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      • Barbara E. Euler

        Hello, I am the author and publisher of a German police story situated in Bruges. Available in print and as e-book.   Look at the e-book here:   Look at the print and e-book here:

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      • Trusted Partner

        Jerusalem review (Jerusalem review, issue no 7)

        by Herausgeber: Gabriel Moked

        Jerusalem review (Jerusalem review, issue no 7) Herausgeber:Gabriel Moked „Gedichte von Yehuda Amichai, Rachel, Maya Bejerano und Moshe Dor; Geschichte von Yoram Kaniuk und Arye Stav; Essays von A.B.Yehoshua und Gabriel Moked, sowie ein Interview mit Naguib Mahfouz, sämtlich übersetzt ins Englische, stehen im Mittelpunkt dieser neuen Ausgabe des wichtigsten Journals jüdischer und hebräischer Literatur und Kultur, der soeben erschienenen „Jerusalem Review“. Die aktuelle Ausgabe umfasst 240 Seiten, durchgehend in englischer Sprache, einige davon als Übersetzung aus dem Hebräischen.Das Journal hat Leser in Israel und in zahlreichen anderen Ländern, ist in Judaica-Bibliotheken weltweit zu finden und wird von jüdischen sowie nichtjüdischen Autoren und literarischen Magazinen abonniert. Zur Redaktion der 7. Ausgabe der Jerusalem Review zählen einige der bekanntesten Schriftsteller und Akademiemitglieder Israels und anderer Länder. Die Jerusalem Review hat sich zur Aufgabe gestellt, post-biblische Texte aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart in englischer Sprache zu veröffentlichen.Das Journal enthält daher auch Werke moderner israelischer Dichter wie Abraham Ibn Ezra und Berl Pomerantz (jüdischer Dichter aus der Vor-Holocaust-Ära). In der Abteilung Prosa sind eine lange Novelle von Yoram Kaniuk sowie Holocaust-Memoiren von Arye Stav zu finden.Des weiteren enthält das Journal Arbeiten jüdischer Autoren aus den USA und Großbritannien, darunter Paul Oppenheimer, Alicia Ostriker, Mark Strand, Elaine Feinstein und Charles Bernstein. In jeder Ausgabe der Jerusalem Review wird außerdem ein nichtjüdischer Dichter oder Autor vorgestellt, der sich in einem besonderen Dialog mit der jüdisch-israelischen Geschichte und Kultur sowie der hebräischen Literatur befindet. In dieser Ausgabe wurden die Gedichte des polnischen Autors Krzysztof Karasek ausgewählt und ins Englische übersetzt. In der Abteilung Essays finden Sie ein längeres Essay von Amos Funkenstein über theologische Tendenzen im Widerstand gegen den Holocaust und Essays von Yehoshua und Gabriel Moked über jüdische und israelische Identität.Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist die kulturelle Lage des mittleren Ostens, die in einem Interview mit dem ägyptischen Nobelpreisträger Naguib Mahfouz vor einigen Jahren geführt wurde, doch angesichts der aktuellen Beziehung zwischen Israel und Ägypten sowie den anderen arabischen Nationen von aktueller Bedeutung ist.In diesem Abschnitt befinden sich auch Gedichte von zwei israelisch-drusischen Dichtern, Naim Araidi und Nazi H'ir, sowie eine Übersetzung des großen persischen Sufi-Dichters und -Mystikers Jalal el-Din Rumi. Die Bedeutung der Jerusalem Review besteht unter anderem darin, dass das Journal als Forum prominenter Vertreter der jüdischen Kultur im Allgemeinen und der israelischen Kultur im Besonderen den Vorurteilen entgegenwirkt, denen die jüdische Weltkultur noch immer ausgesetzt ist.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2024

        Sustainable Ecological Restoration and Conservation in the Hindu-Kush Himalayan Region

        A Comprehensive Review

        by Zhanhuan Shang, Allan Degen, Devendra Gauchan, Madan Koirala, Muhammad Khalid Rafiq, Awais Iqbal, Binyu Luo, Dawei Zhang, Diwakar Adhikari, Dongmei Li, Furbe Lama, Haonan Guo, Hui Xu, Huma Ali, Jalal Hayat Khan, Jiayi He, Jie Lian, Mei Huang, Monika Ghimire, Narayan Prasad Gaire, Peipei Liu, Qinghui Fang, Ramesh Prasad Sapkota, Ramesh Raj Pant, Rashila Deshar, Ritika K.C, Rui Zhang, Rukhsanda Aziz, Srijana Khanal, Tianyun Qi, Udhab Raj Khadka, Usha Rai, Usman Ali, Wenyin Wang, Xiaoping Jing, Yamuna Ghale, Youyan Liu, Zhen Peng, Zhiqiang Dang

        The years 2021 to 2030 have been designated as "The United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration". Ecological restoration and biodiversity conservation efforts face unprecedented challenges, especially in developing countries and areas, such as the Hindu Kush-Himalayan (HKH) region. This huge HKH region, which includes areas in eight separate countries (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, India, China, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Bhutan), is a biodiversity hotspot with a vast array of ecosystems, landscapes, peoples and cultures. It is known as one of 'the pulses of the world'. However, the HKH is also the world's largest and poorest mountain region, where landscapes and environments have been severely damaged as a result of climate change and human activities. Coordinating conservation and restoration policies, sharing knowledge and funds, and maintaining livelihoods are major challenges and are in urgent need of improvement. This book details the past and current ecological problems in the HKH region, and the threats and challenges that ecosystems and local people face. It pays special attention to developments of transformative adaptations and presents examples of sustainable conservation and ecological restoration management practices. Three primary questions are addressed: (1) Do the existing conservation strategies of international organizations and government policies really protect ecosystems and solve biodiversity problems? (2) Can these management measures be one-time solutions? and (3) What is the strategic framework and scenario prognosis for the future based on the historical trajectory of ecological conservation and restoration in the region? This book is essential reading for ecologists and conservation biologists involved in large-scale ecological restoration projects, along with practitioners, graduate students, policy makers and international development workers.

      • Biography & True Stories


        Friends and Enemies on the Great Maverick

        by Translated by Vibha Chauhan and Khalid Alvi

        ‘Saadat Hasan Manto has a good claim to be considered the greatest South Asian writer of the 20th century… [He] incarnated the exuberance, the madness, the alcoholic delirium of his time…’—Suketu Mehta, The New York Times This remarkable anthology brings together stories about Saadat Hasan Manto, essayist, scriptwriter, and a master of the short story, by his friends, family and rivals—among others, Ismat Chughtai, Upendranath Ashk, Balwant Gargi, Krishan Chander, his daughter Nuzhat and nephew Hamid Jalal. These are accounts of grand friendships and quarrels, protracted drinking bouts, cutthroat rivalries in the world of Urdu letters, and intense engagement with issues of that turbulent age. Together, they form an unprecedented portrait of the literary and film worlds of the time, and of the great cities of Bombay, Delhi and Lahore. They also offer a glimpse of the making of a legend even as they reveal Manto as a complex man of many contradictions. A devoted husband and father, he was as comfortable at home as he was at prostitutes’ quarters, seeking new material. Generous to a fault, he freely gave away his earnings and often put his family in financial jeopardy. Fiercely competitive and an outspoken critic of others’ writing, he brooked no criticism of his own, at times choosing to sever ties rather than have his words tampered with. And, for much of his adult life, right until the end, Manto was an alcoholic who fiercely defended his choice to remain one. Honest, frank and personal, at times sentimental, and critical—even gossipy—at others, the pieces in Manto-Saheb constitute an unparalleled, multi-faceted biography of a genius

      • Fall Is the Last Season of the Year

        by Nasim Maraashi

        Fall is the last season of the year is the story of a modern Iranian woman with all the problems, doubts, fears, and confusion that she has. The story is very fluent and the author's language is very simple and sweet. Having three main characters in the context of the story with a wide range of issues makes it easy for the audience to identify with them. Although it was the author's first attempt in writing a novel, it soon attracted the attention of Iranian critics and readers. In 2016, it won the Jalal Al-Ahmad Prize, one of the most prestigious Iranian literary awards, and was reprinted many times. Fall is the last season of the year is popular with both professional and amateur readers. Leila, Shabaneh, and Roja are three women in their thirties who have been friends since they were university students, and their close friendship is still ongoing. Each one of them is in a situation that is not satisfied with which their heart wants to change. Leila, who has recently separated from her husband, tries to redefine her identity through her new job and save herself from depression. Shabaneh who is in constant fear enters into a relationship with a man who she is not sure that can make her happy or not, but she is going to marry him. Independent and hard-working Roja is also trying to leave Iran to continue her education abroad. The novel does not have one hero. All three women tell their stories equally and have an equal part in advancing the story; A story that combines their present and their past. Together, the characters represent modern Iranian women, their situation, issues, and efforts; efforts that do not yield clear results at the end of the novel, however, does not call women to take a step back and stop trying.

      • Historical fiction

        You'll Die in Cairo

        by Hamidreza Sadr

        You'll Die in Cairo is the tragedy of the rise and fall of the last king of Iran; his high-profile family, his own adventurous life, his loneliest moments, and the most crucial political events of his time, especially the Iranian revolution which shaped part of the destiny of the Middle East. Amongst many books that have been written about the king of Iran, this is probably the first one to have delved into the heart of this character from a psychological viewpoint. The author has made no ethical or political judgments and has impartially narrated the life of the king. The book is the outcome of a long research about Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi and received a great deal of attention after being published in 2014. It was honored at the Jalal Al-Ahmad Prize, one of the most prestigious Iranian literary awards. This novel contains all the details we would like to know about the last king, his reign, and his escape from the rich country of his hopes and dreams. The narrator addresses Mohammad Reza Shah throughout the book and recounts the story of his life for him. It is a point of view that could have changed the king's destiny if he could adopt it in his lifetime. During the srory Mohammad Reza Shah is deaf and blind when it comes to accepting the truth in events, but craves for reviving the Persian Empire and becoming the leader in the Middle East; a man who fears assassination, but undergoes three failed ones each of which leads him to greater tyranny and loneliness. He's the king of an oil-bearing land, who gradually starts to believe that he's a blessed saint and, therefore, is invincible. Yet, he becomes more and more horrified by everything outside of his castle. He finally admitted the revolution, but it was too late. He died from an illness in loneliness in Cairo, the homeland of his first spouse.

      • Islam, la part de l'universel

        by Abdelwahab Meddeb, traduit du français par Mohammed Zernine, préface d'Amina Maya Meddeb, révisé par Jalal El Hakmaoui

        « La singularité de l’islam [est d’être la] seule entité qui s’est frottée simultanément aux frontières de l’Europe occidentale, de Byzance, de la Chine et de l’Inde. Cette mitoyenneté de la diversité donna à la langue arabe le privilège d’être en contact avec les domaines que recouvrent le latin, le grec, le chinois, le sanskrit qui s’ajoutent aux domaines intégrés qui ont rendu possible les savoirs déposés dans les langues persane, syriaque, araméenne, hébraïque, démotique. L’islam a soudé ces traditions disparates, les a unifiées et revigorées ensemble. » Au carrefour de l’Europe occidentale, de Byzance, de la Chine et de l’Inde, l’Islam en a englobé et vivifié les apports et a contribué par cette synthèse à l’universel. Dans Islam, la part de l’universel, publié initialement en 2003 avec une riche bibliographie et réédité ici dans sa version originale en français et une traduction inédite en arabe par Mohammed Zernine, Abdelwahab Meddeb, rappelle la dimension humaniste de cette civilisation et son apport considérable à des domaines comme l’architecture, les sciences et la mystique.

      • Medicine

        Medicina en tu cocina

        Cómo los alimentos benefician al sistema inmune

        by Susan Bueno y Claudia Riedel

        El sistema inmune está compuesto por células y tejidos cuya principal función es defendernos de elementos potencialmente dañinos para nuestra salud, protegiendo y respetando nuestros propios tejidos. Lo que comemos tiene un efecto directo en el funcionamiento de nuestras defensas, por lo que la correcta elección de los alimentos es fundamental para la salud del sistema inmune. Medicina en tu cocina: cómo los alimentos benefician al sistema inmune entrega información sobre cómo algunos alimentos benefician o perjudican el funcionamiento del sistema inmune. Conocer aquellos alimentos que son más beneficiosos y aquellos que pueden perjudicar nuestras defensas nos ayuda a elegir una dieta que mejore nuestra calidad de vida y la de nuestros seres queridos. Los alimentos que más benefician al sistema inmune nos ayudan a vivir de manera más saludable y… ¡son deliciosos! "El buen funcionamiento de nuestro sistema inmune no es infalible y esto queda evidenciado por el creciente número, a nivel mundial, de enfermedades asociadas al sistema inmune. Entre estas afecciones se encuentran las enfermedades autoinmunes, inflamatorias, los tumores y las alergias. Por este motivo, en este libro aprenderemos sobre el efecto de la alimentación en el correcto funcionamiento del sistema inmune".

      • Sustainable agriculture
        February 2018

        Global tea science

        Current status and future needs

        by Dr VS Sharma and Dr Kumudini Gunasekare

        Tea is the most widely-consumed beverage in the world. Like other crops, tea cultivation faces a number of challenges. With the challenge of climate change and the competition for scarce resources, there is a need to make tea cultivation more efficient and sustainable. Cultivation needs also to be more resilient to biotic and abiotic stresses, whether it be pests or more extreme weather (e.g. drought) associated with global warming.Fortunately, there is a range of research addressing these challenges. Drawing on an international range of expertise, this collection summarises this research by focusing on ways of improving the cultivation of tea at each step in the value chain, from breeding through to harvest. Part 1 reviews advances in breeding. Part 2 discusses improvements in cultivation techniques. The book then discusses plant protection and chemistry before concluding with sustainability issues.As the need for more interdisciplinary and collaborative research increases, this collection will be a standard reference for the tea research community by summarising key research trends in each topic and putting them in the context of tea cultivation as a whole.

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