letzten, verzweifelten Versuch reisen Ash und die Frostherz zu den heiligen Yeti-Landen, deren Zutritt Menschen eigentlich verboten ist, um dort die Wahrheit über den Weltenfresser und seinen wunden Punkt zu entlarven. Das Finale der cool illustrierten Trilogie in den Yeti-Landen. Spannender Abenteuerroman für Comic- und Wenigleser, Fantasy- und Manga-Fans. Eine schneeweiße Wildnis voller Yetis und Monster – mega spannend und cool zugleich. Der Junge Ash ist ein sympathischer Held mit besonderen Talenten und komplizierten Familienverhältnissen. Höhepunkt der epischen Geschichte über Tapferkeit, Loyalität und Freundschaft. Mit zahlreichen Illustrationen im angesagten Manga-Stil – ein Riesen-Erfolg in Großbritannien.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2022
Die Legende von Frostherz 2. Flucht aus Aurora
by Jamie Littler, Jamie Littler, Nadine Mannchen
In "Die Legende von Frostherz 2. Flucht aus Aurora" setzt Jamie Littler Ashs und der Frostherz-Crews abenteuerliche Reise fort, während sie in der eisigen Festung Aurora nach Hinweisen suchen, die Ash zu seinen Eltern führen könnten. Die Ankunft in Aurora bringt jedoch nicht die erhoffte Sicherheit, sondern konfrontiert die Gruppe mit neuen Gefahren: Eine rücksichtslose Pionier-Kapitänin hat es auf alle Klangweber abgesehen, und Ash muss erneut fliehen. Die spannende Suche führt die Crew quer durch das gefährliche Schneemeer, wo sie sich unerwarteten Herausforderungen stellen müssen. Dieser Band vertieft die Themen Freundschaft, Mut und die Suche nach der eigenen Identität, verpackt in eine mitreißende Geschichte voller fantastischer Elemente und lebhafter Charaktere. Littlers Erzählung, angereichert mit seinen eigenen beeindruckenden Illustrationen, bietet eine fesselnde Fortsetzung der Trilogie, die Fans von Abenteuern in magischen Welten begeistern wird. Fortsetzung der Erfolgstrilogie: "Flucht aus Aurora" baut auf dem fesselnden Fundament des ersten Bandes auf und steigert die Spannung, während sie Leser tiefer in die magische Welt von Frostherz zieht. Für Fans magischer Abenteuer: Perfekt für junge Leser*innen, die Geschichten à la Harry Potter und Percy Jackson lieben, mit einer einzigartigen Mischung aus Magie, Freundschaft und Heldentum. Beeindruckende Illustrationen: Jamie Littlers eigene Kunstwerke bereichern jede Seite und vertiefen das Eintauchen in die Geschichte, indem sie Charaktere und Szenen zum Leben erwecken. Tiefe Charakterentwicklung: Neben packenden Abenteuern bietet das Buch wertvolle Einblicke in die Entwicklung junger Charaktere, die sich mit Identität, Freundschaft und dem Überwinden von Ängsten auseinandersetzen. Empfohlen für Leser*innen von 9 bis 11 Jahren: Zielgruppengerechte Sprache und Themen, die junge Leser ansprechen und zum Nachdenken anregen, während sie unterhalten. Alle Bände der Reihe: Band 1: Die Reise beginnt Band 2: Flucht aus Aurora Band 3: Das Erwachen des Weltenfressers
Trusted PartnerThe ArtsFebruary 2022
"I am Jugoslovenka!"
Feminist performance politics during and after Yugoslav Socialism
by Jasmina Tumbas, Amelia Jones, Marsha Meskimmon
"I am Jugoslovenka" argues that queer-feminist artistic and political resistance were paradoxically enabled by socialist Yugoslavia's unique history of patriarchy and women's emancipation. Spanning performance and conceptual art, video works, film and pop music, lesbian activism and press photos of female snipers in the Yugoslav wars, the book analyses feminist resistance in a range of performative actions that manifest the radical embodiment of Yugoslavia's anti-fascist, transnational and feminist legacies. It covers celebrated and lesser-known artists from the 1970s to today, including Marina Abramovic, Sanja Ivekovic, Vlasta Delimar, Tanja Ostojic, Selma Selman and Helena Janecic, along with music legends Lepa Brena and Esma Redzepova. "I am Jugoslovenka" tells a unique story of women's resistance through the intersection of feminism, socialism and nationalism in East European visual culture.
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Foxtrel Legend
by Su Jianke
This book is made for the study of vixen culture, compiling and researching dozens of classic ancient books such as "Shan Hai Jing", "Sou Shen Ji", "Liao Zhai Zhi Yi", "Zi Bu Yu", "Yue Wei Thatched Cottage Notes", "Taiping Guang Ji" and other dozens of classics The story of "The Fox" carefully and carefully explores the "professional" issues of how the Fox becomes human, how to cultivate, such as the catastrophe of the river crossing, and how to charm humans from multiple perspectives such as history, psychology and religion. The book explores many novel areas, such as how do vixen change adults? How does a vixen cultivate immortality? How does a vixen avoid lightning? How does a vixen charm people? ... Revealing the whole journey of the fox from beast to monster, from monster to fairy, telling the love and hatred of fox and human for thousands of years. I believe that readers can fully appreciate the profoundness and fantasy of Chinese monster culture after reading it. It can be called an excellent general history of monster culture!
Trusted PartnerMedicineMay 2018
Bovine Pathology
A Text and Color Atlas
by Claus D. Buergelt, Edward G. Clark, Fabio Del Piero
Illustrated with over 1000 color images of the highest quality, Bovine Pathology: A Text and Color Atlas is a comprehensive single resource to identifying diseases in dairy cattle, feedlot cattle, and their calves. With summary text describing key features, the book correlates clinical information with pathology and differential diagnoses. The text covers naked-eye macroscopic appearance, through to microscopic pathology, and the immunohistochemistry of infectious agents and tumor markers. Structured by major organ system, the disease entries follow a consistent format and clarity of display. This, combined with an integrated E-book, handy fact sheets, summary boxes and key points, helps aid understanding. Key features include: - Over 1000 superb color images to illustrate the pathologies - A thorough review of mainly western hemisphere diseases of cattle covering macroscopic appearance, microscopic appearance, and immunohistochemistry - Synoptic layout, fact sheets, summary boxes, succinct legends and key bullet points supports its use as a field guide or revision aid - Organised by major organ system which ensures that vital facts can be found quickly - A unique chapter covering calf-hood diseases Serving as an essential reference work for veterinary pathologists who perform bovine necropsies, veterinary residents and students, the book is also practical enough for bovine practitioners who need to investigate sudden death losses of cattle on the farm.
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Trusted PartnerChildren's & YAJune 2016
The Legend of Qin Hou
by Cai Gao
Ethnic Tujia, one of Chinese minorities, has a hero named Qin Hou, who was born supernaturally and gifted with amazing power. When Qin Hou grew up, he assassinated the emperor with three magic arrows in order to revenge for his parents, but failed. The angry emperor sent a troop to catch him. For protecting his fellows from being besieged, Qin Hou surrendered voluntarily. At the moment when Qin Hou was killed, three golden dragons flew out from his body, and then the heaven and earth changed their colors. The emperor was scared and covered Qin Hou’s body with his dragon robe and sent it back to Tujia. The people of Tujia kept that dragon robe all the time.
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