Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd.
International literary agency with a distinguished list of fiction, non-fiction and children's authors, specializing in foreign rights.
View Rights PortalInternational literary agency with a distinguished list of fiction, non-fiction and children's authors, specializing in foreign rights.
View Rights PortalThe book contains a thorough analysis of the preaching heritage of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky from the point of view of its compliance (or non-compliance) with the methodological principle, which is now called "positive-sum" or "win-win". The Metropolitan derived the genesis of this way of thinking from theology, and the author finds examples of its application by the Metropolitan himself in the messages of Andrei Sheptytsky in the field of economic relations, national relations, state building, inter-confessional and inter-religious relations. The author supplemented this scientific research with his own vision of what role the positive-sum principle and the formula of Metropolitan Andrey can play in the near future of Ukraine and the world.
"The rose that is destroyed in the wind lets its petals fly in a burned light," says this hallucinatory novel by Sara Gallardo, her latest publication, an extraordinary culmination for a dazzling, always precise, always unique, always captivating body of work. In La rosa en el viento, all the characters move, embarking on journeys that are sometimes physical and sometimes emotional, but in every case, they take them far from whom they were at the beginning. Olaf, a Swedish immigrant who has escaped a terrible episode in Italy, becomes a sheep breeder in Patagonia alongside Andrei, a Russian journalist who, in turn, seeks to win over an unconquerable woman, whose story reaches us in flashes, much like that of Oo, the Indian woman bought by Andrei, or Lina, who follows Andrei south, and Olga, who two generations earlier followed Alexis the revolutionary to an America that, for these characters, is both a land of promises and forgotten dreams that never truly materialize. Kaleidoscopic, polyphonic, synthetic, and modern, La rosa en el viento brings together all of Sara Gallardo's talent for storytelling and emotional impact, and it demands that we read it again.
Fourteen moments of the Passion of Christ, called stations, were recorded by human memory on the way of our salvation on Calvary. Fourteen moments of our humiliation and humiliation of our faith... How many humiliation he suffered, Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, who felt like a Kyrenian, who helped us carry our cross, when those who called themselves leaders abandoned us, and when our language was banned. ...And the Lord took pity on us. And as a great manifestation of love for us, He sent Him, who was destined to go with us on His way to Calvary. Let's not forget: he was always a stranger among those for whom he came into this world. His conversion to his ancestors' faith was perceived ambiguously. The book is based on documentary materials, the authenticity of which has been confirmed. It creates the impression of a real epic of time and relationships. In addition to memories of the metropolitan, the testimony of the press, which recorded his every step, denunciations on him, materials of special services, protocols of interrogations, reports of employees and special agents, who have been monitoring Metropolitan Sheptytsky since 1937, were used. For a wide range of readers.
The collection includes ten interviews with some of today's most famous Belarusian writers: Tatyana Nyadbay, Anna Seviarynets, Alhierd Baharevich, Mariya Martysevich, Dmitry Strotsev, Yulia Tsimafeeva, Uladz Lyankevich, Andrei Khadanovich, Valzhyna Mort, and Uladzimer Arlov. A prominent topic throughout the interviews is the right of Belarusians to live in a free and democratic society: protests against the Lukashenko regime have been going on in Belarus since August 2020. However, the writers not only discuss the critical state of Belarus today but also the country's history, its cultural longevity, unique characteristics, and traditions.
Wo liegt die Grenze zwischen legitimer Kritik an Israel und Antisemitismus? Hat sich der Antisemitismus in der Ideenwelt des Islam etabliert? Inwieweit spielen bei linkem Antizionimus antisemitische Topoi eine Rolle? Seit einigen Jahren gibt es eine neue, weltweit geführte Debatte über den Antisemitismus. Nicht mehr Rechtsextremismus und Vergangenheitsbewältigung stehen dabei im Vordergrund, sondern die kontroversen Positionen gegenüber dem Nahostkonflikt. In zahlreichen Originalbeiträgen dokumentiert der Band den internationalen Stand der Debatte erstmals für das deutsche Publikum. Mit Texten von Omer Bartov, Ulrich Beck, Micha Brumlik, Ian Buruma, Judith Butler, Dan Diner, Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, Thomas Haury, Jeffrey Herf, Tony Judt, Gerd Koenen, Matthias Küntzel, Antony Lerman, Andrei Markovits, Michael Walzer, Robert Wistrich und Moshe Zimmermann.
Tchaikovsky: The Seasons - Picture Book Series, chief-edited by Zhang Mingzhou, the former president of the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY), is a set of picture books presenting the arts of music, literature, and drawing. The book series uses Tchaikovsky's piano suite "The Seasons" as the theme music, with the famous Russian pianist Andrei Ivanovich being invited to play the music (readers can scan the QR code and then listen). As the music mingles with vigorous poetry penned by renowned Russian writers including Pushkin and Tolstoy, the book creates a picturesque natural scene under the drawing pens of Oleynikov, winner of the Hans Christian Andersen Award for Illustration, Antonenkov, Gui Tuzi, Ma Xiaode, and other Chinese and Russian illustrators, allowing children to appreciate the beauty of nature in poetic reading
Nostalgia, das geniale Prosadebüt von Mircea Cartarescu, erzählt von Kindheit und Jugend im Bukarest der sechziger und siebziger Jahre. Im Licht der Erinnerung, die aus den Empfindungen aller Sinne aufersteht, gewinnen die Schauplätze eine überwältigende Präsenz. Da ist das zerklüftete, morastige Gelände hinter dem Wohnblock am Stefan-cel-Mare Boulevard, wo der geheimnisvolle Knabe Mendebilus eine ganze Kinderbande mit somnambuler Akrobatik und tiefsinnigen Geschichten in Bann schlägt. Oder der glitschige unterirdische Tunnel, durch den Gina und Andrei ins Naturhistorische Museum geraten, wo sie ihre erste Liebesnacht erleben. Schließlich der bizarre, melancholische Turm am Stadtrand und seine riesenhaften Bewohner. Zu Recht hat der Spiegel Mircea Cartarescu einen „Proust des Plattenbaus“ genannt. Die unerhörte Intensität, mit der er die Dinge und Geschöpfe der äußeren Welt schildert, gibt ihnen die magische, mystische Aura zurück. Meisterhaft versteht er es, die aus dem Traum, dem Wahnsinn und der poetischen Ekstase geborenen Bilder auf die Bühne unserer vermeintlich festgefügten Wirklichkeit zu schieben.
This book focuses on Romania, but also compares it with various countries worldwide, including those in the EU. Its outcomes will be shared with an international network of stakeholders, including research institutions, universities, and individual researches in such spheres as: agricultural economics, rural economics, economic models and patterns. Moreover, this book will provide insights and support executives for policy makers and investors in field of agriculture
In the novel plotline lies romantic love between the seminarian of the Theological Seminary of the Holy Spirit Joseph Kladochny, the favorite of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi, and the niece of the rector of the Galushynskyi Theological Seminary, Adele Lishchynska. Despite all difficult trials of fate, they carried their love in their hearts and preserved it unblemished, eternal and majestic. The book successfully survived the first edition.
Dialogue between Yuri Rost and Elena Bonner with recollections of Academician Andrei Sakharov, Nobel laureate, human rights activist, outstanding person. 2021 will mark the 100th anniversary of his birthday. The more interesting and relevant this sincere, piercing, honest book!