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      • OB STARE

        OB STARE is a Spanish publisher specialized in conscious maternity, early childhood education and development that supports knowledge and freedom of choice. We publish inspirational books for a new way of looking, including empowerment, gender equality, self-love and sexual diversity.

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      • Stanford University Press

        Founded in 1892, Stanford University Press publishes 130 books a year across the humanities, social sciences, law, and business. Our books inform scholarly debate, generate global and cross-cultural discussion, and bring timely, peer-reviewed scholarship to the wider reading public. Numerous recent accolades include the Hayek Book Award and an NAACP Image Award nomination, while our authors and their books frequently appear in impactful media outlets such as the New York Times and NPR as well as in leading academic journals. Readers can find SUP titles at physical and online retailers around the world. At the leading edge of both print and digital dissemination of innovative research, with more than 3,000 books currently in print, SUP is a publisher of ideas that matter, books that endure.

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        The World of the North

        Between Ragnarok and welfare utopia: A cultural-historical deconstruction

        by Bernd Henningsen

        — Analysis of how we view Europe's North and how this image emerged — An outsider's perspective on Nordic societies and their self image — Serves as an introduction into Northern European culture and society Our image of Northern Europe has been shaped by projections and desires in the long history of encounters: berserkers and war atrocities, bad weather, beautiful nature, stable political systems, social welfare, equality and prosperity, peacefulness, low corruption, hygge and Bullerby – all this is part of the Nordic narrative. But what about the religious, linguistic and ethnic homogeneity, what about the muchvaunted Nordic cooperation? How do politics "work" in the North? Why are Northern Europeans the happiest people?

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2000

        Abenteuer der Ideen

        by Alfred North Whitehead, Eberhard Bubser, Reiner Wiehl

        »Bei diesem Buch handelt es sich um eine Studie über den Begriff der Zivilisation und um den Versuch zu verstehen, wie es zur Entstehung zivilisierter Wesen kommt.« A. N. Whitehead Eine fundamentale Rolle spielen dabei Ideen: sie sind mit Emotionen und Zweckvorstellungen verbunden und stellen Antriebskräfte dar, die den Übergang von Gesellschaften und Kulturen bewirken. Dem Abenteuer dieser Ideen, ihrer Aufeinanderfolge und ihrem Kampf, widmet sich Whiteheads Buch, das einen ganz eigenen, spekulativen Beitrag zur Ideengeschichte darstellt.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1985

        Wie entsteht Religion?

        by Alfred North Whitehead, Hans Günter Holl

        Religion in the Making – so der englische Originaltitel – besteht aus vier Vorlesungen, die Whitehead 1926 gehalten hat. In der gleichen Perspektive, wie er in den ein Jahr früher gehaltenen Lowell Lectures, die unter dem Titel Wissenschaft und moderne Welt erschienen sind, Entwicklung und Wirkung der modernen Wissenschaft analysiert hatte, verfolgt er in Wie entsteht Religion? die Ziele, »eine gedrängte Analyse der vielfältigen Faktoren in der menschlichen Natur vorzulegen, die in ihrem Zusammenwirken eine neue Religion entstehen lassen, den unausweichlichen Wandel der Religion im Zusammenhang mit dem Wandel des Wissens darzustellen und insbesondere die Aufmerksamkeit darauf zu richten, wie die Religion von unserer Auffassung jener beständigen Elemente abhängt, vermöge derer es in der Welt eine feste Ordnung gibt – beständige Elemente, ohne die es keine sich verändernde Welt geben könnte«.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2000

        Kulturelle Symbolisierung

        by Alfred North Whitehead, Rolf Lachmann, Rolf Lachmann, Rolf Lachmann

        Die aus einer 1927 gehaltenen Vorlesung hervorgegangene Schrift Whiteheads entstand unmittelbar vor der Ausarbeitung seines Hauptwerks Prozeß und Realität. Das Buch ist eine in seinem Werk sonst nirgendwo so vorfindbare Ausarbeitung kulturphilosophischer Positionen, die um die soziale und kulturelle Bedeutung der Symbolisierung zentriert sind. Whitehead interpretiert die Symbolisierung ausgehend von der Freilegung einer Grundstruktur der Erfahrung und zeigt, in welchem Sinne kulturelle Symbole eine wesentliche Funktion für die integrierte und vernünftige Richtunggebung unseres Lebens haben.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1989

        Spectaculum 49

        Sechs moderne Theaterstücke und Materialien

        by Thomas Bernhard, Nina Companéez, Tankred Dorst, Per Olov Enquist, Eric Rohmer, Gaston Salvatore, Andres Müry, Angelika Gundlach, Ruth Henry, Ursula Ehler

        "Thomas Bernhard: HeldenplatzAm 15. März 1938 verkündete Adolf Hitler unter den Jubelrufen der Wiener auf dem Heldenplatz den »Anschluß« Österreichs an Deutschland. 50 Jahre später versammeln sich in einer Wohnung in der Nähe des Heldenplatzes die Familie Schuster und deren Freunde. Der Anlaß: das Begräbnis von Professor Schuster. Von den Nazis verjagt, auf Bitten des Wiener Oberbürgermeisters aus Oxford auf seinen Lehrstuhl zurückgekehrt, gab es für Schuster keinen Ausweg als den Selbstmord. Denn die Situation im gegenwärtigen Österreich ist »noch viel schlimmer als vor 50 Jahren«.Nina Companeez: Die Sanduhr»Ein leichtes, heiteres Stück, aber auf sehr viel Schmerz gebaut«, sagte Nina Companeez über ihr erstes Theaterstück, in dem drei Frauen und vier Männer ihre amourösen Verstrickungen erleben und erleiden. Am Vorabend der Französischen Revolution treiben die Adligen ihr ebenso frivoles wie gelangweiltes Spiel; 50 Jahre später haben sich die Verhältnisse geändert, das Geld bestimmt nun Rang und Ansehen in den Salons; und der Sprung in die Gegenwart zeigt, daß aus den Feudalisten nun zwar Bürger geworden sind, aber die demokratische Freiheit auch keine Freiheit der Herzen gebracht hat.Tankred Dorst: Korbes»Der Herr Korbes muß ein böser Mann gewesen sein«, heißt es im Märchen der Brüder Grimm, und diese Bösartigkeit haftet auch der Bühnenfigur des Korbes von Tankred Dorst an, der nach dem Tode seiner zweiten Frau, ja, nach der eigenen Erblindung jeden malträtiert, der in seine Nähe kommt. »Mit Korbes schenkt Tankred Dorst dem Theater ein wunderbar reiches Stück, gründend im Bauernschwank der derben Volkskomödie, ausgreifend in Passionsspiel, barocke Oper, Heiligenlegende und Mysterien-Spektakel. « Rolf MichaelisPer Olov Enquist: In der Stunde des Luchses Der Junge hat zwei Menschen erschlagen, und jetzt ist wieder etwas Schreckliches, für alle, die sich um ihn bemühen, Unfaßbares geschehen. Was ist mit diesem Jungen? Ist er geisteskrank oder ein »ganz normaler Krimineller«? Eine Soziologin und eine Pastorin versuchen herauszufinden, was ihn zu seinen Taten getrieben hat. Im Hin und Her des zögerlich beginnenden Fragens und Antwortens, in einer - für alle - einem Martyrium gleichenden Sitzung, erfahren wir die beklemmende Geschichte des Jungen, die, wieder und wieder, in der »Stunde des Luchses« kulminiert, der »fünfundzwanzigsten Stunde am Tag«, an der »was anders« ist.Eric Rohmer: Das Trio in Es-DurPaul, ein Mitvierziger und Musikliebhaber, und die junge, hübsche Adele, die sich schwer für einen Mann entscheiden kann, waren bis vor einem Jahr ein Paar. Nun kommt es überraschend zu einem Treffen. Eric Rohmer hält in sieben Bildern, die sich über ein Jahr erstrecken, fest, wie über Mißverständnisse und Gefühlsverwirrungen aufs neue eine Verbindung entsteht.Gaston Salvatore: Stalin1952/53 in der Datscha Stalins. Der alte Schauspieler und Leiter des Moskauer Künstlertheaters Itsik Sager, der gerade den Lear spielt, wird noch im Kostüm zu Stalin gebracht, der, ganz umgänglich, mit ihm ein Gespräch über den Lear beginnt.Aber natürlich ist diese Begegnung nicht einfach einer Laune des Diktators entsprungen, vielmehr verfolgt er mit dem Juden Sager einen infamen Plan. Ein Spiel um Macht und Gewalt und ihre Rechtfertigung."

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        July 2004

        Looking North

        Northern England and the national imagination

        by David Russell, Jeffrey Richards, Martin Hargreaves

        Investigating areas as diverse as travel literature, fiction, dialect, the stage, radio, and television, feature film, music and sport, this fascinating book assesses the attitudes and portrayal of the North of England within the national culture and how this has impacted upon attitudes to the region and its place within notions of 'Englishness'. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1987

        Das Buch des Alfred Kantor

        by Alfred Kantor, Alfred Kantor, Johannes Eidlitz, Friedrich Heer

        Theresienstadt - Auschwitz - Schwarzheide: Das sind die Leidensstationen des jungen tschechischen Künstlers Alfred Kantor in den Jahren 1941-1945. Im Juli 1945, zehn Wochen nach der Befreiung aus dreieinhalb Jahre dauernder Haft in Lagern des NS-Regimes, kam der damals zweiundzwanzigjährige Kantor nach Deggendorf in ein Lager für »Displaced Persons«. Dort schuf er in etwa zwei Monaten die in diesem Band vorgelegten 127 mit Wasserfarben kolorierten Zeichnungen, die er in einem von einem Buchbinder eigens angefertigten Buch mit leeren Blättern eintrug.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        Arctic state identity

        Geography, history, and geopolitical relations

        by Ingrid A. Medby

        This book sets out to answer what it means to hold a formal title as one of the eight 'Arctic states'; is there such a thing as an Arctic state identity, and if so, what does this mean for state personnel? It charts the thoughtful reflections and stories of state personnel from three Arctic states: Norway, Iceland, and Canada, alongside analysis of documents and discourses. This book shows how state identities are narrated as both geographical and temporal - understood through environments, territories, pasts and futures - and that any identity is always relational and contextual. As such, demonstrating that to understand Arctic geopolitics we need to pay attention to the people whose job it is to represent the state on a daily basis. And more broadly, it offers a 'peopled' view of geopolitics, introducing the concept and framework of 'state identity'.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2024

        Russian strategy in the Middle East and North Africa

        by Derek Averre

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2024

        The mediated Arctic

        Poetics and politics of contemporary circumpolar geographies

        by Johannes Riquet

        The mediated Arctic analyses the multiple relations between geography and cultural production that have long shaped - and are currently transforming - the circumpolar world. It explores how twenty-first-century cultural practitioners imagine and poeticise various elements of Arctic geography, and in doing so negotiate pressing environmental, (geo)political, and social concerns. From the plasmatic force of ice in Disney's Frozen films to the spatial vocabulary of circumpolar Indigenous hip hop, it addresses Arctic geographical imaginaries in a wide range of media, including literature, cinema, comic books, music videos, and cartographic art. The book brings together a plurality of voices from within and outside the circumpolar North, both in terms of the works analysed and in its own collaborative scholarly practice. The book bridges Indigenous and Southern mediations of the Arctic and combines different epistemologies to do justice to these imaginaries in their diversity.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2022

        The North Barrier

        by Lao Teng

        The relationship between nature and man is the center of gravity in the novel "The North Barrier". Through the contest between the hunter Jinhu and the police station director Hu about "hunting" and "hunting ban", the novel tells the dilemma faced by the Sanlin District with a long hunting history under the promulgation of the new national policy, and explores many people and animals. , The emotional connection between people. The story kicked off with the incident of "hand over the gun". The "One Shot Biao" Golden Tiger "cut the meat" and hand over the gun under the call of the national policy, but still has a grudge against abandoning the sacred cause of hunting, especially the Director of the Public Security Bureau Hu When he vowed to become the "Hunter Terminator in the Three Forests", the resistance in his heart rose to the extreme. The gunshot incident, the police turmoil, and Jinhu's punishment have intensified the conflict between Jinhu and Director Hu. The two competed to defend their professional dignity.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2021

        The Xiang River Running North

        by Deng Xiangzi, Zuo Hanzhong

        The Xiang River Running North is an original picture book on the theme of river culture. During the 100 years of the Chinese Communist Party's struggle, the Xiang River has undergone radical changes in water quality, the economy along the river, the development of natural scenic areas, and the construction of new rural areas. Now, there is a prosperous new face of Hunan. This book depicts the beautiful landscape of Xiang River in a large scroll, and at the same time, these changes are cleverly integrated into it. For example, high-speed rail through the mountains, high buildings are everywhere, bridges across the river, and new countryside all over the China, etc. In a large format, this book opens a lively course for young readers to read about Xiang River, nature and the times.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2022

        Nordic Gothic

        by Maria Holmgren Troy, Johan Hõglund, Yvonne Leffler, Sofia Wijkmark

        Nordic Gothic traces Gothic fiction in the Nordic region from its beginnings in the nineteenth century, with a main focus on the development of Gothic from the 1990s onwards in literature, film, TV and new media. The volume gives an overview of Nordic Gothic fiction in relation to transnational developments and provides a number of case studies and in-depth analyses of individual narratives. It creates an understanding of this under-researched cultural phenomenon by showing how the narratives make visible cultural anxieties haunting the Nordic countries, their welfare systems, identities and ideologies. Nordic Gothic examines how figures from Nordic folklore function as metaphorical expressions of Gothic themes and Nordic settings are explored from perspectives such as ecocriticism and postcolonialism. The book will be of interest to researchers and post- and- undergraduate students in various fields within the Humanities.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        The Arctic in the British imagination 1818–1914

        by Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie, Rob David

        The Arctic region has been the subject of much popular writing. This book considers nineteenth-century representations of the Arctic, and draws upon an extensive range of evidence that will allow the 'widest connections' to emerge from a 'cross-disciplinary analysis' using different methodologies and subject matter. It positions the Arctic alongside more thoroughly investigated theatres of Victorian enterprise. In the nineteenth century, most images were in the form of paintings, travel narratives, lectures given by the explorers themselves and photographs. The book explores key themes in Arctic images which impacted on subsequent representations through text, painting and photography. For much of the nineteenth century, national and regional geographical societies promoted exploration, and rewarded heroic endeavor. The book discusses images of the Arctic which originated in the activities of the geographical societies. The Times provided very low-key reporting of Arctic expeditions, as evidenced by its coverage of the missions of Sir John Franklin and James Clark Ross. However, the illustrated weekly became one of the main sources of popular representations of the Arctic. The book looks at the exhibitions of Arctic peoples, Arctic exploration and Arctic fauna in Britain. Late nineteenth-century exhibitions which featured the Arctic were essentially nostalgic in tone. The Golliwogg's Polar Adventures, published in 1900, drew on adult representations of the Arctic and will have confirmed and reinforced children's perceptions of the region. Text books, board games and novels helped to keep the subject alive among the young.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2025

        The Caucasus Emirate

        Ideology, identity, and insurgency in Russia’s North Caucasus

        by Mark Youngman

        Insurgency has plagued the North Caucasus since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Between 2007 and 2015, rebels waged their struggle under the banner of the Caucasus Emirate (Imarat Kavkaz, IK). This book systematically examines the IK's ideology to explain what the group claimed to be fighting for and against and how it sought to mobilise people behind its cause. It reveals a group with a weakly developed political programme, which aligned itself with global jihadism but consistently prioritised local concerns. It demonstrates the priority rebel leaders afforded to shaping local identities, but also their failure to forge a unified movement or revitalise armed struggle. Re-evaluating the IK's ideology helps us better understand the past and future of armed struggle in the North Caucasus.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2022

        Crossing borders and queering citizenship

        Civic reading practice in contemporary American and Canadian writing

        by Zalfa Feghali

        Can reading make us better citizens? In Crossing borders and queering citizenship, Feghali crafts a sophisticated theoretical framework to theorise how the act of reading can contribute to the queering of contemporary citizenship in North America. Providing sensitive and convincing readings of work by both popular and niche authors, including Gloria Anzaldúa, Dorothy Allison, Gregory Scofield, Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Erín Moure, Junot Díaz, and Yann Martel, this book is the first to not only read these authors together, but also to discuss how each powerfully resists the exclusionary work of state-sanctioned citizenship in the U.S. and Canada. This book convincingly draws connections between queer theory, citizenship studies, and border studies and sheds light on how these connections can reframe our understanding of American Studies.

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