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        October 2024

        Nomos und Narrativ

        Studien zur Theorie des Rechts

        by Robert M. Cover, Benedict Vischer

        Um den Sinn und die Kraft des Rechts zu erschließen, müssen wir weit über die formalen Bausteine staatlicher Rechtsordnungen hinausblicken. Ausgehend von der amerikanischen Bürgerrechtsbewegung und der jüdischen Rechtstradition erkunden Robert Covers bahnbrechende Essays die existenzielle Dichte rechtlicher Weltformung. Nachgezeichnet wird das Wechselspiel von Visionen, Narrativen, tätiger Hingabe und Gewalt, in dem eine unaufhebbare Vielfalt gesellschaftlicher Perspektiven um den Sinn des Rechts ringt. Kaum ein juristischer Autor hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten eine so breite interdisziplinäre Rezeption erfahren wie Cover. Mit diesem Band wird sein Werk nun erstmals in deutscher Sprache zugänglich gemacht.

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        Health & Personal Development

        Keep the chronic disease away

        by Wu Yuewei Tang Guanhui

        This book contains a lot of folk prescriptions, ancient prescriptions, Chinese prescriptions and etc. for different disease. It introduces 60 ways to keep the diseases away.   内容简介 本书是集偏方、验方、古方、中医疗法、对症食疗、运动疗法为一体的保健百科,是作者70多年养生、抗病亲身经验的大集解!包括80个全家人适用的老偏方!60个顽疾对抗高招!能用一辈子的家庭养生治病必备宝典,告诉你与顽疾对着干的强大智慧!

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2015

        Burnout and Chronic Occupational Stress

        A Guide for Those Affected and Their Relatives

        by Andreas Hillert/Stefan Koch/Dirk Lehr

        In today’s work environment, which is dominated by high pressure, many professionals are experiencing chronic stress, some even "burn out". This guide provides information about the connection between occupational stress and burnout. It presents scientifically sound and proven strategies for counteracting chronic stress.   The model of the “gratification crisis”, which states that an imbalance between professional engagement and the obtained gratifications, e.g. salary and appreciation, leads to persistent stress and an increased risk of physical and mental illness, is the focus of this guide. Based on case studies and concrete instructions, readers are supported in reviewing their own situation.   The guide goes on to present coping strategies, e.g. how important decisions can be made in high stress situations, how to avoid vague assessments, how to strengthen the ability to distance oneself after work, and how to improve quality of leisure time. This title can be used as a stand-alone guide as well as supplemental material to coaching or therapy.   Target Group: psychotherapists, specialists for psychiatry and psychotherapy, specialists for psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, clinical and health psychologists, occupational and organizational psychologist, rehabilitation psychologist, coaches, students and teachers of psychology, supervisors

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2022

        Chronic Depression

        by Leuzinger-Bohleber, Marianne; Fischmann, Tamara; Beutel, Manfred E.

        Chronically depressed patients are often considered difficult to treat because the illness is often closely related to severe traumatic experiences. This manual focuses on traumatized, chronically depressed patients: it outlines both the disorder as well as its diagnostic approach and explains the basic assumptions of the psychoanalytic understanding of depression.  It explains the basic treatment steps in long-term psychoanalytic treatment of chronically depressed, early traumatized patients, and addresses specific challenges such as suicidality, aggression, and guilt. Basic therapeutic approaches and treatment principles are illustrated through specific case examples. The effectiveness of this manual has been demonstrated in a study of long-term therapies for chronic depression (the so-called LAC Depression Study). For:• psychoanalysts• psychotherapists working on the basis of depthpsychology• mental health professionals that provide psychotherapy• candidates for training in psychotherapy

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2018

        The politics of identity

        by Christine Agius, Dean Keep

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        Chronic Pain

        by Renate Döbrich, Franziska Wanger

        In this guide, people with chronic pain will find many motivatingideas for dealing with the illness in a personalized,health-promoting way. The authors combine specialistknowledge with personal experience. They describe in acomprehensible way how gratifying it can be for thoseaffectedto rediscover and shape life in all its diversity andcolorfulness despite the pain.

      • Trusted Partner

        Keep Watching for Dunhuang

        by Zhao Shengliang

        Keep Watching for Dunhuang describes some scholars who have been in Dunhuang for a long time, especially some famous Dunhuang scholars, such as Chang Shuhong, Duan Wenjie and other people's moving deeds of obscurity and selfless dedication, and also records some people and things that are closely related to Dunhuang. Through the experiences and life fragments of these characters, readers can approach Dunhuang and learn about those who have silently devoted their lives to the research and protection of Dunhuang grottoes; also understand the past, present and future of Dunhuang.

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Trust me!How to keep ovary healthy

        by Hu Weiqin

        This is a book for introducing how to keep uterus healthy. From explaining the symptom of uterus and ovary to show you how to keep the common disease for women away. Keep ovary healthy,Keep a healthy life.

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        How to keep Uterus and ovary healthy

        by Xu Jianyang

        c This is a book for introducing how to keep uterus and ovary healthy. From explaining the symptom of uterus and ovary to show you how to keep the common disease for women away. It also explain how to solve the problem of getting fat and having pimples by taking good care of Uterus and ovary healthy.     内容简介 这是一本关于子宫卵巢健康的书,也是一本美容养颜书。以卵巢、子宫出现问题的症状表现为切入点,有针对性地介绍如何通过调养子宫卵巢,改善内分泌、排毒……,从而解决痘痘、色斑、发胖等问题。同时也介绍了一些女性常见病,让女人不仅能外养,还可以内调,远离女人病,活得更健康。

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Trust me!How to keep in tune well

        by huweiqin

        The book depends on the characteristics of all viscus, introduces several knowledges about keep in good health. It also recommends the healthy lifestyles for women and let them concentrate more on their health.   内容简介 本书根据每个脏腑的特点,综合介绍了不同的养生知识,还挑选了目前最热的中医养生法为广大女性的身体健康保驾护航,兼顾每个生活细节,分别讲述女性应养成的良好生活习惯及运动方式,从而引导女性朋友关注自身健康。

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        Diseases & disorders
        December 2015

        Chronic Non-communicable Diseases in Low and Middle-income Countries

        by Richard Cooper, Anoop Mishra, Liz Grant, Daniel Boakye, William Midodzi, Ursula Read, Kofi Anie, Nigel Unwin, Juliet Addo, Ernestina Coast, Montserrat Mendez, Philip Onyebujoh, Kwadwo Koram, Shanthi Mendis, André Pascal Kengne, Edited by Ama de-Graft Aikins, Charles Agyemang

        Low and middle income countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America bear a significant proportion of the global burden of chronic non-communicable diseases. This book synthesizes evidence across countries that share similar socio-economic, developmental and public health profiles, including rapid urbanization, globalization and poverty. Providing insights on successful and sustainable interventions and policies, it shows how to slow and reverse the rising burden of chronic diseases in resource-poor settings.

      • Trusted Partner

        Manual Trigger Point Therapy and Dry Needling for Chronic Pain

        Myofascial medicine as an approach to an unresolved challenge

        by Beat Dejung

        Medicine for the relief of pain has made little progress in the last 50 years. 16% of our population claim to suffer from chronic pain, for which no lasting help can be found, despite years of treatment by different doctors. Trigger point therapy experts have integrated myofascial techniques into their everyday therapy in recent decades and through this they have achieved good results even with complex and chronic problems. In this book, instructors from the Interest Group for Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy (IMTT) in Switzerland present 33 complex cases of patients with chronic pain, whose pain they were able to relieve perma­nently with manual trigger point therapy and dry needling. Using these case studies, double­page spreads with an edu­cational, uniform layout clearly present the diagnosis, pathophysiology and chronifcation of myofascial pain syn­dromes and, in conclusion, describe encouraging and sur­prising successes despite previous therapy resistance.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        China Chronic Disease Nutrition and Dietary Guidance Series Hypertension Nutrition and Dietary Guidance

        China Chronic Disease Nutrition and Dietary Guidance Series Books

        by Yang Qinbing

        The audio-visual products and series of books of "Nutrition and Dietary Guidance for Chronic Diseases in China" were compiled by the Nutrition and Metabolism Management Branch of the China Association for the Promotion of International Health Care and Nutrition and nine major hospitals. Through this book, readers can learn about the prevention and treatment of hypertension, especially in terms of lifestyle and diet, so as to prevent and control blood pressure from diet!

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2013

        Witchcraft continued

        Popular Magic in Modern Europe

        by Blecourt Willem De, Owen Davies

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2014

        Continuity and Discontinuity

        Chronological and Thematic Development in Isaiah 40–66

        by Herausgegeben von Barstad, Hans M.; Herausgegeben von Tiemeyer, Lena-Sofia

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