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      • Inner Flower Child Books

        We present to you a rhino that actually once circled the earth in the spaceship, an artist cat from Paris known by everyone, the adventures, and wanderlust of a tiny house, and love stories kissed by the sun... Curious? If you are looking for children's books with a universal message of hope and connectedness, we'd love the opportunity to meet with you. Inner Flower Child Books is a children's book publisher founded in California in 2012 by the creative team of author Susan Schaefer Bernardo (M.A. English Languages and Literature, Yale University) and illustrator Courtenay Fletcher (BFA Advertising/Graphic Design, Art Center College of Design). These artists and their team produce profound, touching, and humorously inspiring books that have become very successful in the US. With wittiness, humor, and intelligence — with rhymes at times — they create stories that promote children's language and social capabilities development. Partly because of that, Susan’s and Courtenay's picture books are used nationwide by schools, children's charities, therapists, and families across the United States to help children and youth heal from problems, large and small. At a time when the whole world is being hit by the trauma of a pandemic, books such as “Sun Kisses and Moon Hugs” bring children and young people a comforting message of love and connection. The colorfully illustrated and inspiring picture books contain generally assignable topics such as healing trauma, bringing people closer to living a sustainable life, and the power of creative expression — predestined to be successful worldwide. (Speaking of worldwide distribution: one of Susan’s and Courtenay's books, “The Rhino Who Swallowed The Storm” was sent to the International Space Station to orbit the planet — and was read aloud by astronaut Kate Rubins as part of the innovative “Story Time From Space” program and broadcasted! Apart from that, “The Rhino” was also promoted by former, then-incumbent First Lady Michelle Obama and present presidential candidate Joe Biden. For more information, please visit our website!). All Inner Flower Child Books titles are currently only published in the United States. Susan and Courtenay are therefore pleased to be able to offer publication and subsidiary rights on all other world markets for the first time. On our book fair landing page, you can find book trailers and details about our work: We, the European representatives Anette and Leonie Waldeck, are happy to present the works of Inner Flower Child Books to you in the context of the Frankfurt book fair. Here we would like to meet in person or jump on an online video call to speak about publishing and foreign sub-rights options. Please contact us at +49 179 10 93 276 or via email to ask questions or to make an appointment. Thank you for your time.   Anette and Leonie Waldeck with international greetings from the US from Susan Bernardo and Courtenay Fletcher

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        Since its launch in 1981, Guangdong Flower City Publishing House Co., Ltd is one of the most influential literary presses in China. Flower City Publishing House is a subsidiary of Southern Publishing and Media Co.Ltd and has enlisted a large number of celebrated writers. Flower City Publishing House has published a wide variety of titles covering fiction and non-fiction, poems, proses, as well as translation works.

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2018

        The Shadow of the Flower

        by Ye Zhaoyan

        Lady Yu has become the head of the Zhens since her father died and her brother got paralyzed. She intently strives for the long-gone youthful days and the free and happiness she never had before. Nevertheless, the harmful influence of the feudal family on her is deep-rooted and the shadows of her father and brother have always haunted her. In the end, she fights against the evil feudal ethical code at the cost of her youth, passion and life. The novel sets in a small town in the south of the Yangtze River during 1920s which has been no longer in existence and turned into a part of historical relics.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 1997

        Tis Pity She's a Whore

        John Ford

        by Derek Roper

        John Ford's tragedy, first printed in 1633, is the first major English play to take as its theme a subject still rarely handled: fulfilled incest between brother and sister. It is one of the most studied and performed of all plays of the period, and has been successfully adapted for film and radio. The Revels plays edition by Derek Roper has been the standard scholarly edition since it appeared in 1975. This new edition uses the same authoritative text, but with notes designed for modern undergraduate use. The substantial introduction has been completely rewritten to take account of the studies and new approaches of the last twenty years. It presents the play as an 'interrogative text', in which subversive meanings are inscribed within an apparently orthodox narrative; as a courageous treatment of forbidden love; and as an achieved work of Baroque art. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 1993

        Sport and the making of Britain

        by Derek Birley

        The British love of sport is legendary. In this lively and stimulating book Derek Birley looks at the part it played in shaping British society. The book traces the development of sporting conventions from medieval chivalry to modern notions of sportsmanship and fair play. Particular sports from hunting and the tournament to ball-games and athletics are shown against the social background of the emerging nation. The first laws of favourite pastimes such as horse-racing, cricket and boxing were devised by the privileged for gambling purposes, but were enthusiastically followed by the lower orders for pleasure and profit. Amongst the topics explored are the changing fortunes and fashions in field sports, 'gentlemen and players' in cricket, the public school games cult, purity in amateur rowing, the urban middle-class discovery of lawn tennis and golf, and the 'north-south divide' in football. These social issues are cross-threads in the theme of sport's influence on national identity, patriotism and imperialism in the making of Britain. Remarkable in its scope and in its linking of sport to the changing social political scene, this is a splendidly readable history. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2020

        Festivals of Chinese Ethnic Groups·Nu: The Flower Festival

        by Yan Xiangjun, Zuo Hanzhong

        This book mainly introduces the origin of the Nu ethnic group's Flower Festival. A beautiful Nu girl used her ingenuity to help the Nu people solve the problem of crossing the river. Later, the wealthy bully wanted to marry her because of her beauty and intelligence. She fled to the cave but was killed by the bully on March 15th of the lunar calendar. Later, when people went to worship her on March 15th, they found that the cave was full of flowers. Thus, people called that day the “Flower Festival”.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 1999

        Derek Walcott

        by John Thieme, John Thieme

        This book provides a unique account of Walcott's development as a writer in addition to being the fullest study of his poetry and plays to date. Discusses all his major works and includes information on his out-of-print and unpublished plays along with . ;

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2018

        Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor

        by Wang Xufeng

        “Ten Scenes in West Lake” is the work of Wang Xufeng, the famous writer and Mao Dun Literature Award winner, in the background of Hangzhou West Lake. It is a collection of novellas with the historical " Ten Scenes in West Lake " as the starting point. The ten novellas are independent stories and are also connected to each other, forming a series of books that are saturated with the charm of Jiangnan. The book Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor is one of the novels. The author uses goldfish as a clue to tell the love between "I" and childhood playmates and the friendship with classmates Mao Feng etc. There is not only the youth smelling of the school age, but also the sentimental feeling of stepping into the changeable society. Once pure feeling became disfigured by money, drugs, hence pond water and that goldfish no longer exist.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2018

        Happiness Is Like a Flower

        by Shi Zhongshan

        Du Juan, a female soldier of the Cultural and Art Corps, is obsessed with her dance career. She never believed that happiness would come to her until she received two letters of courtship, which were from two excellent men: the son of the army’s head, Bai Yang and Lin Bin from the cultural Ministry. Du Juan couldn't make a choice at the moment, but she didn't want to give up either of them. She had to try two roads at the same time.What kind of happiness will Du Juan harvest in the pure love atmosphere? Will her happiness bloom like a flower?“Happiness Is Like a Flower” is a masterpiece of the famous screenwriter Shi Zhongshan. It was once adapted into TV series. This book also includes Shi Zhongshan's "Happiness" series of short stories: How Far Is Happiness, The Perfection of Happiness, Happiness Like Flowers and Grass, etc. Most of them have been adapted into popular TV series, affecting the love concept of a generation.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2011

        Aus dem Guru Granth Sahib und anderen heiligen Schriften der Sikhs

        Ausgewählt, übersetzt und kommentiert von Tilak Raj Chopra und Heinz Werner Wessler

        by Martin Kämpchen, Heinz Werner Wessler, Tilak Raj Chopra

        Die Sikh-Religion (vom sanskritischen Wort für „Schüler, Belehrungsbedürftiger”) ist eine im 15. Jahrhundert entstandene konfessions- und religionsübergreifende Form indischer Mystik, die auf den charismatischen Gemeindeführer Guru Nanak (1469-1539) und seine neun Nachfolger zurückgeht. (1708 wurde der letzte Guru, der keinen Nachfolger ernannt hat, Opfer eines Attentats.) Die Literatur des Sikhismus setzt mit den Liedern Guru Nanaks ein. Nach dessen Tod begannen seine Nachfolger mit der Traditionsbildung: Nichtauthentische Lieder wurden ausgesondert, das zunächst mündlich tradierte Liedgut verschriftlicht. Diese Entwicklung mündete 1604 in das Guru Granth Sahib (auch bekannt unter dem Namen „Adi Granth”), das „Ursprüngliche Buch” oder genauer: der „Lehrer Hoher Herr Buch”, eine kanonische Liedsammlung, die heute in jedem Sikh-Heiligtum im Zentrum der Liturgie steht. Die Sikhs sind in der Gegenwart eine kleine (23 Millionen Anhänger), aber wirtschaftlich erfolgreiche Minderheit in Indien. Ihr prominentester Vertreter ist der amtierende indische Premierminister. Die Gurus sprechen in ihren Versen über eine grundsätzliche menschliche Haltung dem Leben gegenüber, die durchdrungen ist von Nächstenliebe, Hingabe und Aufrichtigkeit. Die Lehren legen daher großen Wert auf gegenseitigen Respekt. Im Abschlußgebet der Sikhs wird für das Wohl der gesamten Schöpfung gebetet. Dieser Gedanke drückt sich auch in den Gebetsstätten (Gurdwara) der Sikhs aus: Jeder Mensch, ungeachtet seiner Herkunft und Religion, ist eingeladen, an den Gottesdiensten und Veranstaltungen teilzunehmen. Bekanntester Einzeltext ist das „Mul-Mantar” oder „Wurzel-Mantra”, das quasi den Rang eines Glaubensbekenntnisses hat.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2017

        Personen, Normativität, Moral

        Ausgewählte Aufsätze

        by Derek Parfit, Matthias Hoesch, Sebastian Muders, Markus Rüther, Anneli Jefferson, Nadine Mooren

        Derek Parfits bahnbrechende Arbeiten zur personalen Identität, zur Metaethik und zur normativen Ethik prägen seit Jahrzehnten die Debatten der praktischen Philosophie weltweit. Seine zentrale Frage lautet: Worauf kommt es eigentlich an? Er beantwortet sie mit einer innovativen Theorie, die eine reduktionistische Auffassung von personaler Identität mit einer objektiven Theorie praktischer Gründe und einer verblüffenden Vereinigung von Kantianismus, Kontraktualismus und Konsequentialismus verbindet. Erstmals liegen mit diesem Band nun Texte in deutscher Übersetzung vor, die das philosophische Schaffen Parfits in seiner ganzen Breite abdecken.

      • Trusted Partner
        Agricultural science
        December 2004

        Flower Seeds

        Biology and Technology

        by Edited by Miller B McDonald, Francis Y Kwong, Frans Bongers, Marc P E Parren, Dossahua Traoré

        The floral industry represents a significant proportion of agricultural income in several developed countries, particularly the USA, the Netherlands and Japan. Hitherto the sheer diversity of flower seeds, in their form, function and biology, has hindered the production of a comprehensive treatment of the topic. This book provides a unique and much-needed resource of information on the biology and technology of flower seeds. It presents in-depth information on the history and evolution of the ornamental and wild flower seed industries followed by recommendations for successful breed and production programs. A comprehensive coverage of the biology of flower seeds is considered as well as appropriate technologies associated with germination, vigor and viability testing. In this volume, the first of its kind, international authorities from academia and industry have been brought together to provide a comprehensive reference resource for both practitioners and students of seed science and technology and of ornamental horticulture.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        January 2017

        Tourism and Geopolitics

        Issues and Concepts from Central and Eastern Europe

        by Derek R Hall

        With 29 contributors from across Europe and beyond, this work represents a unique and important resource that examines the many relationships between tourism and geopolitics, with a focus on experiences drawn from Central and Eastern Europe. It begins by assessing the changing nature of 'geopolitics', from pejorative associations with Nazism to the more recent critical and feminist geopolitics of social science's 'cultural turn'. The book then addresses the important historical role of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in geopolitical thinking, before exemplifying a range of contemporary interactions between tourism and geopolitics within this critical region. Edited by a renowned authority on tourism geopolitics, this book: · Provides the most comprehensive overview of tourism and geopolitics available · Applies a range of geopolitical concepts and approaches to empirical experiences of tourism and mobility in Central and Eastern Europe · Embraces contributions from both established and new academic voices. Pursuing innovative analytical paths, the book demonstrates the interrelated nature of tourism and geopolitics and emphasizes the freshness of this research area. Addressing key principles and ideas which are applicable globally, it is an essential source for researchers, teachers and students of tourism, geography, political science and European studies, as well as for diplomatic, business and consultant practitioners. ; This book is a unique and important resource that discusses the relationship between tourism and geopolitics, with a focus on experience from Central and Eastern Europe ; Part I: Introduction and Overviews1: Bringing geopolitics to tourism2: Tourism and geopolitics: the political imaginary of territory, tourism and space3: Tourism in the geopolitical construction of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)Part II: Reconfiguring Conceptions and Reality4: The Adriatic as a (re-)emerging cultural space5: Crimea: geopolitics and tourism6: The geopolitical trial of tourism in modern Ukraine7: Under pressure: the impact of Russian tourism investment in MontenegroPart III: Tourism and Transnationalism8: Large-scale tourism development in a Czech rural area: contestation over the meaning of modernity9: The expansion of international hotel groups into Central and Eastern Europe after 1989 – strategic couplings and local responses10: Conceptualising trans-national hotel chain penetration in Bulgaria11: New consumption spaces and cross-border mobilitiesPart IV: Borderlands12: From divided to shared spaces: transborder tourism in the Polish-Czech borderlands13: Finnish-Russian border mobility and tourism: localism overruled by geopolitics14: Kaliningrad as a tourism enclave/exclave?15: An evaluation of tourism development in KaliningradPart V: Identity and Image16: Mutli-ethnic food in the mono-ethnic city: tourism, gastronomy and identity in central Warsaw17: Rural tourism as a meeting ground in Bosnia and Herzegovina?18: Interrogating tourism’s relevance: mediating between polarities in Kosovo19: European Night of Museums and the geopolitics of events in Romania20: The power of the Web: blogging destination image in Bucharest and SofiaPart VI: Mobilities21: The role of pioneering tour companies22: The geopolitics of low-cost carriers in Central and Eastern Europe23: Tourism and a geopolitics of connectivity: the Albanian nexus24: Heroes or ‘Others’? A geopolitics of international footballer mobility25: Tourism, mobilities and the geopolitics of erasurePart VII: Conclusions26: In conclusion

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Flower Embroidery

        by Baoerji.Yuanye

        The novel is the first novel of Bauerji Yuanye, with romanticism as the main creative technique, with strong magical realism. The novel tells the protagonist's unique experience in a place called Huahuoxiu in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia. An Iranian poet named Zaino formed a partnership with the protagonist and embarked on Don Quixote-style adventures in various corners of the flower embroidery-herders’ homes, restaurants, markets, and King Gesar’s boots. It is both true and illusion, hilarious, it is a more artistically attractive work, which embodies the consistent creative characteristics of Bauerji Yuanye: unrestrained imagination, peculiar conception, broad knowledge and wit and humor.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Flo the Flower Girl

        Flo Si Gadis Bunga

        by Watiek Ideo

        Flo has lived with her parents all her life and never goes out to the town. She wants to see new things and meet new people. So one day, Flo braves herself and goes alone. How shocked she is when she sees people in the town are different from her. They don't have... flowers on their body.

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        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure

        Museum of Flowers

        by Wang Yicheng

        is a full-colored illustrated handbook of flowers which is very classical and collectible. Comprehensive plant selection: This book contains more than 1000 new varieties, 2500 new plants and nearly 4000 colorful pics. It not only contains cultivated and common varieties, but wild varieties, new varieties and rare varieties. Reference book: Every plants you want can be easily found in this book. The book arranges the species by the Latin names of the plants,the similar species will be put together in order to be recognized easily. The pictures of one specie will be arranged clearly by its size and colour changing. A brief guide for cultivation: This book divides into three parts: "identification", "maintenance" and "application" among each specie. In view of the difficulties and problems encountered in the design and application of plant landscape, this book provides a specific solution for urban planners, landscape designers, plants researchers and flower lovers. This book will not only bring you the shock of vision, also the dramatic experience of the flower world.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2024

        I love you…

        by Julien Tănase

        The book "I Love You..." is part of the trilogy..., "I love you, till death..." and "I love you, as long as my heart beats”, autobiographical love novels which include chapters from life in a couple of the writer Julien Tănase and his wife, Magdi, with whom he has been in a relationship for 30 years, all against the background of the events that Romania has gone through in recent decades, after the Revolution of '89. A trilogy about the endurance over time of a young couple in love, who have gone through events that are out of touch with reality in Romania where sleeping with a gun under the pillow, the fear of having their child kidnapped, and even the "wars" waged against the corruption of magistrates, politicians and the information systems of a civil society gripped by the widespread corruption in Romania, including the lawsuit invented by the DNA (National Anticorruption Directorate) to stop his work as a journalist and finally won by the writer, makes the autobiography of writer Julien Tănase a fascinating one that leaves you with a bitter taste in your mouth and a big question mark; ... "such things have happened and continue to happen in Romania"?... The writer Julien Tănase: "A friend in the Italian Police told me, and I quote him: "... if you had done in Italy what you did for your country, today a street would bear your name! But you had been dead!"

      • Trusted Partner
        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure

        Master of Flower Cultivation on Balcony

        by Jiang Qinghai

        In this book, variety of flowers is classified according to plant morphology such as observing flowers, observing leaves and observing fruits, which is simple and clear. The balconies in the east, west, south and north have their own advantages. Flowers on balcony are in thousands of postures. No matter which kind of flower, as long as illumination characteristics are mastered and careful caring is done; you also can change your own little world to a beautiful land for flowers. In this book, 100 kinds of flowers are classified by ornamental characteristics of plants. No matter you are in humid south or you stay in dry north, it can teach you the most basic maintenance secrets from placement, selection, watering, pot soil and fertilization and make you get advancement from a green hand of flower cultivation to a master of flower cultivation.

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        Educational: Sciences, general science
        July 2018

        Hi, Flower and Trees, We Have Questions

        by Shi Jun

        There are many a questions to be asked in the vegetable kingdom. How did the first flower appear? Is there any relationship between wintersweet and Chinese plum flower? What is it useful that we wing round trees with straw knittings? Can we keep them from being cold?

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