We Will Wake Up Different
Conversations With Contemporary Belarusian Writers About the Past, Present and Future of Belarus
by Iia Kiva
The collection includes ten interviews with some of today's most famous Belarusian writers: Tatyana Nyadbay, Anna Seviarynets, Alhierd Baharevich, Mariya Martysevich, Dmitry Strotsev, Yulia Tsimafeeva, Uladz Lyankevich, Andrei Khadanovich, Valzhyna Mort, and Uladzimer Arlov. A prominent topic throughout the interviews is the right of Belarusians to live in a free and democratic society: protests against the Lukashenko regime have been going on in Belarus since August 2020. However, the writers not only discuss the critical state of Belarus today but also the country's history, its cultural longevity, unique characteristics, and traditions.
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Rights manager Yulia Lyubka, yuliapelepchuk@gmail.com
Contact of the Ukrainian Book Institute: ubi@ubi.org.ua
Author Biography
Iia Kiva is a Ukrainian poet, translator, and journalist. She was born in 1984 in Donetsk but moved to Kyiv after the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian war in 2014. She authored the poetry collections A Little Further from Heaven and The First Page of Winter and a collection of interviews We Will Wake Up Different: Conversations With Contemporary Belarusian Writers About the Past, Present and Future of Belarus. Her poems have been translated into sixteen languages. She is the recipient of several international and Ukrainian awards, including the Gaude Polonia scholarship program from the Polish Ministry of Culture (2021), and a participant in various festivals and competitions.
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher 21-Publishers
- Publication Date 2021
- Orginal LanguageUkrainian
- ISBN/Identifier 9786176143338
- Publication Country or regionUkraine
- Pages240
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleМи прокинемось іншими: розмови з сучасними білоруськими письменниками про минуле, теперішнє і майбутнє Білорусі
- Original Language AuthorsКіва Ія
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