Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd.
International literary agency with a distinguished list of fiction, non-fiction and children's authors, specializing in foreign rights.
View Rights PortalInternational literary agency with a distinguished list of fiction, non-fiction and children's authors, specializing in foreign rights.
View Rights PortalZOOlibri is an indipendent publishing house born in Reggio Emilia in 2001, that focuses its production in picture books and novels in pictures. Its purpose is both producing its own titles and translating other’s titles on the market taking care of bringing unknown and unpublished artists on Italian market first, and then on the international one. Now almost 70 titles appear on the catalogue. After more than 15 years of work on the international market ZOOlibri is known as one of the most active independent publishers, with productions translated worldwide in 18 languages, and for being the first in bringing together in the same catalogue Jon Klassen, Steve Antony and Oliver Jeffers.
View Rights PortalIn 'Digging up stories', James Thompson explores the problems of theatre practice in communities affected by war and exclusion. Each chapter or 'story' is written in a lively and accessible style and draws on a range of contemporary performance theories. The chapters discuss: - participatory theatre in refugee camps - theatre workshop and stories of a massacre - traditional dance-dramas in an insurgent controlled village - 'Forum' theatre with the Mahabharata - ethical issues - the struggle to teach the author to dance 'Digging up stories' documents a range of theatre practice and includes project reports, ethnographic accounts, performance analysis and diary-style reflection. Taken from Thompson's research and practice in Sri Lanka, these diverse examples question the link between applied theatre, traditional performance and performances in everyday life. The book blurs lines between research and travel writing to create rich and provocative accounts of applying theatre in a troubled setting. ;
Kenya's white settlers have been alternately celebrated and condemned, painted as romantic pioneers or hedonistic bed-hoppers or crude racists. The souls of white folk examines settlers not as caricatures, but as people inhabiting a unique historical moment. It takes seriously - though not uncritically - what settlers said, how they viewed themselves and their world. It argues that the settler soul was composed of a series of interlaced ideas: settlers equated civilisation with a (hard to define) whiteness; they were emotionally enriched through claims to paternalism and trusteeship over Africans; they felt themselves constantly threatened by Africans, by the state, and by the moral failures of other settlers; and they daily enacted their claims to supremacy through rituals of prestige, deference, humiliation and violence. The souls of white folk will appeal to those interested in the histories of Africa, colonialism, and race, and can be appreciated by scholars and students alike.
The Arctic region has been the subject of much popular writing. This book considers nineteenth-century representations of the Arctic, and draws upon an extensive range of evidence that will allow the 'widest connections' to emerge from a 'cross-disciplinary analysis' using different methodologies and subject matter. It positions the Arctic alongside more thoroughly investigated theatres of Victorian enterprise. In the nineteenth century, most images were in the form of paintings, travel narratives, lectures given by the explorers themselves and photographs. The book explores key themes in Arctic images which impacted on subsequent representations through text, painting and photography. For much of the nineteenth century, national and regional geographical societies promoted exploration, and rewarded heroic endeavor. The book discusses images of the Arctic which originated in the activities of the geographical societies. The Times provided very low-key reporting of Arctic expeditions, as evidenced by its coverage of the missions of Sir John Franklin and James Clark Ross. However, the illustrated weekly became one of the main sources of popular representations of the Arctic. The book looks at the exhibitions of Arctic peoples, Arctic exploration and Arctic fauna in Britain. Late nineteenth-century exhibitions which featured the Arctic were essentially nostalgic in tone. The Golliwogg's Polar Adventures, published in 1900, drew on adult representations of the Arctic and will have confirmed and reinforced children's perceptions of the region. Text books, board games and novels helped to keep the subject alive among the young.
Yitzhak Rabin – Die Laufbahn einer Führungspersönlichkeit Von Shaul Webber „Schon vor der Ermordung von Yitzhak Rabin sah ich in ihm immer einen rätselhaften Helden“, schreibt der Autor Dr. Shaul Weber.Dieses Rätsel wurde nach seiner Ermordung noch verstärkt.Rabins Auftritte in den Medien und den Aussagen von denen, die ihm nahe gestanden haben, zeigten eine Komplexität, die nicht ignoriert werden konnte.Obwohl er ständig von Menschen umgeben war, war er emotional ein Einzelgänger.Er war ein Politiker, dem politische Normen widerstrebten, ein Mann von Integrität und Moral. Dennoch war er bereit, im Interesse der nationalen Sicherheit von seinen Idealen abzugehen.Trotz seines undiplomatischen Erscheinungsbildes, wurde er ein hochrangiger Diplomat und nationale Führungspersönlichkeit. Rabin war am Anfang seiner Karriere emotional zurückgezogen, schüchtern und schonungslos offen. Er forderte kompromisslose Perfektion von sich selbst und anderen.Er verfügte über beeindruckende analytische Fähigkeiten und stellte deutlich seine Führungsqualitäten unter Beweis, auch wenn er noch nicht ganz bereit war, die anspruchsvolle Aufgabe der militärischen Führung zu übernehmen, als diese Rolle ihm durch die Umstände aufgezwungen wurde. In seinen frühen Tagen mit der Palmach erschien Rabin als ein Mann, der Kameradschaft verherrlicht, aber einsam, schüchtern und unfähig zu kommunizieren war.Obwohl er ständig das „wir“ in seinen Reden verwendete, sonderte er sich von anderen ab und errichtet um sich eine Barriere von Individualismus und extrem hohen Ansprüchen.Obwohl er kühl und analytisch war, hatte er paradoxerweise ein hitziges Temperament und war bekannt dafür, unverblümte, bisweilen sogar beleidigende Äußerungen zu machen.Doch in den letzten Jahren seines Lebens lernte er seine Gefühle besser auszudrücken und mehr Wärme auszustrahlen. Als Pädagoge und Historiker geht Dr. Webber davon aus, dass jeder Mensch ein Produkt seiner Kindheit und Erziehung ist. In diesem Buch werden schlaglichtartig Episoden aus der Kindheit und Jugend Rabins sowie von seinem Leidensweg als Kommandeur der Harel-Brigade während des israelischen Unabhängigkeitskrieges von 1948 geschildert.Während seines Lebens, besonders jedoch nach seinem Tod, galt Rabin als das „Salz der Erde“. Es scheint jedoch, dass man eine Menge bitterer Kräuter essen muss, um sich diesen hehren Titel zu verdienen.Dieses Buch handelt von diesen bitteren Kräutern. Shaul Webber wurde in Tel Aviv geboren.Nach seinem Wehrdienst schloss er sich dem Kibbutz Ha'on nahe Kinneret an (See Genezareth).Nach dem Ende des Sechstagekrieges ging er ins Kibbuth Merom Golan in den Golan-Höhen und arbeitete dort als Erzieher und Lehrer.Der Autor erhielt seinen B.A. in Philosophie und Pädagogik von der Hebrew University in Jerusalem, einen M.A. in Pädagogik von der Haifa University und einen Ph.D. von der Hebrew University in Jerusalem.Heute lebt er in Ramat Gan und lehrt Pädagogik und Geschichte an der Open University.Dies ist sein drittes Buch.Sein erstes Buch, Ein blaues Hemd auf schwarzem Hintergrund, wurde 1998 veröffentlicht und beschreibt das Verhältnis der Jugendbewegungen in Eretz Israel zur Diaspora während und nach dem Holocaust.Sein zweites Buch, Mystery Hill, im Jahr 2003 veröffentlicht, analysiert die berühmte Schlacht von Ammunition Hill aus seiner persönlichen Sicht als ein Soldat, der an diesem schrecklichen Blutbad teilgenommen hat, sowie aus der Sicht eines Forschers und Historikers.Sein kürzlich erschienenes Buch, Der Spion, der vergessen wurde, handelt von Major Max Bennett – einem der umstrittensten und tragischen israelischen Undercover-Agenten, ein brillanter Geheimdienstoffizier, der leichtfertig von seinen Vorgesetzten in die berüchtigte gescheiterte Geheimoperation in Ägypten in den frühen 50er Jahren geschickt wurde und dort in einer Gefängniszelle umkam
“Even before Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated, I always saw him as an enigmatic hero,” writes the author Dr. Shaul Weber. This enigma only intensified after his assassination. Rabin’s appearances in the media and the testimony given by those close to him reflected a complexity that could not be ignored. Always surrounded by others, he stood out as an emotionally distant loner. A politician who projected unease with the political norms, and basically a man of integrity and morality, he was nevertheless willing to stray from his ideals in the interests of national security. Despite his undiplomatic image, he became a senior diplomat and national leader. Rabin, emotionally withdrawn, shy and blunt throughout his formative years, demanded uncompromising perfection from himself and others. Blessed with impressive analytic capabilities, he demonstrated the qualities of leadership, even when not quite ready to assume the onerous mantle of military leadership when that role was forced on him by circumstances beyond his control. In his early days with the Palmach, Rabin comes across as a man who glorified camaraderie, but who was lonely, shy and unable to communicate. Although he spoke in terms of “we,” he closed himself off from others, putting up barriers of individualism and fastidiousness. Cool and analytic, he paradoxically had a hot temper and was known to speak bluntly, even offensively. However, in the latter years of his life, he learned to better express his feelings and project more warmth. As an educator and historian, Dr. Webber assumes that every human being is a product of his childhood and upbringing, which offers only partial solutions to the riddle of Rabin’s boyhood, his adolescence, and his painful ordeal as commander of the Harel Brigade during Israel's 1948 War of Independence. Throughout his life, and especially after his death, Rabin was said to be the “salt of the earth.” It appears, however, that in order to earn this noble title, one has to eat a lot of bitter herbs, too. This book is about those bitter herbs. Each year the president and the prime minister of Israel present prizes – usually to writers – for the best works related to one of each of their predecessors. This year the prize winner for memorizing Yitzhak Rabin was Dr. Shaul Weber for his book The Growth of a Leader, which follows Rabin’s path from childhood through to his youth in the Palmah and subsequently in the army, and sheds fresh light on what influenced Rabin’s growth as a military leader, a diplomat and a political leader. Shaul Webber was born in Tel Aviv. After his army service, he joined Kibbutz Ha'on nearby the Kinneret (the Sea of Galilee). When the Six-Day War was over he joined Kibbutz Merom Golan in the Golan Heights, and worked there as an educator and teacher. The author received his B.A. in philosophy and education from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, an M.A. in education from Haifa University, and his Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Today he lives in Ramat Gan and teaches education and history at the Open University. This is Dr. Webber’s third book. His first book, A Blue Shirt on a Black Background, was published in 1998 and describes how the youth movements in Eretz Israel related to the Diaspora during and after the Holocaust. His second book, Mystery Hill, published in 2003, analyzes the famous battle of Ammunition Hill from his personal point of view as a soldier who participated in that terrible bloodshed, as well as from the perspective of a researcher and historian. His recently published book, The Spy Who Was Forgotten, is about Major Max Bennett – one of Israel's most controversial and tragic undercover agents, a brilliant intelligence officer who was recklessly involved by his superiors in the notoriously failed secret operation in Egypt in the early 50s, and who tragically ended his life there in a prison cell. An English-language eBook edition was published in spring 2013 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc., CA.) 374 Pages, 15 x 22.5 cm.
This study of the British colonial administrator James Tod (1782-1835), who spent five years in north-western India (1818-22) collecting every conceivable type of material of historical or cultural interest on the Rajputs and the Gujaratis, gives special attention to his role as a mediator of knowledge about this little-known region of the British Empire in the early nineteenth century to British and European audiences. The book aims to illustrate that British officers did not spend all their time oppressing and inferiorising the indigenous peoples under their colonial authority, but also contributed to propagating cultural and scientific information about them, and that they did not react only negatively to the various types of human difference they encountered in the field.
In one of the first monographs of its kind to focus on the aesthetic and emotional impact of lighting in cinema, Lara Thompson looks at the way light informs the cinematic experience, from constructing star identities, sculpting natural light and creating imaginary worlds, to the seductive power of darkness, fading representations of the past and arresting twilight encounters. This groundbreaking and accessible introductory study offers a unique insight into the way illumination has transcended its diffuse functional boundaries and been elevated to a position of narrative and emotional importance, transforming it from an unobtrusive element of film style to an expressive and essential component. It includes analyses of over fifty renowned international films, discussed in inventive and illuminating combinations, from cinema's earliest moments to its most recent digital manifestations, and is essential reading for all those who want to understand what film light means and how it makes us feel. ;
Considers how notions of Britishness were constructed and promoted through architecture, landscape, painting, sculpture and literature. Maps important moments in the self-conscious evolution of the idea of 'nation' against a broad cultural historical framework. An important addition to the field of postcolonial studies as it looks at how British identity creation affected those living in England - most study in this area has thus far focused on the effect of such identity creation upon the colonial subject. Broad appeal due to wide subject matter covered. Examines just how 'constructed' a national identity is - past and present. ;
Zweifellos ist es ein verlegerisches Wagnis, DʼArcy Thompsons legendäres Buch im Zeitalter des Quasi-Ausschließlichkeitsanspruchs von Biochemie und Molekularbiologie in einer Neuauflage und dazu in deutscher Sprache herauszubringen. Wer von den jungen Biologen verbindet heute noch mit Thompsons Namen einen Begriff? Wer war dieser Mann? Was macht sein Werk noch heute druckenswert? Man könnte vielleicht aphoristisch sagen: DʼArcy Thompson war einer jener Polyhistores, von denen man meinte, sie seien mit dem Verklingen des Barock ausgestorben und in späterer Zeit nicht einmal mehr denkbar. Mithin ein verspäteter Barock-Gelehrter? Keineswegs, sondern einer der Pioniere der modernsten Biologie! Er vereinigte in sich das Denkvermögen des Mathematikers und Physikers mit dem des Linguisten und des Biologen, und er verfügt über das Handwerkliche aller drei dieser – ach doch so verschiedenen – Wissensgebiete. Dieses Buch hat eine widersprüchliche Geschichte: 1917 erschien die erste Auflage – damals vollendete Ketzerei – mit 793 Seiten Umfang, 1942 eine Erweiterung auf 1116 Seiten. Die posthume Neuauflage von Bonner – sie liegt der Übersetzung zugrunde – knüpft an die erste Auflage an, läßt vieles aus (weil es nicht mehr aktuell ist) und bringt zahlreiche Kommentare des Herausgebers. Es handelt sich also bei der vorliegenden Ausgabe um eine »Klassikeredition in Auswahl und mit Kommentar versehen«. Dies ist bei einem Buch mit einer erst 55jährigen Geschichte bemerkenswert. Um es vorwegzunehmen: von Thompsons Konzeption ist nichts Wesentliches verlorengegangen, und die Kommentare machen die Orientierung für denjenigen, der die Literatur nicht selbst kennt, leichter. (So. J.H. Scharf, Halle, 1974 in seiner Besprechung der deutschen Erstausgabe.)
Engendering whiteness represents a comparative analysis of the complex interweaving of race, gender, social class and sexuality in defining the contours of white women's lives in Barbados and North Carolina during the era of slavery. Despite their gendered subordination, their social location within the dominant white group afforded all white women a range of privileges. Hence, their whiteness, as much as their gender, shaped these women's social identities and material realities. Engendering whiteness draws on a wide variety of sources including property deeds, wills and court transcripts, and interrogates the ways in which white women could be simultaneously socially positioned within plantation societies as both agents and as victims. It also reveals the strategies deployed by elite and poor white women in these societies to resist their gendered subordination, to challenge the ideological and social constraints that sought to restrict their lives to the private domestic sphere, to protect the limited rights afforded to them, to secure independent livelihoods and to create meaningful existences. ;
Child, nation, race and empire is an innovative, inter-disciplinary, cross cultural study that contributes to understandings of both contemporary child welfare practices and the complex dynamics of empire. It analyses the construction and transmission of nineteenth-century British child rescue ideology. Locating the origins of contemporary practice in the publications of the prominent English Child rescuers, Dr Barnardo, Thomas Bowman Stephenson, Benjamin Waugh, Edward de Montjoie Rudolf and their colonial disciples and literature written for children, it shows how the vulnerable body of the child at risk came to be reconstituted as central to the survival of nation, race and empire. Yet, as the shocking testimony before the many official enquiries into the past treatment of children in out-of-home 'care' held in Britain, Ireland, Australia and Canada make clear, there was no guarantee that the rescued child would be protected from further harm. ;
Child, nation, race and empire is an innovative, inter-disciplinary, cross cultural study that contributes to understandings of both contemporary child welfare practices and the complex dynamics of empire. It analyses the construction and transmission of nineteenth-century British child rescue ideology. Locating the origins of contemporary practice in the publications of the prominent English Child rescuers, Dr Barnardo, Thomas Bowman Stephenson, Benjamin Waugh, Edward de Montjoie Rudolf and their colonial disciples and literature written for children, it shows how the vulnerable body of the child at risk came to be reconstituted as central to the survival of nation, race and empire. Yet, as the shocking testimony before the many official enquiries into the past treatment of children in out-of-home 'care' held in Britain, Ireland, Australia and Canada make clear, there was no guarantee that the rescued child would be protected from further harm.
This book seeks to capture the complex experience of the white woman in colonial India through an exploration of gendered interactions over the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It examines missionary and memsahibs' colonial writings, both literary and non-literary, probing their construction of Indian women of different classes and regions, such as zenana women, peasants, ayahs and wet-nurses. Also examined are delineations of European female health issues in male authored colonial medical handbooks, which underline the misogyny undergirding this discourse. Giving voice to the Indian woman, this book also scrutinises the fiction of the first generation of western-educated Indian women who wrote in English, exploring their construction of white women and their negotiations with colonial modernities. This fascinating book will be of interest to the general reader and to experts and students of gender studies, colonial history, literary and cultural studies as well as the social history of health and medicine.
The new activity of trans-continental civil flying in the 1930s is a useful vantage point for viewing the extension of British imperial attitudes and practices. Cultures and caricatures of British imperial aviation examines the experiences of those (mostly men) who flew solo or with a companion (racing or for leisure), who were airline passengers (doing colonial administration, business or research), or who flew as civilian air and ground crews. For airborne elites, flying was a modern and often enviable way of managing, using and experiencing empire. On the ground, aviation was a device for asserting old empire: adventure and modernity were accompanied by supremacism. At the time, however, British civil imperial flying was presented romantically in books, magazines and exhibitions. Eighty years on, imperial flying is still remembered, reproduced and re-enacted in caricature. ;
This book: - comprises reflective essays written by internationally-ranked scholars and tourism consultants with extensive experience, particularly in the developing world countries - considers extant themes, issues and challenges related to tourism and development - offers a critical and contemporary perspective on tourism's significance and role in development.
Colonial frontiers explores the formation, structure and maintenance of boundaries and frontiers in settler colonies. Drawing on the work of anthropologists, historians, archaeologists and post-colonial theorists, the authors in this fascinating collection explore the importance of cross-cultural interactions in the settler colonies of Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and America. Taking key historical moments to illuminate the formation of new boundaries and the interaction between the settler societies and the indigenous groups, this book raises many important questions about how the empire worked 'on the ground'. Importantly, the collection attempts to theorise the indigenous experience. As we move towards globalisation, borders and boundaries have begun to fall away. This book reminds us that not long ago the frontiers and boundaries were the key sites for cross-cultural interaction. This collection, which includes chapters by John K. Noyes, Nigel Penn, Kay Schaffer and Ian McNiven, is broad in scope and presents an exciting new approach to the issues surrounding group interaction in colonial settings. Students and academics, from backgrounds such as imperial history, anthropology and post-colonial studies, will find this collection extremely valuable.