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        The Six Hundred Year History of the Forbidden City

        by Yan Chongnian

        "A Forbidden City tells half of Chinese history." This book takes the six hundred year history of the Forbidden City as a clue, tells stories built around the Forbidden City, and represents stories of the emperors, generals and ministers of state, the concubines, even the bodyguards, eunuchs, imperial doctors, and other people on the historical stage of the Forbidden City. There are not only well-known historical events but also secret histories of the palace, with more than 500 historical figures vividly interpreting the vicissitudes of life in the book.   The famous historian Yan Chongnian, with his unique vision, selects the most representative historical stories and integrates the events of the changeable Forbidden City of six hundred years into the book. He uses popular and witty diction, combined with his life experience of more than eighty years, to make serious history no longer boring and difficult to understand, so that official history can also be lively and interesting. This is a popularizing history book suitable for readers of all ages. They can better understand the Forbidden City in the palace world built by Yan Chongnian, appreciate the splendid history of Chinese civilization, and develop new insights into life.

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        Health & Personal Development
        December 2019 - December 2024

        Admonitions for the Yan Clan

        by Yan Zhitui,Li Hualei

        Yan family instructions is an influential work of Yan Zhitui, a famous scholar in the northern and Southern Dynasties. It is a systematic and complete family education textbook. It is the author's experience summary about setting up oneself, running a family, dealing with affairs and learning. It has a great influence on the history of family education in traditional China and enjoys the reputation of "ancient and modern family motto, as the ancestor". The purpose of Yan Zhitui's writing this book is to systematically sort out his life experience and experience and pass it on to future generations, hoping to rectify the style of the family and help future generations.

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        March 2021

        Collector's Edition of Illustrations of Yan Zhen's Works: Above Living

        by Yan Zhen

        "Above Living" is a novel by Yan Zhen. The author uses meticulous meticulous brushwork to describe college life and academic ecology one by one. From the examination and employment of doctoral students, to the work and life of college teachers, the distribution of papers and page fees, academic seminars, awards, application for topics, competition for administrative positions, and even the application and acquisition of students' election cadres, examinations, and grants Wait, there are so many stories about corruption in colleges and universities, which are rarely encountered by readers outside colleges. He even wrote about the real situation of another type of intellectuals, represented by "I", who have conscience and pursuit, but have no choice but to survive in the real environment. Although these people have also succumbed to reality, they still have a trace of longing for the independent personality of Chinese traditional intellectuals deep in their hearts. The special feature of "Above Living" is that it has a detailed description of the academic ecology and "survival" ecology of colleges and universities, which is of pioneering significance, and is happy to see by people who care about education and knowledge communities. Moreover, this novel is written with great meaning, with the height of literature and the height of thinking.

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        March 2021

        Collector's Edition of Illustrations of Yan Zhen's Works: Because of Women

        by Yan Zhen

        "Because of a Woman" is a full-length novel. The heroine Liu Yiyi, like all intellectual women, yearns for love and pursues independence, but after graduating from university, she was brutally encircled and suppressed by men, money and desire. She rushed from the left to the right and couldn't break through. She looked around at a loss and went to sink. The one who should love realizes that it is even more of a dead end. In the end, he succumbed to fate and walked into a dull marriage. She has never used her feet to stand firmly on the ground, allowing her love to last forever with a certain spiritual connotation, she just wove a beautiful dream floating and dizzy, counting on someone to help her To achieve the highest happiness in her life. In the face of every reality, because she was a woman, she repeatedly chose to compromise and choose temporary satisfaction, losing to the weakest part of human nature. The author conducts a detailed anatomy of this common story. Liu Yiyi's plight represents the true plight of some intellectual women. The novel deeply embodies the author's sense of anxiety.

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        November 2019

        Huangdi Catches the Beast

        by Zhou Jing,Pang Xianjian

        Huangdi Catches the Beast was recounted by children's literature writer Zhou Jing and contemporary painter Pang Xianjian, the latter recarving stories and characters in the style of Chinese painting. The integration of the poetry of the text and the richness of the painting is a wonderful interpretation of ancient myths, which expresses the unique Chinese charm and Chinese spirit. This book starts from the traditional myth story of Huangdi warred Chiyou, examines this myth story from the perspective of modern values, and raises the question of whether various lives matter to different extent. The ups and downs of the fate and value of a beast go through the story, illustrated with rich picture details and harmonious colors.

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        March 2021

        Collector's Edition of Illustrations of Yan Zhen's Works: The Water of Canglang

        by Yan Zhen

        "The Canglang Water" is a full-length novel. The protagonist Chi Dawei is a rural college student with no background. He spent eight years of college life in the atmosphere of strong idealism in the early 1980s. After graduation, he entered the Provincial Department of Health as the first master's degree. In this small health hall, Chi Dawei experienced a mental journey from confrontation to retreat to surrender. This journey allowed him to become a hard-hearted and capable workplace man from a simple youth full of edges and corners with a mission. This whole process of transformation is long and painful. In the scorching cold and warm human world, in the turbulent workplace stage, in the bizarre world, how persistent a fresh person persists, persists to the point of breaking his blood. How can a kind and persistent young man hesitate, hesitate, doubt and suffer when faced with the great contrast between his humble soul and the huge and mysterious worldly power.

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        March 2021

        Collector's Edition of Illustrations of Yan Zhen's Works: Once in the End of the World

        by Yan Zhen

        "Once in the End of the World" is a novel with realistic themes. It vividly described the inner pain and embarrassment of a generation of overseas students. At the same time, it describes the struggle of a group of Chinese in a foreign land. The protagonist of the book, Gao Liwei, a graduate student in history, went to Canada because of his girlfriend. He wanted to take root, but found that Canada he was fascinated by dealt with this pious outsider with a kind of unchanging indifference. No matter how hard he tried, he They all feel that they are an outsider who can only stand outside the door of this paradise, confused and helpless. Under such circumstances, his insistence on his masculine personality caused his relationship with Lin Siwen to deteriorate day by day, and in the end he could only break up. After the breakup, Gao Liwei was still sad. He worked hard, thrifty and thrifty, in order to accumulate enough 50,000 yuan as soon as possible to leave this "paradise on earth" that he considered almost impossible to integrate into his entire life. The story description in this book inherits the author's consistent fine writing style. Whether writing about the protagonist dealing with work troubles or dealing with emotional entanglements, they all show deep ideological connotation and meticulous artistic style. The psychological activities of the heroes and heroines in the whole process are vividly expressed in delicate language.

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        May 2005

        Götz und Meyer


        by David Albahari, Klaus Wittmann, Mirjana Wittmann

        Vom Winter 1941/42 bis zum folgenden Juni fuhren zwei Männer in einem Lastwagen jeden Tag von Belgrad nach Jajinci: Götz, der Fahrer, und Meyer, der Beifahrer. Hätten sie nicht unterwegs angehalten und das Ende des Auspuffs mit einer öffnung im Boden des Kastens verschraubt und wäre der Kasten nicht voller Juden gewesen, niemand hätte sich später dafür interessiert. Der Erzähler aber, ein Belgrader Lehrer, interessiert sich dafür, weil auf dem Lastwagen auch seine Verwandten waren. Er beginnt zu recherchieren, wühlt in Dokumenten, versucht zu begreifen. Je näher er dem Wissen kommt, desto ferner ist er; je mehr er sich Götz und Meyer vorzustellen sucht, desto schemenhafter werden ihre Gesichter.

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        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        January 2018

        Meishan Wushu

        Chinese Martial Arts

        by Yan Xizheng

        Meishan Wushu is the national intangible cultural heritage in China. This book focusing on Meishan Wushu is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 is general introduction. Chpater 2 introduces 3 kinds of Meishan Wushu. Chapter 3 shows Meishan martial arts tactics in detail. Chapter 4 presents wushu routines in an all-round way. Chapter 5 tells martial arts lovers how to learn Meishan Wushu on their own. The author, Yan Xizheng, has studied Meishan Wushu for more than 50 years and spent 10 years writing this book, which promotes China's traditional culture and shows the essence of Chinese martial arts Meishan Wushu.

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        September 2009

        Die Sandelholzstrafe


        by Mo Yan, Karin Betz

        In seinem großen historischen Epos inszeniert Mo Yan eine farbenprächtige Pekingoper aus der deutschen Kolonialgeschichte seines Heimatlands. Vor der Kulisse einer untergehenden Epoche treten fünf Figuren auf die Bühne der Geschichte und kämpfen für das, was sie bewahren wollen, und für die, die sie lieben. Viel Neues geschieht im China des Jahres 1899: Von überall her drängen fremde Menschen in das zuvor verschlossene Reich. Sie bringen etwa die Eisenbahn, die bei der Provinzstadt Gaomi über die Gräber der Ahnen verlaufen soll. Vieles geht aber auch zu Ende in diesen letzten Tagen des Jahrhunderts: Das Kaiserreich liegt in Agonie, ebenso wie Sun Bing, der Opernsänger und Anführer des Aufstands gegen die Trasse und deren Erbauer. Um seinen Ungehorsam zu ahnden, bündelt die Staatsmacht all ihre Kräfte und verordnet ein letztes Mal die Sandelholzstrafe, die grausamste und zugleich kunstvollste der überkommenen Foltermethoden. Leib und Leben nicht allein des Opfers, sondern auch seiner Tochter, ihres Ehemanns, ja selbst des Henkers und des Richters stehen mit diesem Urteilsspruch auf dem Richtplatz der Geschichte. In einem der bedeutendsten chinesischen Romane der jüngsten Zeit spielt Mo Yan virtuos das Spiel der Masken, Perspektiven und Kontraste. Gewalt und Poesie, Empathie und schwarzer Humor, Derbheit und Feinsinn, die Fülle des westlichen Romans und die Eleganz der chinesischen Oper gehen in seiner bilderreichen und suggestiven Sprache Hand in Hand.

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        March 2020

        We are together: children's drawing psychological guidance picture book

        by Yan Hu

        The sudden new type of coronavirus pneumonia has caused tensions in the whole society. Schools and kindergartens have postponed the opening of school, and children are locked at home and cannot go out. This will have a huge impact on children's psychology and even trauma. Dr. Yan Hu, a well-known expert on children's psychological painting, suggests that parents use the form of children's psychological painting to help children communicate with their parents, understand relevant knowledge, relieve stress, regulate emotions, and cultivate a healthy personality. This book is well-documented and suitable for parents and children aged 3-9. This book is very practical. Children can pick up the paintbrush and express themselves under the guidance of this book.

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        September 1985

        Schmutziges Gedicht/Poema Sujo

        Portugiesisch und deutsch. Übertragung und Nachwort von Curt Meyer-Clason

        by Ferreira Gullar, Curt Meyer-Clason, Curt Meyer-Clason

        Curt Meyer-Clason, geboren 1910 in Ludwigsburg und verstorben 2012 in München, war Übersetzer für Texte aus dem Spanischen, Portugiesischen und dem Portugiesisch-Brasilianischen, sowie Herausgeber und Essayist. Curt Meyer-Clason, geboren 1910 in Ludwigsburg und verstorben 2012 in München, war Übersetzer für Texte aus dem Spanischen, Portugiesischen und dem Portugiesisch-Brasilianischen, sowie Herausgeber und Essayist.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        A Tale Of Light

        by Khrystyna Lukashchuk (Author), Khrystyna Lukashchuk (Illustrator)

        This unique picture book is a creation of Khrystyna Lukashchuk, a well-known Ukrainian author and artist recognized as one of the best illustrators of independent Ukraine. From the emergence of Ukraine through its darkest times to its final victory over evil,  A Tale Of Light allows us to find answers to dramatic questions: how can we explain to children why there is a war in their country? Why can not the enemy leave the Ukrainian land in peace? What will help us to defeat the enemy for good? The profound symbolic images that the author recreated will guide the readers along their journey. Ukrainians have been tapping into them for long times to find a source of harmony and internal strength –  they are a powerful source of Light sustained by Ukrainian history, culture, and language. No enemy, however big or conniving, can destroy this Light.   From 3 to 6 years, 719 words Rightsholders:

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        December 2020

        Festivals of Chinese Ethnic Groups·Lisu: The Knife-Pole Festival

        by Yan Xiangjun, He Xu

        This book mainly describes the origin of the Lisu Knife-Pole Festival. February 8th of the lunar calendar is an important day for the Lisu people to celebrate the Knife-Pole Festival. Regarding the origin of the Knife-Pole Festival, there is a legendary story of a hero Wang Ji circulating in the Lisu tribe. According to legend, Wang Ji was a rare talent at the time who was proficient in the art of war, was courageous and strategic, and cared about the people. At that time, other ethnic groups often invaded the border of Yunnan, and the Lisu people living there were unable to resist. Wang Ji led the defence and defeated intruders with the assistance of the Lisu people. In order to commemorate the hero Wang Ji, the Lisu people named the day when Wang Ji was dead — February 8th as the “Knife-Pole Festival”.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2019

        At the Ocean

        by Yuriy Nikitinskiy (Author), Marichka Ruban (Illustrator)

        This story is full of a cheeky sense of humor that little readers will adore. In this book they can find funny poems and beautiful watercolor illustrations to give them the feeling of diving in the ocean. This unique and amazing book was created by the famous Ukrainian writer Yuriy Nikitinskiy and by the fabulous illustrator Marichka Ruban.   From 3 to 8 years, 422 words Rightsholders:

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        March 1965


        Portugiesisch-Deutsch. Übertragung und Nachwort Curt Meyer-Clason

        by Carlos Drummond Andrade, Curt Meyer-Clason, Curt Meyer-Clason

        Curt Meyer-Clason, geboren 1910 in Ludwigsburg und verstorben 2012 in München, war Übersetzer für Texte aus dem Spanischen, Portugiesischen und dem Portugiesisch-Brasilianischen, sowie Herausgeber und Essayist. Curt Meyer-Clason, geboren 1910 in Ludwigsburg und verstorben 2012 in München, war Übersetzer für Texte aus dem Spanischen, Portugiesischen und dem Portugiesisch-Brasilianischen, sowie Herausgeber und Essayist.

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        November 1968

        Ausgewählte Gedichte

        by Joao Cabral de Melo Neto, Curt Meyer-Clason, Curt Meyer-Clason

        Curt Meyer-Clason, geboren 1910 in Ludwigsburg und verstorben 2012 in München, war Übersetzer für spanischsprachige Texte, Herausgeber und Essayist. Curt Meyer-Clason, geboren 1910 in Ludwigsburg und verstorben 2012 in München, war Übersetzer für spanischsprachige Texte, Herausgeber und Essayist.

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