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        Geography & the Environment
        July 2008

        Conserving Land, Protecting Water

        by Deborah Bossio, Deborah Bossio, Frits W T Penning de Vries, Kim Geheb, Kim Geheb, Line J. Gordon, Antonio Trabucco, William Critchley, Pay Drechsel, Hanspeter Liniger, Francis Gichuki, Lech Ryszkowski, Jules Pretty, Andrew Noble

        The degradation of land and water resources resulting primarily from agricultural activities has had enormous impact on human society. In order to alleviate this problem an advanced understanding of the state of our resources and the process of degradation is needed. Conserving Land, Protecting Water includes an overview of existing literature focusing on global patterns of land and water degradation and discussions of new insights drawn from successful case studies on reversing soil and water degradation and their impact on food and environmental security. ; Conserving Land, Protecting Water includes an overview of existing literature focusing on global patterns of land and water degradation and discussions of new insights drawn from successful case studies on reversing soil and water degradation and their impact on food and environmental security. ; Part 1: Land and Water Degradation: Assessment and Issues1.1: Learning from bright spots to enhance food security and to combat degradation of water and land resources.1.2: Land degradation and water productivity in agricultural landscapes.1.3: Land Degradation, ecosystem services and resilience of smallholder farmers in Makanya catachment, Tanzania.1.4: Political ecologies of bright spots1.5: Large scale fluxes of crop nutrients in food cause environmental problems at the sources and at sinks1.6: Carbon sequestration, land degradation and waterPart 2: Towards Better Land and Water Management2.1: Local Innovation in ‘Green Water’ Management2.2: Sustainability and Resilience of the Urban Agricultural Phenomenon in Africa2.3: Safeguarding water resources by making the land greener: knowledge management through WOCAT2.4: Bright basins - do many bright spots make a basin shine?2.5: The influence of plant cover structures on water fluxes in agricultural landscapes2.6: Investments in collective capacity and social capitalPart 3: ‘ Bright Spots’3.1: ‘Bright spots’: Pathways to ensuring food security and environmental integrity3.2: Ecosystem benefits of ‘Bright Spots’

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        Business, Economics & Law
        June 2016

        Creating Experience Value in Tourism

        by Peter Björk, Nina K Prebensen, Prakash Chathoth, Joseph S Chen, M. Joseph Sirgy, Muzaffer Uysal, Graham M S Dann, Tove I. Dahl, Lidia Andrades Caldito, Haywantee Ramkissoon, Vincent Magnini, Øystein Jensen, Line Mathisen, Akan Yanik, Tor Korneliussen, Xiaojuan Yu, Bruce Prideaux, Lena Mossberg, Ossi Pesämaa, Young-Souk Lee

        As the field of tourism grows in maturity and scientific sophistication, it is important to fully understand the breadth and depth of vacation experience value. Current research delivers a multitude of approaches to value creation, represented here as a set of definitions, perspectives, and interpretations of how tourists, as customers, create value alone and with others. Providing an analytical and systematic clarification of the approaches, this book suggests an understanding of the differences, offering new and practical knowledge for tourism scholars and professionals to highlight the relevance of the concept to firms and organizations. Including a framework to distinguish among key resources or antecedents of customer value, this book also considers consumer behaviour and factors affecting value creation from physiological and psychological perspectives. Concluding with a summary of the areas for future research, it is a valuable resource for researchers of tourism, leisure and recreation. ; This book evaluates vacation experience value, as it is created and co-created by the tourist engaging in the experience, for himself, other tourists and the tourism firm. Providing a framework to distinguish among key resources or antecedents of customer value, this book also considers consumer behaviour. ; I: Preface1: Co-creation of Tourist Experience: Scope, Definition and Structure2: Dynamic Drivers of Tourist Experiences3: Tourist Experience Value: Tourist Experience and Life Satisfaction4: Conceptualization of Value Co-creation in the Tourism Context5: Why, Oh Why, Oh Why, Do People Travel Abroad?6: Revisiting Self-congruity Th eory in Travel and Tourism7: Moving People: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding How Visitor Experiences can be enhanced by Mindful Attention to Interest8: Co-creation of Experience Value: A Tourist Behaviour Approach9: Authenticity as a Value Co-creator of Tourism Experiences10: Experience Co-creation Depends on Rapport-building: Training Implications for the Service Frontline11: Approaches for the Evaluation of Visitor Experiences at Tourist Attractions12: Storytelling in a Co-creation Perspective13: Tourist Information Search: A DIY Approach to Creating Experience Value14: Co-creation of Value and Social Media: How?15: Prices and Value in Co-produced Hospitality and Tourism Experiences16: Value Creation: A Tourism Mobilities Perspective17: Guide Performance: Co-created Experiences for Tourist Immersion18: Value Creation and Co-creation in Tourist Experiences: An East Asian Cultural Knowledge Framework Approach19: Challenges and Future Research Directions

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        Children's & YA
        February 2014

        Red Line

        by Samar Mahfouz BarrajIllustrated By: Mona Yakzan and Mira El-Myr

        Mazen, a young boy, is one day surprised by their neighbor Bassam shouting with anger in the street “My parking spot is a red line!” Does this mean he plans to paint the street red, asks Mazen to his mother? The mother explains to Mazen that what Bassam means is simply that no one is to park in his place. The notion is still vague to Mazen: Why red? Does it have anything to do with red traffic lights? The mother tries again “When something is a red line, it means that it is off limits to others”. In this illustrated album, Samar Barraj boldly addresses the delicate issue of child sexual abuse. Acknowledging the complexity of the boundary it tackles, the book determines it through examples the mother and child raise in their conversation. Mazen’s spontaneous remarks and comments point out the difficulty of defining this red line, and make of the book a realistic example of such a conversation. The illustrations develop the notion further, by representing situations in which the red line might be crossed – one may be on his bicycle, at his computer, or approached by a respectable-looking old man in the street. The body parts are not named, but are represented in a naïve drawing Mazen made, though the text insists on the importance of preserving the body as a whole. The colorful images and constant presence of the mother and parents make of the book a reassuring experience despite the gravity of the topic.

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        January 1980

        Argumentation und Recht

        Vorträge auf der Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland vom 3.–6. September 1978 in München

        by Herausgegeben von Hassemer, Winfried; Herausgegeben von Kaufmann, Arthur; Herausgegeben von Neumann, Ulfrid

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        History of the Chinese Communist Party's Mass Line Thought

        by LUO Pinghan

        This Book systematically explores the formation and development of the mass line thought of the Chinese Communist Party, and analyzes its mass viewpoint under different historical conditions, including: (1) Formation and theoretical generalization of the mass line thought. For the first time, the Communist Party of China realized the transformation of the revolutionary subject from the elite to the masses. (2) Continuations and setbacks of the mass line thought. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the general implementation of democratic centralism in national institutions and organizations, and the establishment of political consultation system and the system of people's congress fully reflect the application of the Party's mass line in the establishment of specific systems. (3) Restoration and innovation of the mass line thought. Since the Reform and Opening-up, the Party has restored the fine tradition of the mass line. DENG Xiaoping's theory of "People's Support", "People's Approval", "People's Delightfulness" and "People's Agreement", JIANG Zemin's "Three Represents", and HU Jintao's theory that "The government must function by the mandate of the people, empathize with the feelings of the people, and work for the well-being of the people" all reflect the innovation of the Party's mass line in the new century."

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        Prisoner of Faith and Judgment

        by Rauf Parfi

        Iymon Asiri and Hukmnoma by Rauf Parfi is an insightful work exploring the themes of faith and judgment. The book examines the intricate relationship between belief and justice, offering a profound analysis of moral and ethical dilemmas through the lens of religious and philosophical thought.

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        November 1991

        Argumentation in der Jurisprudenz.

        Zur Rezeption von analytischer Philosophie und kritischer Theorie in der Grundlagenforschung der Jurisprudenz.

        by Hilgendorf, Eric

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        September 2019

        Conga Line on the Amazon

        by David Myles Robinson

        David Myles Robinson was eight years old when he first got hooked on travel. Since then, he’s seen most of the world—all its continents plus, he laments, “far too many places where travel is now off-limits.”After a lifetime of visiting near and far, in heat and in cold, in comfort and in danger, Robinson has put it all together now in this unique collection of the varied travel adventures he’s found—and the lessons he’s learned from them. A Fellini-esque view of the Amazon, a Mercedes caravan to Istanbul, Jane Goodall's amazing chimps—just part of a travel trunk full of experiences guaranteed to keep you seesawing from “Boy, I'd love to do that" to “Sure glad it was him, not me.”In Conga Line on the Amazon, Robinson brings to his first travel book the same gift for intriguing narrative and sharp characterization that has won praise for his six highly successful novels. Some of his tales may be for the strong of heart, but they’re all for the reader with a yen to be entertained by one intrepid man’s adventures and misadventures exploring the strange and wonderful world we live in.

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        September 1987

        Philosophie und Begründung

        Herausgegeben vom Forum für Philosophie, Bad Homburg. Wolfgang R. Köhler, Wolfgang Kuhlmann und Peter Rohs

        by Peter Rohs, Wolfgang R. Köhler, Wolfgang Kuhlmann, Forum für Philosophie Bad Homburg, Wolfgang Kuhlmann

        Das allgemeine Klima ist gegenwärtig für eine Philosophie des Kantischen Typs, sei sie verstanden als Philosophie, die zentriert ist um das Rechtfertigungsproblem und die entsprechenden Disziplinen – Erkenntniskritik, Sprachkritik, Logik, Wissenschaftstheorie –, sei es auch nur begriffen als Philosophie, die dem Rechtfertigungsproblem und den entsprechenden Disziplinen relativ großes Gewicht einräumt, bei weitem nicht mehr so günstig wie noch vor etwa zwanzig Jahren. Sowohl die Möglichkeit wie auch Sinn und Nutzen philosophischer Grundlegungsversuche, philosophischer Begründung oder gar Letztbegründung wurden wirkungsvoll von den an Einfluß ständig gewinnenden Strömungen der Hermeneutik, des Neopragmatismus, des Neokonstrukturalismus, des radikalen Fallibilismus in Frage gestellt und mit alledem zugleich die bisher vorherrschenden Konzeptionen von Philosophie als (z. B. transzendental-philosophischer oder auch formalsemantischer) Grundlagendisziplin, von Philosophie als – der Idee nach – strenger Wissenschaft, oder auch nur von Philosophie als Kritik. Das ist Grund genug, dem Problem »Philosophie und Begründung«, der Frage also nach der Möglichkeit philosophischer Begründung und dem Sinn von Begründung für die Philosophie, ja für den Begriff von Rationalität, gesondert nachzugehen.

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        August 2003

        Politische Ziele und juristische Argumentation

        Symposium der Internationalen Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie vom 11.–12. Oktober 2002 in Graz

        by Herausgegeben von Hiebaum, Christian; Herausgegeben von Koller, Peter

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