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      • Trusted Partner
        March 1990

        Die Geniereligion

        Ein kritischer Versuch über das moderne Persönlichkeitsideal, mit einer historischen Begründung

        by Edgar Zilsel, Johann Dvorak, Paul Zilsel, Johann Dvorak

        In der Auseinandersetzung mit Houston Stewart Chamberlain weist Zilsel darauf hin, daß »Vorurteile mit Glück und Blut der Nebenmenschen bezahlt werden«, und fragt, »ob nicht der Begriff der genialen Persönlichkeit und der Tiefe eine ernste Gefahr für unser Zeitalter« bedeuten. Mit »Die Geniereligion« hat Edgar Zilsel seine systematischen Studien zu den gesellschaftlichen Voraussetzungen und Bedingungen der modernen Wissenschaft begonnen, die er später – im Exil – mit den wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten über die Anfänge der neuzeitlichen Wissenschaft weiterführte. (Diese Arbeiten sind enthalten in: Edgar Zilsel, »Die sozialen Ursprünge der neuzeitlichen Wissenschaft«. Herausgegeben und übersetzt von Wolfgang Krohn. Mit einer biobibliographischen Notiz von Jörn Behrmann, stw 152.)

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        May 2004

        Spectaculum 75

        Sechs moderne Theaterstücke

        by Antonin Artaud, Jörg Graser, Kai Hensel, Fritz Kater, Simona Sabato, Peter Turrini

        Jahrelang hat die Annahme gegolten, das moderne Drama habe keine Leser. Spectaculum I und II haben diese Annahme widerlegt; die beiden Bände haben ein Aufsehen erregt, das weit über den Kreis der Fachkundigen hinausging; über hunderttausend Bände fanden ihre Käufer. Die Welt, in der wir leben, im Dialog vorzustellen, Texte zu bringen, in denen der Puls unserer und vielleicht einer kommenden Zeit schlägt, und dem modernen Theater als einer Institution zu dienen, in der menschliche Freiheit sich heute wie nirgends sonst unmittelbar ausdrückt - dies war unsere Absicht. Ihr ist begeistert zugestimmt worden: »Die gegenwärtige Lage des deutschsprachigen Theaters ist nicht allzu ermutigend. Wer für das moderne Theater ist, der wird den Wunsch hegen, daß der Suhrkamp Verlag diese dankenswerte Bemühung für das moderne Drama fortsetzt.« Österreichischer Rundfunk. - »In einer Zeit, in der die epische Literatur unseren Büchermarkt mit Romanen überschwemmt, daß die Tatsache der ›Neuerscheinung‹ oft wichtiger geworden ist als die Bedeutung einer Veröffentlichung, wird die Dramensammlung des Suhrkamp Verlages Ereignis. Sie geht den umgekehrten Weg: aus der Flut der Uraufführungen, die oft genug um der Uraufführung willen vonstatten gehen, Wesentliches zu retten. Wir bedürfen der Sicherung dieses Schaffens durch Publikation um so mehr, als wir Klarheit über die Situation unseres Theaters gewinnen müssen, in dem zuweilen die Regieleistung mehr beachtet wird als die Dichtung. Das Spectaculum möge auch mit diesem zweiten Bande nicht abgeschlossen werden.« Darmstädter Tagblatt. Wenn wir uns jetzt entschließen, das Unternehmen Spectaculum zu einer ständigen Einrichtung - wenigstens für die kommenden fünf Jahre - werden zu lassen, geschieht dies aus der Überlegung, daß modernes Theater nicht möglich ist ohne die Kenntnis des modernen Theaters. Das moderne Drama wendet sich an den Zuschauer und an den Leser, bei vielen modernen Stücken wird die vom Autor angestrebte Wirkung sich erst auf

      • Humanities & Social Sciences


        Journal of a rescue seafarer in the Mediterranean

        by Antonin Richard

        Nothing could have fated Antonin Richard to rescue people at sea. But in 2016, after training as a journalist, he left France and travelled to the island of Lesbos to participate in rescue operations in the Mediterranean Sea with Greenpeace activists. Through his story of four years of rescuing migrants at sea, Antonin Richard reports from the inside the daily life of those who wish to give migrants the right to have a better future, and the consequences of Europe’s migration policies.

      • August 2020

        El teatro y su doble

        by Artaud, Antonin

        Theater and its Double is one of the most recognized essays by French playwright, director and actor Antonin Artaud, originally published in Paris in 1938. The book constitutes the theoretical bases of the theatrical movement, created by himself, called the theater of cruelty.

      • May 2015

        Drôle de soccer !

        by Jeannine Maillet-LeBlanc

        Deux jeunes outardes découvrent un objet étrange dans leur habitat naturel. Croyant que c’est un oeuf de dinosaure, elles alertent leur clan. Celui-ci se mobilise, car voilà qu’arrivent des étrangers qui se sentent en droit de donner des coups de pied à cet œuf abandonné. Il va s’en suivre un bien drôle de match. Les outardes arriveront-elles à faire respecter les règles du jeu entre l’homme et la nature ?

      • Fiction
        October 2016

        Frankenstein REC

        Adapted into a feature film

        by Costas Zapas

        (Adapted into a feature film to be released 2021, by US world distribution "House of Film"- "Frankenstein" official film trailer) - A theatre troupe comes to town performing "Frankenstein" A young female reporter, who is investigating the legend, believes that the novel is not a fiction but the true story of a group of alchemists, founded by the young doctor Victor Frankenstein. In 1817, they managed to defeat mortality and return from the dead. Interviewing the theatre troupe members, the reporter is confronted with the dark heroes of the novel, who appear in the city more alive than ever. Her investigations lead her to a universe of monsters and finally to a revelation about the secret of an eternal love that defies even death. But what is real and what is just her imagination? Who are these "actors"? Why have they come to her town? And who even it this young reporter?

      • Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        Straight Ahead

        by Emmanuelle Rey

        Mauve, Tito and Diamond have been walking along the highway, under the scorching July sun, for the past three days. It was Mauve who decided everything, on a whim, when she realised that this time, her mom had really messed up. And, at fifteen, it was out of the question to be separated from her eight and two-year-old brothers to live with yet another rotten foster family. So the three siblings leave Montpellier and their chaotic life, closely tailed by the police. They leave to find Thierry and Martine, whose smiles and ratatouille chicken Mauve remembers fondly. They start walking straight ahead to Marseille and La Pointe Rouge, with the hope of a new life. Straight Ahead follows the singular path of Mauve and her two brothers, filled with life-altering adventures and realistic characters. Furthermore, in a series of flashbacks, Mauve tells us all about her mother—an eccentric woman who certainly doesn’t seem able to take care of her children, but who is full of love for them nonetheless. • The complexity of a mother-child relationship, when a mother’s love isn’t enough to make up for her shortcomings • The unique bond between siblings that will help them deal with life on the road • Interesting encounters and experiences — good and bad — that teach valuable life lessons

      • February 2016

        Comment la rivière Petitcodiac devint boueuse / Ta'n Tel-kisi-siskuapua'qsepp Petikodiac Sipu / How the Petitcodiac River Became Muddy

        by Serena M. Sock (Texte en mi'kmaq), Marguerite Maillet (Texte en français), Allison Mitcham (Texte en anglais)

        Album trilingue : français, mi'kmaq, anglais. Cette légende mi’kmaq explique à sa façon quelques-uns des mystères de la rivière Petitcodiac. Autrefois, la rivière était claire, limpide et regorgeait de poissons. Une Anguille géante, attirée par cette nourriture abondante, s’élança dans la rivière, détruisant tout sur son passage. Appelé à l’aide, Glooskap promit de donner des pouvoirs magiques à celui qui irait combattre le monstre. Seul un petit Homard se porta volontaire…

      • Children's & young adult fiction & true stories
        September 2020

        Peter the thief

        by Yves Frémion

        In his village, Peter mows down everything that attracts him. As the villagers know him, they will get their property back from him since he does not hide and always gives back. The inhabitants have adopted him as he is, and even the gendarmerie lets him. But, one day, things become more serious, and it is secondary residents who are robbed. This time, Peter denies the facts. A rural novel about benevolence, tolerance and solidarity, which is good for morale and restores meaning to the idea of humanism.

      • Social & cultural anthropology
        May 2011


        Sound Recording, Disembodiment, and the Transformation of Lyrical Nostalgia

        by Allen S. Weiss

        Explores how early radio and sound recording influenced modernist literature.

      • September 2017

        Every food has a history

        by Joana Monteleone

        A delicious piece of work. Several essays, all of them told with pleasure of a historian who, at this moment, is not making History, but telling stories. Such storytelling, however, demands culture and talent, and Joana has extra talent and culture: she is a cook, that is, a first-rate storyeller, who moves through several times and through several dishes. The book, indicated for readers of any age, shows how much eacha meal we make is full of stories to be told and to tell us.

      • Religious buildings
        July 2019


        by Marcelo Carvalho Ferraz

        This collection presents six of the most remarkable architectural projects by Lina Bo Bardi: Glass House, São Paulo Art Museum (MASP), Sesc Pompeia Factory, Oficina Theater (all in São Paulo), Unhão Manor (Bahia) and Espírito Santo do Cerrado Church (Minas Gerais). Besides texts by the editor Marcelo Carvalho Ferraz, this work features contributions by researchers and professionals who worked with Lina. The six volumes also contain writings by Bardi and a rich iconographic material composed of drawings, building plans and photographs. São Paulo Art Museum | with texts by Lina Bo Bardi and Aldo van Eyck | 64 pages Sesc Pompeia Factory | with texts by Lina Bo Bardi, Marcelo Carvalho Ferraz and Cecília Rodrigues dos Santos | 64 pages Oficina Theater | with texts by Lina Bo Bardi, Edson Elito and José Celso Martinez Corrêa | 48 pages Glass House | with texts by Lina Bo Bardi and Marcelo Carvalho Ferraz | 48 pages Espírito Santo do Cerrado Church | with texts by Lina Bo Bardi and Edmar de Almeida | 48 pages Solar do Unhão | with texts by Lina Bo Bardi and André Vainer | 48 pages

      • Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        November 2018

        Precision agriculture for sustainability

        by Dr John Stafford, Prof Richard B. Ferguson, Dr R. Gebbers, Dr Chenghai Yang, Dr Chunhua Zhang, Dr John M. Kovacs, Dr Dan Walters, Dr Spyros Fountas, Dr Evangelos Anastasiou, Dr Zisis Tsiropoulos, Dr Aristotelis Tagarakis, Dr Athanasios Balafoutis, Dr Nicolas Tremblay, Dr Kenneth A. Sudduth, Dr Aaron J. Franzen, Dr Heping Zhu, Dr Scott T. Drummond, Dr Paul Miller, Dr Qin Zhang, Dr Joseph Dvorak, Dr Timo Oksanen, Dr Diogenes Antille, Dr Tim Chamen, Dr Jeff N. Tullberg, Dr Bindi Isbister, T. A. Jensen, Dr Craig P. Baillie, Dr John K. Schueller, Prof. Pedro Andrade-Sanchez, Dr Shrinivasa K. Upadhyaya, Prof. John Fulton, Dr Dan S. Long, Dr Amir Haghverdi, Dr Brian G. Leib, Dr E. C. Oerke, Prof. Roland Gerhards, Dr Mark Trotter, Prof Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer

        This volume reviews key advances in precision agriculture technology and applications. Chapters summarise developments in monitoring techniques, including proximal crop and soil sensors and remote sensing technologies. The book then goes on to discuss how this information is processed to identify management zones and input targets. Chapters also assesses advances in delivery mechanisms such as variable rate application and targeted spray technologies. The final part of the book surveys the wide range of applications of precision agriculture, from controlled traffic farming to site-specific nutrient and water management.With its distinguished editor and international team of subject experts, this will be a standard reference for crop scientists and agronomists as well as all those concerned with improving the efficiency and sustainability of agriculture.

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