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      • Trusted Partner

        The Fox: King of the Forest

        (A Story for Youth, 4 Colors)

        by Zakaria Al-Qadi

        The novel blends imagination with reality, exploring the struggle between opposites: good and evil, truth and lies, spontaneity and intent. It addresses the essence of humanity, untethered by time or place, and delves into the timeless journey of human existence.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        The Path of Groaning

        by Amir Al-Qurashi

        Silence and sorrow grip everyone as each falls on the path. They ponder their fate, with no answers to their fears, hearing only their stifled groans, camel hooves on the sands, and the mournful wind."

      • Trusted Partner

        The Sons of Hafsa

        by Ahmed Madi

        This gripping novel takes you on a historical journey along the Forty Days Road, sharing in the characters' quest for freedom, dignity, and love. Are you ready to join them?

      • Trusted Partner

        The Provision of Minds to Know the Successors of the Prophet

        by Ramza Khair Allah

        This book aims to help Muslims understand the conditions of their religion and Prophet, to bear the burden of calling to it and to their faith, and to exert continuous efforts despite the trials and tribulations faced in this path. It also highlights the support and aid received from Allah, through divine soldiers, righteous angels, guidance of means, blessings, miracles, and other aspects. With brevity and selectivity, I present an overview of the life of the Prophet, the best of mankind.

      • Trusted Partner
        Religious buildings

        The Miracle of the Quran in Architecture and Urbanism

        by Yahya Hassan Waziri

        This book explains that the study of the relationship between (architecture and astronomy) or the influence of astronomical phenomena on the buildings of relatively modern civilizations has become an important branch of astronomy, known as (architectural astronomy) or (archaeoastronomy). The roots of this field began modestly at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Given the lack of awareness or limited knowledge of many about the topics and objectives of this science, even among specialists in the fields of architecture and archaeology, it was necessary to shed light on this science through studies conducted on many buildings of ancient civilizations around the world, both old and new, which we have presented in different chapters of the book.

      • Trusted Partner


        by Azharudin Mohamed Dali (Dr.)

        Haiwan telah sekian lama hidup berdampingan dengan manusia di Alam Maya, sama ada dalam bentuk fizikal, simbolik dan metafora. Malahan, ikatan antara haiwan dan orang Melayu juga menjadi sebahagian daripada weltanschauung orang Melayu itu secara keseluruhannya. Penelitian diberikan khususnya kepada gajah, harimau, buaya dan kuda yang sememangnya mempunyai kaitan dengan ekonomi dan sosiobudaya orang Melayu.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2024

        Painting the General

        by James Worrall, Alam Saleh

      • Trusted Partner


        by Khairuddin Kamaruddin

        Kejadian demi kejadian akibat daripada perbuatan pembuangan haram sisa toksik dan pembakaran terbuka hingga mendatangkan pencemaran alam sekitar mencemaskan dan mengundang kegusaran serta kemarahan ramai pihak. Konflik serangan binatang liar kekawasan perkampungan di sempadan pinggir hutan yang menyebabkan kerosakan harta benda seterusnya mengancam nyawa merupakan kesan daripada jenayah alam sekitar yang sewenang-wenangnya memusnahkan habitat hutan belantara, iaitu rumah kepada hidupan fauna itu sendiri. Bagi menjawab permasalahan ini, buku ini mengandungi maklumat tentang sebab, faktor dan langkah yang perlu dilakukan bagi menghalang kejadian tersebut berlaku.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        Molecular Breeding in Wheat, Maize and Sorghum

        Strategies for Improving Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Yield

        by Mohammad Anwar Hossain, Mobashwer Alam, Saman Seneweera, Sujay Rakshit, Robert Henry

        The global population is projected to reach almost 10 billion by 2050, and food and feed production will need to increase by 70%. Wheat, maize and sorghum are three key cereals which provide nutrition for the majority of the world's population. Their production is affected by various abiotic stresses which cause significant yield losses. The effects of climate change also increase the frequency and severity of such abiotic stresses. Molecular breeding technologies offer real hope for improving crop yields. Although significant progress has been made over the last few years, there is still a need to bridge the large gap between yields in the most favorable and most stressful conditions. This book: - Provides a valuable resource for wheat, maize and sorghum scientists working on breeding and molecular biology, physiology and biotechnology. - Presents the latest in-depth research in the area of abiotic stress tolerance and yield improvements. - Contains the necessary information to allow plant breeders to apply this research to effectively breed new varieties of these crops. It provides a consolidated reference for plant breeders and crop scientists working on the challenges of enhanced crop productivity and climate change adaptability.

      • Trusted Partner


        by Saharil Hasrin Sanin

        "Beauty exists in wounds, in the delicacy of neglected things. God is reflected throughout the universe, in a ray of sunlight, in a gentle breeze, in a speck of dirt, in a tiny flower. God does exist in the beauty of a rainbow, but He also exists in the droplets of water that form that rainbow. We can see the whole universe in a speck of dust. And within that ignored speck of fine dust on the floor, there is God."   This manuscript contains 13 short stories by Saharil Hasrin Sanin, which have won various literary awards and prove that he remains a powerful storyteller. From the tale of a smooth-tongued vendor to the love story of hundreds of stones at the bottom of Al-Aqsa, this book will take us on a journey to explore the depths of emotions: happiness and wounds.

      • Trusted Partner


        by Che Husna Azhari

        This book is about the integration of science and technology in the Malay world from universities and research institutes researchers. It also defines the interaction of “budi” (wisdom/intellect) and science in 15 chapters. The elements of civilizational wisdom are used as the basis for examining the developed world, producing scientific thinking, and developing technology.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        Married, I'm Free

        by Cholidi Asadil Alam

        For young people who dream of a beautiful and harmonious marriage and family, of course, need sufficient provision and knowledge before stepping and embracing that dream. Marriage demands readiness, both physical and mental, material and immaterial. Like a long journey, there will be an obstacle in the middle of the household stroking, there will be a difference between the two “travelers” paddling a wedding canoe, so it takes alertness and good cooperation between two people of different types who have been bound by religion as a halal couple. This book is presented by Cholidi Asadil Alam. Based on his knowledge and experience, he tries to dissect and discuss the knick-knacks about marriage which can be used as a reference for young people who are about to get married or married couples who have just knitted a household. What are the criteria for finding a good partner? What are the preparations needed before the wedding takes place? What must be done to keep the love between husband and wife? What if there is an exam or conflict? Get all the answers in this book.

      • Microbiology (non-medical)
        January 2022

        Functional Foods

        Processing and Packaging

        by Tanweer Alam, Saket Kushwaha, Arun Kumar & Sahar Masud

        To provide better understanding of use, benefits, significance and impact of functional food ingredients on human health and to disseminate the recent developments in such a rapidly expanding field, this book has been compiled and edited. There are seventeen chapters in this book which not only cover many aspects of functional foods and bioactive compounds from various natural sources and its impacts, but also discuss on sources and applications of natural antioxidants, probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics. The contributing authors are experts in their respective fields. This book will be of interest to a wide spectrum of professionals from food scientists and technologists, nutritionists, biochemists, and engineers to entrepreneurs worldwide. It will also serve as a unique reference for food scientists for the R&D departments of food companies that are working with functional foods and ingredients. Additionally, it will serve as a source of basic information for college and university students majoring in food science and technology, food processing, and engineering. Readers will obtain sound scientific knowledge about various aspects of nutraceuticals and functional foods or food ingredients, fermented functional food, various natural bioactive compounds and antioxidants.

      • Fiction
        October 2020

        EVERNA Rajni Sari


        by Andry Chang

        Rajni Sari, princess of Rainusa is forced to flee from the palace to catch up with her mother, Lastika. Together with Jaka, a market thug appointed as the palace guard, Sari goes through various adventures and faces powerful adversaries. The love between Sari and Jaka grows, but her destiny as Lastika's daughter, who turns out to be Calon Arang, separates herself and Jaka. Sari prefers her mother. Unable to reject the legacy of strength from her mother, Sari relents and accepts her mother's orders to become her successor, the ruler of dark powers. Sari is on the crossroads: following her mother's orders or following her heart's wishes. Sari's choice then triggers a new fight between Light and Darkness, namely Barong and Calon Arang, which will simultaneously determine Rainusa's future. Favorite Winner in the 2019 Comico x Elex E-Novel Challenge Contest.

      • Tenggiling Sunda: Khazanah Alam Malaysia (Sunda Pangolin: Natural Heritage of Malaysia)

        by Muhammad Hafiz Sulaiman & Chong Ju Lian

        Sunda Pangolin (Manis javanica) is the only species of pangolin recorded in Malaysia. This unique mammal was classified as critically endangered animal thus it needs to be protected. The Pangolin Research Group of UMT had documented several aspects of pangolin which covers “Knowledge is the most powerful weapon”.

      • BANGSA MELAYU (Satu Kajian Ilmiah Lengkap Mengenai Umat Islam Sebelah Timur) Mengandungi Peta dan Gambar Rajah Karya Salih Jawdat

        by Translators: Haji Mohammad Seman Siti Sara Haji Ahmad

        Buku ‘Ummat al-Malayu ini adalah hasil karya Salih Jawdat, iaitu seorang pegawai kanan di Jabatan Pendidikan Mesir ketika itu. Menurut penulis, maklumat dan data tentang bangsa Melayu beliau perolehi secara langsung hasil perbualan lisan dengan Y.A.M Tunku Mansor Ibni Abdul Hamid, iaitu putera kepada baginda Al-Sultan negeri Kedah semasa baginda sedang melanjutkan pelajaran di negara tersebut. Karya ini juga adalah buah tangan yang  dihasilkan atas rasa kasih kepada putera raja itu dan juga bangsa Melayu yang juga merupakan saudara seagama dengan penulis. Buku ini secara umumnya memuatkan tentang perihal sejarah, sosial dan geografi serta hasil mahsul dan kekayaan bumi alam Melayu seluruh nusantara termasuk kepulauan Borneo dan Filipina. Beliau banyak menyentuh tentang adat resam orang Melayu termasuk suku-suku yang berada di daerah pendalaman kepulauan nusantara. Pemerian tentang nama tempat, suku, negeri dan pergunungan yang dinyatakan adalah agak purba yang mungkin sudah banyak berubah.  Semoga buku dan terjemahan ini dapat menjadi salah satu sumber yang berguna untuk rujukan tentang sejarah kedudukan dan kepentingan bangsa Melayu sebagai suatu keluarga besar di alam nusantara.


        by Authors: Mohd Shahril Ahmad Razimi, Norkhairiah Hashim, Norliza Mahalle, Norsurilawana Sulaiman and Nur Thaqifah Salihah Salleh

        Buku ini merupakan himpunan penulisan bab yang membincangkan dimensi agromakanan Halal sebagai satu aliran untuk memahami konsep, praktis, sikap dan tingkahlaku terhadap tumbuh-tumbuhan, pohon herba, tumbuhan berkayu dan sayur-sayuran halal negara. Pertanian juga tidak terlepas dalam memberikan penekanan terhadap aspek kehalalan dalam proses dan pengendaliannya. Maka dengan itu, Sistem dimensi agromakanan halal masa depan yang cekap dan berdaya tahan berpotensi dalam meningkatkan pendapatan kepada pengeluar makanan di sepanjang rantaian makanan serta berupaya menyediakan makanan berkhasiat dan berpatutan selaras dengan teras utama kerangka sekuriti makanan negara dan Halalan Tayyiban. Perkara ini secara langsung akan memainkan peranan yang penting dalam masyarakat manusia yang berfungsi, kerana ia memenuhi kehendak pengambilan pemakanan harian yang merupakan satu daripada keperluan fisiologi asas manusia. Sebagaimana negara lain, sistem makanan negara halal ini beroperasi berdasarkan asas sektor agromakanan yang bercirikan jaringan interaksi yang kompleks diantara berbagai pihak yang berbeza dari segi profil, tanggungjawab, kepentingan dan kepakaran. Peranan sektor agromakanan dalam pengeluaran makanan memberi impak yang tinggi kepada aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan alam sekitar sesebuah negara. Impak ekonomi dan sosial kepada sektor agromakanan. Kesimpulannya, sektor agromakanan Halal di rantau Asia diharapkan akan menggunakan semua penunjuk potensi dan ekonomi sebagai asas untuk memacu sektor agromakanan Halal yang lebih kehadapan untuk tempoh 10 tahun akan datang dalam cara yang ditetapkan dengan berpandukan kepada agama dan jaminan agromakanan yang sihat lagi selamat.

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