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      • Walker Books Ltd.

        The Walker Books Group is one of the world’s leading creatively-led, independent publishers of books and content for children. This vibrant international group includes Walker Books UK, London; Candlewick Press, Somerville, Massachusetts; and Walker Books Australia, based in Sydney and Auckland. Renowned for its truly original publishing and outstanding quality, the Walker Books Group is home to books for readers of all ages.Award-winning authors and illustrators for the group include National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature emerita, Kate DiCamillo, M. T. Anderson, Patrick Ness, and Jon Klassen, and major brands for the group are Maisy, Guess How Much I Love You, Tilly and Friends, the widely acclaimed Judy Moody and the bestselling Where’s Wally/Waldo?

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      • University of Wales Press

        University of Wales Pressbelieves in supporting and disseminating scholarship from and about Wales to a worldwide audience. They mainly publish books in the humanities, arts and sciences.

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        The environment
        March 2002


        Biology, Production and Utilization

        by Edited by Rory J Hillocks, J M Thresh, Anthony Bellotti

        Cassava is a major tropical tuber crop found throughout the tropics (India, Oceania, Africa and Latin America). Hitherto, there has been no single text covering all aspects of cassava biology, production and utilization. This book fills that gap, representing the first comprehensive research level overview of this main staple crop. Chapters are written by leading experts in this field from all continents. The book is suitable for those working and researching in cassava, in both developed and developing countries, as well as advanced students.

      • Trusted Partner
        Botany & plant sciences
        January 1992

        Cotton Diseases

        by Edited by Rory J Hillocks

      • Trusted Partner
        Botany & plant sciences
        December 1997

        Plant Clinic Handbook

        by Jim M Waller, B J Ritchie, Mark Holderness

        Since its creation in 1920, The International Mycological Institute has been concerned with the identification of plant-pathogenic fungi and bacteria. Part of its role has been the development of plant clinics, which have an important role in providing access for farmers and extension workers to specialist scientific services for the diagnosis of plant disease problems and advice on control measures. Clinics can also be bases from which surveys of crop problems are made and data on the needs of farmers are assimilated, in order to identify research priorities. This practical handbook provides information on all aspects of the technical procedures, material requirements and organisation for the effective operation of a plant clinic. It describes the diagnostic process, from field observation and collection through to methods of culture, microscopy, keeping records and reference material, general laboratory practice and equipment maintainance. The procedures described have been used successfully at IMI for many years, and through a series of training programmes, have been transferred to laboratories in many other countries. Essential reading for those involved in setting up and running plant clinics and plant quarantine facilities, this handbook will also be of interest to all practitioners and advanced students of plant pathology, particularly those concerned with diagnostics, and to crop protection specialists working in an advisory capacity.

      • Trusted Partner
        Microbiology (non-medical)
        January 1986

        Sugarcane Diseases

        by A Sivanesan, Jim M Waller

        paper on sugarcane diseases

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        December 2007

        J. M. W. Turner

        The making of a modern artist

        by Sam Smiles, Alan Rutter

        Alone of his contemporaries, J.M.W. Turner is commonly held to have prefigured modern painting, as signalled in the existence of The Turner Prize for contemporary art. Our celebration of his achievement is very different to what Victorian critics made of his art. This book shows how Turner was reinvented to become the artist we recognise today. On Turner's death in 1851 he was already known as an adventurous, even baffling, painter. But when the Court of Chancery decreed that the contents of his studio should be given to the nation, another side of his art was revealed that effected a wholescale change in his reputation. This book acts as a guide to the reactions of art writers and curators from the 1850s to the 1960s as they attempted to come to terms with his work. It documents how Turner was interpreted and how his work was displayed in Britain, in Europe and in North America, concentrating on the ways in which his artistic identity was manipulated by art writers, by curators at the Tate and by designers of exhibitions for the British Council and other bodies. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2021

        Poster Clemens J. Setz (A1)

        plano, nicht gefaltet | Für Fans der Setz’schen Werke und seiner Person

        by Clemens J. Setz

        »Wer den Chor der Mäuse nicht hört, braucht nicht mit mir befreundet zu sein.« Clemens J. Setz ist der Autor bahnbrechender Romane wie Die Stunde zwischen Frau und Gitarre, aufregender Erzählungsbände wie Der Trost runder Dinge, von Gedichten, Theaterstücken, Drehbüchern, Nacherzählungen und Essays. Er ist Übersetzer, ein Freund der Plansprachen, des Obertongesanges, der Ziegen und der Hasen. Er ist Träger des Georg-Büchner-Preises, des Kleist-Preises, des Berliner Literaturpreises. Außerdem ist er ein Poet der Kurznachrichtendienste und noch einiges mehr. In seiner radikalen Vielfältigkeit und vielfältigen Radikalität ist er eine herausragende Figur der Gegenwartsliteratur. Für Fans der Setz’schen Werke und seiner Person ist dieses hochwertige Plakat mit einem Porträt des Dichters gedacht, aufgenommen vom Berliner Fotografen Max Zerrahn. Poster auf stabilem GalaxyArt-Papier im DIN-A1-Format

      • Trusted Partner


        by Prof. J. Golan and Dr. M. Bensoussan

        ENGLISH FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS OF MATHEMATICS Prof. J. Golan and Dr. M. Bensoussan The purpose of this concise 64-page workbook, designed especially for foreign-language students who plan to pursue advanced studies in mathematics at English-speaking universities, is to teach them how to comprehend technical writing in mathematics. The book is composed of twelve texts in university-level mathematics, especially written to highlight different aspects of technical mathematical style. Each text is followed by exercises intended to check the students’ comprehension of the text, acquisition of vocabulary, and awareness of some of the fine points of mathematical writing.  A bilingual Japanese-language edition of this title was published  and reprinted in Tokyo by Maruzen Co., Ltd. 160 pages, 15X23 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        Tourism industry
        September 1997

        Tourism and Sustainability

        Principles to Practice

        by Edited by M J Stabler

        Tourism is at the forefront of the debate on development versus sustainability. The challenge facing the industry is how to translate principles into practice and to attain a balance between the objectives of tourism development and the long-term conservation of physical, ecological and sociocultural environments. This book addresses these issues, particularly from economic, ethical and environmental perspectives. It has been developed from selected papers presented at a conference held at Newton Rigg College, Cumbria, UK, in April 1996. It is divided into four parts, addressing: concepts, theories and methodological issues; the tourism industry’s promotion of sustainable tourism; minimising environmental impact by means of alternative forms of tourism; and policy implications. The book includes a wide range of case studies and destinations where tourism is rapidly developing in fragile environments, including Belize, Crete, Goa, the English Lake District, Madagascar, Malaysia, the Seychelles and Spain. It represents important reading for both undergraduate and postgraduate students, research workers and tourism industry practitioners, whether from the standpoint of geography, sociology, economics, management and marketing or planning.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2010

        Onkel J.


        by Andreas Maier

        Seit seinem Debüterfolg mit dem Roman Wäldchestag im Jahr 2000 ist Andreas Maier häufig unterwegs, um aus seinen Romanen zu lesen. Nur daß er in den letzten ein, zwei Jahren meist, wenn er eingeladen war, auch immer wieder schon aus dem kommenden Onkel J. las. Jedesmal hatte er damit das Publikum im Handumdrehen auf seiner Seite. Umstandslos fand man sich angeschlossen an Maiers Welt aus Wetterau, Familie, Fußball, Apfelwein, aus Thomas Bernhard und dem Evangelium nach Matthäus, aus Ängsten, Kneipenfreuden und -nöten, eingepackt in absurde Vorkommnisse und komische Erlebnisse. Jede Kolumne beginnt mit einem »Neulich«-Satz, die erste so: »Neulich war ich in Berlin. Das wird jetzt niemand weiter ungewöhnlich finden, aber ich bin Hesse, und mir ging in Berlin ein Wunsch in Erfüllung.« Dennoch handelt es sich um alles andere als ein Kolumnenbuch. Vielmehr nimmt Onkel J. – im Übergang von den ersten vier Romanen zu Maiers Projekt »Ortsumgehung« – eine zentrale Stelle ein. »Alles gehört zusammen, und für alles ist das Kolumnenbuch der Kern.«

      • Trusted Partner
        Mycology, fungi (non-medical)
        January 1996

        Contribution to the Systematics of Cladosporium. c

        by Edited by J C David

        Mycological paper discussing a contribution to the systematics of Cladosporium.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2003

        Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology, 2nd Edition

        by Edited by Frederic H Erbisch, Karim M Maredia

        During the past twenty-five years, biotechnology has revolutionized agricultural research. The enormous potential, together with a landmark decision by the US Supreme Court to allow the patenting of genetically-engineered organisms has encouraged private sector companies to invest in agricultural biotechnology research programmes. This has contributed to a rapid growth in interest in intellectual property rights as applied to this subject.The first edition of this book was published in 1998. Now fully revised and updated it presents definitive information on intellectual property law in a simplified form (with a minimum of legal jargon). New chapters have been added which cover plant variety protection and farmers rights, and additional case studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Botany & plant sciences
        December 1997

        Pathology of Food and Pasture Legumes

        by Edited by David J Allen, Jillian M Lenné

        The plant family Leguminosae is second in economic importance only to Gramineae, which includes the world's cereals and pasture grasses. Indeed, about one quarter of the total output of crop protein in the world as a whole is derived from legumes, which are of great importance both in human diets and in the feeding of livestock. Production is nevertheless limited by major diseases, and therefore there is a great need for a reference book on the pathology of food and pasture legumes. This book fills that need and provides substantial critical reviews of each crop type. It is written by leading research workers from the USA, UK, India, Nigeria, Malawi, New Zealand, Syria and Uganda. The content is thus applicable to both the developed and the developing world, and to temperate and tropical zones. Well illustrated with both monochrome and colour plates, and thoroughly referenced to the research literature, it represents an indispensable volume for plant pathologists and legume agronomists.

      • Trusted Partner
        Forestry & silviculture: practice & techniques
        October 2007

        Forestry and Climate Change

        by Edited by Peter H Freer-Smith, Mark S J Broadmeadow, Jim M Lynch

      • Trusted Partner
        Aquaculture & fish-farming: practice & techniques
        June 2006

        Fish Diseases and Disorders, Volume 1: Protozoan and Metazoan Infections

        by Edited by Patrick T K Woo

        Fish is the principal source of protein for people in many parts of the world, particularly in developing countries. While most fish are caught from nature, aquaculture or fish farming is now making a significant contribution to total fish production. More intensive conditions of aquaculture often result in a higher incidence of fish diseases and disorders. As in the first edition, the focus of this second edition is on protozoan and metazoan parasites that cause disease in fish. Significant changes to this second edition include the addition of 3 new chapters and 4 of the original chapters have new authors.

      • Trusted Partner
        Insecticide & herbicide technology
        July 2004

        Natural Enemies of Terrestrial Molluscs

        by Michael J. Wilson. Edited by Gary M Barker

        This book provides the first coherent examination of the vast literature on the diversity of organisms that constitute the natural enemies of terrestrial molluscs. In a series of review chapters, it provides an authoritative synthesis of current research on predators, parasites and pathogens and how they might be used to control mollusc pests.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        April 2017

        Fish Viruses and Bacteria

        Pathobiology and Protection

        by Patrick T K Woo, Rocco C Cipriano

        Taking a disease-based approach, Fish Viruses and Bacteria: Pathobiology and Protection focuses on the pathobiology of and protective strategies against the most common, major microbial pathogens of economically important marine and freshwater fish. The book covers well-studied, notifiable piscine viruses and bacteria, including new and emerging diseases which can become huge threats to local fish populations in new geographical regions if transported there via infected fish or eggs. A concise but thorough reference work, this book: - Covers key viral and bacterial diseases of notable fish species; - Reviews major well-established piscine pathogens as well as new, emerging and notifiable diseases; and - Contains the most up-to-date research contributed by a team of over fifty world experts. An invaluable bench book for fish health consultants, veterinarians and all those wanting instant access to information, this book is also a useful textbook for students specializing in fish health and research scientists initiating fish disease research programmes. ; Taking a disease-based approach, this book focuses on the pathobiology of and protective strategies against the most common, major microbial pathogens of economically important marine and freshwater fish. It covers well-studied, notifiable piscine viruses and bacteria, including new and emerging diseases. ; 1: Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus, Arun K. Dhar, Scott LaPatra, Andrew Orry and F.C. Thomas Allnutt 2: Infectious Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus, Jo-Ann C. Leong and Gael Kurath 3: Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Virus, John S. Lumsden 4: Epizootic Haematopoietic Necrosis and European Catfish Virus, Paul Hick, Ellen Ariel and Richard Whittington 5: Oncogenic Viruses: Oncorhynchus masou Virus and Cyprinid Herpesvirus, Mamoru Yoshimizu, Hisae Kasai, Yoshihiro Sakoda, Nanako Sano and Motohiko Sano 6: Infectious Salmon Anaemia, Knut Falk and Maria Aamelfot 7: Spring Viraemia of Carp, Peter Dixon and David Stone 8: Channel Catfish Viral Disease, Larry A. Hanson and Lester H. Khoo 9: Largemouth Bass Viral Disease, Rodman G. Getchell and Geoffrey H. Groocock 10: Koi Herpesvirus Disease, Keith Way and Peter Dixon 11: Viral Encephalopathy and Retinopathy, Anna Toffan 12: Iridoviral Diseases: Red Sea Bream Iridovirus and White Sturgeon Iridovirus, Yasuhiko Kawato, Kuttichantran Subramaniam, Kazuhiro Nakajima,Thomas Waltzek and Richard Whittington 13: Alphaviruses in Salmonids, Marius Karlsen and Renate Johansen 14: Aeromonas salmonicida and A. hydrophila, Bjarnheidur K. Gudmundsdottir and Bryndis Bjornsdottir 15: Edwardsiella spp., Matt J. Griffin, Terrence E. Greenway and David J. Wise 16: Flavobacterium spp.: F. psychrophilum, F. columnare and F. branchiophilum, Thomas P. Loch and Mohamed Faisal 17: Francisella noatunensis, Esteban M. Soto and John P. Hawke 18: Mycobacterium spp., David T. Gauthier and Martha W. Rhodes 19: Photobacterium damselae, John P. Hawke 20: Piscirickettsia salmonis, Jerri Bartholomew, Kristen D. Arkush and Esteban M. Soto 21: Renibacterium salmoninarum, Diane G. Elliott 22: Streptococcus iniae and S. agalactiae, Craig A. Shoemaker, De-Hai Xu and Esteban M. Soto 23: Vibriosis: Vibrio anguillarum, V. ordalii and Aliivibrio salmonicida, Alicia E. Toranzo, Beatriz Magariños and Ruben Avendaño-Herrera 24: Weissella ceti, Timothy J. Welch, David P. Marancik and Christopher M. Good 25: Yersinia ruckeri, Michael Ormsby and Robert Davies

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