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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Museum for Old Things

        by Alexander Asatiani

        The museum keeps not just objects and things but also their past and their memories of the past. That is how it keeps its inhabitants alive.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Small Animal Veterinary Psychiatry

        by Sagi Denenberg, Ali Thompson

        Problem behaviours are often the result of how an animal thinks and feels, genetics, and environmental influences. Steering away from just description diagnoses and focusing instead on emotional and cognitive causes, this book provides a practical approach to diagnosing, treating, and managing behaviour pathologies in dogs and cats. Beginning by addressing cases in the first opinion practice, this book then considers physical disorders that may lead to or exacerbate abnormal behavior. From there, the focus shifts to mental and emotional health, from an assessment of normal behavior and giving juveniles an optimal start in life, to diagnosing mental and emotional disorders, addressing emotions such as anxiety and frustration, and how to manage these issues - by modifying behavior, managing the animal's environment, training, and, when necessary, the use of medications. The second half of the book then addresses owner concerns, including management problems, aggression, affective disorder, elimination disorder, abnormal and repetitive behaviours and ageing-related problems. With an emphasis on helping first line veterinarians identify common presentations and offer help to owners, this book: - Addresses both normal and abnormal behaviour in cats and dogs from an emotion and cognition perspective; - Provides behaviour modification protocols, and drug doses and indications; - Includes handouts to be used both within the practice and with clients to help the veterinary surgeon manage the case. Written by international experts, the book translates their insights and experience into approaches taken in behavioural medicine. Also including the most up-to-date drugs, it is an important resource for both small animal veterinarians and students of veterinary medicine or animal behaviour.

      • Trusted Partner


        How to survive in a world where you can’t pay rent, can’t afford to focus, be healthy or to remain principled. Dijana Matković tells a powerful story of searching for a room of her own in the late stages of capitalism.


        It is a coming-of-age story for Generation Z. How to grow up or even live in a world where no steady jobs are available, you can’t pay your rent and can’t afford medical or living expenses. Moreover, it touches on how to be a socially engaged artist in such a world, and more so, a woman in a post-me too world? Dijana, a daughter of working-class immigrants, tells the story of her difficult childhood and adolescence, how should became a journalist and later a writer in a society full of prejudices, glass ceilings and obstacles. How she gradually became a stereotypical ‘success story’, even though she still struggles with writing, because she can’t afford a ‘room of her own’.   Dijana is a daughter of working-class immigrants, who came to Slovenia in the eighties in search of a better future. The family is building a house but is made redundant from the local factory when Yugoslavia is in the midst of an economic crisis. When her parents get divorced, Dijana, her older sister and mother struggle with basic needs. She is ashamed of their poverty, her classmates bully her because of her immigrant status, but mostly because of her being ‘white trash’. In the local school she meets teachers with prejudices against immigrants, but is helped by a librarian who spots her talent. When Dijana goes to secondary school, she moves in with her older sister who lives in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Her sister is into rave culture and Dijana starts to explore experimenting with drugs, music and dance. At the secondary school, she is again considered ‘the weird kid’, as she isn’t enough of a foreigner for other immigrant kids because she is from the country, yet she isn’t Slovenian enough for other native kids. She falls even deeper into drug addiction, fails the first year of school and has to move back to live with her mother. She takes on odd jobs to make ends meet. Whilst working as a waitress she encounters sexism and sexual violence from customers and abuse from the boss. She finishes night school and graduates. She meets many ‘lost’ people of her generation along the way, who tell her their stories about precarious, minimum wage jobs, lack of opportunities, expensive rent, etc. Dijana writes for numerous newspapers but loses or quits her job, because she isn’t allowed to write the stories she wants or because of the bad working conditions or the blatant sexual harassment. Due to the high rent in the capital, Dijana has to move to the countryside to live with her mother. She feels lonely there, struggles with anxiety and cannot write a second book, because she is constantly under pressure to make a living. She realises that she must persevere regardless of the obstacles, she must follow her inner truth and by writing about it, try to create a community of like-minded people, a community of people who support each other – all literature/art is social.

      • Erotic fiction
        August 2012

        Smoking Hot (Unillustrated)

        Story 5 from the Naked Delirium anthology

        by Fulani

        The fifth and final story from the "Naked Delirium" collection. Hypnosis has helped Hannah kick a 40-a-day smoking habit, but the side effects have bee most SMOKING HOT by Fulani.

      • Erotic fiction
        August 2012

        Smoking Hot

        Story 5 from the Naked Delirium anthology

        by Fulani & Giorgio Verona

        The fifth and final story from the "Naked Delirium" collection. Hypnosis has helped Hannah kick a 40-a-day smoking habit, but the side effects have bee most SMOKING HOT by Fulani, featuring the illustrations of Giorgio Verona!

      • Erotic fiction
        August 2012

        Naked Delirium (Unillustrated)

        by Sommer Marsden, Vanessa de Sade, Kristina Wright, Velvet Tripp, Fulani

        The mind has the power to save us from depravity...or to drive us further to it! NAKED DELIRIUM delves deep into the human psyche to celebrate sex in altered states! Within these pages, we invite you explore the indecent expanse of the unfettered mind, and maybe get a little bit delirious yourself. Free your mind....and great sex will follow! In SUGARSHUTTLE EXPRESS by Sommer Marsden, a three-day hike becomes a three-day high when Danny and Wren climb aboard! The mystic waters of the Lakeshore Spa are the domain of Gilinda the Good....but Gilinda is not always so good, in GILINDA AND THE WICKED WITCH by Vanessa de Sade. In LILITH RETURNS by Kristina Wright, Adam and Eve have lived together in harmony for millennia. But the return of the demon Lilith is set to result in one cataclysmic climax! Then, a young woman is left fighting for her very body and soul when a pagan ritual goes suddenly wrong, in A WOMAN POSSESSED by Velvet Tripp. And finally, in SMOKING HOT by Fulani, hypnosis as helped Hanna kick a 40-a-day smoking habit, but the side effects have been most unexpected!...

      • Erotic fiction

        Love Gun

        by Fulani

        A traffic jam introduces Cerise to a steampunk craftsman. Turns out, he’s recently made a Love Gun, and Cerise dares him to use it on her …

      • Erotic fiction
        September 2014

        Hunting Shooting Racing

        by Fulani

        In the downturn of disheartening recession, an entrepreneurial couple lift spirits by taking their private games public!

      • The Arts
        November 2020


        Desarrollo personal y técnico del y para el actor/actriz

        by Ana Carril del Valle

        ACT FULNESS · Desarrollo personal y técnico del y para el actor/actriz: el libro, con profusión de consejos y ejercicios prácticos, invita al lector a comenzar un viaje, desde las primeras páginas, elaborando su propios Diario de Actor/Actriz. Y se divide en dos bloques complementarios.  El primero, el entrenamiento, arranca con el autoconocimiento, algo innegociable para comenzar a trabajar, y desgrana después las destrezas y herramientas necesarias como la Conciencia Corporal y Espacial, la Concentración y Observación, la Atención Distributiva, la Imaginación y la Creatividad, la Memoria, la Escucha Activa y el Impulso.  En la segunda parte, se genera un viaje de la Emoción a través del Texto, separando estos dos elementos para desarrollarlos de forma exhaustiva.

      • Travel writing
        November 2004

        Frail Dream of Timbuktu

        by Bettina Selby

        In her latest journey, the most exotic and challenging of them all, Bettina Selby set out to explore the land of ancient African empires along the southern fringes of the Sahara Desert. Following the course of the river Niger, from Niamey through the fabled city of Tibuktu and so on to Djenne and Segou, she reveals a lost world of cities founded centuries ago on the rich profits from trade and spices, gold and slaves. It was not only the siren call of these cities that drew Bettina to the Sahel, but the harsh beauty of the land and curiosity about the people who live there now. Some Fulani and Tuareg, still proudly nomadic manage to scrape a living from the thin soil as the desert encroaches. In the mountains to the south the Dogon have lived for centuries in their curious villages clinging to the cliffs, still haunted by the spirits of their ancestors. Needless to say the spectacle of a single woman on a bicycle was greeted with amazement and curiosity in almost equal measure. But even an all-terrain bicycle was not always equal to the desert conditions, so Bettina, nothing if not flexible, took to pirogue, camel or bush taxi as the occasion demanded. With the ‘strong brown god’ of the Niger flowing through her account, a lost corner of Africa unfolds on either side. Full of echoes of the past, its future is precarious, and Bettina Selby captures it here, remote, elusive and in transition. Bettina Selby is a real adventurer TLS

      • The Lebanon Cook Book

        by Zahra Hakim and Lisa Rammensee

        Welcome to delicious Lebanon!   Zahra Hakim will help us to discover the delicacies of the country, seasoned with personal memories and culinary traditions. Prepare irresistible hummus with her, make your own cream cheese the traditional way and enjoy her vegetable, fish and meat specialties.    Lebanese cuisine combines the flavors and spices of Europe with those of the Middle East in an incomparable way. The dishes in this book range from breakfast recipes, light starters and crunchy salads to rich mezze plates; from spicy and aromatic soups to traditional and modern main courses and fragrant desserts.   The beautiful watercolour illustrations by Lisa Rammensee also give a visual impression of the food and life in Lebanon and wet your appetite for the dishes, which are all easy to cook and a real treat.

      • Openning-up & Trade Power

        by Fuo Jianguo

        There are three parts of the book. In the first part, the author introduces to us the basic points of international trade theory as well as the characteristics of China's international trade development. In the second part, the author analyzes how China changed after intering into WTO. And then, he probes into the future of China;s becoming a trade power under the B&R Inniative and the circumstances of China's ful open after the Nineteenth National Congress.

      • You Stink!

        Major League Baseball's Terrible Teams and Pathetic Players

        by Eric Wittenberg (author), Michael Aubrecht (author)

        A satiric look at the jeer-ful side of our national pastimeThere are countless volumes celebrating the best teams in professional baseball. Unfortunately, winning represents only one side of the game. For every champion’s record-setting season, there has been an equally memorable story of defeat. These teams and their shameful contributions to America’s national pastime have been a neglected topic in the annals of baseball history. Until now.In You Stink!, two fanatical historians (or historian fans), Michael Aubrecht and Eric Wittenberg, give credit where it is far overdue with a statistically backed, satirical look at the worst teams and individuals ever to set foot on a diamond. You Stink! includes franchise origins, detailed stats, player profiles, photos, and more, as well as a collection of long-format essays in a “Hall of Shame” that recognizes some of the worst moments ever witnessed on a ball field. The first half of the book is based entirely on statistical data; in the second half the authors give their personal opinions.With an insightful foreword by Dave Raymond, the original “Phillie Phanatic,” You Stink! showcases disappointments on the diamond dating as far back as 1889. Readers are treated to stories of the worst teams, players, owners, calls, fans, plays, and more. A timeline of Major League terribleness and an assortment of quotations about losing complement this unique survey of shame.Ultimately, You Stink! celebrates a sport that gives us more than just wins and losses and drives to the heart of what all of us love about baseball. Fans bond with their teams, and everyone can relate to suffering through slumps. Watching our heroes stumble through ineptitude, boneheaded plays, and heartbreaking losses makes the celebration all the sweeter when victory finally comes.

      • Children's & YA
        June 2023

        My Beloved Monster

        by Marta Łabęcka

        Why did you do this, Chad?!   Norwood in North Carolina was considered the calmest place on Earth. Its residents knew each other very well — they were aware of their neighbours’ joys and sorrows, spent their time together, they were friends. People used to say nothing bad ever happens in Norwood. Adults said these words gently and calmly, teenagers with a degree of irritation. With all its idyllic qualities their small town was just boring.   It had been like this until the day Chadwick Myers decided to ruin this peace fulness and aimed his gun at his best friends. The fact that his girlfriend Holly Wilson was absent from school made her in everyone’s eyes an accomplice in the cruel crime which resulted in Norwood suddenly making the front page of newspapers in the USA.   What was behind this horrible act of Holly’s beloved? Is Chadwick Myers really a monster that the residents of Norwood take him for? Will the girl eventually learn the truth?

      • November 2020

        Renewing Catholic Schools

        How to Regain a Catholic Vision for a Secular Age

        by R. Jared Staudt, Most Reverend Samuel J. Aquila

        Catholic education remains one of the most compelling expressions of the Church’s mission to form disciples. Despite decades of decline in the number of schools and students, many Catholic schools have been experiencing renewal by returning to the great legacy of the Catholic tradition. Renewing Catholic Schools offers an overview of the reasons behind this renewal and practical suggestions for administrators, clergy, teachers, and parents on how to begin the process of reinvigoration. The book begins by situating Catholic education within the Church’s mission. Fidelity to Catholic mission and identity, including a commitment to the fulness of truth, provides the fundamental mark for the true success of Catholic education. The Catholic intellectual tradition, in particular, established by figures such as Augustine, Boethius, and Aquinas, can continue to direct Catholic schools, providing a depth of vision to overcome today’s educational crisis. To transcend the now dominate secular model of education, Catholic schools can align their curriculum more closely to the Catholic tradition. One touchpoint comes from Archbishop Michael Miller’s The Holy See’s Teaching on Catholic Schools, which the book explores as a source for practical guidance. It also offers a Catholic vision for curriculum, examining the full range of subjects from gymnasium, the fine arts, the liberal arts, literature, history, and catechesis, all of which lead to a well-formed graduate, inspired by beauty, attune to truth, and ordered toward the good. Finally, the book provides a practical vision for renewing the school through the formation of teachers, creation of a school community, and by offering suggestions for implementation of a stronger Catholic mission and philosophy of education. The teacher, ultimately, should strive to teach like Jesus, while the community should joyfully embody the school’s mission, making it a lived reality. The book concludes with examples of Catholic schools that have successfully undergone renewal.

      • Science & Mathematics
        November 2020

        Plants for Novel Drug Molecules

        Ethnobotany To Ethnopharmacology

        by Bikarma Singh & Yash Pal Sharma

        The present book is based on twenty five excellent scientific contributions of seventy researchers from topmost research organizations. The book begin with plants used in Sowa-Rigpa system of food and medicine, followed by traditional uses of plants as medicine among Khasi tribe living in northeast India. This compilation contains several research techniques highlighting methods and analysis of documented data, and procedure for scientific validation of findings. Methods for assessing traditional knowledge of highly threatened plants such as Hodgsoniaheteroclita, pharmacological applications of family asteraceae, ethnobotany of family apiaceae, plants used in managing leucorrhea, plants as animal care, phytochemistry of Arisaemajacquemontii, Andrographispaniculata, Blumealacera, Boerhaaviadiffusa, Hemidesmusindicus, Pterocarpussantalinus, Rauwolfiaserpentina, Rauwolfiatetraphylla, and several other ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological parameters used in studying current science is described in this book. Besides, it is followed by several research topics focused to the clinical arena, plants used in relation to cancer, diabetes, skin disorders and many other aspects relates to animal and human health care. Todays food supplements derived from plants are of high demand, and this compilation also highlighted several plants used as nutraceuticals. It has been observed that herbs contain many bioactive compounds with powerful antioxidant properties as evidence from the scientific data, and few research on lianas, lichens and role of allylisothiocyanate as a bioprotective agent also discussed added more value to this compilations. Focused theme such as ethnobotanical trends and techniques, phytochemistry, biological activities, ethnopharmacology and clinical studies is adding and contributing a lots value to this book in discovering leads for medicine formulations.

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