Health & Personal Development
Practice Manual for Nurses, Nursing, Dental and Dental Prophylaxis Assistants
A healthy, caredfor mouth prevents the occurrence of oral diseases and systemic contingent diseases. Every day, professional hygienists are confronted with the oral care of their patients and need to be informed of new developments in dentistry, pharmacology, technology, and care methods.
This book offers sound action recommendations for hygienists and dental assistants with vivid illustrations. There are clear descriptions of the anatomical and physiological basics of oral mucosa, teeth, and the oral cavity ecosystem. Practical illustrations of the connections between oral health and general health, debilitating risks, handling modern dentures, assessment of oral changes, oral approaches through basal stimulation and dietary recommendations are provided. Consideration is also given to oral hygiene in special settings, for example, in the case of neurological, psychological, or mental impairments as well as people receiving geriatric, oncological, intensive, or palliative care.