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View Rights PortalJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc. (Wiley)is a renowned, global publishing company focusing on academic publishing for professionals and researchers within the field of science and medicine.
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View Rights PortalIn many countries of the world agricultural extension services are shifting from the public to the private sector. Services are thus being contracted out, to improve the financing and delivery of agricultural knowledge.The book presents a range of case studies from Australia, Bangladesh, Chile, China, Germany, Mozambique, USA and others, that are presented to demonstrate the range of approaches. Topics covered include off-loading public sector extension delivery services, contracting to improve environmental services and farmers contracting for commercial advisory services.This volume presents work developed by the Agricultural Knowledge and Information Systems (AKIS) Thematic Group of the World Bank, in collaboration with the University of Maryland, to examine contracting for extension services.
"Während ich meinen Tee trank und mich bereitmachte, den Film im Stehen vor der weißen Wand zu erzählen, versicherte mein Vater seinen Gästen unermüdlich, der Film könne schwarzweiß sein und bloß die halbe Leinwand füllen, seine Kleine hier würde ihn in Technicolor und Cinemascope erzählen. »Gleich seht ihr es selbst, Kumpels.«" Etwas Aufregenderes als Kino gibt es nicht in dem Minendorf inmitten der chilenischen Wüste. Die Männer arbeiten im Salpeterabbau, die Frauen sollen vernünftig wirtschaften und haben die zahlreichen Kinder am Hals. Da bieten die Hollywoodfilme mit Marilyn Monroe, John Wayne oder Charlton Heston und die mexikanischen Melodramen mit viel Gefühl und Musik eine willkommene Abwechslung und den Abglanz einer anderen Welt. Doch eines Tages erlebt die Siedlung etwas noch Schöneres als Kino: María Margarita, ein zehnjähriges Mädchen, kann Filme so anschaulich und dramatisch nacherzählen, daß die Leute herbeiströmen, um sie zu hören. Bald drängt sich die halbe Siedlung in der engen Stube ihrer Familie, wo sie mit kindlicher Freude das Leinwandgeschehen zum Leben erweckt. Als sie eines Tages jedoch einem alleinlebenden Mann in dessen Haus einen Western erzählen soll, widerfährt ihr etwas schrecklich Verstörendes. Kräftig, mit viel Sinn für Komik, aber auch für das Schlimme im Leben, erzählt der chilenische Bestsellerautor Hernán Rivera Letelier vom harschen Leben in der Atacamawüste und den Glücksmomenten seiner Hauptfigur als gefeierte Filmerzählerin. Eine Liebeserklärung an das Kino und die Kunst der Imagination.
One of the threads that runs through Elena Poniatowska's oeuvre is that of foreigners who have fallen in love with Mexico and its people. This is certainly the case of Querido Diego, te abraza Quiela - a brief novel (so short it was originally published in its entirety in Octavio Paz's literary magazine Vuelta). The Russian exile and painter Angelina Beloff writes from the cold and impoverished post-war Paris to Diego Rivera, her spouse of over ten years. Beloff sends these letters to which there is no response during a time when the emancipation of women has broken many of the standard models and the protagonist struggles to fashion her own. Elena Poniatowska has (re)created these letters and within them one finds the unforgettable testimony of an artist and her lover during the valuable crossroads of a new time when Diego Rivera was forging a new life in his native country. In this edition, Nathanial Gardner comments on the truth and fiction Poniatowska has woven together to form this compact, yet rich, modern classic. Using archives in London, Paris and Mexico City (including Angelina's correspondence held in Frida Kahlo's own home) as well as interviews from the final remaining characters who knew the real Angelina, Gardner offers a mediation of the text and its historical groundings as well as critical commentary. This edition will appeal to both students and scholars of Latin American Studies as well as lovers of Mexican Literature and Art in general.
Completely revised and updated, this edition of The Manual of Biocontrol Agents contains 452 detailed entries of biocontrol agents used in the production of 2,000 commercial products. It includes: 149 micro-organisms 89 natural products 140 macro-organisms 74 semiochemicals Although different in style, this publication is complementary to The Pesticide Manual now in its 15th edition and where appropriate entries are cross referenced. All those involved in the practice, administration, regulation of or educational fields in organic or conventional crop protection and environmental safety will find this a definitive source of global biocontrol information.
This major reference work contains essential information on arthropod-borne infections affecting humans and domesticated animals. The encyclopedia is a key reference source for anyone working in medical and veterinary science, and related fields. Features of The Encyclopedia of Arthropod-transmitted Infections are:150 entries, describing arboviral, viral, bacterial and rickettsial, spirochaetal, protozoal and filarial infections, and the vectors that transmit themInformation on disease distribution, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, transmission cycles, vector life-cycles, and treatment and control measures. Figures, tables and photographs illustrate the text. Following each entry is a selected bibliography, to aid further reading on the topicOver 80 different international authors, with expertise in medicine, veterinary science, parasitology, entomology, epidemiology, microbiology, and zoology have contributed to the encyclopedia.
This new book outlines all the GM products that are currently available to growers and provides a snapshot of the world of GM crops as of October 2010. This field of crop technology is developing very rapidly especially in Africa, Asia and South America.
During the past twenty-five years, biotechnology has revolutionized agricultural research. The enormous potential, together with a landmark decision by the US Supreme Court to allow the patenting of genetically-engineered organisms has encouraged private sector companies to invest in agricultural biotechnology research programmes. This has contributed to a rapid growth in interest in intellectual property rights as applied to this subject.The first edition of this book was published in 1998. Now fully revised and updated it presents definitive information on intellectual property law in a simplified form (with a minimum of legal jargon). New chapters have been added which cover plant variety protection and farmers rights, and additional case studies.
Fish is the principal source of protein for people in many parts of the world, particularly in developing countries. While most fish are caught from nature, aquaculture or fish farming is now making a significant contribution to total fish production. More intensive conditions of aquaculture often result in a higher incidence of fish diseases and disorders. As in the first edition, the focus of this second edition is on protozoan and metazoan parasites that cause disease in fish. Significant changes to this second edition include the addition of 3 new chapters and 4 of the original chapters have new authors.
Agroforestry is a land use system that allows for the concurrent production of trees and agricultural crops from the same piece of land. It has a rich history of development and has been practised in some parts of the world for more than 6,000 years. Much recent research into agroforestry has been carried out in the tropics and within the context of developing nations, where land shortages brought about by the rapid growth in population demand that efficient production systems for both wood and food be developed and enhanced. In temperate zones, the awareness of some of the faults inherent within traditional agricultural systems has led to much increased research and practical activity in the development of sustainable farming systems. Agroforestry can play a leading role in this area, particularly in silvopastoral as well as cropping systems, and in promoting soil conservation. This book explores the development of temperate agroforestry and agroforestry systems, concentrating on those areas within the temperate zones where the greatest advances, adoptions and modifications have taken place: North and South America, China, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Continental Europe. The book is the first text to bring together so many examples of temperate agroforestry and is valuable reading for all those working in this area as researchers, practitioners and policy makers. The book is also of importance to students and teachers of agriculture, ecology, environmental studies and forestry in temperate regions.
Scientists at the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) have developed powerful new tools to improve the effectiveness of their maize research, enabling the rapid development and successful transfer of maize technology in Kenya. The Kenya Maize Data Base Project (MDBP) was established in 1992 with the help of the Rockefeller Foundation, the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and the US Agency for International Development. This has allowed scientists to use advanced technology to prioritize and evaluate maize research options more effectively, by taking into account such variables as climatic effects and the socioeconomic conditions of farmers. This book describes in detail the development and application of the MDBP, which uses spatial analysis to integrate data from Geographical Information Systems (GIS) with the results of biological experiments, socioeconomic statistics (including interviews with farmers) and agroclimatic information. This provides a powerful planning tool for targeting new technology to the needs of farmers. The book contains sections on survey methods, ex ante research evaluation and priority setting, and patterns of maize technology diffusion and the impact of research. It concludes with a synthesis of the MDBP results and assessment of future choices. This book is essential reading for maize agronomists, crop modellers, agricultural and development economists, extension workers and planners.
This volume provides a reflective summary of research in parasitology in the late 20th Century combined with a vision of the major challenges and potential successes in the 21st Century. It has been compiled from selected papers presented at the Eighth International Congress of Parasitology. A wide variety of topics are covered including medical, veterinary, and plant parasitology, by contributors from many different countries. Chapters within the book consider current research on the biology of parasites, and new strategies in the transmission and control of parasitic diseases.This book represents an invaluable resource for all parasitologists. Not only is it an up- to-date summary of research, but it is also a thought provoking look at the future.
Paratuberculosis, also referred to as Johne's disease, affects cattle, goats, sheep, buffalo, deer and other ruminants. It is common worldwide and responsible for significant economic losses in the dairy industry. Recent advances in detection, vaccination and microbial genetics make this a timely book that examines the epidemiology of paratuberculosis, the organism that causes the disease, and practical aspects of its diagnosis and control. It also addresses the link between paratuberculosis in the food chain and human health implications, including Crohn's disease. This authoritative text is an essential resource for large animal veterinarians, livestock industry personnel and those involved in the dairy and meat industries, as well as microbiologists, researchers and students in these fields.
It is a widely held belief that a climax vegetation of closed forest systems covered the lowlands of Central and Western Europe before humans intervened in prehistoric times to develop agriculture. If this intervention had not taken place, it would still be there and so if left, the grassland vegetation and fields we see today would revert to its natural closed forest state, although with a reduced number of wild species. This book challenges this view, using examples from history, pollen analyses and studies on the ecology of tree and shrub species such as oak and hazel. It tests the hypotheses that the climax vegetation is a closed canopy forest against the alternative one in which species composition and succession of vegetation were governed by herbivores and that the Central and Western European lowlands were covered by a park-like landscape consisting of grasslands, scrub, solitary trees and groves bordered by a mantle and fringe vegetation. Comparative information from North America is also included, because the forests there are commonly regarded as being analogous to the primeval vegetation in Europe. This title is a revised, updated and expanded translation of book published in Dutch.
This book reviews the biological science and background to breeding meat poultry, specifically broiler, turkey and duck. These commercial birds have been changed by genetic selection to such an extent that they are substantially different from traditional breeds and laying hens. Covering science, management and husbandry systems, this comprehensive text provides the most up to date collection of papers on the topic from a range of international experts.
In the current trend of increasing globalization, relationships are evolving between global and local realities, rich and poor regions of the world and ‘old’ and ‘new’ leisure and tourism patterns. The tourist has become an active agent in their travel experiences, moving between and among multiple localities, in an environment of transnational, interconnected social networks. In order to understand the modern tourist, concepts of mobility have begun to be applied to tourism studies and have questioned whether the word tourism is any longer sufficient to describe the complex socio-political milieu of people on the move. Bringing together theoretical and practical issues, this edited volume analyses tourism’s wider role as an agent for the mobile modern population of the world. Themes range from post-modern youth and independent mobility to theoretical texts on hypermobility and citizenship within global space and mobility, media and citizenship. Offering a thought-provoking examination of modern tourism, this will be an important text for students of tourism and human geography as well as tourism professionals.
The feeding of farm animals directly effects their growth, health, reproduction and ultimately their economic value and is consequently one of the most studied areas of animal science. Building on the first edition and its predecessor, 'The Voluntary Food Intake of Farm Animals,' Forbes has produced an up-to-date and more focused examination of developments in the understanding of voluntary food intake and new ideas and studies relating to diet selection. Chapters have been reorganized and updated to provide a more streamlined approach.
The book discusses the biology and uses of White Clover.
Entomology as a branch of biological science has undergone rapid expansion and development in recent decades. There have been major advances in the technologies associated with pest management and the ecological studies that underpin much of this work. Greater emphasis is now placed on topics such as modelling and biochemical techniques, with new approaches to the study of insect behaviour and insecticide efficacy making inroads into traditional approaches. This book aims to integrate the new approaches and technologies with traditional and well-proven methods. It provides a critical analysis and evaluation of methods available, through reference to general principles, but emphasis is also placed on providing detailed descriptions of methods and their application. Written by leading authorities from the UK, USA and Australia, the book is aimed at advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students in entomology and pest management.
Mycobacteria are bacterial pathogens which cause diseases in humans and non-human animals. This monograph will primarily cover the most important and widely researched groups of mycobacteria: members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) and Mycobacterium leprae, across a wide range of host species. M. tuberculosis and M. bovis are particularly relevant with the increasing drug resistance and co-infection with HIV associated with M. tuberculosis and the possible cross-infection of badgers and cattle associated with M. bovis. This book will provide a reference for researchers working in different fields creating a work which draws together information on different pathogens, and by considering the diseases in a zoonotic context provides a One Health approach to these important groups of diseases.