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      • Hannele & Associates

        Hannele & Associates is a French publisher’s agency specialized in children’s books and coffee-table books. We represent French independent and creative companies, offering a wide range of titles from novelty books to picture books, non-fiction, fiction, etc. With such a variety of quality books, our bet is that everyone can find the right addition to their list!

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      • hanken tokyo

        *Children's titles listed on the Frankfurt Rights portal. For other categories, please check our uploaded catalog. Or see all on -->   DNP started business as a printing company more than 140 years ago, and since then we have been helping Japanese publishers print and distribute their books all over Japan. Now it's time to introduce Japanese books to the wider world through our foreign rights service hanken tokyo.    Where does the name "hanken tokyo" come from? Hanken means publishing rights in Japanese. We hope that our service and website make it easier for foreign publishers to connect to great content all year round and that Japanese hanken will spread around the globe from Tokyo.

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2024

        Livestock Handling and Transport

        by Temple Grandin, John Abizaid, Faith Reyes, Adrian Barber, Donald M Broom, Michelle S. Calvo-Lorenzo, Dana L. M. Campbell, John Church, Michael Cockram, Lorna Coppinger, Raymond Coppinger, Roger Ewbank, Luigi Faucitano, Robert B. Freeman, Wendy K Fulwider, Carmen Gallo, Arlene Garcia-Marquez, Peter J Goddard, Temple Grandin, Paul H Hemsworth, Katherine A. Houpt, Stella Maris Huertas Canén, Geoffrey D. Hutson, Anna Johnson, Meagan King, Bert Lambooij, Pol Llonch Obiols, Edmond A. Pajor, Mateus J.R. Paranhos da Costa, Genaro C. Miranda-de la Lama, Miriam Parker, Clive J C Phillips, Matthew J. Ritter, Emma Fabreger I Romans, Karen Schwartzkopf-Genswein, Antonio Velarde, Kurt Vogel, Claire A Weeks, Carissa L. Wickens, S. Wilhelmsson, Trevor DeVries, Gabriel Dallago, Ashlyn Scott, Juliana Ribas, J. Gooding, S. Carr, C. Yoder, C. Jones, A. K. Johnson, A. Garcia, Jayson Galbraith

        Edited by world-renowned animal scientist Dr Temple Grandin, this book integrates scientific research and industry literature on cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep, goats, deer, and horses, in both the developed and developing world, to provide a practical guide to humane handling and minimizing animal stress. Reviewing the latest research on transport systems, restraint methods and facilities for farms and slaughterhouses, this new edition expands on new developments in the field, as well as covering the integration of and potential welfare benefits and costs of technological advances such as virtual fencing. An important read for animal scientists, animal welfare researchers and practitioners, and veterinarians, this straightforward text is also a valuable resource for stock-people and farmers.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Manual on Postharvest Handling of Mediterranean Tree Fruits and Nuts

        by Carlos H. Crisosto, Gayle M. Crisosto

        Postharvest is an important element of getting fresh, high quality fruit to the consumer and technological advances continue to outpace infrastructure. This book provides valuable, up-to-date information on postharvest handling of seven fruit and nut crops: almonds, figs, table grapes, pistachio, persimmon, peach and pomegranate. These crops are of particular importance in the Mediterranean region, but also to those countries that export and import these crops, where intensive economic resources are dedicated to developing information to understand and solve their postharvest problems. Written by a team of internationally-recognised postharvest experts, this manual collates and verifies essential but often difficult to access information on these important crops, pertinent for the World economics that affect agricultural communities. The book - Covers relevant postharvest topics for each crop across the growing, packing, shipping and retail postharvest phases - Has an emphasis on knowledge useful to solve current worldwide industry problems - Includes practical recommendations - Makes available information previously published in other languages This is must-have manual for growers and commodity handlers, cold storage managers, transportation personnel, produce managers and retail handlers, or anyone in the food chain that packs, transports, stores and sells these fruits and nuts.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2024

        Nomos und Narrativ

        Studien zur Theorie des Rechts

        by Robert Cover, Benedict Vischer

        Um den Sinn und die Kraft des Rechts zu erschließen, müssen wir weit über die formalen Bausteine staatlicher Rechtsordnungen hinausblicken. Ausgehend von der amerikanischen Bürgerrechtsbewegung und der jüdischen Rechtstradition erkunden Robert Covers bahnbrechende Essays die existenzielle Dichte rechtlicher Weltformung. Nachgezeichnet wird das Wechselspiel von Visionen, Narrativen, tätiger Hingabe und Gewalt, in dem eine unaufhebbare Vielfalt gesellschaftlicher Perspektiven um den Sinn des Rechts ringt. Kaum ein juristischer Autor hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten eine so breite interdisziplinäre Rezeption erfahren wie Cover. Mit diesem Band wird sein Werk nun erstmals in deutscher Sprache zugänglich gemacht.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2024

        Nomos und Narrativ

        Studien zur Theorie des Rechts

        by Robert M. Cover, Benedict Vischer

        Um den Sinn und die Kraft des Rechts zu erschließen, müssen wir weit über die formalen Bausteine staatlicher Rechtsordnungen hinausblicken. Ausgehend von der amerikanischen Bürgerrechtsbewegung und der jüdischen Rechtstradition erkunden Robert Covers bahnbrechende Essays die existenzielle Dichte rechtlicher Weltformung. Nachgezeichnet wird das Wechselspiel von Visionen, Narrativen, tätiger Hingabe und Gewalt, in dem eine unaufhebbare Vielfalt gesellschaftlicher Perspektiven um den Sinn des Rechts ringt. Kaum ein juristischer Autor hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten eine so breite interdisziplinäre Rezeption erfahren wie Cover. Mit diesem Band wird sein Werk nun erstmals in deutscher Sprache zugänglich gemacht.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2025

        Fertile expectations

        The politics of involuntary childlessness in twentieth-century France

        by Margaret Cook Andersen

        An engaging history of motherhood, demography, and infertility in twentieth-century France, this book explores fraught political and cultural meanings attached to the notion of an "ideal" family size. When statistics revealed a sustained drop in France's birthrate, pronatalist activists pushed for financial benefits, propaganda, and punitive measures to counter declining fertility. Situating infertility within this history, the author details innovations in fertility medicine, cultural awareness of artificial insemination, and changing laws on child adoption. These practices offered new ways of responding to infertility and formed part of a growing expectation of being able to control one's fertility and family size. This book presents the political and cultural context for understanding why private questions about when to start a family, how many children to have, and how to cope with involuntary childlessness, evolved and became part of state demographic policies.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1981

        Rose aus Asche

        Spanische und spanisch-amerikanische Gedichte 1900–1950

        by Erwin Walter Palm, Erwin Walter Palm, Hilde Domin

        Zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen stand die spanische Dichtung noch einmal in der vordersten Reihe der europäischen Lyrik. Deren wichtigste Vertreter, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Antonio Machado, Rafael Alberti, Jorge Guillén und Federico García Lorca, gehören inzwischen zu den Klassikern des 20.Jahrhunderts. Die Proben lateinamerikanischer Lyrik von Gabriela Mistral, César Vallejo, Jorge Carrera Andrade und anderen vermitteln ein Bild von der literarischen Eigenständigkeit eines Kontintents, der sich bewußt von europäischen Modellen löste, um zu sich selbst zu finden.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        May 2020

        Optical Manipulation of Pests and Beneficial Arthropods

        by David Ben-Yakir, Antoine Abrieux, Joanna C. Chiu, Joseph E. Funderbunk, Daphna Gottlieb, Gábor Horváth, Simcha Lev-Yadun, Un Taek Lim, Xavier Martini, Masami Shimoda, Robert van Tol

        Arthropod pests, pollinators, and natural enemies of pests have a great economic importance to human health and food supply worldwide. Arthropods use optical cues to find food and suitable oviposition sites, daily and seasonal activities, orientation and navigation. Most arthropods have compound eyes with receptors for UV light (peak sensitivity at 360 nm) and for green-yellow light (peak sensitivity at 520-540 nm). Many arthropods also have simple eyes (ocelli) that respond to changes in light intensity. Some arthropods can detect linearly polarized light and use it as an optical cue for oviposition sites, finding of hosts and navigation.The properties of the optical cue, such as wavelength, intensity, polarization, size, shape and contrast, greatly affect their response to the optical cue. Therefore, manipulation of optical cues can interfere or enhance arthropods' activities and development. UV light has been used to attract insects for monitoring and control. The patterns of UV reflected from flowers and plants affect arthropods' preference to visit them. The absence of UV light often deters arthropods and decreases their dispersal rate. UVB induces general stress in plants which may increase their resistance to arthropod pests. Green-yellow color induces landing and favors settling (arresting) of many plant feeding arthropods. High levels of reflected sunlight (above 25% of sun radiation) deters arthropods' landing and reduces settling. The recent use of monochromatic lights to increase crop yield, or to induce desirable plant characteristics, is expected to affect the activity of the associated arthropds as well. Optical manipulations are proposed as a part of an integrated pest management (IPM) program for open-field and protected crops, and for protecting the health of humans and domestic animals. This book contains up-to-date reviews of the published literature, some unpublished results of the authors, and suggestions for future research and development of this method.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1960

        Zu Lande zu Wasser


        by Rafael Alberti, Erwin Walter Palm, Erwin Walter Palm

        Rafael Alberti wurde 1902 in einem kleinen Dorf in Andalusien geboren. 1917 zog die Familie nach Madrid. Zunächst fühlte sich Alberti mehr zur Malerei hingezogen, erst 1921 fand er auch zur Literatur, insbesondere zur Poesie. Seinen ersten Gedichtband, Mar y tierra, später in Marinero en tierra umgeändert (dt. Zu Lande und zu Wasser, 1984), veröffentlichte er 1923 und erhielt dafür 1925 den Nationalpreis für Literatur. In den Gedichten verbinden sich persönliche Erfahrungen mit den Einflüssen von Gil Vicente und der spanischen Romanzendichtung - Volkstümlich-Folkloristisches mit avantgardistischen Strömungen, wie dem Surrealismus. Nach dem Bürgerkrieg ging Alberti ins argentinische Exil. 1963 kam er wieder nach Europa, wo er sich in Rom niederließ. Er kehrte 1977 nach Spanien zurück und wurde Abgeordneter der Kommunistischen Partei im Spanischen Parlament. Albertis Werk umfaßt neben zahlreichen Gedichten und Theaterstücken auch die im Exil entstandenen Erinnerungen, La arboleda perdida (1942-1996, dt. Der verlorene Hain, 1997) und andere Schriften. Alberti gehört, neben Federico García Lorca, Jorge Guillén und anderen, zu den Vertretern der legendären Dichtergeneration von 1927 und war einer der großen spanischen Lyriker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Wie kaum ein anderer brachte er volkstümliche und mythische Inhalte und Formen mit den Neuerungen der Moderne in Einklang. Neben zahlreichen Ehrungen und Auszeichnungen erhielt Alberti 1981 den Nationalpreis für Theater und 1983 den Cervantes-Preis. Rafael Alberti starb 1999 in seinem Geburtsort.

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2019


        by Palm, Kurt

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2002

        "Wir sind doch Brüder!"

        Der evangelische Kirchentag und die deutsche Frage 1949-1961

        by Palm, Dirk

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1989

        Stabilisierungspolitik bei flexiblen Wechselkursen.

        Die Deutsche Bundesbank zwischen Dollarauf- und -abwertung.

        by Palm, Adalbert

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        July 2011

        Bad Fucking

        Kein Alpen-Krimi

        by Palm, Kurt

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1985

        Die Brücke von Remagen

        Der Kampf um den letzten Rheinübergang

        by Palm, Rolf

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