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        AUS NICHTS

        by Ron Adam

        AUS NICHTS – Ein futuristisch-apokalyptischer Thriller von Ron Adam Wie in einer griechischen Tragödie bewegen sich die Vereinigten Staaten auf eine nicht zu vermeidende Kollision zu: Die explosive Kombination von fanatischem Islamismus, Atomwaffen und den reichsten Energiereserven der Welt. Am 11. September 2001 demonstrierte Osama Bin Laden, wie US Dollars und amerikanische Technologie sich in einen Bumerang gegen die USA verwandeln und das Herz des mächtigsten Landes der Welt treffen können. Angesicht dessen ist es nicht schwer, sich vorzustellen, wie es wäre, wenn ein solcher Fanatismus sich nuklearer Waffen bemächtigen würde. Die Kriege der USA und ihrer Verbündeten in Afghanistan und im Irak kreisen geographisch den Iran ein und deuten damit auf dieses Land als eine weitere und wegen seines nuklearen Potentials vielleicht die stärkste Bedrohung für die westliche Welt hin. Aus Nichts handelt davon, wie die Welt, die durch einen regionalen Krieg am Persischen Golf und einen Umsturz in Russland, dem alten neuen Verbündeten des Iran, in einen nuklearen Holocaust geraten ist, überleben kann. Die Menschheit scheint vollständig ausgelöscht, doch die Besatzung eines amerikanischen U-Bootes überlebt unter Wasser. Die ausschließlich männlichen Besatzungsmitglieder merken, dass das weitere Überleben der menschlichen Gattung nun allein von ihnen abhängt. Nach neun Monaten unter Wasser ankern sie schließlich vor einer abgelegenen Insel im Pazifik und stellen fest, dass die Umweltbedingungen hier wieder menschliches Leben zulassen. Das Boot ist mit der neuesten Technologie ausgerüstet.   Um das Überleben der Menschheit zu sichern, wurden sogar zwei Dutzend befruchtete tiefgefrorene Eizellen eingelagert, die dazu bestimmt sind, zu weiblichen menschlichen Nachkommen zu werden. Leider leben nun aber auf der Insel zunächst nur die mehr als einhundert Männer des U-Bootes, die ungeduldig darauf warten müssen, dass die kleinen Mädchen endlich zu Frauen heranreifen. Der Kampf über die Kontrolle der kostbaren „Ressourcen“ ist unvermeidlich. Die Männer müssen erkennen, dass die menschliche Natur auch hier nicht zu ändern ist. Der Autor Ron Adam hat als Kampfpilot und Flugausbilder in der israelischen Luftwaffe sowie als Marineoffizier in einen U-Boot eine beeindruckende militärische Karriere hinter sich. Heute ist er als Berater in der Luftfahrtindustrie tätig und verfasste bereits mehrere Bücher und Drehbücher. Ron Adam ist glücklich verheiratet und Vater dreier Kinder. Rechte für die deutsche Ausgabe sind noch erhältlich!

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        Desde el Principio

        by Ron Adam

        Desde el Principio – Novela de suspense apocalíptica por Ron Adam Como en una tragedia griega, los Estados Unidos avanza inexorablemente hacia una colisión con la mayor de las amenazas: la combinación letal del islamismo fanático, armas nucleares y los mayores recursos energéticos del planeta. El 11 de septiembre de 2001, Osama Bin Laden demostró al mundo cómo aprovechar los dólares y la tecnología norteamericanos para utilizarlos como bumerang con el fin de asestar un golpe en el corazón de los Estados Unidos. Aunque sea terrible, no cuesta imaginarse qué puede suceder en cuanto ese celo fanático disponga del monstruoso poder de las armas nucleares. Una rápida mirada en el mapa muestra que los Estados Unidos han aprendido la lección y que las guerras en Afganistán y en Irak han venido a cerrar el círculo alrededor de la verdadera amenaza: Irán. Desde el principio le arrastra al torbellino que barre el mundo, desde una guerra local en el Golfo Pérsico pasando por un golpe militar en Rusia, la nueva vieja aliada de Irán, hasta un verdadero holocausto nuclear. La tripulación exclusivamente masculina de un submarino estadounidense que jugó involuntariamente un papel activo en la destrucción de la humanidad, comprueba después de los hechos que la tarea opuesta, reconstituir la raza humana Desde el principio reposa sobre sus hombros. Después de pasar sumergidos nueve meses, emergen en una remota isla del Pacífico en la que las condiciones pueden de nuevo soportar la vida. Equipados con tecnologías de punta, llevan con ellos dos docenas de óvulos fertilizados congelados, destinados a convertirse en nuevas Evas, que juntas serán las madres de la nueva humanidad. Lamentablemente, hay en la isla demasiados “Adanes”. Más de cien hombres esperan ansiosos que las 24 bebitas maduren y se conviertan en mujeres maduras y por lo tanto, la lucha por el control de tan precioso “recurso” está predeterminada. Estos hombres comprueban que no es posible cambiar la naturaleza humana. Incluso después de la terrible guerra que lo ha destruido todo, el hombre seguirá usando la fuerza bruta para obtener lo que desea y para resolver disputas. A pesar del escenario pesimista, el libro es esencialmente optimista y lo impulsa la fe en la ley de la historia: el bien a la larga se impondrá, aun cuando sea a costa de sufrimientos y a un tremendo precio. El autor es piloto de caza, oficial de marina y experimentado ingeniero de alta tecnología. Ron Adam tiene en su haber una brillante carrera militar y ha servido en un submarino y en un navío de la Marina Israelí y como piloto de caza, comandante de un portaaviones, instructor de vuelo y oficial de rango superior de guerra electrónica en la Fuerza Aérea israelí. Adam, licenciado en Ingeniería electrónica, ha dirigido un proyecto militar con un coste de 1200 millones de dólares y también ha establecido tres emprendimientos de alta tecnología. Hoy día Adam es un asesor ejecutivo de la industria aeroespacial y divide su tiempo entre la ingeniería de nivel superior y la escritura de libros y libretos. Está casado y tiene tres hijos.

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        Nature, the natural world (Children's/YA)
        March 2020

        Earth Takes a Break

        by House, Emily

        From children's book author Emily House comes a wonderful story that re-connects us with our planet. A modern fable inspired by recent events, Earth Takes a Break is a touching picture book jam-packed with fun illustrations and woven together with a message of hope. When Earth feels unwell, she goes to the doctor to ask for help. What the doctor prescribes seems impossible to Earth, until she wakes the next day to find a surprising change!

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        Children's & YA

        The Holiday I Had to Take

        by Kateryna Yehorushkina (Author), Sonia Avdieieva (Illustrator)

        When the holidays draw near, schoolchildren begin to think about rest and travel. Sadly, this time, Vira's (Faith) holidays will be different due to the war. She, along with her parents and younger brother, has to move to the basement floor of their apartment building to hide from the bombardments. The family members do all they can to adapt to this new reality: they melt snow when they run out of water, try to warm themselves up by singing when they run out of heating, and reassure themselves that all the people close to them are safe when they cannot hear from them. The usual way of life seems like a distant memory, surviving perhaps only in our imagination or in computer games. Yet, even in these activities, and in supporting our loved ones, we can learn how to find a light inside that no missile will ever be able to reach. The Holiday I Had to Take is not only the moving story of Vira; readers of Kateryna Yehorushkina's book will also find advice and soothing practices from psychologist Svitlana Royz to support everyone finding themselves in difficult times   From 3 to 8 years, 2138 words. Rightsholders: Natalie Miroshnyk,

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        A Futuristic Apocalyptic Thriller

        by Ron Adam

        Just as in a Greek tragedy, America is moving towards the inevitable collision with the ultimate threat: the fatal combination of fanatic Islam, nuclear arms, and the richest energy resources in the world. On September 11, 2001, Osama Bin Laden demonstrated to the world how US dollars and American technology could be easily turned around and used as a boomerang to strike into the heart of America. It is easy, though shattering, to imagine what can happen once such fanatic zeal is equipped with the monstrous power of nuclear weapons. A quick look at the map shows that the United States did learn the lesson, and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were just the closing of the circle around the real threat – Iran. From Scratch takes you into the whirlpool that sweeps the world from a local war in the Persian Gulf through a military coup in Russia - Iran’s new old ally - to a veritable nuclear holocaust. An all-male US submarine crew that unwillingly played an active role in destroying mankind, finds out in the aftermath that the opposite task – to recreate the human race rests on their shoulders – From Scratch. They will emerge, after nine months underwater, at a remote Pacific Island where conditions can again support life. Equipped with cutting-edge technology, they carry with them two dozen frozen fertilized ova, each of which is destined to become a new "Eve", and who together will be the mothers of the new humankind. However, there are too many “Adams” on the island, and more than a hundred men are eagerly waiting for the 24 baby girls to mature into grown women. Therefore the struggle for control over the precious “resource” is predetermined. These men find out that human nature cannot be changed. Even after the ultimate war that destroyed everything, man will go on using sheer force in order to get what he wants and to resolve disputes. Despite the pessimistic scenario, the book is essentially optimistic, and is driven by faith in the law of history: although the good may suffer and pay a precious price, they will eventually prevail. The Author: A Fighter Pilot, Naval Officer, and Senior Hi-tech Engineer. Ron Adam has enjoyed an impressive military career, from Israeli Navy submarine and torpedo boat service to the Israeli Air Force as a fighter pilot, captain of an aircraft carrier, flight instructor, and electronic warfare staff officer. Holding a degree in Electronics Engineering, Adam has headed a 1.2 billion dollar defense program and has also established three high-tech start-ups. Today, Adam is a senior consultant to the aerospace industry, and shares his time between top-level engineering and writing of books and scripts. He is happily married and has 3 children. An English-Language eBook edition has been scheduled for publication in late  2017 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons ,Inc., CA.  180 pages, 15X21 cm

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        Children's & YA
        January 2020

        The First Journey

        by Yuliya Sharlay (Author), Helena Jastremska (Illustrator)

        Myshka lived for herself. And she was... a cow! Yes, yes, the most amazing cow in the world! Not just a cow, but a dreaming cow. Mishka dreamed of traveling, but her cow girlfriends did not understand her at all. Only the girl Kira understood perfectly. And Kira prepared a grand surprise for Mishka - a trip in a hot air balloon! And to keep Myshka company, Doc the pigeon was ready to go along for the trip. What’s going to happen to these two travellers? Will they see new lands? Will they meet new friends?   Only one thing is certain: no matter the journey, travellers should be ready for adventures and challenges. And if you want to go on the aerial trip of a cow and a pigeon, you better get ready for many of those!     From 3 to 5 years, 2890 words Rightsholders: Alex Sharlai,

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        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        The Tooth Fairy’s Tales. Part 1. I’m Betty. Nice to meet you!

        by Tetyana Nakonechna (Author), Maria Puzey (Illustrator)

        Have you ever heard of a little tooth fairy named Betty? Oh, she is a real charmer and a great dreamer... And there is never a dull moment with her around! Do you want to find out how the fairy became a detective? Or make friends with a chatty stone? Or maybe you will dare to take part in a bat race?So don’t wait, open the book and dive into magical adventures!   From 3 to 8 years, 3482 words Rightsholder:;

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        January 2021

        Cells, Tissue, and Skin, Third Edition

        by Donna Bozzone, Ph.D. and Douglas B. Light, Ph.D.

        Cells are the smallest units capable of sustaining life, and they make up virtually every aspect of the human body. From the strands of hair at the top of the head to the nails on fingers and toes, every structure of the human body is composed of cells. Groups of cells form tissues and organs, which allow the body to function as an organized system. Skin, the body’s largest organ, forms a waterproof barrier that provides protection against invading microorganisms and acts as a sensory and thermoregulatory structure. Cells, Tissues, and Skin, Third Edition explores the properties of each of these components in our bodies. Packed with full-color photographs and illustrations, this absorbing book provides students with sufficient background information through references, websites, and a bibliography.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2020

        I Don't Need a Dog

        by Tais Zolotkovska (Author), Yulyia Vus (Illustrator)

        Max moves from the city to the countryside with his parents. He didn’t want to move, and now he is sitting with his phone in a dark bedroom, without helping his parents unpacking his things! They promised him that here, in the countryside, he will get a dog, but he says he doesn’t need one. Suddenly, his phone's screen goes out and he has to look for a charger. He goes down to the courtyard and sees a dog named Rosa. Rosa notices him and immediately runs away. He tries to befriend her, and Rosa runs away again. Max sees Rose`s escape as a challenge.   From 5 to 8 years, 4580 words. Rightsholders:

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        Children's & YA

        We Don't Need War

        by Maryana Horyanska (Author), Victor Koriahin (Illustrator)

        In the format of a spelling book, We Don't Need War tells children about universal values that now help Ukrainians to survive, stay together and defeat the enemy. Thus, children can not only learn letters and new words but also understand what kind of human qualities and actions can save the world. Readers will learn more about Ukraine and the actions of real heroes from the frontline to the cities near them.   From 6 to 9 years, 1337 words, Rightsholders: Maria Pankratova,

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2002

        The rise of the Nazis

        by Conan Fischer, Mark Greengrass

        How and why did the Nazis seize power in Germany? Nearly seventy years on, the question remains heated and important discoveries continue to challenge long standing assumptions. Beginmning with an overview of the historical context within which Nazism grew, looking at the foreign relations, politics and society of Weimar and in particular at the role of the elites in the rise of Nazism. The book questions the anatomy of Nazism itself: What lent Nazi ideology its coherence and credibility? What distinguished the Nazi's programme from their competitors' and how did they project it so effectively? How was Hitler able to put together and fund an organisation so quickly and effectively that it could launch a sustained assault on Weimar? Who supported the Nazis and what were their motives? Where, precisely, does Nazism belong in the history of Europe?. Since the publication of the first edition, important new works have appeared and this new scholarship has been incorporated into the text. ;

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        How Animals Hammer, Drill and Strike

        Tool Use in the Animal Kingdom

        by Peter-René Becker

        From insects to fish as well as birds and primates: the use of tools is amazingly widespread in the animal kingdom. It’s a misnomer to presume that humans are distinguished by tool use and conscious capacity. So where is culture initiated? The biologist Peter-René Becker has evaluated numerous studies and cites plenty of evidence for the use of the hammer and anvil, lances, bait or sponges. Animals also use “tools as social implements”. Ultimately, the depth of man’s conscience singles him out from other animals.

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        Veterinary bacteriology, virology, parasitology
        December 2012

        Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases

        Geographical Distribution and Control Strategies in the Euro-Asia Region

        by Edited by Mo Salman, Jordi Tarrés-Call.

        The continuing emergence and evolution of tick-borne diseases has significant implications for animal and human health, and the profitability of food animal production. These problems are enhanced by the spread of ticks to new regions, and many tick-borne diseases having zoonotic capability. This book is an expansion of the EFSA report on the subject, and details the significance of tick-borne diseases, identification of tick species, emerging tick-borne infections, factors influencing the spread and distribution of ticks and surveillance and control measures.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        My Dad and Me

        by Dmytro Kuzmenko (Author), Oksana Drachkovska (Illustrator)

        Who are the ghostinosours? What are clouds made of? How to prepare trubel and what may happen if you do not limit yourself and do everything you want? My Dad and Me’s main hero is about 4 years old and seeks to find answers to all these questions. His life is full of adventures: he is a dreamer and make-believer. He often disobeys his father and dislikes brushing his teeth. All in all, every young reader can find a bit of themselves in this little one. My Dad and Me is a treasure book of honest, warm-hearted stories about the close connection between father and son, about little things and great discoveries in the eyes of children, about trust and adventures they can share, and fundamentally, about mutual understanding. Even when someone can’t pronounce “r " yet!   From 6 to 9 years,  4883 words Rightsholders:

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        Personal & social issues

        Let's Hold Hands, Sister

        by Oksana Lushchevska (Author), Anna Surgan (Illustrator)

        Ten-year-old sisters Vita and Zlata share their dreams with each other: they would like to go to the forest, swim in the river, lie in the grass, and look at the clouds. They also want to learn some spells so that peace reigns on Earth, but magic exists only in fairy tales... This kind and gentle story tells that there is something more powerful in life than spells: being close to your loved ones and holding hands with them. And imagine being  friends with a funny poodle like Buka, that shows to everyone how to laugh and love! This book is a bright and honest reflection of children's confusion during one of life's harshest experiences: war. This warm play was written in the form of a dialogue to be recited. Thus the text can be read or acted out with children at home, in classes, in school theaters or theater groups. Readers can even stage a play online for relatives and friends who are not nearby!   From 9 to 12 years, 590 words Rightsholders: Nargis Gafurova and Anna Tiurina,

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        Science & Mathematics
        April 2024

        Demand-led Plant Breeding

        From Principles to Practice in Emerging Markets

        by Vivienne M Anthony, Cathy Barker

        This companion to "The Business of Plant Breeding: Market-led Approaches to Plant Variety Design in Africa contains experiences from postgraduate educators training the next generation of African plant breeders and professional breeders that are implementing best practices in Demand-Led Breeding (DLB) in their current crop improvement programmes. It is written by highly experienced plant breeders representing several universities, national plant breeding programmes, regional and international agricultural research institutes in Africa, together with expert breeders from Australia and developers from private seed companies. It includes specifically points of learning from real implementation situations from crop breeding programmes in NARS and IARCs in Africa, Australia and internationally. It shares experiences on improving tropical crops, strengthening understanding on how to overcome challenges in designing new crops to increase smallholder farmer adoption and advocating best practices. It also presents five case studies on tropical crops, and discusses the need for an enabling policy environment and the changes needed for Africa to achieve its ambition for food security and Africa's vision 2063.

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