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      • Melanie S. Wolfe

        Make sure to check out the catalog for more titles.   Melanie S. Wolfe is an up and coming author with four self-published books and several manuscripts in the pipeline. She writes fiction that includes a diverse cast of characters with themes that deal with real-world issues and sometimes have a light sci-fi or paranormal feel to them. Her favorite age group falls within the New Adult range but her works appeal to the older YA and adult reader as well. Melanie would like to find representation as well as negotiate domestic and foreign print, digital and audio rights/licensing on her current published works and her upcoming projects.  Melanie S. Wolfe grew up between Kansas City, MO, and various places in Oklahoma (USA) where she studied Liberal Arts at the University of Oklahoma. She was a military wife for ten years and served the Army community as a Relocation Clerk while stationed in Bamberg, Germany. She currently lives in Florida with her family and is loving the beach life.

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      • David and Charles Ltd

        David and Charles is an independent publisher of non-fiction books, predominantly in art, craft and creative categories. Our titles feature industry-leading authors and award-winning editorial and design, commissioned for commercial success in all markets. Category focus on practical how-to books in art, crochet, knitting, general crafts, patchwork & quilting, sewing and wellbeing. Cornerstone titles which are highly illustrated, project, technique and trend orientated.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2016

        Animox 1. Das Heulen der Wölfe

        by Aimée Carter, Frauke Schneider, Maren Illinger

        In "Animox 1. Das Heulen der Wölfe" von Aimée Carter entdeckt der zwölfjährige Simon Thorn ein außergewöhnliches Geheimnis über seine Familie. Er ist ein Animox, ein Mensch mit der außergewöhnlichen Fähigkeit, sich in mächtige Tiere verwandeln zu können. Sein Leben nimmt eine dramatische Wendung, als seine Mutter von Ratten entführt wird und er herausfindet, dass sein Onkel sich in einen Wolf verwandeln kann. Simon gerät unvermittelt in den alten Konflikt, der zwischen den fünf Königreichen der Animox herrscht. Ist Simon vielleicht der direkte Nachfahre des legendären "Beast King", der als einziger die Macht besitzt, sich in jede der fünf Tierarten zu verwandeln? Diese Entdeckung leitet ihn auf eine gefährliche Reise, um seine Mutter zu finden und das Rätsel seiner wahren Herkunft zu lösen. Im Zentrum der Geschichte steht nicht nur der Kampf um Macht und Identität, sondern auch Simons persönliche Reise der Selbstentdeckung und des Mutes. Er muss seine neu entdeckten Fähigkeiten verstehen und einsetzen, während er sich den Herausforderungen und Gefahren stellt, die vor ihm liegen. Simon besucht die Akademie der Animox, wo er mehr über die zerstrittenen Königreiche der Animox lernt – Säugetiere, Vögel, Insekten, Reptilien und Meerestiere – und erkennt, dass er möglicherweise der Schlüssel zur Rettung dieser verborgenen Welt ist. Mit Themen wie Mut, Loyalität und der Suche nach der eigenen Identität richtet sich "Animox 1. Das Heulen der Wölfe" sowohl an junge Leser als auch an Erwachsene und bietet ein mitreißendes Abenteuer für Fans von Fantasy und Geschichten über Tierwandler. Fesselnde Fantasy für junge und erwachsene Leser: "Das Heulen der Wölfe" ist ein spannendes Abenteuer, das sowohl Kinder ab 10 Jahren als auch Erwachsene in seinen Bann zieht, dank seiner faszinierenden Welt der Tierwandler und der mitreißenden Heldengeschichte. Einzigartige Tierwandler-Thematik: Die Geschichte bietet eine einzigartige Mischung aus Magie, Abenteuer und der faszinierenden Idee von Menschen, die sich in Tiere verwandeln können, was Fans von Fantasy und Tiergeschichten besonders ansprechen wird. Sympathische und vielschichtige Charaktere: Mit Simon Thorn als mutigem und sympathischem Protagonisten, der im Laufe der Geschichte wächst und sich entwickelt, bietet das Buch eine Figur, mit der sich Leser aller Altersgruppen identifizieren können. Spannung und Humor: Neben der spannenden Handlung, die voller Überraschungen und Wendungen steckt, bietet "Das Heulen der Wölfe" auch humorvolle Momente. Lehrreich und inspirierend: Das Buch vermittelt wichtige Werte wie Mut, Freundschaft, Loyalität und die Suche nach der eigenen Identität, was es zu einer bereichernden Lektüre für jüngere Leser macht. Leicht zugänglicher Schreibstil: Aimée Carter gelingt es, komplexe Themen in einer Weise zu präsentieren, die sowohl junge Leser als auch Erwachsene anspricht, mit einem flüssigen und angenehmen Schreibstil. Hochwertige Buchgestaltung: Das auffällige Cover und die liebevolle Gestaltung des Buches machen es zu einem attraktiven Objekt für Bücherregale und als Geschenk. Der Dein SPIEGEL-Bestseller, ausgezeichnet mit der Kalbacher Klapperschlange 2017. Die Reihe umfasst insgesamt fünf Bände Band 1: Das Heulen der Wölfe Band 2: Das Auge der Schlange Band 3: Die Stadt der Haie Band 4: Der Biss der Schwarzen Witwe Band 5: Der Flug des Adlers Entdecke auch das Sequel, "Die Erben der Animox": Band 1: Die Beute des FuchsesBand 2: Das Gift des OktopusBand 3: Der Kampf des ElefantenBand 4: Der Verrat des KaimansBand 5: Die Rache des Tigers

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        January 2023

        Wolf Walk Thousands of Miles

        by Mu Ling

        This volume consists of three middle-grade stories, "Wolf Walk Thousands of Miles" "A Short Biography of Rooster 'Fighting Tiger'" and "The Ice Fox". "Wolf Walk Thousands of Miles" tells the story of a small pack of wolves rescued by human beings and released into the mountains. Under the guidance of their parents, the wolves grow up in the "greenhouse", gradually adapting to the crisis-ridden wilderness, and live happily. When the hunting dog escapes its owner and returns to the mountains, it destroys the peace and quiet there. A cub is killed, and the male wolf, desperate to protect his son, is killed by a poacher's forgotten hunting gear. Without their tough leader, the "tame" wolves are in an unprecedented predicament. They meander for thousands of miles, and through grueling trials and tribulations, quickly grow into self-reliant hunters and defenders of the mountains and forests. A short biography of the cockerel. "Fighting Tiger" is about the extraordinary adventures of a chicken. Through the whimsical "training" of two urban and rural schoolchildren, this small rooster, which had once circled a tiger in a zoo, nearly became the "black horse" in the "cockfighting" competition. The Ice Fox used to be a hunting dog. After the hunting ban, the village has become a folkloric tourist area, and the ice fox, which used to be favored by the hunters, has been given a cold shoulder. Unwilling to be lonely, it even attacked the pets brought by the tourists, and broke into trouble again and again. Lonely hound finally recovered its nature in nature, found friends, and recovered the happiness belonging to a family dog.

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        December 1989

        Dorle und Wolf

        Eine Novelle

        by Martin Walser

        Wolf Zieger, aus der DDR stammend, leidet an der deutschen Teilung. Ihn bekümmert, daß seine kämpfende und leidende Republik auf dem Gebiet der High-Technologie hoffnungslos unterlegen ist. Um diesem Defizit abzuhelfen, stellt er sich als Spion in ihre Dienste. Verheiratet ist er mit Dorle, einer Sekretärin im Bonner Verteidigungsministerium. Nach 9 Jahren fehlerloser Spionagepraxis will er mit seiner Frau zu einem normalen Familienleben zurückkehren. Aber die Auftraggeber zeigen kein Verständnis für seinen Wunsch. Wolf spürt den Konflikt immer brennender. Er beginnt sich und sein dauerndes Weder- Noch abzulehnen. In diesem persönlichen Zwiespalt zwischen Sollen und Nicht-mehr-Wollen stellt er sich einem Gericht in der Bundesrepublik und wird verurteilt: Zeit für Trauerarbeit. »»Dorle und Wolf« ist von besonderem Reiz, weil das Wesensmerkmal aller Walserschen Halbhelden, das Tarnen des Inneren, hier auch noch zum Berufsmerkmal geworden ist ... »Dorle und Wolf« ist ein Buch, das sich ausgesprochen lustvoll lesen läßt.« »Die Weltwoche«

      • Biography & True Stories
        March 1905

        Alaska Days with John Muir

        by Samuel Hall Young

        Samuel Hall Young, a Presbyterian clergyman, met John Muir when the great naturalist's steamboat docked at Fort Wrangell, in southeastern Alaska, where Young was a missionary to the Stickeen Indians. In "Alaska Days With John Muir" he describes this 1879 meeting: "A hearty grip of the hand and we seemed to coalesce in a friendship which, to me at least, has been one of the very best things in a life full of blessings." This book, first published in 1915, describes two journeys of discovery taken in company with Muir in 1879 and 1880. Despite the pleas of his missionary colleagues that he not risk life and limb with "that wild Muir," Young accompanied Muir in the exploration of Glacier Bay. Upon Muir's return to Alaska in 1880, they traveled together and mapped the inside route to Sitka. Young describes Muir's ability to "slide" up glaciers, the broad Scotch he used when he was enjoying himself, and his natural affinity for Indian wisdom and theistic religion. From the gripping account of their near-disastrous ascent of Glenora Peak to Young's perspective on Muir's famous dog story "Stickeen," Alaska Days is an engaging record of a friendship grounded in the shared wonders of Alaska's wild landscapes.

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        January 2022

        Forty Years of Stage Life -- Mei Lanfang's Statement

        by Mei Lanfang ,Mei Lanfang Memorial Hall

        Mei Lanfang's surviving literature amounts to more than 6 million words. Forty Years of Stage Life is the core of his works. It is a self-description of Mr. Mei Lanfang's life. It is the most convenient and reliable way to approach the master and understand his artistic life. The previous editions of the book were arranged according to the published versions under certain historical conditions. This is the first time for Mei Lanfang Memorial Hall to arrange the book according to the original manuscript, which is an original publication returning to the master's original intention based on the accumulation of long-term academic research and the revision of new materials. A large number of pictures of Mei Lanfang's stage performances, artistic creations and reports will be added to the book, as well as some hand-drawn illustrations restoring historical situations, in an effort to show and reproduce the radiance and splendor of the master artist and his unparalleled artistic life in a more comprehensive, full, real and beautiful way.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2016

        The World and other unpublished works by Radclyffe Hall

        by Jana Funke

        This book presents a wide range of previously unpublished works by Radclyffe Hall. These new materials significantly broaden and complicate critical views of Hall's writings. They demonstrate the stylistic and thematic range of her work and cover diverse topics, including 'outsiderism', gender, sexuality, race, class, religion, the supernatural and the First World War. Together, these texts shed a new light on unrecognised or misunderstood aspects of Hall's intellectual world. The volume also contains a substantial introduction, which situates Hall's unpublished writings in the broader context of her life and work. Overall, the book invites a critical reassessment of Hall's place in early twentieth-century literature and culture and offers rich possibilities for teaching and future research. It will be of interest to scholars and undergraduate and postgraduate students in the fields of English literature, modernism, women's writing, and gender and sexuality studies, and to general readers. ;

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        May 2019

        Mozart and the Wolf Gang

        By Anthony Burgess

        by Alan Shockley

        Written in 1991 to commemorate the bicentennial of Mozart's death, Burgess's novella-length piece is a compendium of themes, genres and even art-forms revolving around the one central preoccupation of the entire Burgess oeuvre: the reconcilability of life and art. This is a kaleidoscope of a book, which stretches even the bounds of even Anthony Burgess's fiction in an attempt to understand Mozart through celestial dialogue, an opera libretto, and fragments of a film script. As gracefully witty as it is daringly experimental, Mozart and the Wolf Gang is one of Burgess's late, great works, often overlooked due to its experimental form, which nevertheless remains accessible, entertaining and yet refreshingly original to this day. This new critical edition with analysis from noted musicologist and a first-class literary critic Alan Shockley enables this work's significance within the fields of literary modernism, fictional biography, and fiction about music, to be assessed by a new generation of readers and scholars.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2000

        Cultures of Empire

        A reader

        by Catherine Hall, Meg Davies

        Collects together the best articles by key historians, literary critics, and anthropologists on the cultures of colonialism in the British Empire in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.. A substantial introduction by the distinguished historian, Professor Catherine Hall, discusses new approaches to the history of empire and establishes a narrative frame through which to read the essays which follow.. The volume is clearly divided into three sections: theoretical, emphasising concepts and approaches; the colonisers 'at home', focusing on how empire was lived in Britain; and 'away' - the attempt to construct new cultures through which the colonisers defined themselves and others in varied colonial sites. A useful guide to recent scholarship on the culture of imperialism. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2021

        The Big Belly of A Bread Wolf

        by Pi Zhaohui

        In "The Big Belly of A Bread Wolf", many interesting stories happened. In a small bakery in Story Alley, Pete accidentally “eats” a mouse; Granny Goat’s cat got into Pete’s stomach to catch the mouse; Granny Goat walked in the same way into Pete's belly in order to save the kitten. The building of Granny Goat's house was also "eaten" into the belly... Eventually Pete's belly was broken by swallowing two many things. The grandpa had to help him fix his belly.

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        The Boy Who Cried Wolf

        One Story a Week

        by Chen Jiafei

        A shepherd-boy, who watched a flock of sheep near a village, brought out the villagers three or four times by crying out, "Wolf! Wolf!" and when his neighbors came to help him, laughed at them for their pains. The Wolf, however, did truly come at last. The Shepherd-boy, now really alarmed, shouted in an agony of terror: "Pray, do come and help me; the Wolf is killing the sheep"; but no one paid any heed to his cries, nor rendered any assistance.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        January 2017

        Tourism and Geopolitics

        Issues and Concepts from Central and Eastern Europe

        by Derek R Hall

        With 29 contributors from across Europe and beyond, this work represents a unique and important resource that examines the many relationships between tourism and geopolitics, with a focus on experiences drawn from Central and Eastern Europe. It begins by assessing the changing nature of 'geopolitics', from pejorative associations with Nazism to the more recent critical and feminist geopolitics of social science's 'cultural turn'. The book then addresses the important historical role of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in geopolitical thinking, before exemplifying a range of contemporary interactions between tourism and geopolitics within this critical region. Edited by a renowned authority on tourism geopolitics, this book: · Provides the most comprehensive overview of tourism and geopolitics available · Applies a range of geopolitical concepts and approaches to empirical experiences of tourism and mobility in Central and Eastern Europe · Embraces contributions from both established and new academic voices. Pursuing innovative analytical paths, the book demonstrates the interrelated nature of tourism and geopolitics and emphasizes the freshness of this research area. Addressing key principles and ideas which are applicable globally, it is an essential source for researchers, teachers and students of tourism, geography, political science and European studies, as well as for diplomatic, business and consultant practitioners. ; This book is a unique and important resource that discusses the relationship between tourism and geopolitics, with a focus on experience from Central and Eastern Europe ; Part I: Introduction and Overviews1: Bringing geopolitics to tourism2: Tourism and geopolitics: the political imaginary of territory, tourism and space3: Tourism in the geopolitical construction of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)Part II: Reconfiguring Conceptions and Reality4: The Adriatic as a (re-)emerging cultural space5: Crimea: geopolitics and tourism6: The geopolitical trial of tourism in modern Ukraine7: Under pressure: the impact of Russian tourism investment in MontenegroPart III: Tourism and Transnationalism8: Large-scale tourism development in a Czech rural area: contestation over the meaning of modernity9: The expansion of international hotel groups into Central and Eastern Europe after 1989 – strategic couplings and local responses10: Conceptualising trans-national hotel chain penetration in Bulgaria11: New consumption spaces and cross-border mobilitiesPart IV: Borderlands12: From divided to shared spaces: transborder tourism in the Polish-Czech borderlands13: Finnish-Russian border mobility and tourism: localism overruled by geopolitics14: Kaliningrad as a tourism enclave/exclave?15: An evaluation of tourism development in KaliningradPart V: Identity and Image16: Mutli-ethnic food in the mono-ethnic city: tourism, gastronomy and identity in central Warsaw17: Rural tourism as a meeting ground in Bosnia and Herzegovina?18: Interrogating tourism’s relevance: mediating between polarities in Kosovo19: European Night of Museums and the geopolitics of events in Romania20: The power of the Web: blogging destination image in Bucharest and SofiaPart VI: Mobilities21: The role of pioneering tour companies22: The geopolitics of low-cost carriers in Central and Eastern Europe23: Tourism and a geopolitics of connectivity: the Albanian nexus24: Heroes or ‘Others’? A geopolitics of international footballer mobility25: Tourism, mobilities and the geopolitics of erasurePart VII: Conclusions26: In conclusion

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        A Popular Health Guide

        by Ronni Wolf, M.D.

        A popular health guide explaining the effects of cosmetics on the skin, from both the consumer and the medical approach, this manual is relevant to almost everyone. The author is one of Israel’s leading dermatologists, a member of the American Board of Dermatology and the US Academy of Aesthetics & Restorative Surgery, and thus well versed in international dermatology. Dr. Wolf’s book was a resounding success in Israel, and its 3rd updated Hebrew-language edition was recently published.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2009

        Der geteilte Himmel

        Nach der Erzählung von Christa Wolf

        by Christa Wolf, Konrad Wolf

        Von den vielen Projekten, an denen Christa und Gerhard Wolf mit dem Regisseur Konrad Wolf arbeiteten, konnten sie nur ein einziges realisieren: Während die Verfilmung der Moskauer Novelle (1961) und weitere Projekte aus der Zeit nach 1965 an politischen Widerständen scheiterten, wurde Der Geteilte Himmel 1964 ein großer Erfolg. Darin setzt Konrad Wolf auf die Verfahren der französischen Nouvelle vague, indem er in kunstvoll gestaffelten Rückblenden die Geschichte der Studentin Rita erzählt, deren Freund Manfred sich nach Westberlin abgesetzt hat. Der Film, der heute als eine der formal ambitioniertesten und zugleich kritischsten DEFA-Produktionen gilt, wird ergänzt durch Porträts über und Gespräche mit Christa Wolf, die am 18. März 2009 ihren 80. Geburtstag feiert.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2014

        Clumsy-wolf and His Parents

        by Tang Sulan

        The Series of Clumsy-wolf include The Series of Clumsy-wolf, Clumsy-wolf and His Parents, Clumsy-wolf and Smart-bunny, Clumsy-wolf and Fatty-bear, The Campus Life of Clumsy-wolf, The Adventure of Clumsy-wolf. Being simple and honest, cute and always curious about the world, Clumsy-wolf has become a classic character in the Chinese original children’s literature. Being bestsellers for more than 20 years, this series is an excellent and outstanding children’s book that can be the most valuable memory for young readers.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2014

        The Series of Clumsy-wolf

        by Tang Sulan

        The Series of Clumsy-wolf include The Series of Clumsy-wolf, Clumsy-wolf and His Parents, Clumsy-wolf and Smart-bunny, Clumsy-wolf and Fatty-bear, The Campus Life of Clumsy-wolf, The Adventure of Clumsy-wolf. Being simple and honest, cute and always curious about the world, Clumsy-wolf has become a classic character in the Chinese original children’s literature. Being bestsellers for more than 20 years, this series is an excellent and outstanding children’s book that can be the most valuable memory for young readers.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2014

        The Adventure of Clumsy-wolf

        by Tang Sulan

        The Series of Clumsy-wolf include The Series of Clumsy-wolf, Clumsy-wolf and His Parents, Clumsy-wolf and Smart-bunny, Clumsy-wolf and Fatty-bear, The Campus Life of Clumsy-wolf, The Adventure of Clumsy-wolf. Being simple and honest, cute and always curious about the world, Clumsy-wolf has become a classic character in the Chinese original children’s literature. Being bestsellers for more than 20 years, this series is an excellent and outstanding children’s book that can be the most valuable memory for young readers.

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