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      • Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial

        PRH Grupo Editorial is an industry leader in publishing and distribution in the Spanish language. Our objective is the publishing of books for all types of readers, for all ages and across all formats - be it print, digital or audio - in all the countries in which it operates: Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and the USA (Miami). Our backlists feature more than 38 Nobel Prize winners and hundreds of the most recognized and widely-read authors in the world.

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      • Bernd Liske

        Bernd Liske, born in 1956, studied mathematics in Chemnitz and is the owner of Liske information management systems. From its founding in 1998 until May 2015, Bernd Liske was a member of the main board of BITKOM, where he worked in the defense, education and knowledge management working groups. In the course of his efforts to deal with the revelations of Edward Snowden in the NSA affair, he was expelled from BITKOM in 2015. From 1998 to 2003 he was a member of the board of the Association of Organizations and Information Systems (VOI). Bernd Liske has been dealing with socio-political issues for many years. In his analyzes and concepts, he deals with social, political and economic problems in our society in order to make contributions to maintaining Germany as a business location. His book “PRISM A Lesson for our Democracy”, published in September, grew out of this. The diversity of the topics he deals with as well as the systemic principles used for their treatment can be followed on his homepage at and on his TWITTER channels @BerndLiske, @LiskeAphorismen and @LiskeZitate. He now regards his aphorisms as an open source operating system for the analysis and design of social processes and has been using them successfully for years.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Pharmaceutical industries
        November 2009

        Manual of Biocontrol Agents, 4th edition

        A World Compendium

        by Edited by Leonard G Copping

        Completely revised and updated, this edition of The Manual of Biocontrol Agents contains 452 detailed entries of biocontrol agents used in the production of 2,000 commercial products. It includes: 149 micro-organisms 89 natural products 140 macro-organisms 74 semiochemicals Although different in style, this publication is complementary to The Pesticide Manual now in its 15th edition and where appropriate entries are cross referenced. All those involved in the practice, administration, regulation of or educational fields in organic or conventional crop protection and environmental safety will find this a definitive source of global biocontrol information.

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal behaviour
        June 2014

        Livestock Handling and Transport

        by Edited by Temple Grandin

        Edited by world-renowned animal scientist Dr. Temple Grandin, this practical book integrates scientific research and industry literature on cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep, goats, deer, and horses, in both the developed and developing world, to provide a practical guide to humane handling and minimizing animal stress. Reviewing the latest research on transport systems, restraint methods and facilities for farms and slaughterhouses, this fully updated fourth edition of Livestock Handling and Transport includes new coverage of animal handling in South America, and reviews extensive new research on pig transportation in North America.

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        The Arts
        January 2018

        The Flower of Evil: Illustration Art of Aubrey Beardsley

        by by Aubrey Beardsley Edited by Wei Junlin

        This title collects illustrations, posters, and design works of Aubrey Beardsley, the characteristic illustrator in the 19th century. It is the most complete collection of his works in China, edited by Mr. Wei Junlin, painter and researcher of Beardsley.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2003

        Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology, 2nd Edition

        by Edited by Frederic H Erbisch, Karim M Maredia

        During the past twenty-five years, biotechnology has revolutionized agricultural research. The enormous potential, together with a landmark decision by the US Supreme Court to allow the patenting of genetically-engineered organisms has encouraged private sector companies to invest in agricultural biotechnology research programmes. This has contributed to a rapid growth in interest in intellectual property rights as applied to this subject.The first edition of this book was published in 1998. Now fully revised and updated it presents definitive information on intellectual property law in a simplified form (with a minimum of legal jargon). New chapters have been added which cover plant variety protection and farmers rights, and additional case studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1997

        Common Agricultural Policy, 2nd Edition

        by Edited by Christopher Ritson, David R Harvey

        The first edition of this book, published in 1991 with the title The Common Agricultural Policy and the World Economy, was well received as a timely analysis of this fast-moving but important subject. However, several major developments, such as general CAP reform, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), expansion of the European Union, and relationships with eastern Europe, have justified the need for a new edition. As a result, the book has been thoroughly updated, with some completely new chapters added and others replaced. It has also be rewritten with a greater emphasis on the needs of students for a well-integrated, comprehensive textbook.

      • Trusted Partner
        Botany & plant sciences
        November 2010

        GM Crop Manual, 1st edition

        A World Compendium

        by Edited by Leonard G Copping

        This new book outlines all the GM products that are currently available to growers and provides a snapshot of the world of GM crops as of October 2010. This field of crop technology is developing very rapidly especially in Africa, Asia and South America.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1999

        CAB Thesaurus (Alphabetical)

        by Edited by CABI

        The essential search tool for all users of the CAB ABSTRACTS™, Global Health and AGRICOLA databases and related products. The CAB Thesaurus is not only an invaluable aid for database users but it has many potential uses by individuals and organizations indexing their own information resources for both internal use and on the Internet. Its strengths include: Controlled vocabulary that has been in constant use since 1984 Broad coverage of pure and applied life sciences, technology and social sciences Approximately 59,000 terms Specific terminology for all subjects covered Includes thousands of plant, animal and microorganism names Broad, narrow and related terms to help users find relevant terminology Cross-references from non-preferred synonyms to preferred terms American and British spelling variants Relevant CAS registry numbers International Union of Biochemistry Commission notation for enzymes Choice of alphabetical or classified displays The CAB Thesaurus is available as a 2-volume printed edition (5th edition, 1999, comprising an alphabetical listing and a supplementary classified section) and in electronic format.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1999

        CAB Thesaurus (Classified section)

        by Edited by CABI

        The essential search tool for all users of the CAB ABSTRACTS™, Global Health and AGRICOLA databases and related products. The CAB Thesaurus is not only an invaluable aid for database users but it has many potential uses by individuals and organizations indexing their own information resources for both internal use and on the Internet. Its strengths include: Controlled vocabulary that has been in constant use since 1984 Broad coverage of pure and applied life sciences, technology and social sciences Approximately 59,000 terms Specific terminology for all subjects covered Includes thousands of plant, animal and microorganism names Broad, narrow and related terms to help users find relevant terminology Cross-references from non-preferred synonyms to preferred terms American and British spelling variants Relevant CAS registry numbers International Union of Biochemistry Commission notation for enzymes Choice of alphabetical or classified displays The CAB Thesaurus is available as a 2-volume printed edition (5th edition, 1999, comprising an alphabetical listing and a supplementary classified section) and in electronic format.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1999

        CAB Thesaurus (Complete set)

        by Edited by CABI

        The essential search tool for all users of the CAB ABSTRACTS™, Global Health and AGRICOLA databases and related products. The CAB Thesaurus is not only an invaluable aid for database users but it has many potential uses by individuals and organizations indexing their own information resources for both internal use and on the Internet. Its strengths include: Controlled vocabulary that has been in constant use since 1984 Broad coverage of pure and applied life sciences, technology and social sciences Approximately 59,000 terms Specific terminology for all subjects covered Includes thousands of plant, animal and microorganism names Broad, narrow and related terms to help users find relevant terminology Cross-references from non-preferred synonyms to preferred terms American and British spelling variants Relevant CAS registry numbers International Union of Biochemistry Commission notation for enzymes Choice of alphabetical or classified displays The CAB Thesaurus is available as a 2-volume printed edition (5th edition, 1999, comprising an alphabetical listing and a supplementary classified section) and in electronic format.

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal breeding
        September 2000

        Ruminant Physiology

        Digestion, Metabolism, Growth and Reproduction

        by Edited by Pierre Cronje

        This book brings together edited versions of the keynote review papers presented at the International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology (ISRP). Held every five years, the ISRP is the premier forum for the presentation and discussion of advances in our knowledge of the physiology of ruminant animals. The ninth ISRP was held in South Africa in October 1999. A definitive statement of current knowledge in this subject.Contributors are the leading international authorities from Europe, North America, South Africa and Australasia. The ISRP has an excellent reputation for quality papers.

      • Trusted Partner
        Tourism industry
        October 2009

        Entertainment Industry

        An Introduction

        by Edited by Stuart Moss.

        Entertainment studies are an important emerging subject in tourism, and this introductory textbook provides a detailed overview of the entertainment industry discipline in order to prepare students for roles such as promoters, festival managers and technical support workers. Covering key aspects of entertainment by profiling individual sectors, each chapter is written by an expert working in the field and covers the history and background, products and segmentation, contemporary issues, micro and macro business, environmental influences, detailed case studies and future directions of that sector. It will be an essential text for undergraduate students in entertainment management, events management and related tourism subjects.

      • Trusted Partner
        Non-graphic art forms
        May 2012

        The 'do-it-yourself' artwork

        Participation from Fluxus to New Media

        by Edited by Anna Dezeuze

        Viewers of contemporary art are often invited to involve themselves actively in artworks, by entering installations, touching objects, performing instructions or clicking on interactive websites. Why have artists sought to engage spectators in these new forms of participation? In what ways does active participation affect the viewer's experience and the status of the artwork? Spanning a range of practices including kinetic art, happenings, environments, performance, installations, relational and new media art from the 1950s to the present, this critical anthology sheds light on the history and specificity of artworks that only come to life when you - the viewer - are invited to 'do it yourself.' Rather than a specialist topic in the history of twentieth- and twenty-first century art, the 'do-it-yourself' artwork raises broader issues concerning the role of the viewer in art, the status of the artwork and the socio-political relations between art and its contexts.

      • Trusted Partner
        Forestry & related industries
        June 2000

        Forest History

        International Studies on Socioeconomic and Forest Ecosystem Change

        by Edited by Mauro Agnoletti, Steven Anderson

        This book presents edited and revised versions of more than 30 papers selected from those presented at a major conference on History and Forest Resources, held in Florence in 1998. The conference was organised by the Italian Academy of Forestry Science and working group on Forest History of the International Union of Forestry Research Organisations (IUFRO). As a whole the papers present detailed analyses of the interrelationships between forest ecosystems and socioeconomic development from thirteen different countries of the world. Main economic and social factors, techniques and local practices, as well as legal and political aspects related to forest changes are discussed, according to the latest achievements in forest history research. The book is a companion volume to Methods and Approaches in Forest History.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2007

        Videogame, player, text

        by Edited by Barry Atkins and Tanya Krzywinska

      • Trusted Partner
        Sport & leisure industries
        June 2005

        Tourism SMES, Service Quality and Destination Competitiveness

        by Edited by Eleri Jones, Claire Haven-Tang

        This book focuses in on the dominant role of SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) in the tourism and hospitality industry. It explores their impact on consumer perceptions of a destination, drawing on examples of small hotels, guesthouses, cafes and restaurants. It also highlights the challenges faced by SMEs to promote destination business growth - with discussion of competitiveness, quality and standards. With its entity-relationship model of a destination, this edited collection of international papers fully explores the dynamics SMEs. Case studies from around the world also puts SMEs research into a global context.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature: history & criticism
        May 2017

        Three sixteenth-century dietaries

        by Joan Fitzpatrick. Series edited by Susan Cerasano

        Early modern dietaries are prose texts recommending the best way to maintain physical and psychological well-being. Three sixteenth-century dietaries contains Thomas Elyot's Castle of Health, Andrew Boorde's Compendious Regiment and William Bullein's Government of Health, all popular and influential works that were typical of a genre advising the reader on how best to maintain physical and psychological health. They are here introduced, contextualized and edited for the first time in a modern spelling edition. Introductory material explores the dietary genre, its relationship to humanism, humoral theory, and the wide range of authorities with which the dietary authors engaged. The volume includes an examination of the bibliographical and publication history of each work, comprehensive explanatory notes and appendices that provide prefaces to earlier editions, a glossary, and a list of authorities and works cited or alluded to in the dietaries.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature: history & criticism
        February 2017

        The Gothic and death

        by Series edited by Elisabeth Bronfen. Edited by Carol Davison

        The Gothic and death offers the first ever published study devoted to the subject of the Gothic and death across the centuries. It investigates how the multifarious strands of the Gothic and the concepts of death, dying, mourning and memorialisation ('the Death Question') - have intersected and been configured cross-culturally to diverse ends from the mid-eighteenth century to the present day. Drawing on recent scholarship in such fields as Gothic Studies, film theory, Women's and Gender Studies and Thanatology Studies, this interdisciplinary collection of fifteen essays by international scholars combines an attention to socio-historical and cultural contexts with a rigorous close reading of works, both classic and lesser known. This area of enquiry is considered by way of such popular and uncanny figures as corpses, ghosts, zombies and vampires, and across various cultural and literary forms such as Graveyard Poetry, Romantic poetry, Victorian literature, nineteenth-century Italian and Russian literature, Anglo-American film and television, contemporary Young Adult fiction and Bollywood film noir.

      • Trusted Partner
        Fisheries & related industries
        February 2011

        Fish Diseases and Disorders, 2nd Edition (buy all 3 volumes together)

        3 Volume Set

        by Edited by Patrick T K Woo

        Fish Diseases and Disorders, 2nd Editioncomprises fully updated information essential for fish health specialists, veterinarians and zoologists. Volume 1 (2006) presents protozoan and metazoan infections and molecular approaches to parasitology. Volume 2 (2010) covers non-infectious disorders, including a new chapter on the relationship between welfare issues and disorders associated with intensive fish culture. Volume 3 (2011) provides up to date information on viral, bacterial and fungal infections, and new chapters on alphaviruses, oncogenic viruses and genomics and proteomics. All three updated volumes of the acclaimed Fish Diseases and Disorders are now available to purchase together at a special price saving 20% on the individual volume prices.

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