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      • Editorial Leonard Levy

        Venezuelan gastronomic literature.

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      • Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press

        Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) is a world-class publishing house founded on international best practices, excellence and innovation. It strives to be a cornerstone of Qatar’s knowledge-based economy by providing a unique local and international platform for literature, discovery and learning. Headquartered in Doha, Qatar, HBKU Press publishes a wide range of texts including fiction and non-fiction titles, children’s books, collections, and annual reports. In addition, HBKU Press publishes peer-reviewed, scholarly research in the natural and social sciences through academic books, open-access reference materials and conference proceedings. HBKU Press consistently follows international best practices in its publishing procedures, ethics and management, ensuring a steadfast quality of production and a dedication to excellence.

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        The Arts
        June 2017

        Terence Fisher

        by Peter Hutchings

        Terence Fisher is best known as the director who made most of the classic Hammer horrors - including The Curse of Frankenstein, Dracula and The Devil Rides Out. But there is more to Terence Fisher than Hammer horror. In a busy twenty-five-year career, he directed fifty films, not just horrors but also thrillers, comedies, melodramas and science-fiction. This book offers an appreciation of all of Fisher's films and also gives a sense of his place in British film history. Looking at Fisher's career as a whole not only underlines his importance as a film-maker but also casts a new, interesting light on the areas in which he worked - Gainsborough melodrama, the 1950s B film, 1960s science-fiction and, of course, Hammer, one of the most successful independent film companies in the history of British cinema.

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        How Animals Hammer, Drill and Strike

        Tool Use in the Animal Kingdom

        by Peter-René Becker

        From insects to fish as well as birds and primates: the use of tools is amazingly widespread in the animal kingdom. It’s a misnomer to presume that humans are distinguished by tool use and conscious capacity. So where is culture initiated? The biologist Peter-René Becker has evaluated numerous studies and cites plenty of evidence for the use of the hammer and anvil, lances, bait or sponges. Animals also use “tools as social implements”. Ultimately, the depth of man’s conscience singles him out from other animals.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        ‘Ten Pound Poms’

        A life history of British postwar emigration to Australia

        by A. James Hammerton, Alistair Thomson, Becca Parkinson

        A riveting history of the 'Ten Pound Poms', a wave of British citizens who migrated to Australia and New Zealand after the Second World War. Between the 1940s and 1970s, more than a million Britons migrated to Australia. They were the famous 'Ten Pound Poms' and this is their story. The authors draw on a vast trove of letters, diaries and personal photographs, as well as hundreds of interviews with former migrants, to offer original insights into key historical themes. They explore people's motivations for emigrating, gender relations and family dynamics, the clashing experience of the 'very familiar and awfully strange', homesickness and the personal and national identities of both settlers and returnees. Filled with fascinating testimonies that shed light on migrant life histories, 'Ten Pound Poms' will engage readers interested in British and Australian migration history and intrigued about the power of migrant memories for individuals, families and nations.

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        January 1985

        Der Grosse Pat Mallet

        Die nicht immer himmlischen Vergnügungen der Erdenbürger

        by Mallet, Pat

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2024

        The Malleus Maleficarum

        by Peter Maxwell-Stuart

        A shocking glimpse into the mind of a medieval witch hunter. In 1487, the zealous Dominican inquisitor Heinrich Kramer wrote a treatise that would have a remarkable influence on European history. Blaming women for his own lust, and frustrated by official complacency before what he saw as a monstrous spiritual menace, Kramer penned a practical guide to aid law officers in the identification and prosecution of witches. Fusing theology, lurid anecdotes and advice for those engaged in combating sorcery, The Malleus Maleficarum transports the reader into the dark heart of medieval belief - where fear of the supernatural provokes a gripping struggle for understanding and control. Kramer's book led to the burning of numerous innocents and had a lasting impact on the popular image of witchcraft. It remains a sinister symbol of fanaticism and cruelty to this day.

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        General & world history
        May 2005

        ‘Ten Pound Poms’

        A life history of British postwar emigration to Australia

        by A. James Hammerton, Alistair Thomson

        More than a million Britons emigrated to Australia between the 1940s and 1970s. They were the famous 'ten pound Poms' and this is their story. Illuminated by the fascinating testimony of migrant life histories, this is the first substantial history of their experience and fills a gaping hole in the literature of emigration. The authors, both leading figures in the fields of oral history and migration studies, draw upon a rich life history archive of letters, diaries, personal photographs and hundreds of oral history interviews with former migrants, including those who settled in Australia and those who returned to Britain. They offer original interpretations of key historical themes, including: motivations for emigration; gender relations and the family dynamics of migration; the 'very familiar and awfully strange' confrontation with the new world; the anguish of homesickness and return; and the personal and national identities of both settlers and returnees, fifty years on. Accessible and appealing, this book will engage readers interested in British and Australian migration history and intrigued about the significance of migrant memories for individuals, families and nations.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2020

        The Malleus Maleficarum

        by P. G. Maxwell-Stuart

        The Malleus Maleficarum is one of the best-known treatises dealing with the problem of what to do with witches. It was written in 1487 by a Dominican inquisitor, Heinrich Institoris, following his failure to prosecute a number of women for witchcraft, it is in many ways a highly personal document, full of frustration at official complacency in the face of a spiritual threat, as well as being a practical guide for law-officers who have to deal with a cunning, dangerous enemy. Combining theological discussion, illustrative anecdotes, and useful advice for those involved in suppressing witchcraft, its influence on witchcraft studies has been extensive. The only previous translation into English, that by Montague Summers produced in 1928, is full of inaccuracies. It is written in a style almost unreadable nowadays, and is unfortunately coloured by his personal agenda. This new edited translation, with an introductory essay setting witchcraft, Institoris, and the Malleus into clear, readable English, corrects Summers' mistakes and offers a lean, unvarnished version of what Institoris actually wrote. It will undoubtedly become the standard translation of this important and controversial late-medieval text.

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        October 2014

        Der fünfte Hammer

        Pythagoras und die Disharmonie der Welt

        by Heller-Roazen, Daniel / Englisch Brühmann, Horst

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        Geography & the Environment
        October 2019

        The Himalayan Soap Pod Tree (Gymnocladus assamicus)

        An Ecologically and Economically Important Tree on the Brink of Extinction

        by Baharul I Choudhury, Mohammed Latif Khan

        Extinction of species has alarmingly increased in recent decades due to anthropogenic activities, natural calamities and climate change. The life history, ecology and evolution of such species have often not been well studied. Gymnocladus assamicus is an archaic tree endemic to the Eastern Himalayan region of Northeast India. Locally known as 'Menangmanba-shi' by the Monpa tribe of Arunachal Pradesh (India), mature G. assamicus pods contain high saponin and are used traditionally for cleansing purposes and rituals. We rediscovered the species after more than 70 years from high altitude areas in the Himalayas through extensive field explorations and employing an ecological niche modeling approach. Our study revealed a very few actively reproducing mature G. assamicus trees surviving in unique microclimatic conditions. The species is classified as 'critically endangered' (IUCN red list). The book contains detailed information about G. assamicus and discusses its current distribution, population status, ethnobotanical uses and other ecological parameters. Major intrinsic and extrinsic factors that might be responsible for population decline are described. More importantly, we reported a very rare mating system known as 'androdioecy' in which male and hermaphrodite individuals co-exist in the natural population. Overall, the book highlights the story of a critically endangered tree species with a unique biological and socio-cultural importance and will serve as a case study and referencefor other similar species both locally and globally.

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        Children's & YA

        I Am Not Alone

        by Ramy Tawil

        Maher realizes one day he is an only child with no siblings. He starts to feel a bit lonely, and wishes he had siblings - like his friends and cousins. Luckily, his toys are here and now it’s time to show Maher what it means to be surrounded with brothers and sisters.It’s a heartwarming story that shows how rich and powerful the imagination of an only child can be.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        The four dimensions of power

        Understanding domination, empowerment and democracy

        by Mark Haugaard

        In this accessible and sophisticated exploration of the nature and workings of social and political power, Haugaard examines the interrelation between domination and empowerment. Building upon the perspectives of Steven Lukes, Michel Foucault, Amy Allen, Hannah Arendt, Anthony Giddens, Pierre Bourdieu and others, he offers a clear theoretical framework, delineating power in four interrelated dimensions. The first and second dimensions of power entail two different types of social conflict. The third dimension concerns tacit knowledge, uses of truth and reification. Drawing upon genealogical theory and accounts of slavery as social death, the fourth dimension of power concerns the power to create social subjects. The book concludes with an original normative pragmatist power-based account of democracy. Offering lucid and entertaining illustrations of complex theoretical perspectives, this book is essential reading for scholars and activists.

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        October 2004

        Geschichte der Gouvernementalität I. Sicherheit, Territorium, Bevölkerung

        Vorlesungen am Collège de France 1977/1978

        by Claudia Brede-Konersmann, Michel Foucault, Jürgen Schröder, Michel Sennelart

        Paul-Michel Foucault wurde am 15. Oktober 1926 in Poitiers als Sohn einer angesehenen Arztfamilie geboren und starb am 25. Juni 1984 an den Folgen einer HIV-Infektion. Nach seiner Schulzeit in Poitiers studierte er Philosophie und Psychologie in Paris. 1952 begann seine berufliche Laufbahn als Assistent für Psychologie an der geisteswissenschaftlichen Fakultät in Lille. 1955 war er als Lektor an der Universität Uppsala (Schweden) tätig. Nach Direktorenstellen an Instituten in Warschau und Hamburg (1958/1959) kehrte er 1960 nach Frankreich zurück, wo er bis 1966 als Professor für Psychologie und Philosophie an der Universität Clermont-Ferrand arbeitete. In diesem Zeitraum erschien 1961 seine Dissertationsschrift Folie et déraison. Histoire de la folie à l'âge classique (dt.: Wahnsinn und Gesellschaft). Er thematisierte darin die Geschichte des Wahnsinns und das Zustandekommen einer Abgrenzung von geistiger Gesundheit und Krankheit und die damit einhergehenden sozialen Mechanismen. 1965 und 1966 war er Mitglied der Fouchet-Kommission, die von der Regierung für die Reform des (Hoch-)Schulwesens eingesetzt wurde. 1966 wurde Les mots et les choses – Une archéologie des sciences humaines (dt.: Die Ordnung der Dinge) veröffentlicht, worin er mit seiner diskursanalytischen Methode die Wissenschaftsgeschichte von der Renaissance bis ins 19. Jahrhundert untersuchte. Nach einem Auslandsaufenthalt als Gastprofessor in Tunis (1965-1968) war er an der Reform-Universität von Vincennes tätig (1968-1970). 1970 wurde er als Professor für Geschichte der Denksysteme an das renommierte Collège de France berufen. Gleichzeitig machte er durch sein vielfältiges politisches Engagement auf sich aufmerksam. In diesem Kontext entstand die Studie Surveiller et punir (dt.: Überwachen und Strafen). 1975-1982 unternahm er Reisen nach Berkeley und Japan sowie in den Iran und nach Polen.

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