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      • Trusted Partner
        Animal breeding
        November 2010

        Breeding for Disease Resistance in Farm Animals

        by Edited by Stephen C Bishop, Roger F E Axford, Frank W Nicholas, John B Owen

        Addressing principles associated with breeding animals for enhanced health and resistance to specific diseases, this new edition provides an updated review of the field and is illustrated with examples covering many diseases of importance to livestock production across all major livestock species. Authored by experts in the field, the book covers techniques and approaches, viruses, TSEs, bacteria, parasites, vectors, and broader health issues seen in production systems, including metabolic diseases. The book will be an essential reference for professionals in the field, scientists and researchers, students, breeders, vets, agricultural advisors and policymakers.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        April 2024

        Demand-led Plant Breeding

        From Principles to Practice in Emerging Markets

        by Vivienne M Anthony, Cathy Barker

        This companion to "The Business of Plant Breeding: Market-led Approaches to Plant Variety Design in Africa contains experiences from postgraduate educators training the next generation of African plant breeders and professional breeders that are implementing best practices in Demand-Led Breeding (DLB) in their current crop improvement programmes. It is written by highly experienced plant breeders representing several universities, national plant breeding programmes, regional and international agricultural research institutes in Africa, together with expert breeders from Australia and developers from private seed companies. It includes specifically points of learning from real implementation situations from crop breeding programmes in NARS and IARCs in Africa, Australia and internationally. It shares experiences on improving tropical crops, strengthening understanding on how to overcome challenges in designing new crops to increase smallholder farmer adoption and advocating best practices. It also presents five case studies on tropical crops, and discusses the need for an enabling policy environment and the changes needed for Africa to achieve its ambition for food security and Africa's vision 2063.

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        Children's & YA

        O sumiço do tatu (The disappearance of the armadillo)

        by Marília Moreira

        Haroldo, a minho, who as he relates to other animals in the garden brings to light issues such as friendship and respect, mixing a harmonic field with an inside-out view of the garden of a house inhabited by some strange animals, among them the (human) balance-beast.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        April 2020

        Greta’s Voice

        by Ged Umlimi / Amelina Jones

        Very few people had the courage and the chance to change the course of events in history. Ghandi was one of them. Rosa Parks was another. But for the first time, a teenager stood up. Greta Thunberg started with small steps, sitting in front of the Swedish Parliament and later skipping schools on every Friday in order to demand action on climate crisis. In time, she inspired millions of young people and adults around the world to take to the streets to demand the same. Greta’s Voice is the real story of the 16-year-old climate activist, a story that will give hope to people of all ages and prove to children that they don’t need to wait becoming a grown up to make a difference. Greta’s is a story of persistence and inspiration, a wake up call for us all. We hope we will stop the climate crisis altogether

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      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        September 2018

        Mutation Breeding in Oil Palm

        A Manual

        by Fazrin Nur, Brian P Forster, Samual A. Osei, Samuel Amiteye, Jennifer Ciomas, Soeranto Hoeman, Ljupcho Jankuloski, Brian P Forster, Peter D. S. Caligari

        This is a practical guide to mutation breeding in oil palm, representing completely novel work supported by the Plant Breeding and Genetics Section of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division (Vienna, Austria). Oil palm is the top oil crop and the only major crop and only oil crop not to have been improved by plant mutation breeding. The manual is hands-on, providing step-by-step illustrated methods in mutation induction, mutation detection and mutant line development for oil palm improvement. Presenting sound practices based on scientific innovation and knowledge, this guide provides techniques integrated with expertise and is authored by practitioners actively engaged in oil palm seed production and breeding. Promoting green, eco-friendly agriculture, this book features coverage of: Radio-sensitivity testing Challenges and opportunities for mutation breeding Protocol for developing mutant generations for mutant screening Services in irradiation treatments The only available resource containing protocols and guidelines on how oil palm can be manipulated for mutation breeding, this book is essential reading for oil palm breeders, seed producers and plantation companies, oil palm traders, students and research institutes across the world. It provides a resource for training, a knowledge base for people new to oil palm and a reference guide for managers, to ensure best practices in maximising sustainability and production of this important crop. .

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal breeding
        June 2003

        Poultry Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology

        by William M Muir, Samual E Aggrey

        This comprehensive research book represents the first complete integration of current knowledge in this area. It addresses issues associated with poultry breeding particularly by examining quantitative and molecular genetics and the uses of transgenic technology. A special section covers the important area of disease resistance and transmission.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        March 2016

        Mason's World Encyclopedia of Livestock Breeds and Breeding: 2 volume pack

        by Valerie Porter, Lawrence Alderson, Stephen Hall, D. Phillip Sponenberg

        Mason's World Encyclopedia of Livestock Breeds and Breeding describes breeds of livestock worldwide as well as a range of breed-related subjects such as husbandry, health and behaviour. This definitive and prestigious reference work presents easily accessible information on domestication (including wild ancestors and related species), genetics and breeding, livestock produce and markets, as well as breed conservation and the cultural and social aspects of livestock farming. Written by renowned livestock authorities, these volumes draw on the authors' lifelong interest and involvement in livestock breeds of the world, presenting a unique, comprehensive and fully cross-referenced guide to cattle, buffalo, horses, pigs, sheep, asses, goats, camelids, yak and other domesticants. Volume 1: contains asses, camelids, cattle, goats, horses and pigs Volume 2: contains sheep, water buffalo, yak and other livestock Coverage: Breed descriptions: including groups, types and varieties, history and links between groups, livestock products and trends for creating new breeds Wild species: ancestral and relatives, potential domesticants and hybridization Humans and breeds: spread of domestication, transhumance and pastoralism, social and cultural influences, suitability of different groups for different human purposes Genetics and Conservation: a dedicated section and glossary of terms Placing breeds in a practical agricultural context, this two volume encyclopedia will be of great value to agriculturalists, breeders, geneticists, biologists, rural historians, conservationists, ecologists, and all those who are interested in the rich diversity of livestock breeds. ; This book presents a comprehensive and fully cross-referenced guide to cattle, buffalo, horses, pigs, sheep, asses, goats and camelids. It covers breed descriptions, wild species, potential domesticants, genetics and breeding, livestock produce and markets, cultural and social aspects of livestock farming and genetic conservation. ; 1:: Preface2:: Introduction3:: Genetics, Breeding and Conservation4:: Asses5:: Camelids6:: Cattle7:: Goats8:: Horses9:: Pigs10:: Sheep11:: Water Buffalo12:: Yak13:: Other Livestock

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        A oficina do Cambeva (Cambeva's workshop)

        by Lido Loschi

        Cambeva's workshop is the first of four books of the collection "Presente de Vô" in partnership with Grupo Ponto de Partida. The book is a mixture of colours and elements that highlight the memory of the world, in which seekers of memories have the mission of bringing light and life to objects found in the travels of two characters: Zalém and Calunga. Cambeva is a restorer who, when the world lost its embrace, tried to reinvent it; he is the grandfather who mends dreams, forgotten things and lost emotions, to whom the seekers ask for help to fix something. In a magical universe, full of children, grandchildren, stories and memories of his lineage of restorers, when faced with this request for restoration, he makes room to bring back an emblematic figure who can no longer sing. A story about memories, care and affection...

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        September 2020

        Equine Reproductive Physiology, Breeding and Stud Management

        by Mina C G Davies Morel

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        June 2020

        Two Tortoises in the Forest

        by Bahar Sener / Gabriela Vagnoli

        Regardless of their reactions, all children are beautiful and deserve respect and care. They sometimes misbehave, in fact this may even go as far as peer bullying. In this book, you will see how this kind of behaviours can be transformed and open the way for a good friendship when children are treated with love. Children and adults alike have so much to learn from those intelligent, wise tortoises who are famous for acting slowly but surely.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2023

        Born Hutsi

        by Fiston Mudacumura

        The author was raised in a family of only survivors from the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsis. Even FARG (A survivors fund) allegedly paid for his school fees for some time. Through FARG reform, he learned that his father had associated with perpetrators even if he was also killed in 1994. Digesting that information as a teenager was not easy. In this book, you read about his other close-to-normal upbringing like infatuation, sex advice from fellow teenagers, getting conned in Paris and arrested on his first trip to France, his take from the "Ndi umunyarwanda" campaign, #PK saving him from getting expelled at the university, joining a political party at the university,...

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2002

        An anthology of women's travel writings

        by Shirley Foster, Sara Mills

        This anthology aims to challenge stereotypes of women travellers. Rather than simply presenting writings by Victorian women who travelled bravely around the world disregarding social convention and danger, the editors present a range of writing and possible ways of being a woman traveller. As well as the 'eccentric' woman traveller, the editors have included writings by those who might be seen as failed travellers, cautious and conventional travellers and those who did not conform to the adventurous heroine stereotype. Because travelling as a woman and writing as a woman presents the author with a number of textual problems which must be negotiated, Foster and Mills have chosen to include writings which confronted these problems and which resolved them (or did not resolve them) in different ways. These textual problems include the depiction of other women, the representation of spatial relations, the negotiations undertaken in relation to the adventure heroine narrative and character and the position taken by the author in relation to the representation of knowledge. These issues are all crucial in relation to travel writing by women , and the women, whose writing has been collected together in this anthology have made bold decisions in relation to them. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Castelos de areia (Sand castles)

        by Márcia Leite

        Humans, who hold the power and exercise it for their own benefit, do not see the other beings of that universe. The invisibility and the political and social relations of micro and macro powers are intertwined in the maximum of coexistence and coexistence between different beings in a common territory.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA


        by Felipe Valério

        The name of this book is Oikoá, which means life in the language of the Guarani Mbya people. This name was chosen because the indigenous peoples have been the guardians of life on planet Earth: it is in their territories that there are more types of trees and plants, animals, fish, birds, insects, and where the rivers and forests are best preserved.

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        Children's & YA

        Pode me chamar de Dodô (You can call me Dodo)

        by Daniella Michelin

        Coexistence, harmony, respect, existence and resistance are central themes of the book Pode me chamar de Dodô, written by Daniella Michelin and illustrated by Elisa Carareto.

      • Trusted Partner
        Agronomy & crop production
        September 2011

        Biology and Breeding of Food Legumes

        by Geert Angenon, Ashwani K Basandrai, Judith Burstin, Steven B Cannon, S K Chaturvedi, H K Chaudhary, Percy Maruwa Chimwamurombe, Nazmul Haq, Manabu Ishitani, Shiv Kumar, Monika Lulsdorf, Michael Materne, Nobuko Ohmido, Klaus Oldach, Reid G Palmer, Marta Santalla, Jessica Schlueter, B B Singh, Mohar Singh, Carlos Roberto Spehar, Brijesh K Tiwari, Cenzig Toker, Rajeev K Varshney, Maria Wedzony, Asibuo James Yaw. Edited by Aditya Pratap, Jitendra Kumar.

        Food legumes are important constituents of human and animal nutrition, supplying high quality proteins crucial for a balanced diet. These crops also play an important role in low-input agricultural production systems by fixing atmospheric nitrogen. Despite systematic and continuous breeding efforts by legume researchers all over the world, substantial genetic gains have not been achieved. These issues require immediate attention, and overall, a paradigm shift is needed in breeding strategies to strengthen our traditional crop improvement programs. To this end, Biology and Breeding of Food Legumes provides extensive information on their history, origin, evolution and botany, as well as breeding objectives and procedures, nutritional improvement, industrial uses, post-harvest technology and recent developments made through biotechnological intervention.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1998

        Amy Foster

        Die Erzählung zum Film "Amy Foster - Im Meer der Gefühle"

        by Conrad, Joseph

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