Sulakauri Publishing
Sulakauri Publishing is a general publisher. 25 years on the market, today it is a leading Georgian publisher with a big but curated list of Georgian and translated literature.
View Rights PortalSulakauri Publishing is a general publisher. 25 years on the market, today it is a leading Georgian publisher with a big but curated list of Georgian and translated literature.
View Rights PortalThe Irish writer, Deirdre Madden, has written key novels about the Northern Irish Troubles and about contemporary Ireland. In these works, she weighs up the aftermath of violence and the impact of the shift to a more open but materialist society in the country overall. Memory, trauma, and the abiding but elusive links between the past and the present are central concerns of her fiction. This pioneering set of essays by leading experts in Irish Studies explores the many dimensions of her novels from a wide variety of perspectives. Madden's skill at interweaving novels of ideas with artist novels that draw out the complex inner predicaments of her characters is highlighted. States of dislocation are concentrated on in her texts, but also the quest for a home in the world and a lasting set of values that allows for personal integrity and authenticity. These multifaceted explorations bear out the compelling and enduring aspects of Madden's highly regarded novels.
Für Liebhaber des boshaften Humors: Arthur Schopenhauer. »In unserem monogamischen Weltteile heißt heiraten, seine Rechte zu halbieren und seine Pflichten zu verdoppeln.«
Louis Althusser Gesammelte Schriften Band 3 Herausgegeben von Frieder Otto Wolf in den Verlagen Westfälisches Dampfboot, VSA und Suhrkamp Louis Althussers 1965 in Frankreich erschienener Band Pour Marx (dt. Für Marx, 1968 im Suhrkamp Verlag) revolutionierte die linke Theorie. Althusser brach mit dem ökonomischen Determinismus seiner Zeit und analysierte kapitalistische Herrschaft als ein Verhältnis, in das auch die Unterdrückten verstrickt sind. Seine Gedanken zur Überdeterminierung, sowie spätere zur »Anrufung« des Subjekts, zu den »Ideologischen Staatsapparaten« und zur Philosophie als »Klassenkampf in der Theorie« sind unter anderem von Judith Butler, Michel Foucault, Chantal Mouffe und Antonio Negri aufgegriffen und fortgeführt worden. Sämtliche Beiträge der französischen Ausgabe sind hier erstmals gesammelt auf deutsch, in durchgesehenen und teilweise neuen Übersetzungen verfügbar, versehen mit einem ausführlichen Nachwort. Louis Althusser (1918-1990) war einer der einflussreichsten marxistischen Theoretiker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er war Lehrer von Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Nicos Poulantzas, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Jacques Rancière und Étienne Balibar.
Jacques Derridas Auseinandersetzung mit der Theorie von Marx und ihrem Erbe gehört zu den meistdiskutierten philosophischen Texten der Gegenwart. Hier geht es um nichts Geringeres als um das Erbe des Marxismus, um Marx' Testament, um seine Vergangenheit und seine Gegenwart. Marx' Gespenster eröffnet eine neue Perspektive auf die Philosophie von Marx. »Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa«, so könnte man beginnen und zugleich seine gespenstische Gegenwart konstatieren. »Es gilt, auf magische Weise ein Gespenst auszutreiben, die mögliche Rückkehr einer Macht zu bannen, die für böse an sich gehalten wird und deren dämonische Drohung fortfährt, das Jahrhundert heimzusuchen.«
Russia and the other republics of the former USSR are now more accessible than at any other time in history. In the future, the forest resource of Russia, easily the greatest of any country in the world, will become even more globally important both environmentally and commercially.This new dictionary incorporates an updated and enlarged version of the first Russian-English edition, published in 1966, plus an entirely new English-Russian section of similar size. It contains many new terms, species names, acronyms and abbreviations to account for the great changes which have taken place in Russian forestry in terms of mechanization, woodworking technology, forest management and economics, environmental pollution and conservation. A list of the botanical names of trees and shrubs, with their Russian and English equivalents has also been included.The book has been compiled by Dr William Linnard, former Assistant Director of the Commonwealth Forestry Bureau, with over forty years’ experience of abstracting and translating forestry literature and David Darrah-Morgan, M.A. (Translation), a full-time translator, specializing in forestry and related fields.
Across the world, sacred sites are linked together by mysterious alignments on the landscape. In the British Isles these links have come to be known as ley lines. This is the classic, comprehensive guide to the subject.
Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Carina Schnell
This book provides an overview of the incarceration of tens of thousands of men, women and children during the first fifty years of Irish independence. Psychiatric hospitals, mother and baby homes, Magdalen homes, Reformatory and Industrial schools, prisons and Borstal formed a network of institutions of coercive confinement that was integral to the emerging state. The book provides a wealth of contemporaneous accounts of what life was like within these austere and forbidding places as well as offering a compelling explanation for the longevity of the system and the reasons for its ultimate decline. While many accounts exist of individual institutions and the factors associated with their operation, this is the first attempt to provide a holistic account of the interlocking range of institutions that dominated the physical landscape and, in many ways, underpinned the rural economy. Highlighting the overlapping roles of church, state and family in the maintenance of these forms of social control, this book will appeal to those interested in understanding twentieth-century Ireland: in particular, historians, legal scholars, criminologists, sociologists and other social scientists. These arguments take on special importance as Irish society continues to grapple with the legacy of its extensive use of institutionalisation. ;