Water Environment Federation
Water Environment Federation (WEF)publishes a variety of technical publications, including newsletters,manuals of practice and other books, magazines, and journals.
View Rights PortalWater Environment Federation (WEF)publishes a variety of technical publications, including newsletters,manuals of practice and other books, magazines, and journals.
View Rights PortalThe first book-length analysis of EU health policy since the COVID-19 pandemic, encompassing the creation of the European Health Union and the Recovery and Resilience Facility, this volume offers a timely and accessible analysis of the EU's health policy, institutions and governance. Focusing on the EU's health objectives and how they are pursued, it offers a detailed overview of the development of EU health policy, and five in-depth case studies of specific policy fields. The book will appeal to academic and policy audiences interested in the EU's health objectives and how it pursues them.
Environmental policy has become an increasingly important area of European Union (EU) policy-making and the source of political conflict between Britain and Germany. This book explains why national conflicts have arisen and how they are resolved at EU level by focusing on the Europeanisation of air and water pollution control in particular. Wurzel argues that Anglo-German divergences are best explained in terms of ecological vulnerability, economic cost and capacity, political salience and environmental regulatory styles. Focusing on two very important and media-exploitable issues - car emissions and bathing water regulation - this book challenges the conventional wisdom that Britain has shown a clear preference for environmental quality objectives while Germany championed uniform emission limits. Acceptance of the concept of ecological modernisation plays a vital role in the adoption of more progressive environmental standards. ;
This book describes the environmental problems associated with agriculture, particularly the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers and the disposal of animal waste. These have become major policy issues in many countries, with the main polluting effect being on water quality. As with other types of pollution, significant reductions in agriculture's contribution to water pollution requires the application of either enforceable regulatory approaches or changes in the economic environment, so that farmers adopt environmentally-friendly production practices. Providing a review and guide to the policy options and their economic administrative and political merits, the reader can develop an understanding of these options and their merits in the emerging policy context. The principal focus is on the developed world, particularly North America and Europe. The book is aimed at advanced students, researchers and professionals in agricultural economics and policy, and environmental and pollution sciences.
'Agricultural policy in Europe', available for the first time in paperback, provides a unique comparative analysis of the UK, France, Poland, the Netherlands, Greece and Ireland, using up-to-date material on CAP reform, world trade liberalisation, animal disease, rural development and the environment. In its core argument that Europe has a Common Agricultural Policy in name only, the study offers a distinctive interpretation of contemporary policies for agriculture and rural development. Policy is considerably more diverse than usually recognised, and also varies across different policy stages such as agenda setting, formulation and implementation. This diversity is the result of a multilevel policy process in which global, regional and local actors play a key role alongside the institutions of the EU. Yet nation states are central. Despite the existence of the CAP, substantial policy variations reflect different national economies, cultures, priorities and interests, usually mediated through different types of policy networks. Far from greater policy integration, the pressures for diversity have increased in recent years, notably through world trade liberalisation, environmental concern and EU enlargement. With continuing controversy about the future direction and powers of the EU, this groundbreaking book sheds new light on the extent to which agricultural policy in Europe is common. It goes beyond formal legal structures and the rhetoric of popular debate to look at what actually happens in a complex policy process that is both multilevel and multi stage. The result is a very different picture in which agricultural policy is considerably more diverse and fragmented than usually assumed. ;
Over the past ten years the Irish polity has experienced profound change. The pessimism that had engulfed Irish society during the 1980s has given way to a new found confidence, one that befits its status as an emerging, confident and cosmopolitan European state. This book provides a theoretical examination of this startling turnaround in the fortunes of the Irish polity and details the developments that have taken place in key areas of public policy over the last decade: civil service reform, the welfare state, environmental policy abd rural development. ;
This study is the first large-scale comparison of policy and divergence in the UK since devolution. Based on extensive original research, it argues that we see substantial divergence in policies and social citizenship among the four parts of the UK as its autonomous political systems try to solve the unpredictable and difficult puzzles of health policy-making. ;
It is an accepted convention that non-health sector policies and strategies impact on population health. An instrument and approach, Health Impact Assessment (HIA), seeks to assess the health impacts of projects, programmes and policies in a systematic way. The ultimate goal of HIA is to inform public policy processes of these impacts. This book provides for the first time an analysis of how and why HIAs informed local policy development in both jurisdictions on the island of Ireland. An original theoretical framework was used as the analytical lens for this exploration, drawing from the fields of political and social sciences, and public health. The HIA projects were conducted on traffic and transport, Traveller accommodation, urban redevelopment and air quality. This conceptually-grounded guide draws from the disciplines of the political and social sciences and public health, and will appeal to academics, students and practitioners in these fields as well as policy-makers and planners at local and national government levels. ;
An understanding of applied ecology and conservation is an important requirement of a wide range of programmes of study including applied biology, ecology, environmental science and wildlife conservation.This book is a study and revision guide for students following such programmes. It contains 600 multiple-choice questions (and answers) set at three levels - foundation, intermediate and advanced - and grouped into 10 major topic areas:History and foundations of applied ecology and conservationEnvironmental pollution and perturbationsWildlife and conservation biologyRestoration biology and habitat managementAgriculture, forestry and fisheries managementPest, weed and disease managementUrban ecology and waste managementGlobal environmental change and biodiversity lossEnvironmental and wildlife law and policyEnvironmental assessment, monitoring and modellingThe book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. It allows the reader to learn and revise the meaning of terms used in applied ecology and conservation, study the effects of pollution on ecosystems, the management, conservation and restoration of wildlife populations and habitats, urban ecology, global environmental change, environment law and much more. The structure of the book allows the study of one topic area at a time, progressing through simple questions to those that are more demanding. Many of the questions require students to use their knowledge to interpret information provided in the form of graphs, data or photographs.
This edited collection is the first to apply the theoretical lens of post-Foucauldian governmentality to an analysis of health problems, practices, and policy in Ireland. Drawing on empirical examples related to childhood, obesity, mental health, smoking, ageing and others, the collection explores how specific health issues have been constructed as problematic and in need of intervention in the Irish State, and considers the strategies, discourses and technologies involved in the art of governing health in advanced liberal democracies. Bringing together academics from social policy, sociology, political science and public health, the text seeks to develop a dialogue about both the nature of health and health policy in the Ireland, but also how governmentality, as a theoretical approach, can contribute to the development of critical health policy analysis.
Forest policy involves a complex balance of governmental, social and industrial objectives in an environment where the forests and the institutions are also constantly changing. Across the various forestry jurisdictions there is a wide variety of policy models that have evolved in response to specific societal demands, institutional structures and forest environments. This book is an examination of forest policy in a selection of major forestry jurisdictions, primarily the major competitors in world softwood markets. These include the United States, British Columbia, Alberta, New Zealand, Sweden, Finland, Chile and Russia. These regions represent systems operating with natural forests, plantation forests, initial forest endowments, second/third generation forests, public forestland ownership, private forestland ownership, open markets, highly structured markets, and various responses to sustainability. For each jurisdiction a brief overview to the economy, the contribution of forestry, the resource base, the composition of the forest industry and the major stakeholders is provided. The policy discussions include forest management, timber pricing and export policy, environmental standards, land ownership and use, and the institutional setting relating to government agencies, taxation, labour and capital. Comment is provided on the evolution of the existing policy structure and the chapters finish with an evaluation and prognosis for the jurisdiction. This book is a valuable reference source for forest policy practitioners, students of forestry and political economy and industrial decision-makers seeking to position their business in global forestry.
This book examines the motivations for the European Union's (EU) policy towards the Common Market of the South (Mercosur), the EU's most important relationship with another regional economic integration organisation. It argues that the dominant explanations in the literature - balancing the US, global aspirations, being an external federator, long-standing economic and cultural ties, economic interdependence, and the Europeanization of Spanish and Portuguese national foreign policies - fail to adequately explain the EU's policy. In particular, these accounts tend to infer the EU's motives from its activity. Drawing extensive primary documents, this book argues that the major developments in the relationship - the 1992 Inter-institutional Agreement and the 1995 Europe Mercosur Inter-regional Framework Cooperation Agreement - were initiated by Mercosur and supported mainly by Spain. This means that rather than pursuing a strategy, as implied by most of the existing literature, the EU was largely responsive.
This book represents the first ever comprehensive study of the EU's foreign and security policy in Bosnia. Drawing on a wealth of fresh empirical material, it demonstrates that institutions are a key variable in explaining levels of common foreign security policy (CFSP) coherence and effectiveness over time. In doing so, it also sheds new light on the role that intergovernmental, bureaucratic and local political contestation have played in the formulation and implementation of a European foreign policy. The study concludes that the EU's involvement in Bosnia has not only had a significant impact on this Balkan country in its path from stabilisation to integration, but has also transformed the EU, its foreign and security policy and shaped the development of the EU's international identity along the way. The book will be of great interest to researchers and students of EU politics, International Relations and Bosnian politics. ;
This book presents over 40 cases of bamboo development across 22 major bamboo-industry countries and explores the knowledge gained from their successes and failures. It synthesises experiences and exchanges with country experts from international training courses and consultations, study tours, and seminars. Each case includes observations and summaries of discussions related to the development of bamboo-based industries in a healthy, sustainable way, and the facilitation of strategic and balanced development of bamboo in different global regions. Industrial and artisanal bamboo growing and processing is expanding worldwide and this book brings together key experiences to help inform future developments. This book provides an analysis of bamboo plant features, including strong renewability, fast-growing, and high biomass production. It also reviews important ecological functions of bamboos, such as water and soil conservation, carbon sink and storage, and adaptation to climate change, as well as addressing the diversified culture of bamboo and key issues affecting the sector. Sustainable Bamboo Development: - Is authored by an internationally recognised leading expert in the growth and use of bamboo - Takes a holistic view, covering technical, socio-economic, policy, cultural and business development - Provides practical knowledge to guide the development of bamboo sectors - Gives a clear idea and rich examples of what has been attempted in many countries - Acts as a roadmap for using bamboo as a poverty reduction and environmental security tool Highly illustrated and in full colour throughout, this book is an essential resource for all those interested in bamboo, from private sector investors to governmental and development agencies, academic researchers and students.
On the afternoon of September 11 2001 the Irish Prime Minister (Taoiseach), Bertie Ahern ordered the 'heads of the security services of key government departments' to undertake a complete re-evaluation of measures to protect the state from attack. Hence, underway within hours of the 9/11 outrage in the United States was potentially the most far-reaching review of Irish national security in decades. This book, the first major academic investigation of Irish national security policy as it has operated since 9/11, provides a theoretically informed analysis of that re-evaluation and the decisions which have been taken as a consequence of it up until September 2008. In so doing it draws on unprecedented access to Ireland's police, security and intelligence agencies; over twenty senior personnel agreed to be interviewed. Theoretically the author demonstrates the utility to the analysis of national security policy of three conceptual models of historical institutionalism, governmental politics and threat evaluation. The text is of interest to scholars of Security Studies, International Relations and Politics, as well as state and NGO personnel, journalists and general readers. ;
The genetic modification of crops continues to be the subject of intense debate, and opinions are often strongly polarised. Environmental Impact of Genetically Modified Crops addresses the major concerns of scientists, policy makers, environmental lobby groups and the general public regarding this controversial issue, from an editorially neutral standpoint. While the main focus is on environmental impact, food safety issues, for both humans and animals are also considered. The book concludes with a discussion on the future of agricultural biotechnology in the context of sustainability, natural resource management and future global population and food supply.