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      • University of Philippines Press (UP Press)

        The University of the Philippines Press (or the U.P. Press) is the official publishing house for all constituent units of the U.P. system, and is the first university press in the country. It is mandated to encourage, publish, and disseminate scholarly, creative, and scientific works that represent distinct contributions to knowledge in various academic disciplines, which commercial publishers would not ordinarily undertake to publish.

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      • Phileas Fogg Agency

        Agency representing picture books projects, Foreign rights for publishers of picture books, representation of portfolios, contract consultancies.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 2024

        Sir Philip Sidney: The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia

        The New Arcadia, Second Revised Edition

        by Victor Skretkowicz, Elisabeth Chaghafi, J. B. Lethbridge

        Shipwrecks, gory battle scenes, cross-dressing, toxic relationships, abduction, torture (psychological and physical), comical country bumpkins, and, of course, love and poetry -Sir Philip Sidney's witty pastoral romance The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia is the classic that has it all in terms of entertainment factors. Modern readers mostly know Arcadia in its complete 'old' version, but it is the New Arcadia (published in 1590) that was the most influential and most widely imitated literary text of the sixteenth century. While preserving the basic plot - a ruler attempts to escape an alarming oracle by moving his family to the countryside and engaging in shepherd-cosplay until the arrival of two foreign princes triggers a chain of events leading to the fulfilment of the oracle - this version adds further narrative strands and introduces ambitious revisions that showcase Sidney's stylistic brilliance as a prose writer.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2021

        Mary and Philip

        The marriage of Tudor England and Habsburg Spain

        by Alexander Samson

        Mary I, eldest daughter of Henry VIII, was Queen of England from 1553 until her death in 1558. For much of this time she ruled alongside her husband, King Philip II of Spain, forming a co-monarchy that put England at the heart of early modern Europe. In this book, Alexander Samson presents a bold reassessment of Mary and Philip's reign, rescuing them from the neglect they have suffered at the hands of generations of historians. The co-monarchy of Mary I and Philip II put England at the heart of early modern Europe. This positive reassessment of their joint reign counters a series of parochial, misogynist and anti-Catholic assumptions, correcting the many myths that have grown up around the marriage and explaining the reasons for its persistent marginalisation in the historiography of sixteenth-century England. Using new archival discoveries and original sources, the book argues for Mary as a great Catholic queen, while fleshing out Philip's important contributions as king of England.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1975

        The Best of H. C. Artmann

        by H. C. Artmann, Klaus Reichert

        Von allen deutschen Autoren, die nach 1945 zu schreiben begannen, ist Artmann ohne jeden Zweifel der vielseitigste, originellste und erfinderischste. So wie Artmann in fast allen Gattungen gearbeitet hat, auch den angeblich antiquierten, und ohne sich um die Tagesparolen der mal reine Dichtung betreibenden, mal engagierten, mal die Literatur totsagenden Kollegen zu kümmern, so hat er seine Quellen, seine Herkunft überall: in der Artusepik, in barocker Schäferpoesie, in den Wörterbüchern und Grammatiken von gut zwei Dutzend Sprachen, in Irland und im England des Sherlock Holmes, bei Villon und dem Wiener Vorstadtdialekt, Lorca, Gomez de la Serna, den Surrealisten und Dadaisten, in den Detektivheftchen der 20er Jahre und den Comic strips von damals bis heute. Unsere Auswahl versucht, nicht nur einen repräsentativen Querschnitt durch das Werk Artmanns zu geben, sondern gleichzeitig Verstreutes, an entlegensten Orten Publiziertes zu sammeln.

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        April 1996

        The Best of H. P. Lovecraft

        by H. P. Lovecraft, Rudolf Hermstein, H. C. Artmann

        Mit seinem Cthulu-Mythos wollte H. P. Lovecraft eine Atmosphäre kosmischen Grauens schaffen, die Archaisches mit den modernen Erkenntnissen der Wissenschaft verbindet und unserer Zeit angemessen ist. Die Angst hielt er für das älteste und stärkste Gefühl, mit dem er in seinen Erzählungen gerne spielte. Die besten Erzählungen von H. P. Lovecraft sind in diesem Rand zusammengefaßt.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2023

        The politics of male friendship in contemporary American fiction

        by Michael Kalisch

        How might our friendships shape our politics? This book examines how contemporary American fiction has rediscovered the concept of civic friendship and revived a long tradition of imagining male friendship as interlinked with the promises and paradoxes of democracy in the United States. Bringing into dialogue the work of a wide range of authors - including Philip Roth, Paul Auster, Michael Chabon, Jonathan Lethem, Dinaw Mengestu, and Teju Cole - this innovative study advances a compelling new account of the political and intellectual fabric of the American novel today.

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        Science & Mathematics
        April 2022

        Nematodes as Model Organisms

        by Itamar Glazer, David I Shapiro-llan, Paul W. Sternberg

        Nematodes, which are small multi cellular organisms have been used as biological models since the 1960's. The nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans is a free-living nematode, about 1mm in length, that lives in temperate soil environments. It is made up of about 1000 cells, and has a short life cycle of only 2 weeks. It was the first multicellular organism to have its whole genome sequenced. The book includes chapters that summarize the importance of nematodes as model organisms in the fields of genetics, developmental biology, neurobiology, pharmacology, nutrition, ecology and parasitology. Of interest to a broad audience across a wide spectrum of disciplines, the book is useful for biologists working on comparative studies to investigate biological processes across organisms; medical scientists and pharmacologist for exploration of drugs and medicine (including the use of genome editing to eliminate diseases); ecologists considering nematodes as indicators for environment changes; and parasitologists for host-parasite interactions. Many other researchers can use this book as a benchmark for the broad implications of nematology research on other aspects of science.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        November 2020

        Tourism in Development: Reflective Essays

        by Peter U C Dieke, Brian E M King, Richard Sharpley, Ali Thompson

        This book: - comprises reflective essays written by internationally-ranked scholars and tourism consultants with extensive experience, particularly in the developing world countries - considers extant themes, issues and challenges related to tourism and development - offers a critical and contemporary perspective on tourism's significance and role in development.

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        Biography & True Stories
        June 2019

        The Half Quilt

        by Zeng San

        Rucheng, Hunan, is the first large-scale centralized land recuperation after the Red Army's Long March. A story of "half-quilt" embodies the deep feelings of the military and civilians in the village of Shazhou in Rucheng. The revolutionaries Mao Zedong and Zhu De launched revolutionary activities in Rucheng, which has consolidated the mass foundation on this land.The book takes the "Half Quilt" story as the entrance, integrates the Long March story and revolution story of Rucheng, and the story of Shazhou Village's poverty eradication in the new era.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        December 2018

        Minorities in China

        an American University President's Photographic Journey

        by Sidney A. Mcphee

        This book is a compilation of more than two hundred pictures reflecting the traditional costumes, characteristic buildings, traditional activities, and traditional medicine of Chinese ethnic minorities. Each picture has the story behind it and the testimony of the author. From the perspective of foreigners, the book vividly reproduces the diversity of the Chinese nation, the unique regional culture, and the natural and social environment in the form of pictures and text.

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        January 1965

        Je länger ein Blinder lebt, desto mehr sieht er

        Jiddische Sprichwörter

        by H. C. Artmann

        »Ein Pechvogel fällt auf den Hintern und zerschlägt sich dabei die Nase«: Jiddische Sprichwörter voller Witz und mit einem tiefen Verständnis für alles Menschliche finden sich in dieser Zusammenstellung in der übersetzung H. C. Artmanns.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2021

        Love's Victory

        Lady Mary Wroth

        by Alison Findlay, Philip Sidney, Michael Brennan

        Love's Victory by Lady Mary Wroth (1587-1651) is the first romantic comedy written in English by a woman. The Revels Plays publishes for the first time a fully-authorised, modern spelling edition of the Penshurst manuscript, the only copy of the play containing all five acts, handwritten by Wroth and privately owned by the Viscount De L'Isle. Edited by Alison Findlay, Philip Sidney and Michael G. Brennan, their critical introduction provides details of Wroth's remarkable life and work as a member of the Sidney family, tracing connections between Love's Victory, her prose and poetry and her family's extensive writings. The editors introduce readers to the influence of court drama on Love's Victory and offer a new account of the play's stage history in productions from 1999-2018. Extensive commentary notes guiding the modern reader include explanatory glosses, literary references and staging information.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2009

        Mit Darwin leben

        Evolution, Intelligent Design und die Zukunft des Glaubens

        by Philip Kitcher, Michael Bischoff

        Als Charles Darwin im Jahr 1882 starb, sollte er auf Wunsch der Familie auf dem Friedhof jenes kleinen Dorfes in Kent beigesetzt werden, in dem er fast sein halbes Leben verbracht hatte. Daraus wurde nichts. Eine öffentliche Kampagne mit ausdrücklicher Unterstützung der anglikanischen Kirche führte dazu, daß der Begründer der Evolutionstheorie ein Staatsbegräbnis erhielt und seine letzte Ruhestätte in der Westminster Abbey fand – direkt neben dem Grabmal Isaac Newtons. Der Frieden zwischen der Kirche und Darwin war allerdings nur von kurzer Dauer. Heute, 150 Jahre nach der Veröffentlichung von On the Origin of Species, ist der Kampf um die Evolutionstheorie wieder neu entbrannt und Darwins »gefährliche Idee« steht insbesondere für Vertreter der christlichen Schöpfungslehre und ihrer wissenschaftlichen Spielart, der sogenannten Intelligent-Design-Theorie, zur Disposition. Der Wissenschaftsphilosoph Philip Kitcher zeichnet die Geschichte dieser Auseinandersetzung nach, die auf zunächst ungelöste Spannungen in Darwins Theorie selbst zurückgeht. Er zeigt, daß viele Argumente, die heute von Kreationisten vorgetragen werden, bereits zu Darwins Zeiten, ja sogar von Darwin selbst erwogen und verworfen wurden. Intelligent Design, so Kitcher, ist daher keine Pseudowissenschaft, sondern eine tote Wissenschaft, die längst geklärte Fragen erneut aufwirft. Und der Streit um Darwin ist in Wahrheit nur eine Facette eines viel umfassenderen Clashs zwischen religiösem Glauben und wissenschaftlichen Entdeckungen. Kitcher präsentiert eine vehemente Verteidigung der Evolutionstheorie, ohne dabei die sinnstiftende Funktion der Religion gerade in Zeiten sozialer Unsicherheit herunterzuspielen. Sinnfragen sind wesentlich soziale Fragen. Erst wenn diese beantwortet sind, so sein Fazit, können wir den Glauben an das Übernatürliche aufgeben – und endlich mit Darwin leben.

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