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      • Smith-Obolensky Media

        Smith-Obolensky Media is an international media boutique featuring the work by award-winning author Ivan Obolensky. His gothic mystery, Eye of the Moon, sold over ten thousand copies and the sequel is well underway for release next year. The Latin American Spanish literary translation has been accepted into the Librería Nacional chain, the largest in Colombia, for a thousand paperbacks to be sold in their stores (including those in three international airports).   We are magicmakers. How many of us have changed from a simple line we once read, or a film we saw at a crossroads moment? The art of storytelling, in all its facets, is something we celebrate.   In this spirit, we accept projects on a limited basis and focus on one author at a time, so we can fully present their works.

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      • Bella & Harry, LLC

        A newcomer to the children’s publishing industry, Bella & Harry publish books in an informative, interactive and exciting way to introduce children to travel, different countries, customs, history and landmarks.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner

        Tizan and the wolf

        by Armanath Hosany, Véronique Massenot, Solen Coeffic

        Scared off by a vile wild boar, a red-hooded little girl sobs in a forest. Tizan, who was walking past, hopes he can help her and trick the beast, but oh! his path suddenly crosses that of a big grey wolf. Ayo mama! Will he be brave and cunning enough? A surprising adventure intertwining Perrault fairy tales and creole folk tales.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2023

        “Witness to the Mutilations of the Sky”

        Fiction and testimony in the work of Mohammed Dib

        by Hervé Sanson

        From his earliest writings, Algerian writer Mohammed Dib (1920-2003) never gave in to the use of didactic, transparent language, nor to the expectations of so-called “commissioned” literature. It's the work of the language in its syntactic cutting, the weighing of the letter, that's important. In fact, the Dibian witness is masked: he conceals within himself what I'd like to call a literary witness, i.e. a textual device, plural in its declensions, which, going against the expected, allows for other times, (re)plays the texts in their unspoken, questions the memory of the texts, renews the very conception of the witness and asks the following question: what witness when fiction gets involved? This essay, covering fifty years of uninterrupted creation, sets out to delineate the various passages of witness that Dib's work encourages, but cannot avoid questioning the very nature of exegesis and the position of the exegete: do I become, at the end of this relay, the ultimate witness who wishes, from the depths of his heart, to pass the baton to a new guarantor? Translated with (free version)

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner

        Where D' You Go

        by Kehinde Ademoye

        WHERE ‘D YOU GO is a collection of short stories about terrorism in Northern Nigeria. From Captain Shola and his men, who are ambushed by killer herdsmen while on patrol and need to hold their ground, to a retired Special Forces officer who leads his men to protect his village and its environs from killer herdsmen; to Lieutenant Colonel Abel, whose team had to extend their tour by two days to escort the Senate President’s daughter to an IDP Camp and then wait out an assault by Boko Haram insurgents; to Kunle Pierce who is a CIA operative, but comes to avenge the murder of his brother-in-law by the Boko Haram sect; to the Corps members caught in a post-election violence and fight back; and then there is Halima, an abducted girl from Chibok who suffers from Stockholm syndrome, and tries to settle down to normalcy after her release with some other girls. The stories are action-packed, depicting loss, justice, vengeance, bravery, courage under fire, sacrifice and patriotism.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Mafoya and the Finish Line

        by Ayo Oyeku

        Mafoya is an accomplished sprinter but she is tired of being second-best. She hatched a wicked plan and succeeds in beating Amina in the 100-metre dash. Elated by her victory, Mafoya decides to employ the same trick again in the athletic championships but things take an unexpected turn. In the middle of the race, a strange whirlwind sweeps Mafoya away to Musanga Kingdom – the land of talkin animals and birds. Mafoya faces both hostility and friendship as she travel an impossible journey back to the world she knows.

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      • Trusted Partner
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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        No Saturday without Red Jelly

        by Elizaveta Tusheva, Chiara Battisti, Luisa Mohme, Franziska Roth

        Wim the Raccoon is a happy guy; he lives in the forest with Hector the Hare, and they have a great time together. But then Wim changes. He becomes sad and gloomy, and Hector doesn’t know what’s wrong with him. The hare goes to look for help and meets Dr Owl, an expert in invisible illnesses. With Dr Owl’s help, Wim the Raccoon starts to enjoy life again. This book explains to children and their parents different mental illnesses, how to recognize them, and how and where to get help. As well as important information, the children’s book also provides practical tasks and exercises. For:• children of primary school age(between 6 and 12) who come intocontact with a mental disorder andtheir parents• relatives and therapists

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2011

        Caesar, De Bello Gallico

        clara. Kurze lateinische Texte

        by Blank-Sangmeister, Ursula

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2020

        Muhammad Ali

        Little People, Big Dreams. Deutsche Ausgabe | Kinderbuch ab 4 Jahre

        by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara, Brosmind, Svenja Becker

        Als Muhammad klein war, wurde ihm sein Fahrrad gestohlen. Er wollte mit dem Dieb kämpfen, aber ein Polizist sagte ihm, er solle zuerst boxen lernen. Er trainierte unermüdlich und wurde ein eleganter und trickreicher Boxer. Sein großer Traum ging schließlich in Erfüllung: Er wurde Schwergewichtsweltmeister. Aber er konnte nicht nur gut mit seinen Fäusten umgehen, sondern zeigte auch außerhalb des Boxrings Zivilcourage. Little People, Big Dreams erzählt von den beeindruckenden Lebensgeschichten großer Menschen: Jede dieser Persönlichkeiten, ob Malerin, Tänzer oder Bürgerrechtsaktivistin, hat Unvorstellbares erreicht. Dabei begann alles, als sie noch klein waren: mit großen Träumen. Für welches Alter sind diese Bücher gedacht? Für Babys das perfekte Geschenk zur Begrüßung in eine Welt voller Träume! Und Eltern werden in schlaflosen Nächten von diesen Büchern dazu ermutigt, das Vorlesen zu einem selbstverständlichen Teil des Lebens zu machen. Kleinkinder werden von den Illustrationen verzaubert sein – sie werden zahlreiche Dinge entdecken. Auch sind die Bücher großartige „Vokabeltrainer“! 3- bis 5-Jährige werden alles, Illustrationen und Texte, geradezu in sich aufsaugen! 6-, 8- und 10-Jährige haben ein ausgeprägteres Verständnis für die Illustrationen und die Bedeutung der Geschichte – es geht nicht nur darum, sich selbst zu akzeptieren und die eigenen Zukunftsträume zu verwirklichen, sondern auch darum, andere so zu akzeptieren, wie sie sind. Später: Die Bücher sind gute Geschenke zu jedem Anlass, denn die Träume der Kindheit können das ganze Leben lang Wirklichkeit werden.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1986

        Mohammed und Karl der Grosse

        Untergang der Antike am Mittelmeer und der Aufstieg des germanischen Mittelalters

        by Pirenne, Henri / Nachwort von Diner, Dan

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2010

        Muhammad Ali

        by Peter Kemper

        »Ich werde das Boxen nicht vermissen, aber das Boxen wird mich vermissen.« Nicht zufällig hat man Cassius Clay alias Muhammand Ali als »fünften Beatle« bezeichnet. Zusammen mit den Liverpooler Musikern stellte er sich an die Spitze jener sozialen und kulturellen Umbruchbewegung, die alle westlichen Länder in den Sechzigern erschüttern sollte. Seine Kombination aus Trotz und Witz veränderte den Sound der Zeit. Gleichermaßen eloquent und unverfroren, immer angriffslustig und mit einem schier unerschöpflichen Repertoire an Ausdrucksformen, brachte sich Ali als erster Popstar des Sports auf die internationale Bühne, um dort ethnische, religiöse und politische Tabus leichthändig zu verhandeln. Sein beinahe schwereloser Stil veränderte den Boxsport, seine kompromisslose Haltung schockierte die Welt.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Amina Turan in the Country of Nomads

        by Zaure Turekhanova

        The book is about the extraordinary and dangerous adventures of a girl, Amina Turan and the inhabitants of the so-called bowls-cities Kos Almalyk in the fabulous Country of Nomads. The veil of surprising mysteries and secrets hidden by the heroes of the story will be slightly opened… An extraordinary, fantastic story begins on Saturday night. Suddenly awakening from her sleep, Amina witnesses that the turtle-box, bought in an antique shop, comes to life and together with her friend, a glass turtle standing on the table goes to explore an amazing sight. Out of curiosity, the girl decides to follow the turtles and unexpectedly finds herself in the magical world of the Country of Nomads.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2023

        Bread Wolf's Mood

        by Pi Zhaohui

        This book contains nine chapters of humorous and lively stories, including Strange Occupational Illness, Breadwolf's Mood, Bread Mountain, What a Pit, and Saturday Lost.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        June 2012

        Dinner for Six

        by Lu Min

        Su Qin takes her children to Ding family to have dinner every Saturday, which makes dim love affair generated between Ding Chenggong of the son of Ding family and Su Qins daughter Xiaolan. Due to Su Qins restraint they could not be together. She abandons her family for Ding Chenggong.

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