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      • Fiction
        April 2022 - May 2022

        Wonder World

        A Novel

        by K.R. Byggdin

        “What this town has done, it’s like pickling people. Taking us when we’re young and fresh and vulnerable, sticking us in a jar and filling us with all these rules they hope will preserve us from the rotting decay of worldliness. But you can’t brine someone in that much guilt and shame their whole lives and expect them not to change. Shrivel into mere husks of their former selves, sour as vinegar.”   Twenty-seven-year-old Isaac Funk is broke, drifting, and questioning his lonely existence on the East Coast. Having left his conservative hometown of Newfield, Manitoba full of piss and vinegar, Isaac’s dreams of studying music and embracing queer culture in Halifax have gradually fizzled out. When his grandfather dies and leaves him a substantial inheritance, Isaac is pulled back to the Prairies for the first time in ten years. Finding his father Abe just as enigmatic and unreachable as always and his extended family more fragmented than ever, Isaac begins to wonder if there will ever be a place for him in Newfield. Is the prodigal son home for good, or is it time to cut and run once more?

      • Agriculture & farming
        August 2022

        Methods in Plant Biotechnology

        by K.R. Koundal

        The book deals with some of the important techniques of recombinant DNA technology including ; isolation of plasmids and transformation of bacteria, isolation and characterization of nucleic acids, construction and screening of gene libraries, DNA sequencing, RFLP and RAPD gene mapping, genetic transformation and molecular analysis of the transgenic plants. The book includes protocols of some the important techniques currently in use in the field of plant biotechnology. The book also includes methods used in RFPL and RAPD analysis and a practical example of actual research problem in the field of plant genetic engineering. A glossary of important terms is also included which will be helpful to understand the subject matter. The preparation of common buffers and reagents used in the different protocols is included in the appendix.

      • Geographical information systems (GIS) & remote sensing
        January 2009

        Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Spectral Signature Applications

        by S. Rajendran, S.Aravindran, T.Jeyavel Rajakumar, R. Sivakumar & K.R. Murali Mohan

        Hyperspectral imaging is an emerging modern technique in modern remote sensing that expands and removes capability of multispectral image analysis. It takes advantage of hundreds of continuous spectral channels to uncover materials that usually cannot be resolved by multispectral sensoThis book is a collection of research papers of Indian scientist working in the field of hyperspectral remote sensing and spectral signature applications. This has been organized in a way that all the s are logically connected and can be referred back and the forth one another for more details. The title of hyperspectral remote sensing and spectral signature applications is use to reflect its focus on spectral techniques, i.e. non-literal techniques that are especially designed and developed for hyperspectral imagery rather than multispectral imagery.

      • December 2010

        Eternal Flakefall

        Out of Print

        by K.R. Foster

        Tired of listening to the unappreciative complaints from Earth's denizens, Talvi, the Weather God known as Winter, decides to sever all ties to the planet at the end of this season and hand it over to his three sister to rule. Let them make of the hopeless heap what they will. But when he leaves, he plans to take with him the only redeeming quality Earth possesses: Blake, the young man who loves and appreciates Winter for who he truly is. ;

      • December 2010


        Out of Print

        by K.R. Foster, Paul Richmond, Paul Richmond

        Julien Lafayette and Gregory Verne, best friends since they were children, could have been more... but Julien was too afraid of destroying their friendship to act on his feelings. By the time he built up his courage, Verne had joined the Marines. Luckily for Julien, his Nana—the witchdoctor of New Orleans—always looks out for him, and for this holiday season, she’ll give him a chance to reclaim what he so foolishly passed up the first time around. ;

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2013

        Turning Plants Into Medicines

        Novel Approaches

        by Parimelazhgan Thangaraj

        The objectives of the book is to highlight the relevance of traditional medicine and way towards ethnopharmacology, to share research achievements and innovations in herbal science, to evaluate and review opportunities for advancing herbal drug research in the region, to provide a platform to map an agenda for the development of phytomedicine, to address issues concerning conservation of medicinal plants. The book has been compiled with 30 articles based on the original research work by eminent academicians and scientists of the country on different areas of phytomedicine. Recent trends and techniques involved from the search, documentation, processing, sustainable utilization and conservation of medicinal plants are the highlights of this book. It will provide a unique opportunity to boost up the knowledge in various aspects of medicinal plant research.

      • Agriculture & farming
        October 2020

        Coastal Agriculture and Climate Change

        by M. Prakash, S. Arivudainambi, S. Rameshkumar & S. Babu

        Changing climate in micro and macro level attribute to influence and bring changes in productivity and production trend of every industry including agriculture and its ecosystem. The influence of climate change and its environmental impact on coastal ecosystem greatly influence the life and livelihood of agrarian communities and people involved in allied industries. The book has been authored with objectives of providing understanding on the environmental problems, features of coastal ecosystem, advanced strategies for environmental protection, mitigation strategies for environmental problems in coastal areas and augmenting agriculture income from coastal areas.

      • Gardening
        August 2019

        Dryland Horticulture

        by M.K. Jatav, P.L. Saroj & B.D. Sharma

        Sustainable livelihood security of resource poor farmers is the top priority for the nation today. However, there is wide gap in productivity of various horticultural commodities among different eco-regions, where horticulture can play significant role particularly in arid and semi arid regions, it is far below than the potential productivity. Hence, sustained and steady growth in rural income is critical for positive impact on living standard of various stakeholders. Therefore, an appropriate strategy needs to be devised for such climatically vulnerable regions. The net income of farmers can surely be increased by efficient management of nutrient, water and agri-input, integrated horticulture based farming system, better market price realization, post harvest management and value addition, integration of secondary enterprizes and thereby improving productivity of arid and semi-arid horticultural crops. In this book, several such interventions are given inform of various chapters which will be of immense use improving the productivity and profitability of horticultural commodities.

      • Gardening
        October 2017

        Basics of Horticulture

        3rd Revised and Enlarged Edition

        by K.V. Peter

        The present revised edition has 16 chapters including 10 appendices. 42 scientists from seven Institutes, States Agricultural Universities and 2 organizations have contributed to the 3rd revised edition. A village market has now all kinds of vegetables, fruits, tubers and ornamentals which vouch for progress in the science and art of horticulture. Many educated youth are taking up Horticulture as a profession. Basic sciences like physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology and biotechnology, bioinformatics and economics are adding to the understanding of horticultural crops. New To 3rd Edition: 1. 5 chapters of floriculture and landscaping 2. Information on newly released varieties of all horticulture crops 3. Colour photographs 4. Updated data and references

      • Beverages
        July 2021

        Advances in Fermented Foods and Beverages

        by Gopal Kumar Sharma , Anil Dutt Semwal & Janifer Raj Xavier

        The prime focus of this book is to present systematically the importance as well as critical research carried out across the globe to benefit humankind by use of fermentation technology which brought revolutionary changes in improving the health of consumer and thrown light on the changes brought down in the form of nutrition, flavor, their beneficial effect on gut micro biota and enhancement of shelf life to reasonable times. This book is unique and provides an up-to-date comprehensive reference of fermented foods and beverages. The handbook of fermented foods provides in-depth information on seven categories of fermented foods prepared using cereals, pulses, millets, fruits and vegetables, fish, meat and dairy produce. Chapters are devoted specifically for fermentation of major foods and their health benefits. Recent trends in genetic manipulation of lactic acid bacteria, safety aspects of complex microorganisms used in production of fermented foods and their impact on human micro biome has been elucidated. Effect of fermentation process on shelf stability, rheology and sensory attributes, bioactive and anti-nutritional components and flavor and aroma profile are also outlined in detail. Recent trends in fortification, interventions of nanotechnology in packaging of fermented foods and challenges faced by industry in scale up and automation of production of fermented foods has been discussed. Moreover, importance of submerged and solid state fermentation, enzyme production, wine making, role of prebiotics and probiotics in modulation of health are also outlined. The 23 chapters in this book have been authored by reputed contributors having in-depth knowledge of their specialization from government, industry and academia making this book an essential reference for researchers, academicians, students as well as functional food experts and it will certainly drive future research in unexplored areas of traditional fermented foods and reveal importance of modern technological interventions in the field of fermentation technology of foods.

      • Aquaculture & fish-farming: practice & techniques
        June 2021

        Innovations in Fishing and Fish Processing Technologies

        by Ravishankar C.N., Mohanthy, Kumar Amulya,Sajeev M.V. & Murugadas V.

        The present book Innovations in Fisheries and Fish Processing Technologies covers the entire gamut of topics in the field of fishing technology. The book starts with, history, genetic resources m information on mariculture, ornamentals fishes, sustainable fishing, designing of new fishing gears and trawlers, storage and value addition, Packaging, nutraceuticals, utilization of waste material from fishes, fish products etc.

      • Agriculture & farming
        May 2016

        Extension Management Strategies for Sustainable Agricultue

        Opportunities and Challenges

        by J. Vasantha Kumar, T.Rathakrishnan, H. Philip, P.P. Murgan & M. Jagadeesan:

        The edited book has been prepared through collection of precious research articles from eminent Extension scientists, which have contributed papers on Institutional arrangements for technology delivery, innovative Extension approaches, break through methodologies in Extension research, the reach and effectiveness of ICT tools in technology delivery, youth and gender inclusive extension strategies and Extension strategies for changing scenario of Agriculture. Papers in this book would definitely make an impact among Extension scientists and post graduate scholars of Extension in Agriculture, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences.The inputs that this book offers will be of much helpful to the researchers, administrators and policy makers. From the research findings of the selected research papers of this book, the Extension researchers can sharpen their future research strategies, the Extension administrators and policy makers in the Government can get to know about the impact and constraints of several institutional mechanisms of technology delivery which will facilitate them in evidence based policy making.

      • Agriculture & related industries
        January 2015

        Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals

        Sources and Their Developmental Techniques

        by C.S.Rair, D.C.Saxena, Sukhcharan Singh, Vikas Nada & Navdeep Jindal

        The papers included in this book have a broad coverage of the topics related to new technologies in functional foods and nutraceuticals, fruits and vegetables and their by-products as valuable ingredients for functional foods and nutraceuticals, potential bioactive components from various food sources, trends and development of nutraceuticals and functional foods as well as functional food and nutraceuticals as ingredients in the value addition for health promotion, standardization and quality control. This workhelps to overcome the problems faced in exploring the potential of nutraceuticals in naturopathy and device strategies to encounter such problems.

      • Agricultural science
        January 2014

        Bioinformatics in Agriculture

        Tools and Applications

        by M. Balakrishnan, M. & Dam Roy

        The book deals with various tools and applications of bioinformatics in the fields of: o agriculture, corals, structural bioinformatics, data-mining, text-mining; o medicinal plants, antibiotics, protein structure prediction, drug design; o gene expression, micro-arrays, proteomics, molecular phylogenic location of the Indian Liver Fluke, rough sets to predict protein structural class; o artificial neural networks for prediction of amino acids levels, plant systems biology, molecular modeling, homology modeling, bio-efficacy of indigenous bacillus through in-silico approach; o fresh aquaculture and fisheries, pesticides and insecticides, databases and tools development in the relevant area. The book would be of much use to the person working in the field of agricultural biotechnology, bioinformatics, computer science and applied statistics.

      • Horticulture
        September 2020

        Safety and Quality Assurance in Food Supply Chain

        Emerging Technologies and Challenges

        by K.P. Sudheer & Bindu Lakshmanan

        Technological advances have profoundly influenced the food industry with deep imprints on food safety and quality. Food safety and quality assurance demands a huge expertise from food technologists and an enormous commitment from food industry. An exquisite presentation of an array of novel technologies to guarantee safety and quality in food supply chain of diverse food composites is an innovative venture to inspire the students, to guide researchers and to persuade entrepreneurs. Chapters on oil and water quality, sensory analysis through fuzzy logic, hazards and its detection in milk, meat, fish and different agricultural produce accentuate the uniqueness of this book. Emerging technologies for non-destructive quality analysis, pragmatic approaches to ensure safety and quality in milling and baking industry as well as a comprehensive sketch of regulatory norms for promoting export are the notable highlights of this book. HACCP protocols pertinent to different food industries are vividly depicted. With an enriching academic background and proven experience, authors of each chapter have contributed abundantly to uphold the promise of this book to be a robust pillar to promote a healthy society.

      • Agriculture & farming
        March 2016

        Integrated Pest Management in The Tropics (Completes in 2 Parts)

        by D.P. Abrol

        The implementation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) has been a great success in temperate areas, but its role in tropical regions is less known. The tropics face specific challenges, namely weather that impacts insect life cycles and pesticide application. Beginning by reviewing the current state of pests, biological and chemical control and emerging technologies, this book then addresses specific crops, providing an up-to-date, research-oriented overview of IPM in tropical regions. This book will be a useful resource to entomologists, agronomists, horticulturists, and environmental scientists, nature conservation in tropics. The book is aimed to serve as reference book for students, teachers, researchers, extension functionaries and policy planners associated with insect pest management in tropics. This book can also be used as supplementary reading material in graduate and post graduate courses.

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2007

        Underutilized and Underexploited Horticultural Crops: Vol 01

        by K.V. Peter

        Underutilized and underexploited horticultural crops form an integral part of health food green parks, neutraceutical industry, home decorations, renewable sources of green energy and above all food reserves during calamities. Leaf vegetables like agathi, chekkurmanis, waterleaf, drumstick leaf, basella and colacasia leaf are rich in fibre, minerals and beta carotenes. Cucurbits like ash gourd, pointed gourd, ivy gourd, kekrol, snap melons and chow-chow are rich in iron and amino acids. Fruits like karonda, aonla and cherries are highly nutritious and are suited to less moisture soils. Noni is a fruit for health. Noni juice is recommended against diabetes, obesity and sleeplessness. Among spices, long pepper, mint, celery, fenugreek and garcenia possess medicinal properties. There are a large number of underexploited medicinal plants like tulsi and peppermint with considerable economic value. Underutilized crops like in Tripura, Orissa and Kerala are specially mentioned. There is need to broaden the food basket with lesser know crops. There is a shift from Health Care to Wellness Industry. Prevention is always better then cure. The present volume deals with underexploited and underutilized horticultural crops in its totality. The contributors of each are working scientists in the specific crop.

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2014

        Ancestral Knowledge in Agri-Allied Science

        by Ratan Kumar Saha

        Indigenous knowledge is the knowledge of the indigenous people inhabiting different geographical regions of the world with their own language, culture, tradition, belief, folklore, rites and rituals. Indigenous knowledge so developed is based on necessities, instinct, curiosity and observations of ethnic groups to mitigate the immediate situations. Eventually, this local knowledge in course of time gets socially accepted and validated which finally inters into the social life and subsequently become the Indigenous Traditional Knowledge (ITK) of the society as a whole. As such, scientist in this knowledge base economy who are in research of new ideas and innovations expect that indigenous knowledge may hold significant message which may be of use to remedy the deficiencies in modern agricultural and environment related issues. There is a need for studying and documenting traditional knowledge in different ecological and cultural environments. Several researchers are working on ITK in different fields of agriculture and allied sectors. There is a demand for a standard book on the overview of ITK. This book is designed in such a way that will give an overview of ITK, the differences between Science & ITK, different tools and techniques used in ITK, classification, importance & utilization of ITK, and recent ongoing researches on ITK in different parts of India. The objective of this book is to encourage the study of ethnic knowledge in different field of agriculture and allied sector. It is also an attempt to circulate amongst a larger group of readers regarding the importance of indigenous knowledge in scientific world. This book will, perhaps, be well received in all the Agricultural Universities, Animal Husbandry & Fisheries University, State Govt. Agri-allied Departments, Private and Public Sector Institutions where training, teaching, research and extension of agri-allied sector is undertaken.

      • Zoology & animal sciences
        June 2020

        Impact of Climate Change on Livestock Health and Production

        by Gangadhar Nayak, Kautuk Kumar Sardar, Bhabesh Chandra Das & Debiprasanna Das

        This volume of 30 chapters contributed by reputed authors covers: Diversification of livestock and crops. Integration of livestock systems with forestry and crop production. Drought and heat wave tolerant varieties. Strategies for reduction of Green House Gases emission from ruminants. Application of GIS and remote sensing technologies. Breeds with inherent genetic capabilities to adapt to climate change. This book also takes into account the climate change adaptation, mitigation practices, and policy frameworks for promotion of sustainable livestock and poultry production.

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2013

        Remote Sensing Applications in Dryland Natural Resource Management

        by Mahesh Kumar Gaur

        Arid and semi-arid areas are now facing a threefold holistic crisis:economic, food, and climate.What has emerged from these crises is the vital importance of inter-linkages among them on the one hand, and the missed opportunities in putting these pieces together on the other. This book has tried to explore these challenges though in-depth discussions of the individual. It is anticipated to inspire a forward looking debate that looks at the lessons from the past and points to actions for the future. Expertise views have been shared scientists and persons of eminence on the national and state level challenges with futuristic remedial approaches.

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