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        Animal stories (Children's/YA)

        Kisa cha Kasa Wanaolengwa

        by Shaleen Keshavjee - Gulam

        Book 2 in SUDEF Wildlife Detective series - Swahili - In this book , Sandeep, was excited to watch turtle eggs hatch at the beach with his grandfather. Now that the turtle eggs are disappearing, he and his friends have to solve the mystery because he promised his ailing grangfather to protect the eggs until they hatch.

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        Animal stories (Children's/YA)

        The Case of Percecuted Pangolins

        by Muthoni wa Gichuru

        Book 3 in SUDEF Wildlife Detective series - In this book, Vaati wants to help her father show the pangolins near her village to the young researcher. But someone is digging up pangolin burrows and her father disappears. She together with the researchers have to find out if the two occurances are connected and what happened to the pangolin in the dug up barrows.

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        by J.J. Rose

        When struggling Ethics Detective Asher Fox gets a contract to do some research for a client, he stumbles onto a dark secret in the global pharmaceuticals industry. With cohorts Cal West and Windsor Obili, he gets swept up into a dangerous international web of spin and counter spin, involving big business, the White House and US foreign policy, the HIV-AIDS epidemic, media politics, a major charity, an African government, thousands of hapless Africans and the Israel/Palestine dispute.Championed by a sympathetic newspaper editor, the trio become headline news and the target for the deadly intentions of the world’s most powerful figures. Virus touches on issues of politics, business, ethics and justice and asks questions about how we might approach the examined life in today’s complex world.This is fiction taken from the very real issues of the day, written by someone who has seen behind the facade of PR and politics…

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        The Arts
        February 2025

        Tattoos in crime and detective narratives

        Marking and remarking

        by Kate Watson, Katharine Cox

        Tattoos in crime and detective narratives examines representations of the tattoo and tattooing in literature, television and film, from two periods of tattoo renaissance (1851-1914, and c1955 to present). It makes an original contribution to understandings of crime and detective genre and the ways in which tattoos act as a mimetic device that marks and remarks these narratives in complex ways. With a focus on tattooing as a bodily narrative, the book incorporates the critical perspectives of posthumanism, spatiality, postcolonialism, embodiment and gender studies. The grouped essays examine the first tattoo renaissance, the rebirth of the tattoo in contemporary culture through literature, children's literature, film and television. The collection has a broad appeal, and will be of interest to all literature and media scholars, but in particular those with an interest in crime and detective narratives and skin studies.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 1995

        The Surname Detective

        Investigating surname distribution in England since 1086

        by Colin Rogers

        From the author of The Family Tree Detective, this guide provides the amateur genealogist or family historian with the skills to research the distribution and history of a surname. Colin Rogers uses a sample of 100 names, many of them common, to follow the migration of people through the centuries. Each of the 100 names is mapped since the Doomsday book in 1086. For those whose name is not among the sample, the book shows how to find out where namesakes live now, how they moved around the country through time, and how the name originated from a placename, a nickname or an occupation. Colin Rogers finishes this work by showing how the distribution of surnames can be studied irrespective of the size of the surrounding population, and reaches some interesting conclusions about which names are more reliable guides to migration since the 14th century. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2021

        Sara Paretsky

        Detective fiction as trauma literature

        by Cynthia Hamilton

        Sara Paretsky is known for her influential V.I. Warshawski series, which transformed the masculine hard-boiled detective formula into a vehicle for feminist values. But Paretsky does more than this. Her novels also illustrate the extent to which detective fiction acts as a literature of trauma, allowing Paretsky to address the politics of agency in ways that go beyond the personal, for trauma always has a social and a political dimension. Paretsky's work also exploits the way detective fiction mirrors the writing of history. Here, Paretsky uses the form to expose the partiality of historical accounts - whether they be personal, institutional, or national - that authorise 'forgetting' of a particularly insidious kind. Significantly, all these issues are explored within the framework of the traditional hard-boiled detective novel. As a result, Paretsky's achievement forces us to acknowledge the deeply subversive potential of detective fiction.

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        Children's & YA

        Missi Moppel - Detective for all Cases (2). The Floating Teapot and other Weird Wonders

        by Andreas H. Schmachtl

        The master detective is after a cunning thief who steals colourful, random objects like Leonardo da Vinci’s paintbrush or antique sugar bowls. During a visit to Grandpa Pots, she uncovers the secret of Ghost Island and solves the puzzle of the floating teapot in Mr Goldrand’s junk shop. Only the nasty blackmailing letters from the mysterious “Magpie” present her with a seemingly insoluble mystery. Someone is testing the powers of the great investigator to their very limit…Will she be able to crack even this case? 15 original detective stories told in masterly fashion by the Spiegel bestselling author Andreas H. Schmachtl.

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        Children's & YA

        Guinea Pig Investigates

        by Ivan Andrusyak (Author), Anna Mayta (Illustrator)

        Detective Gerard, a guinea pig, is known for his sweet tooth. When mysterious crimes occur in the neighborhood, animals both living in nearby homes and on the street ask him for help, promising to pay him tasty fees. Together with Gerard, you will find out who has eaten the cat's breakfast, evade hungry predators, uncover the secrets of an unknown scarecrow that terrorizes good animals, investigate dark corners, and confront your fears. Most importantly, you will learn how to catch intruders using deduction and logic!     From 6 to 9 years, 12550 words Rightsholders:

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        Children's & YA

        Sherlock Holmes, the Master Detective (3). The Invisble Seventh Man

        by Oliver Pautsch/ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle/ Dominik Rupp

        What's going on in London? A mass breakout of prisoners, an attack on a hotel and a bank robbery - all that happens within a short while. Sherlock Holmes draws a rapid deduction: This cannot be an accident. He already has a theory what and most of all who is behind it. Remains to find out how his arch enemy managed to do that. But Sherlock is on his tracks because the thieves and their leader have left their fingerprints ...

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2018

        Chio-Chio-San, Your Gaze

        by Andrii Liubka

        A drunk judge kills a young woman in a car accident and escapes punishment without much effort. But the woman's husband is not one of those who can be bribed to stay silent or intimidated into oblivion. He would rather lose everything but find out the name of the culprit. A psychological thriller about Ukraine before the war, where bribes measured the value of human life, and murderers stood in the front rows at church services. But why is Puccini able to burn the souls of both antagonists with the look of Madame Butterfly? And is the division between good and evil so clear-cut in this novel? The reader will not find the answer to the last question until the end.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2022

        Kate Atkinson

        by Armelle Parey

        This timely in-depth study of award-winning Kate Atkinson's work provides a welcome comprehensive overview of the novels, play and short stories. It explores the major themes and aesthetic concerns in her fiction. Combining close analysis and literary contextualisation, it situates her multi-faceted work in terms of a hybridisation of genres and innovative narrative strategies to evoke contemporary issues and well as the past. Chapters offer insights into each major publication (from Behind the Scenes at the Museum to Big Sky, the latest instalment in the Brodie sequence, through the celebrated Life After Life and subsequent re-imaginings of the war) in relation to the key concerns of Atkinson's fiction, including self-narrativisation, history, memory and women's lives.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        The Tooth Fairy’s Tales. Part 1. I’m Betty. Nice to meet you!

        by Tetyana Nakonechna (Author), Maria Puzey (Illustrator)

        Have you ever heard of a little tooth fairy named Betty? Oh, she is a real charmer and a great dreamer... And there is never a dull moment with her around! Do you want to find out how the fairy became a detective? Or make friends with a chatty stone? Or maybe you will dare to take part in a bat race?So don’t wait, open the book and dive into magical adventures!   From 3 to 8 years, 3482 words Rightsholder:;

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        The White Falcon

        by Salud Ochoa

        Helena Terreros is a renowned police woman detective especialized in crimes against women.Faced with the kidndapping of Paloma, an 11-year-old girl, Paloma deals with forgotten episodes of her childhood as well as with the broken social fabric in Mexico that allows terrible crimes to happen and to go unpunished.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2008

        The family tree detective

        Tracing your ancestors in England and Wales

        by Colin Rogers

        The long-awaited fourth edition of this best-selling manual continues to offer up-to-date guidance both to newcomers and to the more experienced, on how to make best use of the labyrinth of genealogical sources in England and Wales. It takes into account recent, and even some future, changes to the civil registration system, and incorporates many of the vast sources newly available on the internet. There is also a substantial bibliography for those who discover that their ancestors migrated from other countries. New appendices provide research into underregistration of birth and death, and hitherto unpublished details from the 1915 and 1939 National Registers. The family tree detective remains an indispensible source of information on how to locate births, marriages and deaths, and alternative strategies if those searches fail. Dr Colin D. Rogers is a Fellow of the Society of Genealogists, a member of AGRA (the Association of Genealogists and Researchers in Archives), and was for thirty years the Hon. General Editor of the Lancashire Parish Register Society. He runs a consultancy helping banks and solicitors to identify and locate beneficiaries. ;

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        June 2018

        Appreciation of Cao Cao, Cao Zhi and Cao Pi’s works

        by Cao Cao, Cao Zhi and Cao Pi from the Caowei Dynasty

        This book incorporates poems by Cao Cao, Cao Zhi and Cao Pi from the Caowei Dynasty. Notes and appreciations are added to each poem. Readers can also listen to the recordings by scanning the QR code on the page.

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        June 2012

        Poison, detection and the Victorian imagination

        by Ian Burney, Bertrand Taithe, Roger Cooter, Carolyn Steedman

        This fascinating book looks at the phenomenon of murder and poisoning in the nineteenth century. Focusing on the case of William Palmer, a medical doctor who in 1856 was convicted of murder by poisoning, it examines how his case baffled toxicologists, doctors, detectives and judges. The investigation commences with an overview of the practice of toxicology in the Victorian era, and goes on to explore the demands imposed by legal testimony on scientific work to convict criminals. In addressing Palmer's trial, Burney focuses on the testimony of Alfred Swaine Taylor, a leading expert on poisons, and integrates the medical, legal and literary evidence to make sense of the trial itself and the sinister place of poison in wider Victorian society. Ian Burney has produced an exemplary work of cultural history, mixing a keen understanding of the contemporary social and cultural landscape with the scientific and medical history of the period. ;

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        Do a Little Detective

        by Su Mei

        The Lightning Bear and Awu Dragon Series is the newest knowledge fairy tale of Ms. Su Mei, the winner of the Bing Xin Children's Literature Award. This series has 6 volumes, shaping two very vivid fairy tale characters Lightning Bear and Awu Dragon, and the strict natural science knowledge, physical science knowledge, mathematical knowledge, necessary safety awareness, etiquette norms are integrated into the wisdom of life. The stories are imaginative, humorous and fun which will leaving a deep impression on children, allowing them to learn more and develop more abilities in the stories.

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        October 2023

        Stunde um Stunde

        Thriller | Die Suche nach ihrer verschwundenen Tochter wurde auf Eis gelegt – jetzt machen sie der Polizei die Hölle heiß …

        by Candice Fox, Thomas Wörtche, Andrea O’Brien

        Die junge Tilly Delaney ist vor zwei Jahren auf mysteriöse Weise verschwunden. Die Polizei von Los Angeles hat ihren Fall inzwischen längst zu den Akten gelegt und stuft sie als ertrunken ein. Aus Verzweiflung über die Untätigkeit des LAPD dringen ihre Eltern, Ryan und Elsie Delaney, in das forensische Labor der Strafverfolgungsbehörden ein und stellen ein Ultimatum: Findet endlich unsere Tochter, oder wir werden Stunde um Stunde alle Beweise für andere ungeklärte Fälle vernichten. Detective Charlie Hoskins ist seit fünf Jahren undercover in einer mörderischen Motorradgang tätig. Als seine Tarnung auffliegt, hat er keine andere Wahl, als Tilly selbst zu finden, oder er verliert alles, wofür er gearbeitet hat, sollte das Labor brennen. Lynette Lamb war Polizeibeamtin ‒ bis gestern, als sie vor ihrem ersten Einsatz in Los Angeles gefeuert wurde. Herauszufinden, was mit Tilly passiert ist, ist ihre einzige Chance, wieder in den Beruf einzusteigen, auf den sie sich ihr ganzes Leben lang vorbereitet hat. Hoskins und Lamb müssen sich zusammentun, um diesen cold case zu lösen, und sie müssen schnell handeln ‒ bevor die Situation völlig außer Kontrolle gerät.

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