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      • Hannele & Associates

        Hannele & Associates is a French publisher’s agency specialized in children’s books and coffee-table books. We represent French independent and creative companies, offering a wide range of titles from novelty books to picture books, non-fiction, fiction, etc. With such a variety of quality books, our bet is that everyone can find the right addition to their list!

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      • hanken tokyo

        *Children's titles listed on the Frankfurt Rights portal. For other categories, please check our uploaded catalog. Or see all on -->   DNP started business as a printing company more than 140 years ago, and since then we have been helping Japanese publishers print and distribute their books all over Japan. Now it's time to introduce Japanese books to the wider world through our foreign rights service hanken tokyo.    Where does the name "hanken tokyo" come from? Hanken means publishing rights in Japanese. We hope that our service and website make it easier for foreign publishers to connect to great content all year round and that Japanese hanken will spread around the globe from Tokyo.

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      • Trusted Partner
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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Nigu the Friendly Dragon

        by Watiek Ideo

        On the top of the mountain, live a dragon that often spout fire. Everyone in the village is afraid of the lone dragon. Three friends are curious about it and want to take a peek if the dragon is truly as scary as people said. When they arrive there, what they see is definitely not something they expected!

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 2016

        »Mit meiner Vergangenheit lebe ich«

        Memoiren von Holocaust-Überlebenden | Einzigartige Dokumentation der letzten Zeugen des Holocaust | Mit Bildern von Gerhard Richter

        by Éva Alpár, Klaus Appel, Hana und Hanuš Arend, Sigmund Baumöhl, Ernst Brenner, Jake Fersztand, Fabian Gerson, Gábor Hirsch, Peter Lebovic, Ivan Lefkovits, Christa Markovits, Gábor (Neumann) Nyirö, Andreas Sás, Arnost Schlesinger, André Sirtes, Nina Weilová, Ivan Lefkovits, Gerhard Richter

        »Wie kann ich das alles beschreiben?«, fragt Peter Lebovic zu Beginn seiner »Erinnerungen aus dem längsten Jahr meines Lebens«, das ihn 1944 nach Auschwitz, ins Warschauer Ghetto und nach Dachau führte. »Wie kann man Hunger, Demütigung, Schläge, Angst, Schmutz, all die Grausamkeiten, die ganze Atmosphäre schildern?« 15 Überlebende des Holocaust erinnern sich in diesem Projekt an ihre Zeit in deutschen Konzentrationslagern, an ihr Überleben, ihr Weiterleben in der Schweiz und anderswo, jeder und jede für sich, die eigene Geschichte und doch gemeinsam. Entstanden ist eine einzigartige Dokumentation der letzten Zeugen des Holocaust.Die Umschläge der 15 Hefte hat Gerhard Richter mit Ausschnitten aus seinen »Birkenau«-Bildern gestaltet.

      • Trusted Partner


        by Syamirulah Rahim, Zul Azlin, Onn Azli, SN Amran, Fahd Razy, Ahmad Zakimi, Mahyuddin Mohamed, Kamarul Ariffin, Ainul Arina, Rozanizam Zakaria, Khairil Idham Ismail, Rosmawati Hamzah, Norhasidah Abd Razak, Rashdan Mohamed, Noor Hayati Yasmin, Aliyya Ahmad, Adibah Abdullah, Khairy Malik, Hana Hadzrami, Bel Nawhen

        Memory is a double-edged sword that is both a blessing and a curse.   In the halls of a hospital, echoes of human suffering and triumph ring loudest, imprinting indelible marks upon the minds of its workers. Some memories are sweet, a blissful balm to recall; others knives-sharp, wounding the soul.   Death and life, pain and healing, laughter and tears - however we choose to remember them, they remain forever unforgettable.   20 cases, 20 writers.   Regardless of whether we are healthcare workers or patients, our humanity ultimately remains the same.   Just one more case - that unforgettable one.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2024

        Invasive Species Reviews


        by David Hemming, B. M. A. Abdel-Banat, A. Alba, P. Alda, Marina P. Arbetman, C. Bergamino, R. C. Blackman, M. C. Boukouvala, Matthew L. Buffington, S. Burela, Nicolás R. Cecchetto, Matthew Cock, Michael Day, Kent M. Daane, H. A. F. El-Shafie, R. Enderle, Harry C Evans, Zhang FuDou, S. García-Lara, E. W. Githae, Jennifer Grenz, V. C. Griess, B. Hänfling, Kim A. Hoelmer, A. J. Hruska, S. Hurtrez-Boussès, Vanessa L. Jones, Brooks A. Kaiser, N. G. Kavallieratos, Melina Kourantidou, V. Lafond, L. Lawson-Handley, Jana C. Lee, S. Lioy, L. M. López-Castillo, M. Lounnas, P. R. Martín, B. L. Muatinte, B. M. Mvumi, J. P. Pointier, M. Porporato, M. Rusdy, E. Sabourin, L. Saveanu, M. E. Seuffert, R. H. Shaw, Shen ShiCai, V. Srivastava, John P. Stanga, J Stenlid, N. E. Tamburi, I. Unlu, Osariyekemwen Uyi, Rimvydas Vasaitis, A. A. Vázquez, Xingeng Wang, Rachel L. Winston, Eduardo E. Zattara

        Invasive species are responsible for significant impacts on agriculture, food security and health worldwide. This collection looks at a wide range of invasive species, including insects, plants, snails, fungal diseases, including: Mimosa diplotricha, Chromolaena odorata, privet, Opuntia, fall armyworm, Aedes albopictus, Prostephanus truncatus, Pomacea, and ash dieback. The articles examine mechanisms for detecting the spread of invasive species, and models for understanding the mechanisms of invasion alongside control and management approaches with a particular focus on biological control. The articles have been specially selected from contributions to CABI Reviews.

      • Health & Personal Development
        September 2020

        Small, Broke, and Kind of Dirty

        Affirmations for the Real World

        by Hana Shafi

        Let’s get one thing straight: Small, Broke, and Kind of Dirty: Affirmations for the Real World is not a book of advice. You’re not going to find a step-by-step guide to meditation here, or even reminders to drink lots of water and get enough sleep. Those things are all good for you, but that’s not what Hana Shafi wants to talk about.   Instead, Small, Broke, and Kind of Dirty—built around art from Shafi’s popular online affirmation series—focuses on our common and never-ending journey of self-discovery. It explores the ways in which the world can all too often wear us down, and reminds us to remember our worth, even when it’s hard to do so. Drawing on her experience as a millennial woman of colour, and writing with humour and a healthy dose of irreverence, Shafi delves into body politics and pop culture, racism and feminism, friendship, and allyship. Through it all, she remains positive without being saccharine, and hopeful without being naive.   So no, this is not an advice book: it’s a call to action, one that asks us to remember that we are valid as we are—flaws and all—and to not let the bastards grind us down.

      • Fiction


        by Alena Mornštajnová

        If there’s one thing that brings home the trueness of human life, it’s suffering. And if there’s one thing that degrades life, it’s the suffering someone causes others. But what if this someone is innocent? What if it’s all an accident? It’s 1954 and nine‑year‑old Mira goes to the river to ride the floating ice, something her parents have forbidden her to do. She falls into the water, so exposing her disobedience. As a punishment, she is given no dessert at a family party. This innocent childhood episode marks a major turning point in Mira’s life. It is followed by a tragedy that for many years binds her to her taciturn, depressive aunt Hana and reveals a troubled family history that will continue to float like a block of ice in the current of her life. Alena Mornštajnová’s story, which is based on real events, is told at such pace and with such drama that the reader might be watching a gripping movie. The big question is, will the fateful ice finally melt?   Awards: Czech Book Award 2017 (both the main prize and the Students' award), Databáze knih Award (Book of the Year 2017 and New Book of 2017)

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        THE MITTEN

        by FOLK TALE

        THE MITTEN Illustrated by Hana Stupica The old Ukrainian folk fairytale The Mitten is the first picture book illustrated by the young and extremely talented Hana Stupica. Hana did an excellent job at depicting the well-known Ukrainian tale about an old man who loses his little mitten in the middle of a harsh winter and then a little mouse, frog, bunny rabbit, fox, wolf, boar and bear make it their home. At the Biennial of Slovene Illustration in 2014 Hana Stupica received the Hinko Smrekar Award. Format: 24 x 24 cm24 pages | Age: 3+

      • Animal stories (Children's/YA)
        June 2014

        Let's Visit Maui!

        Adventures of Bella & Harry

        by Lisa Manzione (author), Kristine Lucco (illustrator)

        Join sibling Chihuahuas Bella and Harry as they travel to Maui with their family to visit the Haleakala National Park (and see a volcano crater), walk on the Honokalani black sand beach and travel the Hana Highway. Take a side trips to the Wailau Waterfall, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and visit the Big Island of Hawaii. Learn how to do the hula. Attend a luau and learn about local cuisine (such as poi) and basic local phrases.

      • March 2021

        A Whisper of Stars

        by Tami Fischer

        Seventeen-year-old Liv wants nothing more than to escape her lifeon the island of Hawaiki. Neither she nor her two best friends Finleyand Hana believe in the legends of stars, gods and ancestralspirits that have been told on the black coasts since the dawn oftime.Yet on the day of the Star Festival, when a stranger appears andancient forces awaken, the three friends find themselves in a raceagainst time.A journey into the unknown, with no turning back. A ruthlesshunter. And a forbidden passion that makes Liv’s heart beat louderthan ever before …

      • Trusted Partner
        Psychic powers & psychic phenomena


        by Shanna MacLean

        Each of us has a Twin Flame, the exact being with whom we were created at the thrilling Moment of Creation, when God expanded Itself and created from that Self a new being. God then divided that being into Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. This template of masculine and feminine can be seen throughout all Earth life. The expansion from the ALL THAT IS came from God's strong desire to extend Love through its Creations (on Earth, for example) and have a way to know and observe Itself by living through us. This Twin is the other half of yourself, with whom you share the most exquisite Love and Oneness possible -- which you will know when you unite with that divine one... AWAKENING opens with a series of transcendent experiences in which the author, Shanna, makes contact with her Twin Flame during her meditations. Her unique and intimate sharing of their meetings and travels shows us many facets of this supreme Love. Pra, her Twin, is not in physical embodiment on Earth, but rather resides in higher vibrational consciousness. They meet somewhere between Earth and the Higher Realms. In the second section, we are led through a series of powerful excerpts of "Messages from God," channeled by Yael Hana Powell, in which the essence and purpose of the Twin Flame is explained. We are told that the coming together of Twin Flames at this time can create an amplification of Love that can completely shift life on our struggling planet to Love and only Love. In the third section, Shanna's beloved Twin Flame, Pra, answers questions, giving detailed suggestions on how to make contact with one's Twin, including bringing your Twin through the person you are currently with. The other-worldliness and loving atmosphere of this book will uplift you and perhaps open you to the possibility of finding Love with your own Twin Flame, the other half of your being.

      • November 2013

        The Arab Avant-Garde

        Music, Politics, Modernity

        by Edited by Thomas Burkhalter, edited by Kay Dickinson, Benjamin J. Harbert

        The first in-depth study of diverse and radical innovation in Arab music

      • Fiction

        Run With the Wind

        by SHION Miura

        A few days before the start of a new academic year at Kansei University in Western Tokyo, former high school track and field star Kakeru is running away from a shopkeeper after stealing some bread. Fourth-year student Haiji immediately notices Kakeru’s speed and races after him on his bike. When Kakeru says he gambled all his money away before the start of term, Haiji tells Kakeru that he’s living in an old dormitory "Chikusei-so" near campus that is very cheap. They have a spare room if Kakeru is interested. After introducing Kakeru to the other eight residents, Haiji declares his grand plan: for the 10 of them to compete in the legendary Hakone Ekiden relay marathon.         Held each January, the Hakone Ekiden is a relay race spanning two days where teams of 10 university students run from Tokyo to the mountain town of Hakone and back again, spanning a total distance of over 200 km. The race is broadcast on Nippon Television and is extremely competitive, with each university putting forward its best team. When Haiji suggests that the 10 residents of Chikusei-so form a team to compete at the Hakone Ekiden it seems like a pipe dream.         Haiji and Kakeru are the only two members of the team with extensive running experience and the other residents are incredibly reluctant about Haiji’s plan. However, with about ten months left to train, Haiji manages to get each of them on board. Takashi, an honour student from a small mountain village, is the easiest to convince. Identical twins Joji and Jota sign up when Haiji tells them it’ll help them attract girls. Musa, an international student from Tanzania, agrees partly because he’s inspired by Takashi. Among the most reluctant residents are law student Yuki, heavy smoker Nico, and trivia lover ‘KING’. Nico ran in high school and hopes running will help him overcome his smoking addiction, while KING hopes competing in the Hakone Ekiden will make him stand out to employers after months of unsuccessful job hunting. Lastly, there is Prince, a manga enthusiast with almost zero physical stamina whose room is stuffed to the brim with books.         While officially the dormitory landlord is their coach, it is Haiji who gets to know each team member’s needs and strengths before making a tailored training programme. Over the gruelling six months that follow, Haiji leads the team through the highs and lows of training and competitions as their race times steadily improve and they become a close-knit group both on and off the track. Prince’s times are still much slower than everyone else’s but Takashi gets him a treadmill so he can read manga while he runs. Nico makes wire figurines to keep his hands occupied after giving up smoking and Yuki starts selling them to raise money for the team’s training trip to the mountains. Haiji helps Kakeru overcome his disillusionment with competitive racing and find meaning in running with others, while Kakeru’s talent and support inspire Haiji to persevere despite his knee injury. Thanks to a combination of Kakeru’s exceptional speed, Haiji’s determination and the whole team’s diligent training, they miraculously qualify for the Hakone Ekiden. During the race, each of them overcomes their own mental and physical demons, Kakeru sets a new record and Haiji pushes through his injury, putting the team in 10th place and guaranteeing them a position in next year’s race.     Story background Hakone Ekiden (箱根駅伝), which is officially called the Tokyo-Hakone Round- Trip College Ekiden Race (東京箱根間往復大学駅伝競走), is one of the most prominent university ekiden (relay marathon) races of the year held between Tokyo and Hakone on January 2 and 3. This two-day race from Ōtemachi to Hakone and back is separated into five sections on each day. Due to slight variations in the courses, the first day distance is 108.0 km while the distance on the second day is 109.9 km. It has been held since 1920, stopped during WII and started again in 1947.

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