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      • Bardon-Chinese Media Agency

        Bardon-Chinese Media Agency licenses European, USA, and Japanese copyrights including academic and trade titles and children books in Chinese language markets. The agency promotes, negotiates and licenses Chinese translation for publications, serializations, permissions, co-production and its derivative rights in form of exhibitions, performances and merchandising on behalf of its clients worldwide. The agency vice versa is handling foreign rights of Chinese original writings on behalf of some prominent Chinese authors or outstanding works. As a local agency specializing in Chinese speaking territories, the agency takes pride in matchmaking numerous translation titles to become million bestsellers in China. The agency facilitates an professional and well experienced crew to consistently monitor and collect the sales reports and following royalty payments of all deals. The agency is widely regarded as one of the Chinese leading literary agencies with its professional and objective knowledge of the market and publishing houses.

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2023

        Funny Chinese Script

        by Zhang Yihan

        The author enables the reader to understand the advancement of Chinese history through the reorganization and introduction of the development of Chinese scripts over the past 5,000 years. Starting from the ancient times with tying knots to the legendary of Cang Jie Creates Writing, the look of Chinese script has been evolving and evolving. Through oracle bone script, large seal script, small seal script, official script, regular script, running script, and cursive script, Chinese characters are the only writing system in the world that has not been lost. The author finds the interesting stories behind the Chinese scripts by combining historical facts to uncover representative fonts. It also includes the introduction of historical minority scripts, so that readers can better understand that not only Chinese characters were glorious in Chinese history, but also minority scripts which also witnessed the process of ethnic integration and development. This book also includes the only gender script that exists in the world today, the Jiangyong Women's Script from Hunan, which is a unique and rare cultural relic, and it also a valuable resource for our national culture. Chinese characters have also been widely spread throughout history, and this book also introduce how the Chinese characters spread to other countries.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2009

        Ancient Chinese Coins

        by Lu Jiabin & Chang Hua

        This volume systematically introduces the origin and development of Chinese coins, interspersed with many legends and anecdotes. It is an informative and readable book for disseminating knowledge of Chinese coin culture.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2010

        Library of Chinese Classics: The Classic of Mountains and River

        by Chen Chengjin

        “The Classic of Mountains and River "is an ancient Chinese pre-Qin books, but also an encyclopedia reflects the ancient Chinese society. Its content involves history, geography, nationality, mythology, religion, animals, plants, minerals, medicine and so on. Its encyclopedic content and strange content make it rare for ancient books. The book is divided into eighteen volumes, from the volume of a "Nanshan Jing" to volume five "Zhongshan Classic" known as the "Five Sangsanjing", from Volume VI "Overseas Nankan" to Volume 18 "Nei Jing" as "the sea through". Together, the two parts, collectively referred to as "Shan Hai Jing." The Great Chinese Library: The Chinese Version of the Shan Hai Jing (Chinese-English) Reference for English Translation is a new and reliable translation of Shan Hai Jing by the Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House in July 2008. this. English translator Professor Wang Hong is good at translating Chinese books and books. He has translated a large number of Chinese libraries into Chinese including Mozi, Mengxi Bi Tan, Mandarin, Ming and Qing Essays, : Shan Hai Jing (Chinese-English comparison) ".

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2009

        Chinese Cuisine and Its Cultural Connotations

        by Pang Yi & Wang Jingwu

        This volume illustrates the cultural characteristics of Chinese food, Chinese cooking, food-related myths and legends, food and worship, food and celebrities, and literature.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2017

        History of Ancient Chinese Diplomacy

        by Yuan Nansheng

        Ancient Chinese diplomacy refers to diplomatic activities during the period from the beginning of ancient diplomacy to the outbreak of the Opium War in 1840. The manuscript describes the history of this period. The Xia, Shang, and Western Zhou Dynasties were the emergence and formation of ancient Chinese diplomacy. The Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods were the development of ancient Chinese diplomacy. The Han Dynasty was the stereotype of ancient Chinese diplomacy. The Tang Dynasty was the heyday of ancient Chinese diplomacy. The period of transformation of ancient diplomacy. Ancient China's diplomacy is foreign affairs diplomacy. The revelation left is that the stronger the national strength, the more capable it can be, and the more rational compromise, the more it can make a difference. The readers of the manuscript are researchers of Chinese history and diplomatic history, and students of Chinese history and diplomatic history.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2009

        Ancient Chinese Philosophy

        by Zhang Jianan

        After summarizing the traditional philosophy, this volume explains its spiritual connotation in a simple way, introducing the philosophy of engagement, the philosophy of retreat and the philosophy of accommodation from a new angle. It explains the abstruse philosophy in a story-telling way, and discusses the value of Chinese classical philosophy.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2018

        Selection of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literary Works

        by Li Wei, Yang Cheng

        The book encompasses representative Chinese modern and contemporary poetry, novels, proses, and dramas created by several well-known Chinese writers, like Gong Zizhen, Xu Zhimo, Dai Wangshu, Lu Xun, Lao She, Cao Yu, etc. In this book, each piece of work is presented with author introdcution, analysis of theme and artistic characteristics, and questions to be answered by readers.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        November 2009

        Chinese Doors and Windows (Doors)

        by Zhuang Yuguang

        Traditional Chinese doors and windows embody many skills, arts and customs. This set of books collects thousands of pictures of different styles, and is divided into two volumes to provide systematic material for architectonics.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        April 2018

        The Chinese Soul——Deng Xiao Ping

        by Xue Qingshan

        The manuscript objectively records the difficult and tortuous process of the Chinese people's exploration of the road to socialist construction. It focuses on the wisdom and determination of Comrade Deng Xiaoping's firmly on Chinese Communist Party belief, loyalty to the party, and the creation of a socialist cause with Chinese characteristics. The book has rich historical materials, vivid language, clear context, and objectively and truly describes the twists and turns of Deng Xiaoping's "three falls and three rises."

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        May 2014

        The Centennial History of Chinese Art (1900-2000)

        by Yin Hong, Ling Yan, etc.

        This book series contain 5 volumes: The Centennial History of Chinese Cinematography (1900-2000) The Centennial History of Chinese Fine Arts (1900-2000) The Centennial History of Chinese Dancing (1900-2000) The Centennial History of Chinese Drama (1900-2000) The Centennial History of Chinese Music (1900-2000) A period historical works of the Chinese Art for the last hundred years (1900-2000),offering a profound analysis of the underlying interaction between the development of the centenial history of fine arts and society, economy, thoughts and cultural vicissitudes through the narration of the conditions of the development of Chinese art.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2018

        The Complete Collection of Modern Chinese Prints by Lu Xun

        by Editorial Board of the Complete Works of Modern Chinese Prints Collected by Lu Xun

        This series contains about 1,800 modern prints collected by Lu Xun at that time, which authored by nearly 200 domestic printmakers and currently in the Lu Xun Memorial Hall in Shanghai and the Lu Xun Museum in Beijing. It is showcasing the glorious history of modern Chinese woodcut art: In the 1920s and 1930s, in order to guide the artistic direction of Chinese literary youth, smashed the KMT’s counter-revolutionary cultural " encirclement and suppression", Mr. Lu Xun held a "woodcut workshop" in Shanghai, and cultivated a group of emerging woodcut backbone. These backbones led young artists in various regions of the country to create a large number of realistic works reflecting the suffering and tragic fate of the people at the bottom of the society at that time. They cruelly lashed the dark reality of society and called for national salvation and survival. These young woodcutters sent their woodcut works to Lu Xun, who not only guided their creation personally, but also spared no effort to collect, publicize and promote them to the public. With the active advocacy and support of Mr. Lu Xun, the emerging woodcut movement in China has developed vigorously, driving the modernization of Chinese art and leaving an indelible glorious footprint in the history of Chinese modern culture and art. This complete collection is a companion to the The Complete Collection of Foreign Prints by Lu Xun published in 2014.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2022

        Chinese religion in contemporary Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan

        The cult of the Two Grand Elders

        by Fabian Graham

        In Singapore and Malaysia, the inversion of Chinese Underworld traditions has meant that Underworld demons are now amongst the most commonly venerated deities in statue form, channelled through their spirit mediums, tang-ki. The Chinese Underworld and its sub-hells are populated by a bureaucracy drawn from the Buddhist, Taoist and vernacular pantheons. Under the watchful eye of Hell's 'enforcers', the lower echelons of demon soldiers impose post-mortal punishments on the souls of the recently deceased for moral transgressions committed during their prior incarnations. Chinese religion in contemporary Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan offers an ethnography of contemporary Chinese Underworld traditions, where night-time cemetery rituals assist the souls of the dead, exorcised spirits are imprisoned in Guinness bottles, and malicious foetus ghosts are enlisted to strengthen a temple's spirit army. Understanding the religious divergences between Singapore and Malaysia (and their counterparts in Taiwan) through an analysis of socio-political and historical events, Fabian Graham challenges common assumptions about the nature and scope of Chinese vernacular religious beliefs and practices. Graham's innovative approach to alterity allows the reader to listen to first-person dialogues between the author and channelled Underworld deities. Through its alternative methodological and narrative stance, the book intervenes in debates on the interrelation between sociocultural and spiritual worlds, and promotes the destigmatisation of spirit possession and discarnate phenomena in the future study of mystical and religious traditions.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2021

        Superb! Chinese Geography in Botany

        by Wang Qiulin, Zhu Congyu, Wang Miaomiao

        This is the story of plants and human beings! This book presents a variety of amazing plants from different regions in the spatial dimension of Chinese geography. The delicate and scientific hand-drawn plants stimulate children's natural curiosity and exploration of nature, and the history and humanistic knowledge behind the plants are so vivid and interesting that in the interdisciplinary exploration of nature and culture, the beauty and protection of human beings and nature are perceived.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2014

        Chinese Arts and Crafts Masters

        Li Xiaocong—Pastel Porcelain

        by He Xiangqin

        This set of book introduces 52 artists who were conferred “Chinese Arts and Crafts Master”. They all have their unique skills with outstanding contributions. Each book has an interview with the master to show the unique technique and design concept to the readers.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2013

        Chinese Arts and Crafts Masters

        Yin Xiuyun—Cloisonne Enamel

        by Yang Weihua

        This set of book introduces 54 artists who were conferred “Chinese Arts and Crafts Master”. They all have their unique skills with outstanding contributions. Each book has an interview with the master to show the unique technique and design concept to the readers.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2021

        Superb! Chinese History in Medicine

        by Liu Xiyang,Zhu Shaozu, Wang Peishan

        This book starts from the perspective of mankind's struggle against diseases and compares the outline and process of Chinese history. Based on a large number of detailed cultural relics and archaeological materials, the book restores ancient life and takes children through time and space to immerse themselves in it. Hand-painted restoration of history, with rich details to restore a high degree of historical life scenes, to give children a fascinating, three-dimensional history of ancient life and life exploration.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2017

        Community of Common Destiny—Chinese Program in Global Governance

        by Wang Fan, Ling Shengli

        Chinese President Xi Jinping mentioned the community of common destiny more than 100 times on important occasions both at home and abroad and elaborated on the connotation.This book tries to "Community of Common Destiny-Chinese Program in Global Governance" as the tittle, through ‘Community of Common destiny’ to illustrates a new international outlook" "New ideas, new measures: a win-win sharing of Chinese wisdom" . In recent years, China has built its community of peripheral destinies and taken part in the practice of global governance to explain China's determination and ability to safeguard world peace, promote global development and build a new international order, and further establish a good image of China as a responsible major power.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2019

        Chinese Tea Culture in Guzhang

        by Xie Hui

        Guzhang County, in western Hunan, is one of the birthplace of Chinese tea culture where several kinds of famous Chinese tea are produced and national industries and technology systems developing tea are set up.   The book focuses on tea culture, and describes how people in Guzhang County realized poverty alleviation as well as lived a better life in the process of planting tea, making tea, and promoting tea. The book is about 120,000 words divided into four chapters: the first chapter introduces the spirit of tea makers through the story of Guzhang "Tea King", history of tea in Guzhang, wishes of tea planters, and the development of tea industry; the second chapter tells the stories of tea makers who manage the tea industry and promote Guzhang tea; the third chapter talks about the innovation and brand of Guzhang tea; the fourth chapter relates how outsiders contributed to the growth of Guzhang.

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