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        Animal stories (Children's/YA)

        The Case of Percecuted Pangolins

        by Muthoni wa Gichuru

        Book 3 in SUDEF Wildlife Detective series - In this book, Vaati wants to help her father show the pangolins near her village to the young researcher. But someone is digging up pangolin burrows and her father disappears. She together with the researchers have to find out if the two occurances are connected and what happened to the pangolin in the dug up barrows.

      • Trusted Partner
        Early learning: first experiences
        July 2018


        by Jorge Alderete

        No, Lautaro, don’t do that. No, don’t do that either. Please don’t, especially not that! This amazing book is about Lautario’s brief compendium before turning 5. It is written by his father, the world famous illustrator Dr. Alderete. This is a great opportunity to establish the limits of authority from a hilarious perspective.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019

        No oco do mundo

        Colectânea de contos traduzidos pelos vencedores do Concurso de Tradução Literária 2020

        by Sandra Tamele

        Um homem encontra e fica obcecado por um buraco, admirando-o busca conhecer-lhe as origens, implicações e acaba apaixonado. Um conto escrito depois dos ataques ao Charlie Ebdo em França… Uma mulher, frustrada por ter estudado filosofia e estar desempregada, para ter a companhia do marido na vida de dona de casa usa a fachola herdada pelo marido para cortá-lo ao meio e fazê-lo em dois, quatro, oito, até ao infinito com resultados inesperados… A meio de uma noite de luar de jade na China um casal é assaltado em casa, a empregada doméstica atada, a mulher, uma cabeleireira, abusada, o homem, sarado e cinturão negro de kung fu não reage e deixa os ladrões escaparem. A polícia investiga, estará a empregada envolvida? Porque não reagiu ele?... As peripécias de Akissi e seus amigos quando a mãe manda a menina ao mercado e uma das referências para encontrar o lugar se perde e gatos roubam o peixe que devia levar e as curiosidades próprias da infância numa África sem meninos barrigudos de fome com olhos chorosos e ramelados… Um casal conversa e fica no ar uma ameaça. Terá ele um(a) amante? Ela desconfia? Ele lê nas entrelinhas do diálogo com a mulher ameaças de morte veladas e trata de certificar-se de não haver armas em casa, partindo até a bengala que usa para se apoiar…

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2021

        No Art

        Poems / Gedichte

        by Ben Lerner, Steffen Popp, Monika Rinck, Alexander Kluge

        Ben Lerner ist einer der klügsten und innovativsten amerikanischen Dichter der Gegenwart. No Art zeigt das breite Spektrum lyrischer Formate, das Lerner beherrscht und fortwährend weiterentwickelt: das zerstörte Sonett, das poetische Denkbild, die gestisch verschobene Elegie, die Rekombination und Variation von Reden und sprachlichen Gesten über den einzelnen Text hinaus. Wiederkehrende Themenbereiche, Vertextungsverfahren und sprachliche Referenzsysteme werden sichtbar, an erster Stelle eine doppelte Auseinandersetzung: mit der kulturellen und politischen Gegenwart der Vereinigten Staaten und der Frage, wie sich denkend und sprechend darauf zugreifen lässt. Alexander Kluge bescheinigt Lerners Gedichten »einen völlig autonomen Duktus und Rhythmus« und schreibt in seinem Vorwort: »Zugleich finden sich in dieser Strömung von Worten blitzartig hochkonzentrierte Funken an Information, an Witz und inhaltlicher Präzision. So treffen hier Ideale der Kritischen Theorie (…) mit einer gediegenen New Yorker Modernität zusammen.«

      • Trusted Partner
        Fertilizers & manures
        November 2006

        No Tillage Seeding in Conservation Agriculture

        by C J Baker, Scott E Justice, Keith E Saxton, Peter Hobbs, William R Ritchie, W C T Chamen, Don C Reicosky, Fatima Ribeiro

        This book is a much-expanded and updated edition of a previous volume, published in 1996 as "No-tillage Seeding: Science and Practice". The base objective remains to describe, in lay terms, a range of international experiments designed to examine the causes of successes and failures in no-tillage. The book summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of no tillage. It highlights the pros and cons of a range of features and options, without promoting any particular product.Topics added or covered in more detail in the second edition include:* soil carbon and how its retention or sequestration interacts with tillage and no-tillage* controlled traffic farming as an adjunct to no-tillage* comparison of the performance of generic no-tillage opener designs* the role of banding fertilizer in no-tillage* the economics of no-tillage* small-scale equipment used by poorer farmers* forage cropping by no-tillage* a method for risk assessment of different levels of machine sophistication

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        No Saturday without Red Jelly

        by Elizaveta Tusheva, Chiara Battisti, Luisa Mohme, Franziska Roth

        Wim the Raccoon is a happy guy; he lives in the forest with Hector the Hare, and they have a great time together. But then Wim changes. He becomes sad and gloomy, and Hector doesn’t know what’s wrong with him. The hare goes to look for help and meets Dr Owl, an expert in invisible illnesses. With Dr Owl’s help, Wim the Raccoon starts to enjoy life again. This book explains to children and their parents different mental illnesses, how to recognize them, and how and where to get help. As well as important information, the children’s book also provides practical tasks and exercises. For:• children of primary school age(between 6 and 12) who come intocontact with a mental disorder andtheir parents• relatives and therapists

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2016

        Biochemie nach Dr. Schüßler

        Grundlagen, Praxis, Antlitzanalyse

        by Müller-Frahling, Margit; Kasperzik, Birte

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2011

        Biochemie nach Dr. Schüßler

        Grundlagen, Praxis, Antlitzanalyse

        by Deutscher Apotheker Verlag

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        April 2024

        No Romeo

        by Anja Tatlisu, Moon Notes

        Mit schönem Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage – Lieferung je nach Verfügbarkeit Was, wenn die Vergangenheit dich einholt und zu beenden droht, was gerade erst beginnt? Für ihr Studium an der Yale University zieht Mila nach New Haven und trifft dort gleich am ersten Tag auf den charmanten, aber mysteriösen Easton. Sofort spüren die beiden eine Verbindung zueinander. Gleichzeitig trennen sie Welten, denn während Mila wohlbehütet als Polizistentochter aufgewachsen ist, scheint Eastons Familie in der ganzen Stadt gefürchtet zu sein. Trotz aller Warnsignale schafft Mila es nicht, sich von Easton fernzuhalten. Der versucht unterdessen mit aller Kraft, seine dunkle Vergangenheit endlich hinter sich zu lassen. Bis sie ihn eines Tages einholt – und auch Mila mitreißt. No Romeo: Gegensätze, die sich anziehen und eine Liebe gegen jede Vernunft. Erlebe die prickelnde College-Romance zwischen Mila und Easton, die einen dunklen Twist birgt, der den Atem stocken lässt. Wenn du zu den New Adults gehörst und dir die Tropes „Forbidden Love“ und „Morally Grey Characters“ am liebsten sind, dann – Vorsicht! – könntest du dich unsterblich in „No Romeo“ verlieben. Bester Schmökerstoff von Anja Tatlisu um eine verbotene Liebe mit einer Prise Shakespeare – ab 16 Jahren. Für alle jungen Erwachsenen, die den gefühlvollen Liebesromanen von Lena Kiefer, dem federleichten Stil von Mona Kasten und den Dark-Romance-Stories von Nikola Hotel verfallen sind. Genial ausgestattet in der Erstauflage: Softcover mit Klappen, trendig illustriertem Buchschnitt und coolem Lesezeichen zum Abtrennen.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        December 2021

        Conservation Agriculture in Africa

        Climate Smart Agricultural Development

        by Saidi Mkomwa, Amir H Kassam

        Tillage agriculture has led to wide-spread soil and ecosystem degradation globally, and more particularly in the developing regions. This is especially so in Africa where traditional agricultural practices have become unsustainable due to severe exploitation of natural resources with negative impacts on the environment. In addition, agriculture in Africa today faces major challenges including increased costs, climate change effects and a need for more sustainable production intensification methods. Conservation (no-tillage) agriculture has emerged as a major alternative sustainable agriculture practice in Africa and has spread to many African countries in the past decade as more development and research has enabled its extension and uptake. This landmark volume is based on the material presented at the Second Africa Congress on Conservation Agriculture which was held in Johannesburg, South Africa, 9-12 October 2018. The main theme of the Congress was: Making Climate Smart Agriculture Real in Africa with Conservation Agriculture: Supporting the Malabo Declaration and Agenda 2063. The Congress was aligned to mobilize stakeholders in all agriculture sectors to provide development support, impetus and direction to the vision and agenda for transforming African agriculture as set out by the Malabo Declaration and Agenda 2063. This book is aimed at all agricultural stakeholders in the public, private and civil sectors in Africa engaged in supporting the transformation of conventional tillage agriculture to Conservation Agriculture. This includes: researchers, academics, students, development stakeholders and policy makers as well as institutional libraries across the world.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2003

        No War

        Krieg ist nicht die Lösung, Mr. Bush!

        by Herausgegeben von Harenberg, Karl H; Herausgegeben von Fritzler, Marc

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        A Fire Within and Other Stories

        by Kristine Ong Muslim, Lilian Akampurira Aujo, Tahar Ben Jelloun, Lubnah Abdulhalim, Nnamdi Oguike, Heran Abate, Muthoni Muchemi, Farai Mudzingwa, Hellena Rial Isaac, MG Vassanji, Hassan Ghedi Santur, Muna Ahmed Omer, A. Igoni Barrett

        A Fire Within and Other Stories showcases award-winning African authors addressing crucial continental issues through compelling short stories. Set across various African countries, the anthology explores topics like women's leadership, early marriage, corruption, and climate change. It uniquely pairs each story with discussion prompts, encouraging readers to engage deeply with Africa's social, political, and economic challenges.

      • Trusted Partner

        Formularium paediatricum

        Prescriptions for children in paediatric practice

        by Edited by Dr. Andreas S. Ziegler, Nadine Metzger and Prof. Dr. Dagmar Fischer. In collaboration with Prof. Dr. Peter Langguth, Dr. Stefan Seyferth and Dr. Norbert Ohem

        When children are ill, there is often a lack of suitable proprietary medicines. With experience and expertise, pharmacies close this gap. In the process, they are often confronted with complex questions before preparing a medicine: Is the dosage right? Which dosage form will be accepted by the child? How do I process the active ingredient in a child-friendly way? Which excipients are suitable? Formularium paediatricum provides answers to these and numerous other questions: ■ 70 monographs on tested standard formulations describe the preparation process step-by-step and explain paediatric specifics in terms of formulation. ■ an annotated list of common paediatric excipients as well as comprehensive explanations for evaluating children‘s formulations help to assess unknown, non-standardised formulations. Whenever it is a case of extemporaneous medicines for children: the Formularium paediatricum assists in the preparation in the pharmacy to succeed safely and confidently.

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        The second half of your life - a manual

        Tips and strategies for successful ageing

        by Dr. Petra Kiedaisch

        In the middle of our lives, the cards are reshuffled: marriages are divorced, careers are questioned, friendships are ended, questions of meaning are asked, bodies change - and not just hormonally. At the same time, children leave home and parents become carers. From the age of 45, the majority of our population is at the centre of a second upheaval that affects all facets of our lives and leaves us at a loss in many ways. Not only in our daily lives, but also when it comes to planning for our own old age. This guide is designed to help us find our way. It presents the most important information from all areas relevant to a good life after 45. Leading experts from the fields of medicine, nutrition, philosophy, theology, psychology, care, law and finance give recommendations on what to look out for and what tools are needed to get through these challenging years unscathed. Useful checklists round off the articles. The book shows us the unique opportunity to see these challenges not as a crisis but as a source of strength. Not only can we come through this period of our lives healthy and happy, but we can also shape it so that the next age threshold is no longer frightening. During the second phase of adolescence, we lay the foundations for whether and how we will grow older. Be it in terms of health or living together with family and friends. With contributions from: Prof. Dr. Martin Gessmann (philosophy), Dipl. Psych. Claudia Kühner (psychology), Dr Suso Lederle (medicine), Dr Petra Forster (nutrition), Christian Hald, Anja Heine (law), Prof Dr Philipp Schreiber (finance), Prof Dr Thomas Klie (nursing care insurance), Georg Eberhardt (religion).

      • Trusted Partner

        The Barefoot Doctor

        by Can Xue

        The novel tells of the story about the growth of a barefoot doctor in a village. By means of the experiences of Sister Yi the barefoot doctor, Mi Yi, Hui Ju and other characters, the author manages to expose the real dependence relationship between man and nature, and between man and man, so as to construct a new kind of relationship in the future world from a brand-new perspective with lots of astounding descriptions. The scenes depicted in the novel belong to the future world, the plots, however, firmly stick to the reality. Thus the real and free conceptions in the novel are both down-to-earth and overwhelmingly shocking, from which every ordinary reader can find resonance and gain strength for life in it. Once again, the outlook of philosophy and nature of Can Xue has delicately and simply stood out in the novel in a literary way.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2023

        No masters but God

        Portraits of anarcho-Judaism

        by Hayyim Rothman

        The forgotten legacy of religious Jewish anarchism, and the adventures and ideas of its key figures, finally comes to light in this book. Set in the decades surrounding both world wars, No masters but God identifies a loosely connected group of rabbis and traditionalist thinkers who explicitly appealed to anarchist ideas in articulating the meaning of the Torah, traditional practice, Jewish life and the mission of modern Jewry. Full of archival discoveries and first translations from Yiddish and Hebrew, it explores anarcho-Judaism in its variety through the works of Yaakov Meir Zalkind, Yitshak Nahman Steinberg, Yehudah Leyb Don-Yahiya, Avraham Yehudah Heyn, Natan Hofshi, Shmuel Alexandrov, Yehudah Ashlag and Aaron Shmuel Tamaret. With this ground-breaking account, Hayyim Rothman traces a complicated story about the modern entanglement of religion and anarchism, pacifism and Zionism, prophetic anti-authoritarianism and mystical antinomianism.

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