Sulakauri Publishing

Fiction, non-fiction, graphic novel, children's illustrated books, cookbooks, wine books, travel books

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Sulakauri Publishing started as a small family press in 1999. 25 years in, it has become a leading publishing house in Georgia. As a general publisher, Sulakauri has a long but curated list of Georgian and translated fiction and nonfiction, juvenile and YA literature, cookbooks, and graphic novels.
Sulakauri Publishing represents many brilliant, award-winning Georgian authors. Our original titles have been translated and published into more than 30 languages. Few of our books have been adapted to films and series. Some of our authors are: Aka Morchiladze, Dato Turashvili, Ana Kordzaia-Samadashvili, Tamta Melashvili, Archil Kikodze, Zaza Burchuladze, Beka Adamashvili, and others.


  • Georgian


  • Georgia

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