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      • Eugen Ulmer Verlag

        We handle requests for foreign and domestic publication rights as well as requests concerning permissions to reproduce copyrighted material. Our rights catalogue, presenting new publications, is published twice a year, usually in February and September. If you're interested in receiving a copy regularly, please send us a note at and we'll be happy to include your address in our mailing list. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any question or would like to receive review copies of our books.You are welcome to visit our stand and to meet us in person at Frankfurt Bookfair in October and London International Bookfair in April. Apart from these two we regularly attend other fairs abroad like in Warsaw, Tallinn, Istanbul etc.

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      • Editora Hercules

        A brazilian publishing house focused on selfhelp literature, esoterism and masonry and children's books. Our mission is to offer through words moments of unwinding and tranquility attached to a philosophical and esoteric learning experience. In this special edition of the Frankfurt Book Fair we will be displaying our new releases in the children's literature section, such as The Dreamy Dragon and The crystal Egg, by the brazillian actress and writer Norma Blum.

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      • Trusted Partner
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      • Trusted Partner
        October 1982

        Leben aus Zen

        Mit einer Einführung in die Texte von Wei-Lang(Hui-Neng). Vorwort von Eugen Herrigel. Die in der autorisierten Übersetzung von Ursula von Mangoldt wiedergegebenen Kapitel I bis V erschienen als englische Originalausgabe unter dem Titel "Living by Zen" im

        by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, Ursula Mangoldt, Eugen Herrigel

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2024

        Anarchism and eugenics

        An unlikely convergence, 1890-1940

        by Richard Cleminson

        At the heart of this book is what would appear to be a striking and fundamental paradox: the espousal of a 'scientific' doctrine that sought to eliminate 'dysgenics' and champion the 'fit' as a means of 'race' survival by a political and social movement that ostensibly believed in the destruction of the state and the removal of all hierarchical relationships. What explains this reception of eugenics by anarchism? How was eugenics mobilised by anarchists as part of their struggle against capitalism and the state? What were the consequences of this overlap for both anarchism and eugenics as transnational movements?

      • Trusted Partner

        SCRIBE :The Story of the Only Female Pope

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        The monastery at Siani was famous throughout the academic world for its library. The monks of medieval days routinely obtained ancient, crumbling manuscripts and recopied them. Among them, hidden in a wall in the cellar, the following parchment was found and faithfully recopied in the practiced hand of the Sianian monks several centuries after its original writing.  Hugo N. Gerstl, nationally famous American trial lawyer, world traveler and author of the bestselling historical novels: AGAINST ALL ODDS: The Magnificent Trio That Built Israel's Air Force; SCRIBE: The Only Female Pope; AMAZING GRACE: The Outstanding Tale of Grace O'Malley, The Notorious Pirate Woman; LEGACY: A Turkish Saga; and the gripping, breath-holding thrillers ASSASSIN & MISFIRE, which so far have been translated into Portuguese, Czech, and Turkish. as well as THE POLITICS OF HATE – A Piercing Insight into American Politics. Hugo Gerstl lives in Carmel, California with his wife Lorraine, a writer and teacher. Together they have raised five children, now grown. Published By  Pangæa Publishing Group 560 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1991

        Delacroix Journal

        Herausgegeben und mit einem Vorwort von Hans Platschek. Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen

        by Hans Platschek, Hans Platschek

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2007


        by Raymond Queneau, Ludwig Harig, Eugen Helmlé, Ludwig Harig

        Für diese im übrigen unveränderte Neuausgabe des artistischen Bestsellers hat Ludwig Harig ein Nachwort Auf dem pataphysischen Hochseil – Zur Übersetzung der ›Stilübungen‹ von Raymond Queneau geschrieben: »Im Jahr 1947 erschien Raymond Queneaus Exercices de Style bei Gallimard in Paris. Die Geschichte ihrer Übersetzung ins Deutsche, eng verknüpft mit dem experimentellen Aufbruch der Nachkriegspoesie, reicht in die fünfziger Jahre zurück. Von Kindheit an mehr spielals lernbesessen, neugierig auf waghalsige Versuche, mißtrauisch gegenüber bewährten Kunstwerken, war ich lüstern nach Neuem … Elisabeth Walther ermutigte mich mit einem Zitat von Francis Ponge: ›Nur die Literatur erlaubt, das große Spiel zu spielen: die Welt neu zu machen‹ –, und darauf hatte ich es mit meinem Freund Eugen Helmlé abgesehen. Risikofreudig, ja todesmutig, wie sich später einige Kritiker ausdrückten, machten wir uns an die Arbeit. Die Übersetzung der Exercices de Style war ein Drahtseilakt: Raymond Queneau turnte ihn uns vor, wie es einst nur Till Eulenspiegel zustande gebracht hat …«

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 1982

        Eugen Kogon

        Ein politischer Publizist in Hessen. Hessen-Bibliothek. Essays, Aufsätze, Reden zwischen 1946 und 1982. Herausgegeben von Hubert Habicht

        by Hubert Habicht

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1985

        Karl Eugen Eiselein

        Erzählung. Redaktion: Volker Michels

        by Hermann Hesse

        Hermann Hesse, geboren am 2.7.1877 in Calw/Württemberg als Sohn eines baltendeutschen Missionars und der Tochter eines württembergischen Indologen, starb am 9.8.1962 in Montagnola bei Lugano. Er wurde 1946 mit dem Nobelpreis für Literatur, 1955 mit dem Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels ausgezeichnet. Nach einer Buchhändlerlehre war er seit 1904 freier Schriftsteller, zunächst in Gaienhofen am Bodensee, später im Tessin. Er ist einer der bekanntesten deutschen Autoren des 20. Jahrhunderts.

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        Exhibition catalogues & specific collections
        March 2011

        Mary Kelly

        Projects, 1973–2010

        by Edited by Dominique Heyes-Moore

        Mary Kelly, we are told, was not a feminist artist, but a feminist who made art. Designed to accompany a major retrospective at the Whitworth Art Gallery, this book contains essays and interviews which show the implications of that distinction and also the legacy of feminists and feminism in relation to art. Challenging and beautiful, Kelly's artworks address questions of sexuality, identity and historical memory in the form of large-scale narrative installations. The works are agilely discussed in contributions by some of the luminary feminist art scholars of our time, including Janet Wolff, Laura Mulvey, Carol Mavor and Amelia Jones, making this collection an essential new text in the discourse on art, feminism, psychoanalysis and representation.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2024

        Eradicating deafness?

        Genetics, pathology, and diversity in twentieth-century America

        by Marion Andrea Schmidt

        Is deafness a disability to be prevented or the uniting trait of a cultural community to be preserved? Combining the history of eugenics and genetics with deaf and disability history, this book traces how American heredity researchers moved from trying to eradicate deafness to embracing it as a valuable cultural diversity. It looks at how deafness came to be seen as a hereditary phenomenon at all, how eugenics became part of progressive reform at schools for the deaf, and how, from the 1950s on, more sociocultural approaches to disability and minority led to new cooperative projects between professionals and local signing deaf communities. Analysing the transformative effects of exchange between researchers and objects of research, this book offers new insight to changing ideas about medical ethics, reproductive rights, the meaning of scientific progress and cultural diversity.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        November 2011

        Collections XVI

        by Eugene Giddens

        Collections XVI contains new documentary evidence concerning Luminalia, the anonymous Shrovetide masque of 1638, and theatrical references in the Bridewell Hospital Court of Governors' Minute Books. The volume also includes editions of fragments from an early seventeenth-century adaptation of Plautus' Captivi, held in the archives of New College, Oxford, and the part of Amarath from Harvard University manuscript Thr.10.1. The volume is edited by Eugene Giddens, with contributions from Nadine N. W. Akkerman, William Poole, Abigail Rokison, and Duncan Salkeld. It is part of the Malone Society's ongoing Collections series, which gathers together documents relating to the drama of the period. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1999

        Erotische Gedichte

        by Alexander Puschkin, Michael Engelhard, Michael Engelhard

        Alexander Sergejewitsch Puschkin wurde 1799 in Moskau als Sohn eines adligen Gardeoffiziers geboren und starb 1837 in Sankt Petersburg an den Folgen einer Schussverletzung nach einem Duell. Als Lyriker und Schriftsteller war er zeitlebens provokant, seine Werke unterlagen der Zensur. Er ist einer der bedeutendsten russischen Schriftsteller, zu seinen bekanntesten Werken zählen u. a. Eugen Onegin, Boris Godunow und Die Hauptmannstochter.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1973

        Gesammelte Werke, 6 Bde

        by Alexander Puschkin

        Alexander Sergejewitsch Puschkin wurde 1799 in Moskau als Sohn eines adligen Gardeoffiziers geboren und starb 1837 in Sankt Petersburg an den Folgen einer Schussverletzung nach einem Duell. Als Lyriker und Schriftsteller war er zeitlebens provokant, seine Werke unterlagen der Zensur. Er ist einer der bedeutendsten russischen Schriftsteller, zu seinen bekanntesten Werken zählen u. a. Eugen Onegin, Boris Godunow und Die Hauptmannstochter.

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