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2020Vitamin D
The healing power of the sunshine vitamin
by Uwe Gröber and Prof. Dr. Michael F. Holick
Vitamin D deficiency is a global health problem that puts the quality of life and life expectancy of more than a billion children and adults at risk worldwide. Many lifestyle diseases may be associated with vitamin D deficiency: myocardial infarction, infections, cancer, neurological diseases, stroke, type 2 diabetes, to name just a few. This 4th updated edition incorporates numerous new insights into the therapeutic effect of vitamin D, including its importance for a healthy pregnancy, prenatal imprinting, optimum sporting performance, diabetes mellitus and autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or multiple sclerosis. Since the metabolism and the effect of vitamin D are supported by a complex network of micronutrients – for example, magnesium, vitamin A or vitamin K – a specific chapter is devoted to this network. Here, the reader can discover how vitamin D successfully protects against diseases, improves the quality of life and optimises medication and treatment!
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The ArtsSeptember 2017Principles and Practices of 3-D Animation Production
by Liu Shangbing
This book is based on the real case of the original animation project "Adventure Little Prince" by several national animation companies in Hunan province. The analysis applies 3ds MAX software as the platform, includes theories and practical skills of 3D animation video creation in an all-round way from the aspects of animation plays, audiovisual language, art design, animation models, animation materials, lighting rendering, etc. All cases in the manuscript have been carefully selected and are good representations. At the same time, these project cases contain the most popular ideas and technologies, which can be well applied into practice.
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The ArtsDecember 2022D. W. Griffith's The Birth of a Nation
by Jenny Barrett, Douglas Field, Ian Scott
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1995Das Geheimnis der Maya-Schrift
Ein Code wird entschlüsselt
by Coe, Michael D / Übersetzt von Riese, Frauke J
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True stories2019District D
by Artem Chekh
District D is a collection of stories united through a common time period and location, from which gradually emerges a portrait of the author against the backdrop of “other shores,” on which his childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood passed. The book paints a self-critical portrait of the author in which one can discern the features of husbandry and cosmopolitanism, pettiness and magnanimity, and much else. Simultaneously, it paints a group portrait of a few dozen more or less registered residents of the aforementioned Cherkasy district with their more or less successful attempts at surviving the unexpected transition from post-soviet to newly independent Ukraine. According to the author, District D served as therapy for his own traumatic experiences because he wrote it while serving in the war: “I would write it out of me and would feel better; I escaped from that war and those experiences into writing.”
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November 2019Mental Health and Well-being in Animals
by Franklin D. McMillan
Since publication of the first edition of this book, public concern for the well-being of animals has continued to increase throughout the world. In addition, advances in research over the past decade have yielded an enormous amount of knowledge about animal mental health and wellbeing. Studies on animal stress, distress, emotions, psychological trauma, and mental disorders have brought to light insights on how to care for and treat the animal mind. The second edition is:Fully revised, expanded, and comprehensively updated with the most current knowledge about the full array of mental health issues seen in animals.Written by key opinion leaders, internationally-recognized experts and specialists.Comprehensive in its coverage, from the basic principles of mental wellness, emotional distress, suffering and mental illness, through to measurement and treatment.Packed with even more practical information, wisdom and clinical tips.This book remains invaluable to veterinary professionals, animal welfare researchers and advocates, and other animal caregivers. Part 1: Foundational Issues of Animal Mental Health and Well-being 1: Mental Health in Animals: A Veterinary Behaviorist’s View — Debra F. Horwitz 2: The Problems with Well-Being Terminology — Franklin D. McMillan, James W. Yeates 3: The Philosophical and Biological Evolution of Feelings in Well-being — Ian J.H. Duncan 4: The Relationship Between Mental and Physical Health — Melissa Bain, C. A. Tony Buffington Part 2: The Pleasant Experiences: Mental Wellness 5: Moving Beyond a Problem-based Focus on Poor Animal Welfare Towards Creating Opportunities to Have Positive Welfare Experiences — David J. Mellor, Ngaio J. Beausoleil 6: The Mental Health and Well-being Benefits of Personal Control in Animals — Franklin D. McMillan 7: Quality of Life of Animals in Veterinary Medical Practice — James W. Yeates 8: The Mental Health and Well-Being Benefits of Social Contact and Social Support in Animals — Franklin D. McMillan 9: Subjective Well-being, Happiness, and Personality in Animals — Alexander Weiss, Lauren M. Robinson 10: Fostering Mental and Behavioral Wellness During Upbringing and Throughout Life — Daniel Q. Estep, Suzanne Hetts Part 3: The Unpleasant Experiences: Distress, Suffering, and Mental Illness 11: What Is Distress? A Complex Answer to a Simple Question — Franklin D. McMillan 12: Suffering, Agency, and the Bayesian Mind — Daniel M. Weary 13: Mental Illness in Animals: Diagnostic Considerations Using Selected Mental Disorders — Karen L. Overall 14: Psychological Trauma and Posttraumatic Psychopathology in Animals — Franklin D. McMillan Part 4: Mental Health Issues in Special Populations 15: Cognitive and Emotional Disorders in the Aging Pet — Jacqueline Wilhelmy, Gary Landsberg 16: Mental Health Issues in Farm Animals: A Music Mixing Board Model of Behavioral Characteristics Using The Panksepp Emotional System — Temple Grandin 17: Mental Health Issues in the Horse — Daniel S. Mills, Claire Ricci-Bonot, Sophie S. Hall 18: Mental Health Issues in Shelter Animals — Victoria Cussen, Pamela J. Reid 19: The Mental Health of Laboratory Animals — Carine Elkhoraibi, Amy Robinson-Junker, Gina Alvino, Larry Carbone 20: Mental Health Issues in Captive Birds — Lynne M. Seibert 21: Psychological Well-Being in Zoo Animals — David Shepherdson, Kathy Carlstead 22: Mental Health Issues in Captive Cetaceans — Lori Marino Part 5: Assessment and Management of Emotional Distress and Disorders 23: Assessing Affective States in Animals — Michael Mendl, Elizabeth S. Paul 24: Treatment of Emotional Distress and Disorders – Non-Pharmacologic Methods — Pamela J. Reid 25: Treatment of Emotional Distress and Disorders – Pharmacologic Methods — Sharon Crowell-Davis
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1976Arbeitshilfen für den Religionsunterricht der Studienstufe, Teil D/E
Lehrerheft zu den Göttinger Quellenheften 16-24
by Andere Adaption von Isermann, Gerhard; Andere Adaption von Matschke, Hans D; Andere Adaption von Hirschler, Horst; Andere Adaption von Kunath, Siegward; Andere Adaption von Galling, Brigitte
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FictionWhere D' You Go
by Kehinde Ademoye
WHERE ‘D YOU GO is a collection of short stories about terrorism in Northern Nigeria. From Captain Shola and his men, who are ambushed by killer herdsmen while on patrol and need to hold their ground, to a retired Special Forces officer who leads his men to protect his village and its environs from killer herdsmen; to Lieutenant Colonel Abel, whose team had to extend their tour by two days to escort the Senate President’s daughter to an IDP Camp and then wait out an assault by Boko Haram insurgents; to Kunle Pierce who is a CIA operative, but comes to avenge the murder of his brother-in-law by the Boko Haram sect; to the Corps members caught in a post-election violence and fight back; and then there is Halima, an abducted girl from Chibok who suffers from Stockholm syndrome, and tries to settle down to normalcy after her release with some other girls. The stories are action-packed, depicting loss, justice, vengeance, bravery, courage under fire, sacrifice and patriotism.
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Humanities & Social SciencesSeptember 2020A global history of white nationalism
by Daniel Geary, Camilla Schofield, Jennifer Sutton, John Solomos, Satnam Virdee, Aaron Winter
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November 2019Das Adressbuch
by Sophie Calle, Sabine Erbrich
Sophie Calle findet ein Adressbuch und kopiert die Seiten daraus, bevor sie es anonym an den Besitzer, einen gewissen Pierre D., zurückgibt. Dann beginnt sie, zu denen, die in dem Buch verzeichnet sind, Kontakt aufzunehmen, sie trifft sich mit D.s Familie, Freunden, Bekannten, Affären.Mit jeder Begegnung wird Pierre D. plastischer und zugleich undurchdringlicher, Calles Recherche verkompliziert sich zusehends, während sie versucht, die schiere Vielzahl von Details – scheinbar Triviales wie potentiell Aufschlussreiches – zu dem bündigen Porträt eines Unbekannten zu fügen. Und im Lauf ihrer Nachforschungen hat Sophie Calle auch die eigenen Motive, Obsessionen und Ängste zu hinterfragen. Sophie Calle hat diese Begegnungen mit den Menschen aus D.s Adressbuch in Text und Bild dokumentiert, 1983 erschienen diese Dokumentationen einen Monat lang als Serie in der französischen Tageszeitung Libération. Und lösten einen handfesten Skandal aus, der bis heute nachhallt. Was interessiert uns an anderen? Und was verbirgt sich hinter unserem Interesse? Charakterstudie, Bekenntnis, Essay, Konzeptkunst – Sophie Calle unternimmt eine voyeuristische Abenteuerreise durch das Adressbuch eines Fremden und erfindet eine Form, in der Leben und Kunst, Rolle und Identität, Vertrautes und Unbekanntes ineinander zu oszillieren beginnen.
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November 2020White Elephant
by Xiao Mao, Shishir C. Naik
Shanka is the king's gardener. He lived in a small house with his wife. One night, unable to sleep, Shanka sat up and looked out of the window, and saw a white elephant was eating grass in the silvery moonlight! Shanka never saw a white elephant before, where was it from? Shanka jumped out of his bed and tiptoed into the garden, grabbed the elephant by the tail and flew up to heaven.
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April 1986Frauen, die töten
Aus dem Amerikanischen von Ebba D. Drolshagen
by Ann Jones, Ebba D. Drolshagen
Ebba D. Drolshagen ist Autorin und übersetzt aus dem Englischen und Norwegischen, bislang u. a. Gertrude Bell, Edith Wharton, Edvard Hoem, Mona Høvring.
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October 2017Zwei rechts, zwei links
Geschichten vom Stricken
by Ebba D. Drolshagen
Der Norwegerstern ist das weltweit bekannteste Muster auf Winterpullovern. Aber wie ist er entstanden? 1857 wurde er erfunden, und zwar von einer jungen Norwegerin, die beim Ziegenhüten Handschuhe mit zwei verschiedenfarbigen Fäden zu stricken versuchte. Als sie ihre Handschuhe beim Kirchgang trug, fielen sie auf, und bald war der achtzackige Stern ein Markenzeichen für die ganze Region. Im kalten Norwegen trägt er einen poetischen Namen: Achtblattrose. In vielen solcher Geschichten erzählt Ebba D. Drolshagen vom Stricken: wie und wo es entstand, wie es sich über Jahrhunderte verändert hat, wer strickte und was gestrickt wurde. Sie erzählt von Broterwerb, Zeitvertreib und Guerillastricken, vom Färben und Spinnen, von alten und neuen Techniken, von Strickcafés, Strickgruppen und natürlich auch davon, wie das Internet das Leben der Strickerinnen verändert hat. Sie weiß, wie der Shetlandpullover wirklich entstand, und auch, dass Stricken nicht nur Schals und Mützen, sondern auch die unterschiedlichsten Stimmungen produzieren kann. Die Regale in den Buchhandlungen sind voll von Büchern mit Strickanleitungen. Und es werden immer mehr. Was es bisher nicht gibt, ist ein Buch über das Stricken. Hier ist es. Es erzählt von den Menschen, Frauen wie Männern, die das Handstricken Masche für Masche zu dem gemacht haben, was es heute ist.