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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2024

        Bartered bridegrooms

        Transacting Muslim masculinities as colonial legacy

        by Suriyah Bi

        In this eye-opening ethnography, we learn about the experiences of Muslim migrant husbands from Pakistan and Kashmir, who marry their British counterparts in the hope of marital and global social mobility bliss. For many, the parallel and intertwined migration and marital journeys do not pan out in the way they had hoped. Many experience precarity and vulnerability within the household and/or in employment, with some even being subjected to harrowing forms of domestic violence. Migrant husbands navigate an increasingly hostile British immigration system not only in public but also in private, at the hands of their wives and in-laws. The ethnography demonstrates how citizenship can be deployed as a performance of white power within single group identity, differentiated through colonial legacies of 'Britishness'.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2014

        Bi Nu

        by Su Tong

        This novel, with boundless imagination, takes us back to the age of remote antiquity and presents a collage of dazzling and fascinating scenes – nine ways of crying mastered for survival, a funeral held for oneself before sending winter clothes to her lover, scaring away urchins by acting as a witch, being paraded through the streets as an assassin, and frogs all going to the Great Wall … The tenacity and loyalty of Bi Nu time and again rises above conspiracies and evils of the human world. In the turbulent days of oppression by the powerful, this girl from the bottom of the society creates a legend with her passion of love and kindness.

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        Vielfältige Liebe entdecken

        by Julia Shaw

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        September 1992

        Liebste Bi!

        Briefe an Paula Banholzer

        by Bertolt Brecht, Helmut Gier, Jürgen Hillesheim, Helmut Gier

        Bertolt Brecht wurde am 10. Februar 1898 in Augsburg geboren und starb am 14. August 1956 in Berlin. Von 1917 bis 1918 studierte er an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Naturwissenschaften, Medizin und Literatur. Sein Studium musste er allerdings bereits im Jahr 1918 unterbrechen, da er in einem Augsburger Lazarett als Sanitätssoldat eingesetzt wurde. Bereits während seines Studiums begann Brecht Theaterstücke zu schreiben. Ab 1922 arbeitete er als Dramaturg an den Münchener Kammerspielen. Von 1924 bis 1926 war er Regisseur an Max Reinhardts Deutschem Theater in Berlin. 1933 verließ Brecht mit seiner Familie und Freunden Berlin und flüchtete über Prag, Wien und Zürich nach Dänemark, später nach Schweden, Finnland und in die USA. Neben Dramen schrieb Brecht auch Beiträge für mehrere Emigrantenzeitschriften in Prag, Paris und Amsterdam. 1948 kehrte er aus dem Exil nach Berlin zurück, wo er bis zu seinem Tod als Autor und Regisseur tätig war.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Microsoft Cloud im Unternehmen: Office 365, Azure, Power BI, Intune

        Business Cases, Architektur & Planung, Hybride Lösungen, Management

        by Boddenberg, Ulrich B.

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        La hermandad de la Casa Grande (The brotherhood of the Big House)

        Una novela negra sobre el juicio del Estado a los brujos de Chiloé (A detective novel about the state's trial of the witches of Chiloé)

        by Eduardo Pérez Arroyo

        It's 1879. To the north, Chile defends foreign investment in the Pacific War. To the south, beyond the already invaded Araucania, from a large, almost unexplored island, rumors of violence, superstition and a state incapable of enforcing its law spread. The elite would be at ease if some “elements” that are not occupied at the border with Peru penetrated Chiloé. They need evidence to condemn those criminals who terrorize the population with old indigenous beliefs. They call themselves witches. They are organized as La Recta Provincia or La Hermandad de la Casa Grande. They lie to scare and change the names of the cities on the island –Achao, Dalcahue or Quicaví–, confusing them with others: Buenos Aires, Villarrica, Salamanca. If they were only myths, it would be enough for the government to forget that secret place. But the one who calls himself the Greatest Liar in the World claims to have escaped the sorcerers and travels the north glimpsing the aliens: he talks to them of malice, monsters and murders; of the bloody clans' struggles to become a decaying reign. For these lies, or to secure an unstable national pride, coronels and tenants decide to put an end to things that a mortal has no power to finish.

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        Children's & YA

        I Am Not Alone

        by Ramy Tawil

        Maher realizes one day he is an only child with no siblings. He starts to feel a bit lonely, and wishes he had siblings - like his friends and cousins. Luckily, his toys are here and now it’s time to show Maher what it means to be surrounded with brothers and sisters.It’s a heartwarming story that shows how rich and powerful the imagination of an only child can be.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        I Am Special

        by Nadine Kamal Karrit

        You may be both different and the same as all the other children.This is what this book tackling the Down Syndrome explains, through the story of a child who just wants to be friends with everybody else.

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        Biography & True Stories
        March 2019

        Biography of He Binglin: An Educator in China

        by Li Guiyuan

        He Binglin, a modern educator, established Yueyun Middle School in Hunan province. From Qing Dynasty to the period of People's Republic of China, He devoted his life to education and Yueyun Middle School as a principal for more than 50 years. With unique educational philosophy, he developed any amount of talents as backbones of China. Besides, as a democrat, he committed himself to the building of democracy in his old age. This book aims at artistically presenting the whole life of He Binglin based on historical facts to show the figure as a civilian educator. In this way can students in Yueyun Middle School have a further understanding of the founder of their school. Also, this book can be as the source to study the educational philosophy and personality of He Binglin.

      • Trusted Partner

        Your Psychological Complexes Is Your Eternal prison

        by Youssef Al-Hasani

        If you are not ready to face your reality, if you are running away from yourself and avoid facing yourself, then this book is not for you! In this book, you will be shocked by discovering many things and facts that you thought were part of the postulates of life. Also, this book will deal with many bold and realistic matters in our Arab societies that were not discussed in detail in the past, and it will be enough to cause a bout of awareness within you.Get ready for a unique journey that will enable you to see things differently, know your true self, your psychological complexes, and how to have a decent and real life.The book addresses the following points: How are we indoctrinated intellectual legacies? And to what extent does the influence of parents in shaping our id entity and our reactions? A detailed psychological analysis of the most important psychological complexes that exist in the aspects of relationships, work, money, Authority, love, and others. A detailed explanation of the methods of deception and emotional manipulation in relationships. How do we become mature? Why are we afraid of confrontation and expressing our thoughts? How do we overcome our fears? The relationship between the psychological complexes and gender.And many other things.

      • Trusted Partner

        Devouring Himself, Starting with His Feet

        by Abdallah Al-Zioud

        Despite its small size, it managed to take its place among the best modern literature books in recent years. From the title and cover, going through its amazing preface and eloquent language, and to the element of surprise and unexpected ending. Abdallah Al-Zioud was able to make the reading journey of this novel a meaningful journey despite its shortness; a journey introduces readers to new terms that manipulate their imaginations and puts them in the eye of the event through a visual language that conveys the reader from paper to the visual world of the novel. It teaches them some of writing tricks and simplifies what seems complicated at the beginning so that the reader believes in its ordinary before discovering that he has fallen victim to fraud.I can say that the most beautiful thing about this novel is that it was not written in a style and did not follow a context. it rebelled against the ordinary, uniquified in style, and combined simplicity and complexity in a way predicting an amazing ability and counted in its writer favor.

      • Trusted Partner

        Blood and Milk

        by Mohamed Al-Jezawi

        The novel poses the problem of identity, as it is the essence of the psychological and intellectual conflict of the main character (Hassoun), who is disputed by two contradictory identities; He was born in the land of Yemen from a Muslim father and a Jewish mother and carried the inheritance of the two religions and their old and new conflict.Hassoun's internal journey continues with his own human crises and transformations that he witnesses along with his external journey through various societies that he went through in transitional stages of their history. Over two thousand seven hundred years, Hassoun seeks to discover himself and reach his identity by retiring at times, and by experimenting at other times, thus he goes through multiple experiences to get closer to himself.

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        Biography & True Stories
        June 2019

        The Half Quilt

        by Zeng San

        Rucheng, Hunan, is the first large-scale centralized land recuperation after the Red Army's Long March. A story of "half-quilt" embodies the deep feelings of the military and civilians in the village of Shazhou in Rucheng. The revolutionaries Mao Zedong and Zhu De launched revolutionary activities in Rucheng, which has consolidated the mass foundation on this land.The book takes the "Half Quilt" story as the entrance, integrates the Long March story and revolution story of Rucheng, and the story of Shazhou Village's poverty eradication in the new era.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2010

        Library of Chinese Classics: The Classic of Mountains and River

        by Chen Chengjin

        “The Classic of Mountains and River "is an ancient Chinese pre-Qin books, but also an encyclopedia reflects the ancient Chinese society. Its content involves history, geography, nationality, mythology, religion, animals, plants, minerals, medicine and so on. Its encyclopedic content and strange content make it rare for ancient books. The book is divided into eighteen volumes, from the volume of a "Nanshan Jing" to volume five "Zhongshan Classic" known as the "Five Sangsanjing", from Volume VI "Overseas Nankan" to Volume 18 "Nei Jing" as "the sea through". Together, the two parts, collectively referred to as "Shan Hai Jing." The Great Chinese Library: The Chinese Version of the Shan Hai Jing (Chinese-English) Reference for English Translation is a new and reliable translation of Shan Hai Jing by the Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House in July 2008. this. English translator Professor Wang Hong is good at translating Chinese books and books. He has translated a large number of Chinese libraries into Chinese including Mozi, Mengxi Bi Tan, Mandarin, Ming and Qing Essays, : Shan Hai Jing (Chinese-English comparison) ".

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2017

        Library of Chinese Classics :Selected Poems of Libai

        by Xu Yuanchong

        Li Bai is the greatest romantic poet in our country in the Tang Dynasty. Romanticism, as a trend of literary thought, is a social product of Europe from the late 18th century to the early 19th century. However, as a traumatic method, like realism, it is produced simultaneously with literature and art. Realism pays more attention to the portrayal of objective things, while romanticism focuses more on the expression of subjective feelings. With the Chinese poetic term "Fu Beixing" to describe the use of realism works more method, the use of romantic multi-Xing method. The use of Bi Xing is a major feature of Li Bai's poetry. Li Bai is a poet representing the Tang Dynasty culture. The ancient northern Yellow River valley culture in the philosophical thinking, with Confucius "Analects" as the representative, in the literary arts, the realist "Book of Songs" as a typical. The southern culture in the Yangtze River Valley, the philosophical representative is Lao Tzu "moral classics", and the typical literary style is "romantic". Li Bai, on the other hand, is a typical representative of the integration of North and South cultures.

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        Children's & YA

        O sumiço do tatu (The disappearance of the armadillo)

        by Marília Moreira

        Haroldo, a minho, who as he relates to other animals in the garden brings to light issues such as friendship and respect, mixing a harmonic field with an inside-out view of the garden of a house inhabited by some strange animals, among them the (human) balance-beast.

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