Tinta Limón Ediciones
Tinta Limón is a collective and self-managed publishing initiative. A bet on those texts that require a fiery effort to be intelligible.
View Rights PortalTinta Limón is a collective and self-managed publishing initiative. A bet on those texts that require a fiery effort to be intelligible.
View Rights PortalMMC EDIZIONI is a publishing house based in Rome.Born in 2001 as a generalist, along the time it has specialized almost exclusively in non-fiction, dedicated in particular (but not only) to the city of Rome.The main series, called "A walk with history" offers an alternative vision of the city through the historical reconnaissance and analysis of some of its urban furnishings that are not taken into consideration such as small fountains, clocks, inscriptions, sacred shrines, plaques. This series stands out for a particular graphic style and for the abundance of photographs, specially made for these books.Other series on Rome are instead dedicated to in-depth studies on specific historical and customs themes, or on the mysterious aspects of the city that also reveal its dark side.In the MMC catalogue are other non-fiction books on topics such as Music, Interculture, Anthropology and a series of stories for children encouraging solidarity, non-violence and respect for the environment
View Rights PortalElena Poniatowskas Roman Tinissima hält das kurze leidenschaftliche Leben der Tina Modotti (1896-1942) fest, das von Liebe, Kunst und politischer Untergrundarbeit geprägt war. Als Kind italienischer Einwanderer kommt Tina 1913 nach San Francisco, wo sie als „exotische Schönheit“ in Theater und Stummfilm auftritt. Sie erlebt die Atmosphäre geistiger und sexueller Befreiung in den dortigen Künstlerkreisen, lernt Edward Weston kennen - einen der großen Fotografen dieses Jahrhunderts - und wird sein Modell und seine begeisterte Schülerin. Zwischen ihnen beginnt eine Liebesbeziehung, die sie in das pulsierende Mexiko der zwanziger Jahre führt, das sich euphorisch der Welt öffnet. Ihr Haus wird Treffpunkt mexikanischer und ausländischer Künstler, unter ihnen Diego Rivera, der sie auf einem seiner Wandgemälde darstellt. Tina entwickelt sich zur Fotografin mit sozialem Impetus und ausgeprägtem Sinn für die Schönheit der Dinge. Zur gleichen Zeit engagiert sie sich, wie viele ihrer Künstlerfreunde, auf Seiten der revolutionären Linken. In diesen bewegten Jahren lebt Tina die Fülle ihrer künstlerischen und persönlichen Leidenschaften, sie erfährt bewundernde Anerkennung als Frau und steht im Austausch mit den interessantesten Gestalten im brodelnden Mexiko. Da geschieht im Januar 1929 das Unfaßbare: Ihr Liebhaber, der Politemigrant Julio Antonio Mella, wird von Agenten des kubanischen Diktators Machado auf offener Straße erschossen. Tina wird verdächtigt, in einen „Mord aus Eifersucht“ verwickelt zu sein. Die Boulevardpresse zerrt ihre Liebesaffären ans Licht und druckt Westons Aktfotos von ihr. Sie wird des Landes verwiesen, ihr Leben nimmt eine entscheidende Wendung. Von diesem traumatischen Einschnitt aus erzählt Elena Poniatowska Tina Modottis Leben. Die einfühlsame und spannende Romanbiographie geht Tinas Kindheit in Udine nach, folgt ihr nach der Ausweisung aus dem geliebten Mexiko ins Berlin der Vornazizeit, in die politische Untergrundarbeit an der Schaltstelle in Moskau und in den Spanischen Bürgerkrieg. Ihre letzten Jahre lebte Tina zurückgezogen und unter falschem Namen in Mexiko-Stadt, wo sie 1942 in einem Taxi stirbt. Durch die Kraft ihrer Einfühlung verschmilzt Elena Poniatowska Nähe und Distanz zur schillernden Gestalt Tina Modottis so nahtlos miteinander, daß daraus die mitreißende und ganz unsentimentale Lebensgeschichte einer außergewöhnlichen Frau entsteht, das eindringliche Dokument eines widersprüchlichen Lebens. Ganz von innen heraus, durch die Augen Tina Modottis, erleben wir die Atmosphäre dieser unruhigen Epoche, ihren chaotischen, sektiererischen, gewalttätigen, vergnügungssüchtigen, großzügigen Geist, wie er sich etwa in Diego Rivera verkörperte - und eben in Tina Modotti, die ihr Talent und ihre Energie einer Sache lieh, an die sie fest glaubte.
During the past twenty-five years, biotechnology has revolutionized agricultural research. The enormous potential, together with a landmark decision by the US Supreme Court to allow the patenting of genetically-engineered organisms has encouraged private sector companies to invest in agricultural biotechnology research programmes. This has contributed to a rapid growth in interest in intellectual property rights as applied to this subject.The first edition of this book was published in 1998. Now fully revised and updated it presents definitive information on intellectual property law in a simplified form (with a minimum of legal jargon). New chapters have been added which cover plant variety protection and farmers rights, and additional case studies.
Tina is a different kind of witch, especially being green and all. Going to school has always seen Tina being the odd one out, and she doesn't mind one bit. But, that means choosing her pet isn't quite so easy as her classmates find it. Which magical beast will Tina choose? Tina Tadpole is a hilarious read with lots fun running from beginning to end. Prepare for nose snorting, hair pulling, belly aching, and eye watering laughs! Don't say we didn't warn you...
"Contes de la forêt et de la savane (Fables d'ici et d'ailleurs)" is a collection of tales that immerses us at the crossroads of different Cameroonian cultures and, in a broader sense, of Central Africa. Here, through a very surprising mixture of French-speaking literature and mother tongue which is based on this particular cultural context, the author allows the power and delicacy of oral transmission to shine through in all simplicity in our regions. Consisting of ten tales of unequal lengths, the book presents the exceptional adventures of different living beings in which man meets much more than his “animal” or “insect” brothers… Indeed, and through these multiple adventures, the reader rubs shoulders with wisdom as well as its history and that of the world in which he lives.
Fish is the principal source of protein for people in many parts of the world, particularly in developing countries. While most fish are caught from nature, aquaculture or fish farming is now making a significant contribution to total fish production. More intensive conditions of aquaculture often result in a higher incidence of fish diseases and disorders. As in the first edition, the focus of this second edition is on protozoan and metazoan parasites that cause disease in fish. Significant changes to this second edition include the addition of 3 new chapters and 4 of the original chapters have new authors.
"I am Jugoslovenka" argues that queer-feminist artistic and political resistance were paradoxically enabled by socialist Yugoslavia's unique history of patriarchy and women's emancipation. Spanning performance and conceptual art, video works, film and pop music, lesbian activism and press photos of female snipers in the Yugoslav wars, the book analyses feminist resistance in a range of performative actions that manifest the radical embodiment of Yugoslavia's anti-fascist, transnational and feminist legacies. It covers celebrated and lesser-known artists from the 1970s to today, including Marina Abramovic, Sanja Ivekovic, Vlasta Delimar, Tanja Ostojic, Selma Selman and Helena Janecic, along with music legends Lepa Brena and Esma Redzepova. "I am Jugoslovenka" tells a unique story of women's resistance through the intersection of feminism, socialism and nationalism in East European visual culture.
Alexander Kluges Erzählung Luftangriff auf Halberstadt am 8. April 1945 erschien 1977. Genau zwanzig Jahre später wurde sie zu einem der wichtigsten Bezugspunkte jener Diskussion, die den Luftangriff auf deutsche Städte und ihre Zivilbevölkerung aus der Rolle des Anathemas befreite. Völlig vorläuferlos war eine solche literarische Gestaltung des Luftkriegs und seiner Auswirkungen nicht, doch gab erstmals Kluge – nach Hans Erich Nossacks melancholischem Bericht über den Untergang Hamburgs und Gert Ledigs furios-desillusionistischer Vergeltung – eine analytisch-kühle Darstellung des Zerstörungswerks und sondierte inmitten des Infernos jenen Rest an Selbstbehauptung und Rationalität, der noch die Zusammenhänge der Katastrophe als verständlich und künftige Auswege als möglich erscheinen ließ. »Gerade Kluges detaillierte Beschreibung der gesellschaftlichen Organisation des Unglücks beinhaltet die Konjektur, daß ein richtiges Verständnis der von uns in einem fort inszenierten Katastrophen die erste Voraussetzung darstellt für die gesellschaftliche Organisation des Glücks.« (W. G. Sebald) Aus dem zeitlichen Abstand von 30 Jahren beleuchtet Alexander Kluge mit einigen neueren Texten nochmals die Erzählung von 1977. Sebalds Würdigung dieses Textes wird der Neuausgabe beigegeben.
Canada is a world leader in biological control research. Reporting the status of biocontrol agents released in Canada over the last decade, this book presents case studies by target pest that evaluate the impact of biocontrol and recommend future priorities. In addition to a new chapter on future targets and an appendix listing established agents, this edition contains information of interest to a global audience, and chapters that address effects of invasive species and climate change.
There are many ongoing debates within and about the subject of animal welfare. This book distils some of the major themes of current debate into one volume, edited by internationally known names in the field of animal welfare. Each chapter is written by one or more leading experts who discuss, in an even-handed way, a provocative topic that will be of interest to anyone concerned with animal welfare. Issues covered include tail docking, farm animal production, neutering of feral cats and the need to conserve habitats of native wild animals in the face of threats from non-native species. Chapters address the different values and priorities involved in dealing with these issues, including scientific and more explicit ethical approaches. Each chapter ends with questions for discussion that may help readers to engage with these dilemmas.
Host immune responses to ectoparasitic arthropods are critical elements in determining the nature of animal host-arthropod relationships, including transmission of vector-borne pathogens. This is the first book to provide a comprehensive analysis for both the student and specialist of the emerging field of “immunoentomology”. Our fundamental understanding of this topic has increased dramatically in recent years. Chapters prepared by specialists from the USA, UK and Australia provide comprehensive reviews of key subjects. The book concludes with a consideration of the application of fundamental knowledge about the immunology of the host-arthropod interface to the development of anti-arthropod vaccines. It is aimed particularly at medical and veterinary entomologists and acarologists, as well as immunologists.
The loss of biological diversity has become an increased concern over recent years and is now enshrined in international conventions. Most biodiversity in fact occurs in the soil. Soil organisms (especially bacteria, fungi and soil invertebrates) play a major role in the formation of soil structure and are primary agents of decomposition and are drivers of nutrient cycling, and hence agricultural production.This book reviews soil biodiversity in one of the key biodiversity hotspots of the world, i.e. the Amazon and nearby regions of Brazil. It covers both the tropical savannah and rain forests . The work reported is based on a project "Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity", executed by TSBF-CIAT with co-financing from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implementation support from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The book represents a major contribution to the literature and will interest those in biodiversity conservation, soil scienceand ecology and biodiversity conservation.
Entomology as a branch of biological science has undergone rapid expansion and development in recent decades. There have been major advances in the technologies associated with pest management and the ecological studies that underpin much of this work. Greater emphasis is now placed on topics such as modelling and biochemical techniques, with new approaches to the study of insect behaviour and insecticide efficacy making inroads into traditional approaches. This book aims to integrate the new approaches and technologies with traditional and well-proven methods. It provides a critical analysis and evaluation of methods available, through reference to general principles, but emphasis is also placed on providing detailed descriptions of methods and their application. Written by leading authorities from the UK, USA and Australia, the book is aimed at advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students in entomology and pest management.
This book incorporates 17 well-known poems and articles by LI Bai—a poet of China’s Tang Dynasty. Each article comes with notes, appreciation and translation in modern Chinese. Readers can also listen to the recordings by scanning the two-dimension code of each article or poem.
This book discusses the importance of mountain regions, and the precariousness of mountain tourism in the context of ecosystem and cultural conservation. It includes case studies of mountain tourism existing alongside environmental sustainability and community well being. The text presents an integrated approach to mountain-based tourism, balancing the needs of local communities, tourists and environmental conservation.
This book follows on from a previous volume 'Biological Control Programmes against Insects and Weeds in Canada, 1969-1980' published in 1984. It includes chapters written by well known scientists involved in work on biological control between 1981 and 2000. The work reported provides models that will be applicable in many other countries.
This book starts with the spirit and temperament of Harvard students (including graduate students) in education and learning, and focuses on cultivating the quality of young students. It guides young students from the ordinary to the aspects of ambition, habits, personality, emotional management, and time management Excellence is the main narrative content! Not only from the perspective of human growth and development, but also from the specific content of time management and self-discipline management to provide references and cases to help young students work hard, stimulate their enthusiasm for learning, guide them to work harder and more consciously to learn knowledge and enhance integration Ability to become a useful resource for society.
In many tropical areas the main constraint to increased output of livestock products is the inability of producers to feed animals adequately throughout the year. Yet opportunities exist to enhance ruminant livestock feed supplies by using crop residues, such as cereal straw and legume haulms. Greater emphasis is therefore now being placed on vegetative production in plant breeding research. Crop residues also play an important role in conserving soil moisture, preventing erosion and providing products such as fuel or thatch for smallholders. This book provides a multi-disciplinary perspective on crop residues, bringing together crop, animal and social scientists from six continents. It has been developed from papers presented at a workshop held in April 1996 at ICRISAT Asia Center, as part of the Systemwide Livestock Program of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) convened by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), based in Africa. It will appeal to a wide readership in disciplines as diverse as agronomy, soil science, plant breeding, animal nutrition and socio-economics.
This book is an excellent photography collection of "Mysterious Xiangxi" Top 100 Tourism Photographic Places. The book contains 100 best photographic spots in western Hunan (Fenghuang County, Jishou City, Yongshun County, Longshan County, Guzhang County, Huayuan County, Luxi County, Baojing County) selected in this event. Each photo is presented with a brief description to the content of the photo, highlighting the history, humanities, and natural beauty of western Hunan.