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      • Aurora Metro Publications Ltd.

        Aurora Metro is a an award-winning indie publisher established over 25 years ago in the UK. We publish fiction, non-fiction, YA fiction, drama, cookery, biography. Over 200 international authors published and over 20 works in translation.

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      • Metis Publishers

        Metis list includes both fiction and nonfiction. Some literary authors are Gerbrand Bakker, John Berger, Maurice Blanchot, Anne Carson, Rana Dasgupta, Carlos Fonseca, Georgi Gospodinov, Alasdair Gray, Ursula K. LeGuin, Norman Manea, Javier Marias, Georges Perec, Per Petterson, Andrei Platonov, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Marguerite Yourcenar.  Metis nonfiction list -in History Society Philosophy, Literary Criticism, Arts and People, Critical Science, Gender Studies series- features works of prominent authors such as Benedict Anderson, Alain Badiou, Etienne Balibar, Walter Benjamin, Wendy Brown, Susan Buck-Morss, Judith Butler, Byung Chul-Han, David Harvey, Kojin Karatani, Tim Parks, Adam Phillips, Jacques Rancière, Edward Said, Renata Salecl, Immanuel Wallerstein, Slavoj Zizek and Alenka Zupancic. World-class literary theorists including Mikhail Bakhtin, Gyorgy Lukacs and Tzvetan Todorov, philosophers such as Roland Barthes, Paul Ricoeur and Ludwig Wittgenstein and psychoanalytic masters including Didier Anzieu, Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, Jacques Lacan and D.W. Winnicott are amongst the authors Metis has published.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2019


        Folge nicht der Herde

        by O'Porter, Dawn / Übersetzer Strüh, Christine

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2018

        Ethnography for a data-saturated world

        by Hannah Knox, Dawn Nafus

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2009

        Im neuen Job

        Überlebenstipps für die ersten 100 Tage

        by Achterhold, Gunda; Parisi, Dawn

      • Trusted Partner
        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        September 2023

        Pre and Probiotics for Poultry Gut Health

        by Helen Masey O'Neill, Emily Burton, Dawn Scholey

        Poultry are the most widely used animal protein source in the world: billions of meat birds are produced globally each year, using 360 million tonnes of feed. Within Europe, over 30,000 companies involved in the production of poultry create an annual turnover of €107 billion. However, maintaining the sustainability of the industry as it moves towards antibiotic-free production is one of the key challenges. Starting with an overview of antibiotics as growth promoters and the challenges faced as the industry moves away from their use, this book then thoroughly considers the potential of pre and probiotic additives in poultry gut health. The book: - Includes thorough definitions of additives in the pre and probiotic space and examples of how they work; - Addresses how to test pre and probiotics and other similar additives, and how they interact with other products, with learning from both poultry and allied sectors; - Combines authors from both academic and industry backgrounds on all chapters, to ensure coverage is balanced, robust and commercially relevant. Based on the renowned World Poultry Science Association UK Branch Poultry Science Symposium 2022, this book provides a thorough and valuable contribution to the field for all involved with the nutrition and production of poultry.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biology, life sciences
        July 2016

        Leafy Medicinal Herbs: Botany, Chemistry, Postharvest Technology and Uses

        by Edited by Dawn C P Ambrose, Annamalai Manickavasagan, Ravindra Naik

        This book is a compilation of globally relevant 23 leafy medicinal plants, discussed as individual chapters. The first section deals with a general overview and importance of leafy medicinal plants. The second covers 23 leafy medicinal plants as individual chapters. Each crop is discussed under the sub headings, Botany, Chemistry, Post-harvest Technology and Uses. Under Botany, an introduction on the crop, its history/origin, geographical distribution and morphology is covered. The subsection on Chemistry focuses on the chemical composition and phytochemical aspects of each crop. Postharvest technology would concentrate on processing and value addition and under Uses, general and pharmacological uses of the crop would be covered.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Poultry farming
        April 2016

        Sustainable Poultry Production in Europe

        by Edited by Emily Burton, Joanne Gatcliffe, Helen Masey O'Neill, Dawn Scholey

        Examining sustainable poultry production systems across Europe, this book contains a selected cross section of papers from the 2014 UK Poultry Science Symposium. It reviews essential topics such as resources and supply chains, the global poultry market, risk management, zoonoses and green issues. Providing a compilation of the most current research in the poultry science and production industry, this book is an important resource for both researchers and professionals.

      • Trusted Partner
        Limnology (freshwater)
        March 2006

        Economics of Livestock Disease Insurance

        Concepts, Issues and International Case Studies

        by Edited by Stephen R Koontz, Dana L Hoag, Dawn D Thilmany, John W Green, Jennifer L Grannis

        In recent years the livestock sector has been hit by a number of high-profile diseases, such as BSE,Foot and Mouth Disease and Avian Influenza. These have had a devastating economic impact onlivestock producers and the broader livestock industry. One key response has been a growing interestin livestock disease insurance. However there is a need for greater understanding of private incentives,market impacts, and public policy perspectives on regional, national and international levels, if livestockinsurance products and complementary risk management programmes are to be developed.This book provides a balanced and broad-ranging overview of the economics of livestock diseaseinsurance. It covers both general issues and specific case studies drawn from the USA, Canada, Europeand Australia or focussing on specific issues. The book is unique in addressing this subject and willinterest readers in agricultural business and economics, veterinary science and the livestock sector.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        February 2018

        Strategic Management in Tourism

        by Luiz Moutinho, Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez, Alejandro Pérez-Ferrant, Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez, Anne-Mette Hjalager, Brent W Ritchie, Dawn Gibson, Eduardo Parra-López, Geoff Southern, James Wilson, Jithendran Kokkamikal, José Alberto Martínez-González, Kanes Rajah, Kun-Huang Huarng, Larry Dwyer, Luiz Moutinho, María Moral-Moral, Mercedes Melchior-Navarro, Noel Scott, Rafael Alberto Pérez, Ronnie Ballantyne, S.F. Witt, Scott McCabe, Shirley Rate, Tiffany Hui-Kuang Yu, Vanessa Yanes-Estévez, Yawei Jiang, Yvette Reisinger

        This comprehensive textbook has, at its core, the importance of linking strategic thinking with action in the management of tourism. It provides an analytical evaluation of the most important global trends, as well as an analysis of the impact of crucial environmental issues and their implications. Fully updated throughout, this new edition: -Covers forecasting, functional management and strategic planning; -Includes extra chapters to incorporate a wider spread of important topics such as sustainability, authenticity and crisis management; -Contains pedagogical features throughout, such as learning objectives, questions and case studies to aid understanding Now in its third edition, and reviewing the major factors affecting international tourism management, this well-established student resource provides an essential overview of strategic management for students and professionals in the tourism sector.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2024

        Entomopathogenic Nematodes as Biological Control Agents

        by David I Shapiro-llan, Edwin Lewis, Steven P. Arthurs, Anil Baniya, Rubén Blanco-Pérez, Mary Barbercheck, Helge Bode, Raquel Campos Herrera, Julie G. Chacon-Orozco, Harun Cimen, Regina K. Cruzado Gutiérrez, Surendra K. Dara, Adler Dillman, Larry Duncan, Ioannis Eleftherianos, Shane Foye, Patrick Frettinger, Fernando Garcia-del-Pino, Itamar Glazer, John Goolsby, Dawn Gouge, Parwinder S Grewal, Richou Han, Sebnem Hazal Gulsen, Canan Hazir, Selcuk Hazir, Ivan Hiltpold, Ganpati B. Jagdale, Rinus Knoetze, Albrecht Koppenhofer, Gabriela Lankin, Luis Garrigós Leite, Diana Karime Londono, Antoinette P. Malan, Dana Ment, Jayashree Ramakrishnan, Gadi V P Reddy, Cesar Rodriguez-Saona, Weibin Ruan, Michael Samish, Ernesto San-Blas, Ramandeep Kaur Sandhi, Ana Luiza Sousa, Tatyana Stefanovska, Glen Stevens, S. Patricia Stock, Yoelvis Sulbaran, Ghada Tafesh-Edwards, Mustapha Touray, Stefan Toepfer, Derya Ulug, Bart Vandenbossche, Christopher Williams, Sheng-Yen Wu, Xun Yan

        Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are biocontrol agents that are used to control a wide variety of insect pests within agriculture and forestry. In addition to their use as bio-pesticides, EPNs have a fascinating biology and are thus considered model organisms in ecology, symbiosis and pathogenesis. This book presents basic knowledge and diverse applications to illustrate how EPNs play an important role as potent biocontrol solutions. It describes: Fundamental concepts such as biology, taxonomy, symbiosis genomics and behavioural ecology. Aspects of commercialization, including mass production, formulation, safety and regulation, and marketing. Diverse cropping systems e.g. maize, wheat and grains, citrus, orchard systems, berries, vine crops, vegetables and turf. Other applications including urban, nursery, forestry, greenhouse, veterinary and medical. Ecological considerations and applications in conservation biocontrol. This book is a must have for all pest management professionals including those practicing integrated pest management strategies.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2022

        Die Legende von Frostherz 2. Flucht aus Aurora

        by Jamie Littler, Jamie Littler, Nadine Mannchen

        In "Die Legende von Frostherz 2. Flucht aus Aurora" setzt Jamie Littler Ashs und der Frostherz-Crews abenteuerliche Reise fort, während sie in der eisigen Festung Aurora nach Hinweisen suchen, die Ash zu seinen Eltern führen könnten. Die Ankunft in Aurora bringt jedoch nicht die erhoffte Sicherheit, sondern konfrontiert die Gruppe mit neuen Gefahren: Eine rücksichtslose Pionier-Kapitänin hat es auf alle Klangweber abgesehen, und Ash muss erneut fliehen. Die spannende Suche führt die Crew quer durch das gefährliche Schneemeer, wo sie sich unerwarteten Herausforderungen stellen müssen. Dieser Band vertieft die Themen Freundschaft, Mut und die Suche nach der eigenen Identität, verpackt in eine mitreißende Geschichte voller fantastischer Elemente und lebhafter Charaktere. Littlers Erzählung, angereichert mit seinen eigenen beeindruckenden Illustrationen, bietet eine fesselnde Fortsetzung der Trilogie, die Fans von Abenteuern in magischen Welten begeistern wird. Fortsetzung der Erfolgstrilogie: "Flucht aus Aurora" baut auf dem fesselnden Fundament des ersten Bandes auf und steigert die Spannung, während sie Leser tiefer in die magische Welt von Frostherz zieht. Für Fans magischer Abenteuer: Perfekt für junge Leser*innen, die Geschichten à la Harry Potter und Percy Jackson lieben, mit einer einzigartigen Mischung aus Magie, Freundschaft und Heldentum. Beeindruckende Illustrationen: Jamie Littlers eigene Kunstwerke bereichern jede Seite und vertiefen das Eintauchen in die Geschichte, indem sie Charaktere und Szenen zum Leben erwecken. Tiefe Charakterentwicklung: Neben packenden Abenteuern bietet das Buch wertvolle Einblicke in die Entwicklung junger Charaktere, die sich mit Identität, Freundschaft und dem Überwinden von Ängsten auseinandersetzen. Empfohlen für Leser*innen von 9 bis 11 Jahren: Zielgruppengerechte Sprache und Themen, die junge Leser ansprechen und zum Nachdenken anregen, während sie unterhalten. Alle Bände der Reihe: Band 1: Die Reise beginnt Band 2: Flucht aus Aurora Band 3: Das Erwachen des Weltenfressers

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The School Day Gifts

        China Story Picture Books

        by Xu Lu

        China Story Picture Books is the first set of children's picture books launched by the Bingxin Award Committee. This set of books covers the works of seven Bingxin Award-winning writers of different ages including children's literature masters and promising young writers. The illustrations are full of traditional Chinese cultural elements such as dragon lantern dance, paper cutting, oil paper umbrella, and bamboo. Powerful painters at home and abroad are invited to do illustrations, which brings interesting fusion and collision of Chinese and foreign cultures to the books. In addition to the original illustrations, the stories are more touching. Every child can harvest the courage and wisdom for growing up from these stories.   The series consists of 7 picture books: The Dragon Lantern, The Path of Golden Flowers, The Child in Three-Story Attic, The School Day Gifts, The Secret of Crossing, The Slope of Sisters.   The School Day Gifts tells the story of the growth of a young umbrella maker. After graduating from high school, the protagonist became an umbrella maker, but he had no courage to go back to the school celebration day. Daddy saw what was on his mind and secretly helped him prepare gifts for my teachers and classmates, which were dozens of old-fashioned oilpaper umbrellas made of golden bamboo bones and oilpaper. Eventually he proudly participated in the school day and recited the poet Ai Qing's The Umbrella.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Secret of Crossing

        China Story Picture Books

        by Zhang Jie

        China Story Picture Books is the first set of children's picture books launched by the Bingxin Award Committee. This set of books covers the works of seven Bingxin Award-winning writers of different ages including children's literature masters and promising young writers. The illustrations are full of traditional Chinese cultural elements such as dragon lantern dance, paper cutting, oil paper umbrella, and bamboo. Powerful painters at home and abroad are invited to do illustrations, which brings interesting fusion and collision of Chinese and foreign cultures to the books. In addition to the original illustrations, the stories are more touching. Every child can harvest the courage and wisdom for growing up from these stories.   The series consists of 7 picture books: The Dragon Lantern, The Path of Golden Flowers, The Child in Three-Story Attic, The School Day Gifts, The Secret of Crossing, The Slope of Sisters.   The Secret of Crossing tells the story of the growth of children in villages and small towns. The mud road to the canteen is narrow, several places collapse from the foot of the wall, and one of them breaks into a big gap. Why not fill in the big gap? It's really a lion in the way, and the girl has to cross it carefully, with all her strength.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2017

        Popular television drama

        Critical perspectives

        by Jonathan Bignell, Stephen Lacey

        Popular television drama: critical perspectives' is a collection of essays examining landmark programmes of the last forty years, from 'Doctor Who' to 'The Office', and from 'The Demon Headmaster' to 'Queer As Folk'. Contributions from prominent academics focus on the full range of popular genres, from sitcoms to science fiction, gothic horror and children's drama, and challenge received wisdom by reconsidering how British television drama can be analysed. Each section is preceded by an introduction in which the editors discuss how the essays address existing problems in the field and also suggest new directions for study. The book is split into three sections, addressing the enduring appeal of popular genres, the notion of 'quality' in television drama, and analysing a range of programmes past and present. Popular television drama: critical perspectives will be of interest to students and researchers in many academic disciplines that study television drama. Its breadth and focus on popular programmes will also appeal to those interested in the shows themselves.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2016

        The Beautiful Daily Life of Chef Huang

        by Huang Lei

        The Beautiful Daily Life of Chef Huang is a collection of essays in which Huang Lei shares with the readers his memories as a gourmet and his secret recipes. In his nostalgic account, he tells about the delicacies his parents prepared and how he cooked each meal for his wife and children when he grew up. The passage of time has enabled Huang Lei to transform into Chef Huang and to share with the readers his private recipes and the emotional memories associated with them. He is trying to tell the readers that the kitchen harbors happiness and that food brings joy and expresses the life philosophy of “leading a simple but rich life”.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        July 2025

        Sally Wainwright

        by Kristyn Gorton, Beth Johnson

        The first and only book length study of British screenwriter, director and producer Sally Wainwright. Authors Gorton and Johnson brings together Wainwright's key television series and television films with theoretical work on the concept of emotion and feminist television criticism, exploring Wainwright's contributions to British television through the heroic female characters she creates. The book covers a wide range of theoretical work on melodrama, genre and emotion to explore Wainwright's televisual texts, offering analysis of globally recognised television series such as Happy Valley, Last Tango in Halifax, and Gentleman Jack.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2015

        Regular Script of the Doctrine of the Mean by Sun Xiaoyun

        by Sun Xiaoyun

        China enjoys a profound civilization. Among countless classics, some are of rich meaning and deep insights, which has influenced people’s personality, mindset, morality and appreciation of beauty. These classics serve as a door to the understanding of Chinese culture. This series offers readers a way to learn classics through the calligraphy of master Sun Xiaoyun.

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